West Coast Studio: P.O. Box *****4, San Francisco, CA 94188
East Coast Studio: P.O. Box 544, Windsor, CT 06095
Cell: 415-***-****, East Coast Studio: 860-***-****. e-mail: *********@*****.***
Education: College and Graduate Degrees
Born: Harlem, New York City
Solo Exhibitions
2007 Joyce Gordon Gallery, Oakland, CA
2006 Joyce Gordon Gallery, Oakland, CA
2006 Performing Arts Center, Mountain View, CA
2006 Western Addition Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA
2005 Axis Gallery San Francisco Ca.
2004 Baycat Gallery San Francisco Ca.
2003 City of Oakland, Craft & Cultural Arts
2000 Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA
2000 The Museum of African American Art Los Angeles
1999 Art in the Atrium Morristown, N.J.
1998 Bomani Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1996 Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
1997 Albertson-Peterson Gallery, Winter Park, FL
1995 Bomani Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1993 Claudia Chapline Gallery, Stinson Beach, CA
1994 Galerie GrunstraBe, Berlin Germany
1991 Mace Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1991 Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1990 Perspectives Gallery, Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
1989 Spokane Falls Community College Fine Arts Gallery, Spokane Falls, WA
1988 Morgan/Monceaux Gallery, Seattle, WA
1987 Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1986 Brockman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1886 Syntex Gallery, Syntex Corporation, Palo Alto, CA
1985 Grand Oak Gallery, Oakland, CA
1984 Sargent Johnson Gallery, Western Addition Cultural Center, San Francisco, Ca.
Selected Group Exhibitions
1997 Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA
1996 Rutger s National, Camden, NJ
1994 Capp Street Project, San Francisco, CA
1994 Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
1994 San Francisco Airport Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1994 Bade School of Religion, Berkeley, CA
1993 San Francisco Airport South Connector Gallery
1992 San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA
1992 Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1992 National Black Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA
1991 Museo Nacional de Belles Artes, Santiago de Chile, Chile
1990 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Rental Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1990 Haines Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1990 South of Market Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA (Leningrad Artists and Ecologists Project)
1988 Crocker-Kingsley Annual, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
1986 California Afro-American Museum Los Angeles, CA
1986 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
Selected Public Art Commissions
2007 Completed design and installation for artwork for Light Rail line in San Francisco, 9 stations
Various design elements integrated into station platforms
2006 New Homeless Center, The Opportunity Center, City of Palo Alto, CA
Public Exterior Sculptures
2005 Tulsa Boys Home, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wooden large-scale exterior relief sculptures
2001 Over 60 Health Center, Oakland, CA
Completed interior wall sculptures
2001 Berkeley Unified School Dist., Berk. Alternative High School, Berk. CA.
Completed 3 large exterior wall sculptures
1998 San Francisco Art Commission, San Francisco, CA
Completed tile artwork for walls and floor of MLK Jr. Pool in Bayview Dist. In San Francisco
1998 City of Santa Fe Springs
Completed fish and insect sculptures for Heritage Springs Park
1998 Anchorage Museum of History and Art
Completed 23 exterior sculptures for the New Fairview Elementary School, Anchorage, Alaska
1997 Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles, CA
Completed work as the artist on the design team for the 77th Street Regional Police Facility
1997 City of Pasadena, Pasadena, CA
3 sculptural benches, 7 painted banners, & 2 paving elements for Pasadena Comm Health Ctr.
