Aaron Clauset
Contact Department of Computer Science voice: 303-***-****
Information University of Colorado at Boulder fax: 303-***-****
*** *** *****: *****.*******@********.***
Boulder CO, 80309-0430 USA web: www.santafe.edu/ aaronc
Research Data science, statistical inference, machine learning; Models and simulations; Collective dynamics
Interests and complex systems; Complex networks (social, biological, technological); Rare events, power laws
and forecasting; Computational social science; Computational biology and biological computation.
Education Ph.D. Computer Science, University of New Mexico (with distinction) 2002 2006
B.S. Physics, Haverford College (with honors and concentration in Computer Science) 1997 2001
Academic Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder 2010 present
Positions Assistant Professor, BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder 2010 present
External Faculty, Santa Fe Institute 2012 present
A liated Faculty, Ecology & Evolution. Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder 2011 present
A liated Faculty, Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder 2012 present
Omidyar Fellow, Santa Fe Institute 2006 2010
Industry Scienti c & Technical Consultant, Institute for Defense Analysis, Alexandria VA 2010 present
Positions Corporate Advisory Board, 33across LLC, New York NY 2008 2012
Scienti c & Technical Consultant, 33across LLC, New York NY 2007 2012
Strategy & Management Consultant, FischerJordan LLC, New York NY 2005
Project Scientist, Targacept Inc., Winston-Salem NC 2001 2002
Publications Google Scholar Pro le : scholar.google.com/citations?user=e7VI_HcAAAAJ
S. Merrit, A. Z. Jacobs, W. Mason and A. Clauset, Detecting friendship within dynamic online
interaction networks. Submitted to WWW (2013).
Y. Virkar and A. Clauset, Power-law distributions in binned empirical data.
Submitted to Annals of Applied Statistics (2012). (Preprint at arxiv:1208.3524)
B. J. Mills, J. J. Clark, M. Peeples, W. R. Haas Jr., J. M. Roberts Jr., B. Hill, D. L. Huntley,
L. Borck, R. L. Breiger, A. Clauset, and M. S. Shackley, Migration Transformed Social Networks
in the Prehispanic Southwest. Submitted to Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2012).
A. Clauset, How large should whales be? To appear, PLOS ONE (2012).
(Preprint at arxiv:1207.1478)
A. Clauset and R. Woodard, Estimating the historical and future probabilities of large terrorist
events. To appear, Annals of Applied Statistics (2012). (Preprint at arxiv:1209.0089)
W. Mason and A. Clauset, Friends FTW! Friendship and competition in Halo: Reach.
Proc. 16th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW
2013). (Preprint at arxiv:1203.2268)
A. Clauset and K. S. Gleditsch, The developmental dynamics of terrorist organizations.
PLOS ONE 7(11): e48633 (2012). (Preprint at arxiv:0906.3287)
B. H. Good, Y.-A. de Montjoye and A. Clauset, The performance of modularity maximization
in practical contexts. Physical Review E 81, 046106 (2010). (Preprint at arxiv:0910.0165)
A. Clauset, L. Heger, M. Young and K. S. Gleditsch, The Strategic Calculus of Terrorism: Sub-
stitution and Competition in the Israel-Palestine Con ict. Cooperation & Con ict 46(1), 6 33
A. Clauset and F. W. Wiegel, A generalized aggregation-disintegration model for the frequency
of severe terrorist attacks. Journal of Con ict Resolution 54(1), 179-197 (2010).
(Preprint at arxiv:0902.0724)
A. Clauset, C. R. Shalizi and M. E. J. Newman, Power-law distributions in empirical data.
SIAM Review 51(4), 661 703 (2009). (Preprint at arxiv:0706.1062)
D. Achlioptas, A. Clauset, D. Kempe and C. Moore, On the Bias of Traceroute Sampling:
Or, Power-law Degree Distributions in Regular Graphs. Journal of the ACM 56(4), article 21,
28 pages (2009). (Preprint at arxiv:cond-mat/0503087)
N. Eagle, A. Clauset and J. Quinn, Location Segmentation, Inference and Prediction for Antici-
patory Computing. Proc. 23rd AAAI Conference on Arti cial Intelligence (AAAI 2009).
