Jardina C.V. *
Jo Rain Jardina
PhD, Human Factors Psychology Expected May 2016
Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas
Master of Arts, Psychology August 2011
(Concentration: Applied Cognitive Psychology/Human Factors)
University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, Texas
Thesis: The Use of Technology in Statistics Education:
Investigations of the Relations between Attitudes,
Technology Acceptance and Statistical Literacy
Chair: Dr. S. Camille Peres
Bachelor of Science, Psychology May 2008
University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, Texas
Researcher, Software Usability Research Lab (SURL) August 2011- Present
Wichita State University Wichita, KS
Gender Issues in Gaming Preferences
We are investigating the differences between male and female preferences in video games.
Specifically, we want to see what differences exist between female and male gamers (e.g.
times spent playing games, types of games they play, etc.)
E-Reader and Tablet Preferences
This projects looks to investigate what tasks people carry out on their e -Readers and tablets.
The project also aims to investigate general usage of these devices and different applications
people use on the devices.
Research Assistant, RIHM Lab May 2008- August 2011
University of Houston-Clear Lake Houston, TX
Online Statistics Spring 2010 - August 2011
This project dealt with updating "Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study"
website, which uses simulations and multimedia to facilitate the learning of statistics. This
project also investigates how the website can be used in conjunction with mobile devices,
specifically with iPod touches. My thesis topic stemmed from this project, which explored
individual differences, such as technology acceptance, cognitive absorption, user satisfaction,
attitudes towards statistics and statistics comprehension, and the effects of these differences
on usage of the website. I also assisted with user testing of redesigns of the site.
Adoption of Efficient Techniques with Software Fall 2009 - Spring 2011
In this series of studies we examined/explored what leads people to select efficient versus
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inefficient strategies while utilizing software. We have found the observation of peers utilizing
efficient strategies to influence the observer s adoption of efficient techniques. Responsibilities
included study set up, coordinated research activities, collected data, and data analysis.
Software Ergonomics Summer 2008 - Summer 2009
Research on this topic explores whether or not different methods (ex: menus, icons, or
keyboard shortcuts) of carrying out commands (ex: cut, copy, paste, etc.) have more or less
strain on muscles. Responsibilities included data collection, using the EMG
(Electromyography) machine (ex: placing electrodes on specific muscles of participant), used
data collection programs, like Noldus, Camtasia, uLog, and VNC, assisted with data
management, and coordinated research activities.
Auditory Displays and Physiological Measures of Workload Fall 2008 - Spring 2009
This project aimed to explore the relationship between workload and auditory displays.
Specifically, we wanted to examine whether or not workload with auditory displays could be
measured with physiological measures, such as eye blinks. Responsibilities included setting
up the experiment, data collection, and data analysis.
Nuance Voice Recognition System Spring 2012
Acted as part of a team which tested three different voice recognition softwares on three
different mobile phones. Responsibilities included recruiting participants, data collection, and
error counting.
Motorola Autocorrect Spring 2012
Acted as part of a team which tested five different autocorrecting softwares on five different
mobile phones. Responsibilities included recruiting participants, data collection, error counting,
analyzing data, and writing up a report.
Textron Spring 2012
Acted as part of a team which complied and analyzed data collected with Loop 11 software to present
to Textron website developers to improve the usability of the site. Responsibilities included
compiling data and making recommendations based on the analysis.
E-Reader Usability Study Fall 2011
Three e-Readers (iPad, Nook, and Kindle) were compared to assess their usability.
Responsibilities included study set up, coordinating research activities, data collection, data
analysis, and reporting the finding in a write-up.
Motorola Cell Phone Usage Fall 2011
Acted as part of a team which tested five different touch screen keyboards on mobile phones.
Responsibilities included setting up the study, data collection, and data analysis.
Redesign of the HFES Houston Chapter s Website Fall 2010 - Spring 2011
I conducted a survey to discover current issues with the website and developed two prototypes
based on the results of the survey. User testing results from the two prototypes were analyzed,
and a working website was developed. The site went live in spring of 2011 based on the
decision of the executive council.
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Online Statistics Spring 2010 - August 2011
Assisted with ideas for redesign of website and conducted user testing of redesign.
Redesign of a Desk Organizer Spring 2010
Based on survey results, it was decided that making a desk organizer that was fully
customizable would best fit the users needs. A task analysis and two prototypes were
developed. Results from user testing indicated that users were able to easily assemble the
desk organizer, and a majority of the participants thought they would like to use a desk
organizer that was similar to the developed prototype.
Redesign of JABA Website Fall 2008 - Spring 2009
I carried out user centered design principles to redesign the Journal of Applied Behavior
Analysis (JABA) website. The results of the user testing indicated that the redesign of the
website was easier to navigate than the original website. A report of the study s procedures
and findings was developed, and presented by an incoming executive council memb er of
JABA at an executive council meeting.
