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Plant Assistant

Lakewood Township, NJ
December 18, 2012

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Stacy A. Bonos, Ph.D.

Department of Plant Biology and Pathology

Building name, Cook College, Rutgers University

Phone:732-***-**** x. 255; Fax: 732-***-****; E-mail: *****@*****.*******.***

Professional Preparation:

Gettysburg College Biology B.S., 1993

Rutgers University Plant Science and Technology M.S., 1997

Rutgers University Plant Biology and Pathology Ph.D., 2001

Professional Appointments:

Assistant Professor - Rutgers, Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, July 2004-


Assistant Professor - Rutgers, Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, (Non-tenure)

July 2001-Feb, 2004

Graduate Research Assistant - Rutgers, Department of Plant Science, Sept 1997-2001

Scholarly articles (limited to 10 of the most significant in the last 5 years):

Bonos, S.A., Clarke, B.B. and W.A. Meyer. 2006. Breeding for disease resistance in the

major cool-season turfgrasses. Annual Review of Phytopathology 44: 213-234.

Sellmann, M., W.A. Meyer, S.A. Bonos, and C.R. Funk. 2006. Registration of Inferno

tall fescue. Crop Science 46: 2307-2308.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Heritability of dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass.

Phytopathology 96:808-812.

Han, Y., S.A. Bonos, B.B. Clarke and W.A. Meyer. 2006. Inheritance of resistance to

gray leaf spot disease in perennial ryegrass. Crop Science. 46:1143-1148.

Li, M.H., D. Rotter, S. A. Bonos, W. A. Meyer and F.C. Belanger. 2005. Identification of

a gene in the process of being lost from the genus Agrostis. Plant Physiology 138:2386-


Bonos, S. A., Wilson, M. M., Meyer, W. A., and Funk, C. R. 2005. Suppression of red

thread in fine fescues through endophyte-mediated resistance. Online. Applied Turfgrass

Science doi:10.1094/ATS-200*-****-**-RS.

Park, B.S., J.A. Murphy, W.A. Meyer, S.A. Bonos, J. den Haan, D.A. Smith and T.J.

Lawson. 2005. Performance of Kentucky bluegrass within phenotypic classifications as

affected by traffic. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 10:618-626.

Bonos, S.A., D. Rush, K. Hignight, S. Langlois and W.A. Meyer. 2005. The effect of

selection on gray leaf spot resistance in perennial ryegrass. International Turfgrass

Society Research Journal 10:501-507.

Avraam, E., M. Aa, J. Honig, C. Kubik and S. A. Bonos. 2005. The Use of SCAR

markers to identify Texas x Kentucky bluegrass hybrids. International Turfgrass Society

Research Journal 10:495-500.

Bonos, S.A., K. Hignight, D. Rush, and W.A. Meyer. 2004. Selection for deep root

production in tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Crop Science 44:1770-1775.

Bonos, S.A., C. Kubik, B.B. Clarke, and W.A. Meyer. 2004. Breeding for gray leaf spot

resistance in perennial ryegrass. Crop Science 44:575-580.

Book chapters:

Bonos, S.A. and B. Huang. 2006. Breeding and genomic approaches to improving

abiotic stress tolerance in plants. p. 357-376. In Bingru Huang (ed). Plant Environment

Interactions. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Popay, A.J. and S.A. Bonos. 2005. Biotic responses in endophytic grasses. p. 163-185. In

C. Roberts, C. West and D. Spiers (eds). Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses.

Blackwell Publishing Co. Ames, IA.

Belanger, F.C., C. Laramore, S. Bonos, W.A. Meyer and P.R. Day. 2000. Development

of improved turfgrass with herbicide resistance and enhanced disease resistance through

transformation. p. 325-329. In J.M. Clark and M.P. Kenna (eds). Fate and Management

of Turfgrass Chemicals. Amer. Chem. Soc., 2000.

Collaborations (last five years and excluding Rutgers investigators):

Casler, M.D.

Wu, R.