N. Eagle, J. Quinn and A. Clauset, Methodologies for Continuous Cellular Tower Data Analysis.
Proc. 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2009), 342 353.
A. Clauset and S. Redner, Evolutionary Model of Species Body Mass Diversi cation.
Physical Review Letters 102, 038103 (2009). (Preprint at arxiv:0808.4014)
A. Clauset, D. J. Schwab and S. Redner, How many species have mass M ?
American Naturalist 173, 256 263 (2009). (Preprint at arxiv:0808.3433)
A. Clauset, H. G. Tanner, C. T. Abdallah and R. H. Byrne, Controlling across complex networks
Emerging links between networks and control. Annual Reviews in Control 32, 183 192 (2008).
A. Clauset and D. H. Erwin, The evolution and distribution of species body size.
Science 321, 399 401 (2008). (Preprint at arxiv:0901.0251)
A. Clauset, C. Moore and M. E. J. Newman, Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing
links in networks. Nature 453, 98 101 (2008). (Preprint at arxiv:0811.0484)
A. Clauset and N. Eagle. Persistence and periodicity in a dynamic proximity network.
DIMACS Workshop on Computational Methods for Dynamic Interaction Networks (Piscataway),
2007. (Preprint at arxiv:1211.7343).
A. Clauset, M. Young and K. S. Gleditsch, On the Frequency of Severe Terrorist Attacks.
Journal of Con ict Resolution 51(1): 58 88 (2007). (Preprint at arxiv:physics/0606007)
A. Clauset, C. Moore and M. E. J. Newman, Structural Inference of Hierarchies in Networks.
Proc. Workshop on Statistical Network Analysis, 23rd International Conference on Machine Learn-
ing (ICML 06). E. M. Airoldi et al., Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4503, 1 13.
V. Kalapala, V. Sanwalani, A. Clauset and C. Moore, Scale Invariance in Road Networks.
Physical Review E 73 026130 (2006). (Preprint at arxiv:physics/0510198)
J. T. Ayers, A. Clauset, J. D. Schmitt, L. P. Dwoskin and P. A. Crooks, Molecular modeling of
mono- and bis-quaternary ammonium salts as ligands at the 4 2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
subtype using nonlinear techniques. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal
7(3): E678 85 (2005).
Y. D. Xiao, A. Clauset, R. Harris, E. Bayram, P. Santago II, and J. D. Schmitt,
Supervised Self-Organizing Maps in QSAR I: Robust behavior with underdetermined datasets.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46(6): 1679 1758 (2005).
A. Clauset, Finding local community structure in networks.
Physical Review E 72, 026132 (2005). (Preprint at arxiv:physics/0503036)
D. Achlioptas, A. Clauset, D. Kempe and C. Moore, On the bias of traceroute sampling (or:
Why almost every network looks like it has a power law). ACM Proc. 37th Symp. on Theory of
Computing (STOC 2005), 694 703.
A. Clauset and C. Moore, Accuracy and Scaling Phenomena in Internet Mapping.
Physical Review Letters 94 018701 (2005). (Preprint at arxiv:cond-mat/0410059)
A. Clauset, M. E. J. Newman and C. Moore, Finding community structure in very large networks.
Physical Review E 70, 066111 (2004). (Preprint at arxiv:cond-mat/0408187)
E. Bayram, P. Santago II, R. Harris, Y. D. Xiao, A. Clauset and J. D. Schmitt, Genetic Al-
gorithms and Self-Organizing Maps: A Powerful Combination for Modeling Complex QSAR and
QSPR Problems. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 18 (7-9): 483-493 (2004).
Other C. R. Shalizi, A. Z. Jacobs, K. L. Klinkner and A. Clauset, Adapting to Non-stationarity with
Publications Growing Expert Ensembles. Preprint, arxiv:1103.0949 (2011).
