H&K Services, Inc. HOME
John A. Hinchey
Pres. H&K Services, Inc
Lawrence, MA 01841-4416
Extensive and proven experience in all aspects of information processing and data communications from microprocessors to mainframes.
Professional Experience
December 2001 - Present
Contract Analyst/Developer with H&K Services, Inc. using VB, VB.Net, PERL, Active Server Pages, VB Script, JavaScript, MySQL, Access, FrontPage, Visual InterDev and COM.
August 1998 - December 2001
Contract Programmer/Analyst with EDS and C&C Associates in development of large scale four tier [GUI, Business Tier, Database Tier, Mainframe Tier] Client/Server and Internet applications using VB5/ActiveX/JAVA//JAVAScript/VBScript/Access/ORACLE 7&8/COM/DCOM/ASP/XML/DTD/DOM/IE5
October 1993 - August 1998
Client/Server/WWW Application Development -
C, VB, Visual Interdev, Frontpage, Internet Explorer DOM systems development. Assembly language embedded systems development with a variety of micro processors.
October 1965 - October 1993 New England Tel. Co./NYNEX
Last Position: Managing Director Planning (Assistant Vice President), Operation, and Support for all Internal Communications, Data Base Management Systems, and Application Development within NYNEX. Included designing, implementing, operating, and supporting five of the largest private intranets in the world.
Previous: Programmer/Analyst/Manager New England Telephone Co./NYNEX. Developed, operated, and supported all customer billing systems deployed within New England telephone Co.; 4+ million customers, $5+ billion annual revenue
1966 - 1972
Officer United States Air Force - Resigned as Captain.
Vietnam Service Medal.
Navigator USAF Air National Guard. Graduated FIRST in class at Officer Training School Mather Air Force Base March 1967.
Microsoft Certified.
1964 - 1965
M.S.E.E. Syracuse University, National Science Fellow.
1960 - 1964
B.S.E.E. University of New Hampshire, Summa Cum Laude, Class Marshall College of Technology, President of Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society).
1955 - 1959
St. John High School, Concord NH.
- References on request -