Assistant Professor of Law
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Cell: 617-***-**** *******.******@*****.***
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA July 2010-Present
Assistant Professor of Law
Teaching responsibilities: Torts, Employment Discrimination, Emerging Trends
in Labor Law (Seminar)
Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA September 2008-June 2010
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer in Law
Teaching responsibility: First-Year Legal Research and Writing.
Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude, 2006
President, Labor and Employment Law Project;
Editor-in-Chief, Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left;
Research assistant for Professors David Barron & Martha Minow
University of Virginia, B.A., with high distinction, Political and Social Thought, 1998
Additional Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Echols Scholar, Raven Society, Sorenson Prize
Class and the Limits of Liberal Justice (in progress)
REVIEW __ (2012)
Acting Like A Union : Protecting Workers Freedom of Choice by Promoting Workers
Collective Action, 123 HARV. L. REV. F. 38 (2010).
Toward Third Party Liability for Wage Theft, 31 BERK. J. EMP. & LAB. L. 1 (2010)
- Lead article for Volume 31.
- Reviewed by Michael Fischl, Really Sticky Default Rules, JOTWELL
December 13, 2010,
The Complexities of Shareholder Primacy: A Response to Sanford Jacoby, 30 COMP. LAB.
L. & POL Y J. 95 (2008)
Change to Win Labor Federation, Washington DC June 2006-June 2008
Legal Counsel, CtW Investment Group: in-house attorney for pension advisory arm
of Change to Win labor federation.
Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., New York, NY Summer 2005
Summer Associate: Assisted in legal representation of unions and individual workers
in suits arising under the FLSA, NLRA, ERISA, and Sarbanes-Oxley.
Office of New York State Attorney General, New York, NY Summer 2004
Intern, Investor Protection Bureau: Researched alleged breaches of fiduciary duties
within major financial services firms.
Service Employees International Union, Local 32BJ, NYC Metro Area 2001- 2003
Political Organizer: Built political program and managed governmental relations on
campaigns that raised wages and benefits for over 5,000 janitors.
Progressive Minnesota/Progressive Maryland 1998-2001
Community Organizer: Built community-based organizations that passed living
wage and affordable housing laws and elected candidates to state and local office.
Passion and Reason in Labor Law, Presented at Sixth Annual Colloquium on Current
Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law, Los Angeles, September 2012
The Minimum Wage as an Issue of Social Justice, presented at Law and Society
Association Conference, San Francisco CA, June 2011 and ClassCrits III Conference,
American University, September 2012
Moderator, panel on Pedagogy: Teaching Local 1330, Unbound Symposium, Local 1330
v. U.S. Steel: 30 Years Later. Feb 25, 2011, Harvard Law School.
Moderator, panel on New Means of Protecting Workers Rights in the Global Economy,
American University, Washington College of Law, April 2010.
The Four-Day Workweek and the Foundations of Employment Law, Connecticut Law
Review Symposium, Redefining Work: Implications of the Four-Day Workweek, October
30, 2009.
Combating Inequality in Global Supply Chains: The Case of Warehouse Workers,
Conference on Work and Inequality in the Global Economy: China, Mexico and the US,
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UCLA, Fall 2009.
Child Labor: Implications for Family Law, Family Law Summer Camp, Harvard Law
School, Summer 2009.
Towards Third-Party Liability for Wage Theft
- Law and Society Association Conference, Denver Colorado, May 2009
- May Gathering conference at U.Va. Law, May 2009
- Third Annual Colloquium on New Scholarship in Labor and Employment Law, San
Diego, California, October 2008
Paradoxes of Free Choice In Contemporary Labor Law, Law and Society Association
Conference, Montreal Quebec, June 2008
Financialization and Workers Rights (panelist), National Law Students Workers Rights
Conference, October 2007
Lecture, Harvard Program on Law and Social Thought s Book Trouble Series, reading
Karl Klare s Judicial Deradicalization of the Wagner Act and the Origins of Modern
Legal Consciousness, April 2006
The Transformation of U.S. Labor and Employment Law, 1935-2000, Interuniversity
Centre for the Comparative Analysis of Law, Economics, and Institutions, at Fondazione
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin Italy, May 2005
New York State, 2007 (inactive)