A. Clauset, M. Young and K. S. Gleditsch, A Novel Explanation of the Power-Law Form of the
Frequency of Severe Terrorist Events: Reply to Saperstein. Peace Economics, Peace Science and
Public Policy 16(1), Article 12 (2010).
A. Clauset, Story-telling, Statistics, And Other Grave Scienti c Insults. Nature Soapbox Science
Blog (posted 27 October 2010). http://tinyurl.com/2gx7z5l
A. Clauset, A theoretician ponders what physics has to o er ecology. Nature 465, 139 (2010).
N. Eagle, A. Clauset, A. Pentland and D. Lazer, Multi-dimensional Edge Inference: Response to
Comment by Dr. Adams. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107(9), E31 (2010).
A. Clauset and C. Moore, How Do Networks Become Navigable?
Preprint, arxiv:cond-mat/0309415 (2003).
indicates an undergraduate coauthor
Grants Statistical Inference for Detecting Structures and Anomalies in Networks.
(PI or co-PI) PI, with Cris Moore (Santa Fe Institute) and Mark Newman (Michigan)
DARPA, $2,924,396-****-****
Measuring the structure of research university networks.
Kau man Foundation, $33,000-****-****
Statistical Inference and Machine Learning for Complex Networks.
Co-PI, with Cris Moore (Santa Fe Institute) and Mark Newman (Michigan)
McDonnell Foundation, $417,576-****-****
Invited Talks Workshop on Time-Dependent and Multiplex Networks, Oxford University, UK, 8 9 July 2013
(Recent) Plenary Speaker, Internat. Conference on Network Science, Copenhagen Denmark, 3 7 June 2013
ETH Risk Center Seminar Series, ETH, Z rich Switzerland, 21 May 2013
Center for Signal and Info. Proc. Seminar Series, Georgia Tech., Atlanta GA, 19 April 2013
Dynamics Days US 2013, Denver CO, 3 6 January 2013
BioFrontiers Seminar, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs CO, 18 October 2012
Keynote, Santa Fe Institute Ideas Festival Garden Party, Aspen CO, 1 July 2012
Power Grids as Complex Networks: Formulating Problems for Useful Science and Science Based
Engineering workshop, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe NM, 17 19 May 2012
Machine Learning, Statistical Inference and Neuroscience workshop, HHMI / Janelia Farm
Research Campus, Chevy Chase MD, 6 9 May 2012
Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Division, Focus Session on Models of War, Con icts and
Revolutions, German Physics Society Spring Meeting, Berlin Germany, 25 30 March 2012
SomaLogic, Inc., Boulder CO, 2 February 2012
A Complexity Event, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Wash-
ington DC, 12 October 2011
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems Seminar Series, Evanston IL, 5 October 2011
Computer Science Seminar, Sandia Nat. Lab., Sandia CA, 14 September 2011
International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, ETH, Z rich
Switzerland, 20 25 June 2011
Arizona State University School of Human Evolution and Social Change Colloquium, Tempe AZ,
28 April 2011
Evidence-based Research on Con ict and Policy Panel, International Studies Association (ISA)
Annual Meeting, Montreal Canada, 18 March 2011
Applications of Network Theory Conference, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm
Sweden, 7 9 April 2011
Frontiers of Data Analysis: Foreign Policy as a Complex System Working Group, Santa Fe
Institute, Santa Fe NM, 23 25 February 2011
Seminars Applied Mathematics Dept. Colloquium, Boulder CO, 30 September 2011
(Recent) Institute of Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Colorado, Boulder CO, 4 March 2011
Ecology and Evo. Biology Dept. Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder CO, 9 February 2011
Computer Science Dept. Colloquium, University of Colorado, Boulder CO, 27 January 2011
Honors & Santa Fe Institute Public Lecture Series (http://bit.ly/I6t9gf) 2010
Awards Graduation Speaker, U. New Mexico School of Engineering Convocation 2006
(Selected) Outstanding Graduate Student Award, U. New Mexico School of Engineering 2006
Teaching & Postdoctoral Fellows
Advising Dr. Dan Larremore (joint with Harvard School of Public Health) 2012 present
Doctoral Students
Nora Connor (PhD, Computer Science, Colorado) 2011 present
Nicole Beckage (PhD, Psychology, Colorado; co-advised) 2012 present
Nicholas Dronen (PhD, Computer Science, Colorado) 2011 present
