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2 Pages
Course: MES 227, Fall 2009
School: N. Arizona
Word Count: 265
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Shott, Matt 3401 E Cedarwood Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85048
Cell: 480-***-****, **************@*****.*** Experience Polar Ice/Desert Schools Coyote Center Supervisor Chandler, AZ, USA April 2003 - Present - Named Asst. Supervisor after 9 months on the job. - Three weeks later named Supervisor - Experience in friendly customer service - Experience in driving a $70,000 vehicle (Olympia Ice Resurfacer) - Experience on...
MOST POPULAR MATERIALS FROM MES 227Showing 6 of 11 Documents
1 Page
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"Matt Shott November 25, 2005 ENG 105 Essay 6
Drug use is a big problem these days in the world, and a lot of people have many misconceptions about the long term effects it has on people. I for one will admit I have a problem with the amount of smoki"
1 Page
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"During this class I learned how to become a better reader. I was always really bad at reading comprehension as told in my narrative essay. During this class I learned how to analyze readings more academically. My writing also improved academically co"
1 Page
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.31f3e0751dad6ccc7bb43a24f05e2b628263ce95.docF 69F55DB5ED73164ffv8rj/1k2g9a9CdiDGJjwz9mzw"
4 Pages
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"Shott 1 Matt Shott October 16, 2005 ENG 105 Rhetorical Analysis Essay
The Dawn of a New Movement: Environmental Car Advertisements
"It's nice to know the environment also impacts the auto industry." No, it is not a New Year resolution of the Sierra "
Sheet and Chart
1 Page
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"Flagstaff Hardware
January Revenue Expenses
Administrative Marketing Commission Bonus Technical Support Equipment 1,159,938 831,654 153,199 75,000 2,516,847 2,735,703 7,472,341 1,281,909 8,754,250
SixMonth Projections for 2006
3 Pages
Course: MES 227
School: N. Arizona
"Matt Shott November 11, 2005 ENG 105 Argumentative essay Flagstaffs fame To be honest, I would almost guarantee that today's world would never have heard of the town of Flagstaff had it not been for Snowbowl. Snowbowl brings in hundreds and even thou"
MOST POPULAR MATERIALS FROM N. ArizonaShowing 12 of 7199 Documents
19 Pages
Re-Routing Transportation(Final)Course: CHM 151
School: N. Arizona
"Gateway to Tomorrow
Your one stop AEROshop
About Our Team The Team Members in this group are second year students of the ACE Mentor Program. During our first year, we worked with Bechtel Inc. to come up with "proposals" for our "clients". Some of the"
9 Pages
Course: CHM 235
School: N. Arizona
"Organic Chemistry Interactive Notes
CH 11: Substitution and Elimination
Things to sort out: Nucleophile SN2
Electrophile SN1
Substrate E1
Leaving Group E2
Analysis Scheme Kinetics Reaction profile Substrates and steric conc"
1 Page
Course: CHM 151
School: N. Arizona
4 Pages
Course: CHM 235
School: N. Arizona
"Organic Chemistry Interactive Notes
SN1 Nucleophilic Substitution with one molecule in RDS - unimolecular SN2 cannot always take place if the factors above prevent it. When substitution occurs anyway, the mechanism must be different. SN2 is the inte"
20 Pages
Course: CHM 235
School: N. Arizona
"NMR NMR is a nondestructive technique that gives exact positions of atoms in the molecule. Before NMR organic chemical structure was always ambiguous or inferred. NMR changes all that. Order of topics 1. Practical NMR. How to use NMR to assign chemic"
4- Finished board 1
1 Page
Course: CHM 151
School: N. Arizona
chm 151 quiz 5
1 Page
Course: CHM 151
School: N. Arizona
"Eco-Friendly Aspect
ACE Mentorship
Five Sections: - The Lighting -The Building - Recycling -Alt. Sources of Energy -Transportation
Lighting Info
NATURAL LIGHTING Daylight is a good source of lighting. Skylights on the roof and some on the sides can"
6 Pages
Course: CHM 235
School: N. Arizona
"CHM235 Fall 2005
Exam 3
November 2, 2005
1. (9 pts) Name these molecules. Use R/S and/or E/Z when necessary. Answer 3 out of 4 or graded in order.