1996 City of Fremont, Fremont, CA
Completed a set of exterior wall-mounted sculptures, Irvington Comm. Ctr, Fremont, CA
1996 City of Oakland, Oakland, CA
Completed set of 6 exterior wall sculptures, Tassafaronga Gym, Oakland, CA
1996 Cleveland RTA, Cleveland, OH
6 free-standing steel figures, 1 hanging figure for WestPark Rapid Transit Station, Cleveland, OH
1997 San Jose Office of Cultural Affairs/Griffin Sports, San Jose, CA
Completed sculptures and mural for exterior wave wall for Ice Centre of San Jose, CA
1995 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
Completed Hide n Seek, 53 sculptures for Wilmington/Imperial Metro Rail Station, L.A., CA
1995 San Francisco Art Commission, San Francisco, CA
Completed 7 steel sculptures for fence of new Tenderloin Children s Playground, SF, CA
1995 City and County of Denver, Denver, CO
Completed exterior sculptural bench for Kennedy Golf Course, Denver, CO.
1995 Alameda County, Oakland, CA
Completed interior wall sculptures for Alameda County Conference Center, Oakland, CA
1994 Whisman School District, Mountain View, CA
Exterior steel and interior aluminum sculptures, Whisman Sports Center, Mountain View, CA
1994 University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Boy in Wheelchair aluminum sculpture for UCF Arena Track and Field Facility, Orlando Fl
1994 San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco, CA
Installed suspended flying birds in Mission Police Station, Juvenile Division, San Francisco, CA
1994 King County Arts Commission, Bellevue, WA
Completed 2 seated steel figures and birds for entrance of Public Health Center at Eastgate
1994 Broward County Cultural Affairs Council, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Completed free-standing painted steel sculpture for entrance of Deerfield Beach Branch Lib.
1993 Community Redevelopment Agency, Los Angeles, CA
Winner of design competition (paving) for Hope Street intersection, Los Angeles, CA
1993 City of Mountain View, Mountain View, CA
Winner of Plaza Art 92 sculpture competition, sculpture purchased for Civic Center
1992 City of Orlando, Orlando, FL
13 cut-out aluminum figures for exterior wall of J. Smith Neighborhood Center
1992 San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco, CA
Designed two banners for Market Street Art in Transit Program
1992 Streetfare Journal, San Francisco, CA
2 mixed-media paintings chosen for display on bus posters
1991 Carillon Importers, Teaneck, NJ
2 works on paper for use in 1992 Absolut Vodka ad campaign
1991 Maguire Thomas Partners-Colorado Place, Santa Monica, CA
4 wooden cutouts, 8 tall, exterior installation, IBM business/office complex
1991 Pacific Enterprises, Los Angeles, CA
Wooden cutouts, Swimming Women, for wall in First Interstate Bank building
1991 Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA
Aluminum cutouts of animals for 2 curved walls in new office building
1989 Kaiser Permanente, Petaluma, CA
3 panel mixed-media painting for hospital waiting area
Alameda County, CA Broward County, FL
City and County of San Francisco, CA City of Denver, CO
City of Fremont, CA City of Los Angeles, CA
City of Mountain View, CA City of Oakland, CA
City of Orlando, FL City of San Jose, CA
Cleveland Rapid Transit District King County, WA
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, CA
Municipality of Anchorage, AK
University of Central Florida, Orlando FL
Whisman School District, Mountain View, CA
Sacatar 3 mo. Artist in Residence Salvadore Brazil 2002-2003
Artists-in-Residence, Djerassi 8/9 1999 Awarded the 1999 Compton Foundation Fellowship Award
(Djerassi Foundation)
Coretta Scott King Honor Book, The Invisible Hunters, 1988
Notable Books of 1987, American Library Association, The Invisible Hunters, 1987
Artists-in-Residence, LEAP: Learning through Education in the Arts Project, 1987
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Grant, 1985-86
2003 Pro Arts introductions 03 Oakland, Ca.
26th Festval of the Masters, Orlando Fl.