Abigail Jacobs (PhD, Computer Science, Colorado) 2011 present
Sears Merritt (PhD, Computer Science, Colorado) 2011 present
Lauren Shoemaker (PhD, Ecology & Evol. Biology, Colorado; co-advised) 2012 present
Yogesh Virkar (PhD, Computer Science, Colorado) 2012 present
Masters Students
Pooneh Mortazavi (MS, Computer Science, Colorado) 2012 present
Yogesh Virkar (MS, Computer Science, Colorado) 2011 2012
Undergraduate Students
Christopher Aicher (BS Applied Math., Colorado; research assistant) 2011 present
Kenneth Sheedlo (BS Comp. Sci., Colorado; Discovery Learning Apprentice) 2011 2012
Andrew Zizzi (BS Aerospace, Colorado; Discovery Learning Apprentice) 2011 2012
Kristen Hargett (BS Applied Math., Colorado; research assistant) 2011
Zachary Newman (BS Math., Colorado; McNair Scholar & UROP) Summer 2011
Abigail Jacobs (BS Math., Northwestern; REU; now pursuing PhD at Colorado) Summer 2010
Amy Wesolowski (BS Math., C.o. Atlantic; REU; now pursuing PhD at CMU) Summer 2010
Andrew Mauboussin (High school fellow at SFI) Summer 2009
Benjamin Good (BS Physics, Swarthmore; REU; now pursuing PhD at Harvard) 2008 2010
University Courses ( indicates a new course)
Colorado CSCI 5454 Spring 2011, 2012, 2013
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Colorado CSCI 7000 Fall 2010, 2011, 2013
Inference, Models and Simulation for Complex Systems
Summer Schools
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Short Course on Exploring Complexity, Stanford CA 2012
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Short Course on Exploring Complexity, Washington DC 2012
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Short Course on Exploring Complexity, Albuquerque NM 2011
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Research Workshop on Frontiers in Complex Systems, Beijing 2009
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School, Beijing 2008
Faculty, Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe 2007 2008
Editorial Work Journal of Complex Networks (Associate Editor) 2012 present
Referee Work Applied Math and Statistics: Annals of Applied Statistics, SIAM ICDM Workshop on Anal-
ysis of Dynamic Networks (2009), Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
Biology: Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Biology, Global Ecology and Bio-
geography, IET Systems Biology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Theoretical Biology,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, PLOS Biology, PLOS Com-
putational Biology, Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Computer Science: Computer Science Reviews (CSR), Foundations and Trends in Machine
Learning, IEEE GLOBECOM (2010), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automa-
tion (2006), ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), Journal of Statistical Analysis
and Data Mining, Machine Learning, ACM Trans. on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD),
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Trans. on the Web (TWEB),
RANDOM (2007), SIMPLEX (2010), SODA (2006, 2007), SDM Workshop on Analysis of Dy-
namic Networks (2009), NIPS Workshop on Analyzing Graphs (2008), Workshop on Experimen-
tal Algorithms (2006), ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (2008,
2009), WSDM (2010), WWW (2010 2013)
General: Nature, Nature Methods, PLOS ONE, PNAS, Science
Physics: European Physical Journal B, Europhysics Letters, Journal of Statistical Mechanics,
New Journal of Physics, Physica A, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters
Political Science: American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science,
Defense & Peace Economics, Journal of Con ict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research
Others: Advances in Complex Systems, Computational Linguistics, Hydrology Earth System
Sciences, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Networks and Spatial Economics
Funding Agencies: U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), ETH Z rich Research Commission, European Research Council (ERC)
Professional Workshops
Service Mathematics Research Community Workshop on Network Science
Snowbird UT, June 2014. Organized with M.A. Porter (Oxford) and D. Kempe (Southern Cal.)