Peres, S. C., Jardina, J. R. & Titus, C. (2010). Utilizing the Keyboard to Issue Commands: Do Self-
Efficacy, Goal Orientation, and Computer Anxiety Impact Usage of Efficient Techniques with
Software? Proceedings of the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 3 rd Annual International
Conference, Miami, USA.
Jardina, J. R., Peres, S. C., Nguyen, V., Megasari, A., Griggs, K., Pinales, R. & Amos, A. (2009).
Keyboard Shortcut Users: They Are Faster at More Than Just Typing. Proceedings of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
Jardina, J. R. & Chaparro, B. (2011). Mark that e-page! The usability of making notes, bookmarks,
and highlights in three e-readers. Usability News. W inter, 2011:
Tossel, C. C., Jardina, J. R., Kortum, P. T., Peres, S. C., Shepard, C. W., Rahmati, A., & Zhong, L.
(2011). Effects of socioeconomic diversity on iPod touch device usage in real-world
environments. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual
Meeting. Las Vegas, USA.
Lane, D., Peres, S. C., & Jardina, J. R. (2011). Defining Central Tendency Before Measuring It.
Poster presented at the United States Conference On Teaching Statistics, Raleigh -Durham,
North Carolina.
Peres, S. C, Lane, D., Jardina, J. R., & Vasser, K. R. (2011) Online Statistics Education: An
Interactive Multimedia Course of Study II. Poster presented at the Course, Curriculum, and
Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program Principal Investigators (PI) Conference, Washington
D. C.
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Research on the Interaction between Humans and Machines: RIHM Lab. (2010) Poster presented at
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Griggs, K. R., Jardina, J. R. & Peres, S. C. (2010). Redesign of an Interactive Statistics Website.
Poster presented at Houston Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Seventh Annual One-
Day Symposium, Houston, TX.
Hayes, P. K, Jardina, J. R. & Aldridge, G. (2009). Eyeblink as Measure of Workload for Auditory
Displays. Poster presented at Houston Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Sixth Annual
One-Day Symposium, Houston, TX.
Psi Chi, Psychology Honor Society (2009)
Dean s List, (2008)
Phi Theta Kappa, Honor Society (2005)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Wichita State University Student Chapter
Vice-President (2012)
Member (2011, 2012)
PGSO (Psychology Graduate Student Organization), Wichita State University
Member (2011, 2012)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Student Representative for the Education and Training Committee (2010, 2011, 2012)
Student Affiliate (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Student Member (2010, 2011, 2012)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, University of Houston-Clear Lake Student Chapter
Co-President of External Affairs (2009, 2010, 2011)
Member (2009, 2010, 2011)
Psi Chi, University of Houston-Clear Lake Chapter
President (2010, 2011)
Member (2009, 2010, 2011)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Houston Chapter
Webmaster (2010, 2011)
Student Affiliate (2009, 2010, 2011)
2011 Texas Regional HFES Symposium, Houston, USA
-Maintained and updated symposium website
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Student Volunteer Coordinator
-Synchronized volunteer activities
-Coordinated student lunch event
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Student Volunteer
-Facilitated management of workshop
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 3rd Annual International Conference, Miami, USA
Student Volunteer
-Assisted with registration table
Houston HFES 7th Annual Symposium
Student Volunteer
-Coordinated student lunch event
-Helped set up equipment (chairs, tables, signs, etc.)
Houston HFES 6th Annual Symposium
Student Volunteer
-Helped set up equipment (chairs, tables, etc.)
-Assisted with registration table
Research Subject Protection Analyst October 2008- November 2009
Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX
- Supports one board meeting per month and corresponding Institutional
Review Board (IRB) actions for that board
- Maintains positive working relationship with chair, vice-chair, and board members
- Provides customer service and education to IRB members and Principal
Investigators for protocols assigned to board
- Assesses all clinical and laboratory research protocol/consent forms for regulatory compliance
- Provides expedited approvals/exemptions with supervision by the chair/senior analyst
- Recommends revision and action for requirements to Principal Investigator/Administrative
- Establishes anticipated quorum for each meeting
- Assigns protocols according to IRB member attendance and expertise
- Serves as point of contact when IRB members identify protocol issues that merit table or
- Assures key ethical/regulatory issues are adequately discussed in full board meetings
- Prepares minutes
- Reviews replies for completion of modifications according to full board criteria for
administrative review and approval of minor amendments
- Performs other job-related duties as assigned
- Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Project)
- Adobe Dreamweaver
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- Web Design (General Layout and HTML)
- Adobe Photoshop
- Visual Basic Programming (Beginner)