Charmaine Cox
Email: *********@********.***
Address: *** ******* ***. ***. *
City: Norfolk
State: VA
Zip: 23513
Country: USA
Phone: 757-***-****
Skill Level: Experienced
Salary Range: $38,000
Willing to Relocate
Primary Skills/Experience:
See Resume
Educational Background:
See Resume
Job History / Details:
Charmaine E. Cox
945 Norview Ave. Apt. B
Norfolk, Virginia 23513
Phone: 757-***-****
Management Analyst I
US Joint Forces Command
Joint Warfighting Center, Suffolk, VA, 09/2008 - 08/2011
(Government Contractor for VMD Systems Integrators)
Supervisor (VMD): Valenta Alexander, VMD Program Manager 757-***-****
Supervisor (JFCOM): George Horne, GS-11 Inventory Manager 757-***-****
Provided technical and administrative support to the Joint Systems Integration Center (JSIC) warehouse located at the United States Joint Forces Command in Suffolk, Virginia. JSIC is a 200-person military, civil servant and contract team responsible for solving Joint Force interoperability problems, enhancing Joint command and control (C2) capabilities and providing technical and systems engineering support for the Joint C2 Capability Portfolio Management program which executes a $32 million annual budget; Served as customer point of contact for JSIC shipping and receiving, providing support to over 180 personnel daily; Performed data entry, tracked inventory and maintained statuses of 5000 plus line items of inventory; Maintained purchase spreadsheets of all property procured and contract deliverables; Prepared manual and electronic records (DD Form 1149, DD Form 1348, DA Form 3161) for shipment between JFCOM activities and other commands; Issued supplies to customers as requested, replenished stock as needed; Prepared UPS/Fedex shipping label requests, created internal hand receipts and property passes for the JSIC government furnished equipment (GFE) and loaned property for all customers and visitors to the facility; Generated routine email correspondence and word documents that support the unique needs of contractor, military and civil servant personnel at all professional levels; Received and screened telephone calls and coordinated customer requests for services that meets the priorities and the demands of the organization; Performed filing, faxing, copying, scanning, shredding, customer contact and follow up as required; Performed keyboarding, manual typewriting at a pace of 40 words per minute. Supported and ensured supply actions comply with directives, guidelines and procedures established by JSIC. Accomplishments include successful acquisition, inventory and distribution of all GFE, software and hardware valued in excess of $2.5 million dollars received at the JSIC warehouse. Performed above a 95% monthly reconciliation of all monthly inventories. Processed DD Form-1348 and DD Form-1149 for the successful transfer and disposal of over 4000 pieces of GFE valued at $300,000 and over.
Unit Supply Sergeant
US Army and Aviation Logistics School
Bravo Company 1ST Battalion 221st Aviation Regiment, Fort Eustis, VA, 12/2007 - 09/2008
Controlled supply operations in an Advanced Individual Entry Training Facility consisting of 170 plus students and eleven staff members; Requisitioned, received, inspected, stored, distributed and maintained responsibility of all organization materials and equipment valued in excess of $750,000; Entered all items into an automated inventory catalog; Developed and maintained all government purchase spreadsheet files; Prepared monthly budget and facilities reports; Conducted periodic physical inventories to reconcile property book items listings; Coordinated with installation supporting activities to deliver supplies, Transferred and disposed equipment.; Generated and maintained DD Form 1149 and DD Form1348 documents. Managed automated hand receipt files consisting of 12 hand receipt holders.
Assistant Supply Sergeant
525 Military Police Battalion, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 11/2006 - 11/2007
Supervisor: CW4 Deyen Evans (1-337-***-****)
Served as the Noncommissioned Officer- in- Charge of a Consolidated Central Issuing Facility at the battalion level accounting for 14,534 pieces of Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) valued in excess of $2,000,000 with zero loss; Coordinated and tracked logistical support for a newly activated, high-risk, deployable joint detention organization consisting of 300 personnel assigned to three line companies; Reorganized clothing records for all personnel assigned and maintained accurate, uncorrupted files; Prepared lateral transfers, turn-in documents, Statement of Charges and Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss statements; Successfully transitioned to Battalion Property Accountability NCO and served with the Property Book Officer in Charge; Responsibilities included maintenance of over 100 property book accounting records using ARIMS which ensured a solid audit trail for all property transactions affecting on-hand balances; Assisted the Joint Task Force Property Book Officer with various transactions for installation equipment valued over $600,000; Navigated from the Legacy Stamis System ULLS-S-4 to Property Book User Enhanced (PBUSE) system; Conducted physical inventory for Internal Central Issue Facility containing 13,000 items totaling in excess of $722,821. Executed the successful turn-in of 1000 pieces of excess equipment valued over $200,000.
Unit Armorer
7TH Transportation Group, Headquarters Company, Fort Eustis, VA, 07/2004 - 10/2006
Safeguarded and controlled the issue, maintenance and storage of 200 plus weapon systems, ammunition and other sensitive items valued at over $150,000 with zero property loss; Performed all administrative tasks pertinent to unit supply operations and logistics support while deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; Maintained responsibility for and ensured rotated surveillance on a "Very Small Aperture Terminal" (VSAT) satellite network system valued over $100,000.
Unit Supply Specialist
United States Army Transportation School, Fort Eustis, VA, 07/2001 - 08/2003
Provided customer service and assisted 300 students, instructors and all staff assigned with the setup of audiovisual training aids for the school classrooms and graduation ceremonies; Assisted Noncommissioned officer- in- charge with the inventory and overall accountability of audiovisual and automation equipment worth over $1,000,000; Created and maintained manual issue and turn-in documents to track all property assigned to students and staff; Performed additional duties to include post tax representative, unit mail clerk and also administrative clerk to the Brigade Command Sergeant Major.
Bachelor's of Science (BS) 08/1996
Saint Louis University St. Louis, Missouri
Major: Biology
Certificate(s) 2012 (anticipated)
Tidewater Community College, Norfolk, Virginia
Human Resources & Microsoft Office Specialist
Security Clearance: Secret (as of May 9, 2011)
Knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced in supply administration and inventory management.
Strong technical background in Microsoft Office 2010 systems, which include Word, Excel, Spreadsheet and Outlook.
A team player with excellent skills in customer service, oral and written communication, and interpersonal relations with customers.
High-performing, self-motivated, flexible professional with a strong attention to detail and the ability to accomplish multiple tasks independently with minimal supervision.
Proficient keyboarding and typing at 40 words per minute