Ralph Weber
Email: *********@********.***
Address: P. O. Box 253
City: Rouseville
State: PA
Zip: 16344
Country: USA
Phone: 440-***-****
Skill Level: Management
Salary Range: $110,000
Willing to Relocate
Primary Skills/Experience:
See Resume
Educational Background:
See Resume
Job History / Details:
Ralph M. Weber Jr.
P. O. Box 253
Rouseville, PA 16344
Programming: C++, Java, C, C#, Control Logic (Ladder logic), VB(A), HTML, PHP, MySQL, VDM, Verilog, VHDL.
Programs/Websites/Databases: CCU Tester, CAN MCT Top Tester Client/Server/TSP/factorial/sorting/encryption algorithms, Strong password generator, Mail Box using link lists. Experience in Wide Variety of Databases: Timekeeper, Status Machine DB, Grade Machine DB and Job Search DB.
---Website tools: Publisher, Website Tonight, Front Page, Dreamweaver CS5, Note Pad.
Embedded: Address selector with PIC IC, security system using a WC16 micro-controller (Xilinx Spartan2(E)) FPGA; 6713 DSK board with DSP for DTMF; HC12 microprocessor to interface CAN to RS232; SB Computer for ID and tag reading, armature testing; PLC assembly line control.
Experience & Certification: VxWorks 6.9 and Workbench 3.3, Visual Studio 2008/2010, UNIX, Linux, NetBeans IDE, Eclipse IDE, Pass 1000, CAN Analyzer, multi-meter, oscilloscope; Matlab, Statemate, Lotus Notes, Microsoft (Project, Word, Access, Excel, and Power Point, Visio, Framework, Outlook), Adobe Acrobat Professional, AutoCAD, Allen Bradley PLC
Hardware experience: i7540D Ethernet to CAN converter, Adam 6060, Atmel AVR processor, Atom processor, CAN bus, 1553 bus, 485 utility bus, TCP/IP, RS232, SB CPU, RISC, and CISC architectures, EPLARS, SINCGARS, JAGUARS, HARRISON Radios, GPS (Global Performance System).
Administration: Talent Management System, CaliberRM, SAP, Test Procedures and Results, Travel Reports, Status Reports, Flow Diagrams, Trouble Reports, Requirements Design Document (RDD), Software Design Document (SDD), DOORS (Database Object Oriented Requirements), PIFS (Prime Item Development Specification), Familiar with CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration); Interface control documents (ICDs).
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan; Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Akron, Akron, Ohio; Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Attended training for Diversity, Peer Review Process
Seminars on Navigation; Software, Hardware modeling and design (Statemate)
Four Day training class on VxWorks 6.9 and Workbench 3.3
Week C programming Course with HOTT
2011-Present Joy Global- Franklin, PA; Electrical Engineer
Participate in software application group developing software changes, creating keys, and testing application functionality. Generating software requirement for new application functionality. Document validations and verification procedures in CaliberRM. Use Ladder program to implement application changes to the existing and new mining system. Build final application code for the individual machine by combining the Key and Ladder code using a proprietary compiler Map Builder.
Working in the hardware group to define requirements, creating system designs and developing programs for existing and future generation control and automation systems. Project Manager for CAN Microprocessor Current Control Transformer (MCT) Top Tester. Part of team developing software to test the Central Control Unit (CCU) for FB2.0 project. Develop test procedures to verify control and automation devices: CCU and the MCT. Perform functional, electrical and environmental tests on systems and subsystems. Work with temperature chambers, vibration table and three phase high power to perform testing. Using a CAN Analyzer to monitor and stimulate bus traffic on a CAN bus using OpenCAN protocol. Work with Vxworks 6.9 (RTOS) and Windows 7 operating systems to develop core, HMI and application software. Developed PCB Layout for CAN Address Selector.
2006-2011 -RMWeber.com- Conneaut, Ohio; Software Engineering
Constructed programs for customers: databases, websites, and embedded applications; Developed requirements, design, coded (using VBA, C++, and Java) and verified (functional, behavioral) via testing.
2007-2008 West Virginia Junior College - Bridgeport, WV; Instructor
Constructed lesson plans for fundamental computer courses. Developed exams, quizzes and administered tests for word processing theory and keyboarding courses: Proofreading; Word processing theories and concepts including modify styles, template, and automating document using macros. Organized meeting with community speaker. Pearson Vue administrator included collection of payment, setup of an individuals test, monitoring of test taker, filling trouble reports, and maintenance of testing equipment.
1998-2006 General Dynamics Land Systems - Sterling Heights, MI; Systems Engineer
Wrote system level requirements, develop designs, and validated through system test procedures. Performed vehicle navigation and communication systems analysis for existing and future platforms: modes of operation, waypoint list, and navigation menu structure, Position and Navigation system (POS/NAV) Inertial Navigation System (INS), accelerometers and gyroscopes that determined relative position based on rate of travel, initial conditions and movement. Technical consultant for senior engineering for the navigation system for the M1A2 SEP platform: Communication system chain of command, net setup, signs on procedure, FBCB2 integration.
---Crusader, Engineer on (Mobile Gun Vehicle and Re-Supply Vehicle); GPS (Global Position System)/ INS (Inertial navigation system) GPS/INC with Force XXI Battlefield Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)
---Future Combat Systems Vehicles: System Architecture (placement, packaging, functionality, behavior, usage, storage, development schedules); COMMs (Communications) System developer, was part of team of software and hardware engineers that incorporated the new functionality in the vehicle: increase and synchronize waypoint list among the vehicle crew stations. Team member for Start up and Shut down sequence optimization.
---Communications Security: Member of Command, Control, Communication, Computer Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) group; (COMSEC) clearance (classified and unclassified). Vehicle network designed with IVIS; Root cause analysis from trouble reports. Oversee & trouble shoot installation of the communication system, Intercom installation Team Member for the Mobile Gun System (MGS).
1998 MicroAge, Inc - Cleveland, OH; Sales Engineer
Researched computer hardware and software for the contracting department for pricing and delivered contract bids: Answered phones, research computer component on the internet and delivered contract bids.
1996-1997 Hoover Company - Canton, OH; Engineer
Designed and Debugged control systems for assembly line. Supervised the construction of testing equipment; Configuration control of mechanical and electrical drawings; Debugging of control systems for assembly line automation; Programmed an Allen Bradley PLC for a Palletizer, Cooling Machine, Armature line, Vacuum tester, Fan line, Packaging line, and Leak tester