Hignight, K

Rush, D

Major Funding (last five years, include names of co-PIs):

2007-2009 Confirmation of QTL markers for dollar spot resistance in creeping

bentgrass. $50,000. United States Golf Association. P.I. Stacy Bonos (with Joshua

Honig and Christine Kubik).

2007-2010 Evaluation of perennial ryegrass, creeping bentgrass and Kentucky

bluegrass for salt tolerance. $75,000. United States Golf Association. P.I. Stacy Bonos

(with Joshua Honig, Thomas Gianfagna, Bingru Huang and William A. Meyer).

2007-2010 Bentgrass Breeding Consortium Molecular breeding for dollar spot and

snow mold diseases. $157,994 . United States Golf Association. P.I. -Michael Casler

(with S. Bonos, G. Jung, S. Warnke, F. Belanger and S. Bughrara).

2006-2009 United States Golf Association. $90,000. Development and Application of

Molecular Markers Linked to Heat Tolerance in Agrostis Species. P.I. Bingru Huang

(CO-PIs - Jichen Xu, Faith Belanger, Stacy Bonos, and William Meyer).

2006-2007 International Turf Producers Foundation. $8,000. Evaluation of Hybrid

Bluegrass for Sod Production and Culture in Water Limiting Environments. P.I. Bingru

Huang (CO-PIs Stacy Bonos, and William A. Meyer).

2006-2009 Evaluation and selection of salt tolerant cool-season turfgrasses. - $45,000.

OJ Noer Research Foundation. P.I. Stacy Bonos (with Joshua Honig, Thomas

Gianfagna, Bingru Huang and William A. Meyer).

2006-2007 Evaluation and selection of salt tolerant germplasm in Kentucky bluegrass

and creeping bentgrass - $10,000. International Turf Producers Foundation. P.I. Stacy

Bonos (with Bingru Huang, Thomas Gianfagna and William A. Meyer).

Major Extension Program Accomplishments (limit to top 5 for last 5 years):

Invited Seminars

2006 (10 Invited 1/06-12/06)

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Breeding for salt tolerance in cool-season turfgrasses. New Jersey Turf

and Landscape Conference and Expo. 6 December, 2006.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Bonos on bentgrass: select for success! New Jersey Turf and

Landscape Conference and Expo. 5 December, 2006.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Practical applications of DNA markers for turfgrass improvement.

Symposium - Turfgrass Improvement via Comparative Genomics of Cereals. ASA-

CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting November 14, 2006. Indianapolis, IN.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Breeding and agronomic aspects of Kentucky bluegrass and creeping

bentgrass. GCSAA Web seminar sponsored by Lebanon Turf Products. October 5,

2006. Recorded at Rutgers University

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Progress in breeding for important traits in cool-season turfgrasses.

International Horticultural Congress. August 18, 2006. Seoul, Korea.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Current and future perspectives of grass breeding in the northeast.

Grass Breeders Conference. August 1, 2006. Ames, IA.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Molecular science: what it is and can do for the turfgrass industry.

February, 28, 2006. 2006 Mid-West Sod Growers Mid-Winter Education Session.

Chicago, IL.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. The role of turf breeding in IPM and organic turf management.

February 20, 2006. Ontario Turfgrass Symposium. Guelph, ON.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Texas bluegrass hybrids: a new drought tolerant species. February 21,

2006. Ontario Turfgrass Symposium Sod session. Guelph, ON.

Bonos, S.A. 2006. Texas bluegrass hybrids: a new drought tolerant species. February 21,

2006. Ontario Turfgrass Symposium lawn care session. Guelph, ON.

2005 (9 Invited for 2005)

Bonos, S.A. 2005. Gray leaf spot tolerant perennial ryegrasses and cultivar selection for

athletic fields. December 7, 2005. Ohio Turfgrass Conference. Columbus, OH.

Bonos, S.A. 2005. Texas x Kentucky bluegrass hybrids: is it the new tall fescue or just

another Kentucky bluegrass. December 7, 2005. (Lawn and Landscape) Ohio Turfgrass

Conference. Columbus, OH.

Bonos, S.A. 2005. Texas x Kentucky bluegrass hybrids: is it the new tall fescue or just

another Kentucky bluegrass and bluegrass updates. (Sod Growers) December 7, 2005.