1st SIAM Workshop on Network Science
San Diego CA, 7 8 July 2013. Organized with A. Pinar (Sandia) and M. Marathe (VA Tech)
Structure, Statistical Inference, and Dynamics in Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data
Santa Fe NM, 6 7 May 2013. Organized with C. Moore (SFI) and M.E.J. Newman (Michigan)
The Mathematics of Terrorism
Joint with MITRE, Santa Fe NM, Aug. 31 Sept. 2, 2009. Organized with B. Tivnan (MITRE)
Statistical Inference for Complex Networks
Santa Fe NM, Dec. 3 5 2008. Organized with C. Moore (New Mexico, SFI)
Navigability and Complex Networks
Joint with UCSD s Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA),
Santa Fe NM, Aug. 4 6, 2008. Organized with D. Krioukov (UCSD) and kc cla y (UCSD)
Is There a Physics of Society?
Santa Fe NM, Jan. 10 12, 2008. Organized with M. Girvan (Maryland)
2nd Computer Science at UNM Student Research Conference, Conference Chair,
Albuquerque NM, March 3, 2006.
1st Computer Science at UNM Student Research Conference, Conference Chair,
Albuquerque NM, March 4, 2005.
Program Committees
World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 17 May 2013.
World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2012, Lyon, France, 16 20 April 2012.
World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2011, Hyderabad, India, 28 March 1 April 2011.
CompleNet 2010, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, 13 15 October 2010.
SIMPLEX 2010, Genoa Italy, 21 June 2010.
World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2010, Raleigh NC, 21 April 2010.
3rd ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2010, New York
NY, 4 6 February 2010.
3rd Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (part of ACM SIGKDD 2009), Paris
France, 28 June 1 July 2009
CompleNet 2009, Catania Italy, 12 13 May 2009.
Workshop on Analysis of Dynamic Networks (part of SIAM International Conf. on Data Mining),
Sparks, Nevada, 30 April 2 May 2009.
Workshop on Analyzing Graphs: Theory and Applications (part of NIPS 2008), Whistler, Canada,
12 December 2008.
2nd Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (part of ACM SIGKDD 2008), Las Vegas
NV, 24 27 August 2008
5th International Workshop on Experimental Algorithms, Menorca Spain, 24 27 May 2006
Institutional Committees
Colorado, Colorado Biofrontiers Institute, Task Force 2010 present
Colorado, Computer Science Graduate Committee 2010 present
Colorado, Integrated Quantitative Biology (IQBio) Mentoring Committee 2011 2012
Santa Fe Institute, Colloquium Committee 2007 2009
UNM Computer Science Faculty Search Committee 2005 2006
Society Leadership Positions
President, UNM Computer Science Grad. Student Assoc. (CSGSA) 2004 2005
Vice President, UNM Computer Science Grad. Student Assoc. (CSGSA) 2003 2004
Synergistic Science blogger at Structure+Strangeness 2005 present
Activities http://structureandstrangeness.com/
340 entries and >500,000 page hits (January 2005 December 2011)
Science microblogger on Twitter @aaronclauset 2012 present
332 followers, 116 tweets ( December 2012)
Wikipedia contributor (various science and mathematics articles) 2006 present
Public release of working algorithms (open source; typically GPL) 2004 present
Power-law distributions with bins tool kit (supervised) 2012
Rare event forecasting tool kit 2012
Terrorist organization simulation code 2011
Modularity landscape mapping software package 2010
Hierarchical random graph and missing-link prediction software package 2008
Species mass macroevolution simulation code 2008
Power-law distributions tool kit 2007
Local-modularity network clustering algorithm 2005
Fast-modularity network clustering algorithm 2004