2. (9 pts) Using dashes and wedges as necessary. "
4 Pages
Course: CHM 235
School: N. Arizona
"CHM235 Spring 2005 Exam 1-Retake February 18, 2005 131 points 1. (20 pts) Methyl lithium, CH3Li, can be written as an ionic or a covalent structure. Write methyl lithium as a covalent compound: (Correct Lewis Structure)
Write methyl lithium as an io"
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Course Hero has millions of student submitted documents similar to the one
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Shott, Matt 3401 E Cedarwood Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85048
Cell: 480-***-****, **************@*****.*** Experience Polar Ice/Desert Schools Coyote Center Supervisor Chandler, AZ, USA April 2003 - Present - Named Asst. Supervisor after 9 months on the job. - Three weeks later named Supervisor - Experience in friendly customer service - Experience in driving a $70,000 vehicle (Olympia Ice Resurfacer) - Experience on running POS register, counting the safe, and cash-out procedures -Experience in dealing with handing out jobs to other employees to be completed throughout shift -In Charge of building when mangement is not available Tempe True Value Cashier Tempe, AZ, USA May 2004 - 8 2004 -Controlled POS register -Trained other employees on POS register -Company went out of business due to lack of sales Polar Ice Scorekeeper Chandler, AZ, USA November 2002 - Present -Controlled Scoreboard panel control - Experienced in addition and subtracting skills -Dealt with customers concerns and needs with professional attitude Education Desert Vista High School HS Phoenix, AZ Major: USA -Advanced Math Classes throughout entire school career -Held a 3.0 throughout high school career
Objective To represent Bank of America in a professional matter by treating customers with the respect they deserve and helping them in any possible way that I can to get them what they require. Skills -Excellent people skills -Strong in Mat...
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N. Arizona - MES - 227
Flagstaff HardwareJanuary Revenue ExpensesAdministrative Marketing Commission Bonus Technical Support Equipment 1,159,938 831,654 153,199 75,000 2,516,847 2,735,703 7,472,341 1,281,909 8,754,250SixMonth Projections for 2006February4,978,200Ma
N. Arizona - MES - 227
During this class we did a lot of interacting with each other. This really helped me improve my writing because it let me know what other writers thought of my writing and helped me make changes for the better on my papers. It also gave me ideas
N. Arizona - MES - 227
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>31f3e0751dad6ccc7bb43a24f05e2b628263ce95.doc</Key><RequestId>F 69F55DB5ED73164</RequestId><HostId>ffv8rj/1k2g9a9CdiDGJjwz9mzw
N. Arizona - MES - 227
During this class I learned how to become a better reader. I was always really bad at reading comprehension as told in my narrative essay. During this class I learned how to analyze readings more academically. My writing also improved academically co
N. Arizona - MES - 227
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>df0d786833b8623766214ee43b994ccd46e05a98.doc</Key><RequestId>D 82512FD11A82D85</RequestId><HostId>YhjDxanKrIE05/JFS7QtqbnZG1y
N. Arizona - MES - 227
Matt Shott November 25, 2005 ENG 105 Essay 6Drug use is a big problem these days in the world, and a lot of people have many misconceptions about the long term effects it has on people. I for one will admit I have a problem with the amount of smoki
N. Arizona - MES - 227
Matt Shott November 11, 2005 ENG 105 Argumentative essay Flagstaffs fame To be honest, I would almost guarantee that today's world would never have heard of the town of Flagstaff had it not been for Snowbowl. Snowbowl brings in hundreds and even thou
Rose-Hulman - ME - 597
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 597 Final Project: Course Value: 250 points Intelligent Methods Deadline: May 22, 2009Duplicate the results of the Jordan / Rumelhart paper, Figure 15. Use a robot arm with
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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 323Non-linear Equations continued. The code for the second order Newton example is: % second order newton method for benchmark problem x = 3; fx = 16; iter = 0; while fx > 1