Ohio Turfgrass Conference. Columbus, OH.

Bonos, S.A. 2005. How to select the right bentgras cultivar for your golf course. Empire

State Green Industry Show. November 15-17, 2005. Rochester, NY.

Bonos, S.A. 2005. The evaluation of salt tolerance in cool-season turfgrasses.

International Salinity Forum. April 27, 2005. Riverside, CA.

Bonos, S.A., 2005. Everything you wanted to know about the new bentgrasses but were

afraid to ask. Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey Winter Seminar.

February 28, 2005. Far Hills, NJ.

Bonos, S.A., 2005. Choosing the right grass for tough turf situations. Central Jersey Turf

and Ornamental Symposium. February 23, 2005. Freehold, NJ

Bonos, S.A., 2005. Choosing the right grass for tough turf situations. Central Jersey Turf

and Ornamental Symposium. February 22, 2005. Hamilton, NJ

Bonos, S.A. 2005. Choosing the right bentgrass cultivar. Metropolitan Golf Course

Superintendents Association. January 15, 2005. Westchester, NY.

2004 (3 Invited for period 1/04-12/04)

Bonos, S.A. 2004. Recent Advances in Breeding for Disease Resistance. New Jersey

Turfgrass and Landscape Expo 2004. 8 Dec 2004. Atlantic City, NJ.

Bonos, S.A. 2004. Stem rust resistance in Kentucky bluegrass. Sod Growers Spring

Seminar. March, 2004. Forsgate Country Club. 15 participants.

Bonos, S.A., C. Kubik, J. Honig, and W.A. Meyer. 2004. Progress toward a genetic

linkage map of creeping bentgrass and QTL analysis for dollar spot resistance. p. 22. In

Proceedings of the 13th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Symposium. Jan 15-16, 2004.

Major Teaching Responsibility in Graduate or Undergraduate Courses (limit to 5

courses for last 5 years):

Plant Breeding 11:776:406 3.0 Every Spring

Advanced Plant Breeding 16:765:528 3.0 Every Spring

Seminar in Plant Biology 16:765:609 1.0 Every Fall

Major Extension Teaching Responsibility (list limited to 5 major items or categories

for last 5 years):


Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School Turfgrass Identification and

Development. Fall 2003. 80 minute lecture. 1 x/ week. 45 students. Office of Continuing

Professional Education.

Technical Reports

20 in the last five years

Graduate Students (last five years):

Advisor Laura Cortese, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and Pathology.

Advisor Mathew Koch, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and Pathology.

Advisor- Robert Shortell, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and Pathology.

Committee Member Steve McCann, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and

Pathology. Advisor Bingru Huang

Committee Member Patrick McCollough, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and

Pathology. Advisor Stephen Hart

Committee Member David Rotter, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and

Pathology. Advisor Faith Belanger.

Committee Member Jonathan Bokmeyer, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Plant Biology and

Pathology. Advisor William Meyer

Undergraduate Students

Cooperative Education Student Faculty Sponsor Alex Tekulsky Turfgrass Science.

Summer 2006.

Cooperative Education Student Faculty Sponsor Garret Albiston Turfgrass Science.

Fall 2005.

Cooperative Education Student Faculty Sponsor Danielle Skoba Turfgrass Science.

Summer 2005.

Independent Research Project Advisor Laura Cortese Plant Biology. Spring 2005.

Cooperative Education Student Faculty Sponsor Garrett Albiston Turfgrass Science.

Spring 2005.

Cooperative Education Student Supervisor Sharla MacDonald. Project Molecular

Biology Turfgrass Research. Fall 2004.

Postdoctoral Associates (last five years):


Major Service Activities (List up to 5):

Associate Editor- Applied Turfgrass Science Journal Since 2004

Grass Germplasm Registration Committee since 2006

Section Editor International Turfgrass Society Research Journal - Turfgrass Breeding

National Grass Variety Review Board Nominated 2003-2006.

Board of Directors Turfgrass Breeder s Association Nominated since 2004.

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