1994 San Francisco Art Commission, panelist for selection for art for new 911 facility, SF, CA
1994 City of Oakland FY 93-94 Creative Artist Fellowship in Sculpture, panelist, Oakland, CA
1993 Ohio Arts Council Individual Artists Fellowships in Visual Arts, panelist, Columbus, OH
1992 Pro Arts 1992 Annual, guest Curator, Oakland, CA
1992 John Martin, From The Hood, Guest Curator, Oakland, CA
2004 Albun cover design chromatology Upsurge
2000 Album cover Design;Upsurge, All hands on deck 2000
1999 Album cover Design: Bennie Maupin,Dr.Patrick Gleeson driving while black 1999
1990 Album Cover Design: Bobby McFerrin, Medicine Music, 1990
Channel 10, City of Oakland,KTOP TV,January 2003
Channel 7 News, Jennifer Olney, KGO TV, September 1997
Sunday on Seven: Rose Guilbault, KGO TV, July 1997
Eyewitness News (Los Angeles), Christine Lund, KABC, May 1995
Channel 7 News, KGOTV, May 1995
Channel 7 News, John Turner, KGO TV, February 1994
Sunday on Seven, Rose Guilbault, KGO TV, June 1992
Sunday on Seven, Rose Guiolbault, KGOTV, October 1991
Art for Peace, Steve Scully, C-SPAN/CNN, February 1991
The Art of Joe Sam., Fresno TV, January 1989
Studio A, Johnny Selvin, KTVU-TV, June 1988
The Invisible Hunters, KRON-TV, March 1988
Children s Books, the Invisible Hunters, KPIX-TV, February, 1988
The Spotlight on Joe Sam., KRON-TV, April 1987
On the Square, Johnny Selvin, KTVU-TV, March 1985
Eye Witness News, Kate Kelly, KPIX-TV, March 1985
Mary Harden Pacifica Tribune PEOPLE August 2001
Harry Roche Artweek, October 1998
Anita Amirrezvani (picture), The Times (Contra Costa), July 1997
Michelle Paisley (picture), Contra Costa Sun, March 1997
Grant Segall (picture), The Plain Dealer, May 1996
(picture), San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, CA January 1996
(picture), Lincoln Journal, Lincoln MA, June 1995
Matthew Lee (picture), Press-Telegram (Long Beach CA), May 1995
Sam Whiting (picture), San Francisco Chronicle, May 1995
John Rapko, Artweek, September 1994
Bruno Fazzolari (picture) Artweek, June 1994
Joan Smith (picture), San FranciscSo Examiner, October 1993
Harry Roche (picture), The Bay Guardian, September 1993
Jolene Thym (picture), The Oakland Tribune, September 1993
(picture), American Vision, August/September 1993
Martin Claus (picture), Der Copenicker, Berlin Germany, August 1993
(picture), Junge Welt, Berlin Germany, July 1993
Robert L. Pincus, San Diego Union Tribune, December 1992
Lori Aratani, San Jose Mercury News, October 1992
Scott Harris, Los Angeles Times, September 1992
Marcia Tanner, San Francisco Chronicle, September 1992
Robin Worthington (picture), San Jose Mercury News, August 1992
Chuck Twardy (picture), San Jose Mercury News, August 1992
Raul Oyuela (picture), Batik, (Barcelone, Spain), July 1991
John Rapko (picture), Artweek, July 1991
The Independent (London, England), April 1990
Datebook (picture), San Francisco Chronicle February 1990
San Francisco Chronicle, February 1990
Mark Schapiro, Artweek, December 1989
Dan Webster, Spokane Chronicle, April 1989
David Armstrong, San Francisco Examiner, June 1988
Gregg Levoy, American West Airlines Magazine, June 1988
Jim Kobak, Kirkus Review (New York), November 1987
Datebook (picture), San Francisco Chronicle, September 1987
Tricia Brown, San Francisco Chronicle, January 1987
Kristine KcKenna, LosAngeles Times, August 1986
Christine Tamblyn, Artweek, august 1986
Kenneth Baker, San Francisco Chronicle August 1986
Dorothy Burkhart, San Jose Mercury News, January 1986
Mark Van Proyen, Artweek, March 1985