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JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS Vol. 41, No. 3, MayJune 2004Fuzzy Logic Trajectory Design and Guidance for Terminal Area Energy ManagementBradley T. Burchett RoseHulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana 47803The second-generation re
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Rose-Hulman - ME - 597
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Chapter 12Neural Network TrainingHeuristic knowledge on how to control a plant can be used to train an artificial neural network provided this knowledge is suitably encoded. The resultant neural controller is thus simply an ANN whose synaptic weig
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Rose-Hulman - ME - 597
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UCSB - HIST - 102
HIST 102CWWho am I? PhD candidate in medieval history MA in history from UCSB BA in medieval studies from UC DavisMedieval Breakups:Scandal, Adultery, and Divorce in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeWho am I? dissertation on marriage disput
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 3 Marriage Before 1050Lecture 3 Timeline481-511 511-***-***-*** 714-***-***-*** 751-***-***-*** 806-***-***-*** 855-***-***-*** 867-872-***-**** Clovis rules the Franks Clothar I rules the Franks Life of Theodore of Tarsus Rule of Charles
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 5 Timeline1000-1025 Reign of Bishop Burchard of Worms Life of Peter Damian Life of Anselm of Canterbury Papacy of Leo IX Papacy of Nicholas II Papacy of Alexander II Life of Guibert of Nogent Papacy of Gregory VII Papacy of Urban II Life of
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Lecture 7Timeline for Lecture 711**-****-**** 119*-****-**** 121*-****-**** Beginning of Waldensian sect Life of St. Francis of Assisi Papacy of Innocent III Innocent III gives St. Francis permission to preach Fourth Lateran Council Life of Bonave
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 8Review 12th c. Marriage 12th c. reform: prohibition efforts transformed all clerical sex to fornication since clergy could not marry, any type of sexual union was a sin and canonical crime two models of marriage: ecclesiastical: exogam
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 912**-****-**** 1310Timeline for Lecture 9Growth of Catharism in Languedoc Albigensian Crusade King Louis IX of France (St. Louis, r. 1226-1270) annexes Montaillou Death of Marguerite Porete1318-1325 Jacques Fournier (future Pope Benedi
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Lecture 101***-**** 1294-1303 1303-1304 1305-1314 1307-1327 1309-1377 1310-1330 131*-****-**** 132*-****-**** 1328-1350Timeline for Lecture 10Reign of Philip IV "the Fair" of France Papacy of Boniface VIII Papacy of Benedict XI Papacy of Clement
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 12Timeline for Lecture 121***-**** 1389-1459 1421-1466 1442-1479 145*****-**** 1466-1536 Hundred Years' War Life of St. Antoninus, Bishop of Florence Life of John Paston Life of Sir John Paston Wars of the Roses Death of Sir John Fastolf L
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 13A Merchant's Family in 15th c. Florence: Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini dei Sirigatti the economic resurgence of Europe regained momentum in the 15th c. dramatic growth in commerce among the wealthy, especially long-distance commerce in lux
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 141***-**** 1305-1314 1309-1377 1315-1317 1328-1384 1347-1351 1369-1415 1370-1378 1378-1417 1378-1389Timeline Lecture 14Papacy of Innocent III Papacy of Clement V The Avignon Papacy The Great Famine Life of John Wyclif The Black Death Lif
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Lecture 15Timeline for Lecture 151***-**** 1484-1531 1485-1536 1509-1547 150*-****-**** 151*-****-**** 153*-****-**** Wars of the Roses in England Life of Ulrich Zwingli Life of Catherine of Aragon Reign of King Henry VIII of England Life of John
UCSB - HIST - 102
Lecture 16Counter-Reformation or Catholic Reformation? Counter-Reformation emphasizes the view that Church reforms were prompted largely by the rise of Protestants and the threat they posed to Catholic institutions Catholic Reformation identifies
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