Kanokkarn Yodpummarin
Email: *********@********.***
Address: **** ******** ****, *** **
City: Houston
State: TX
Zip: 77057
Country: USA
Phone: 281-***-****
Skill Level: Entry
Salary Range: $35,000
Willing to Relocate
Primary Skills/Experience:
See Resume
Educational Background:
See Resume
Job History / Details:
11/05 - present Freelancing in Web and graphic design
* Spradley PLLC : http://www.myidealaw.com/
* The Artwork of Margaret Colvin : http://www.margaretcolvin.com
* CSI Cable & Supplies Inc. : http://www.csicablesupplies.com/
* Apogee Consulting Group Inc. : http://www.apogeemc.com
* Churchill`s Sport Bar & Grill : http://churchillsbartexas.com, flies, brochures, posters
* Abiding Faith Baptist Church : brochures, magazines, posters, invitation cards, postcard
04/12 - 07/12 ABC Imaging Company, Houston - Internship in Graphic Design
* Designed magazines, brochures, posters, and invitations
* Printed various styles and types of artwork
07/09 - 12/11 Churchill`s Sport bar & Grill - Co-owner
* Managed advertising and promotion, employees payroll
* Photographed event activities, created brochures, posters, postcard, and website
10/02 - 10/05 C.P Plaza Co.,LTD - Marketing Executive
* Supervised trainees
* Published CDs of guides and tutorials for Photoshop and Dreamweaver programs
* Assisted with the Internet and E-commerce Center
04/02 - 09/02 Chulalongkorn University Continuing Education Center - Computer Instructor
* E-Learning Instructed computer software for government officials in developing computer software program
01/01 - 04/01 IDP Education Australia - Internship in Management Information System
* Efficiently presented and conducted numerous multimedia presentations.
* Offered service and various high school students
* Adobe Photoshop CS6
* Adobe Illustrator CS5.5
* Adobe Indesign CS5.5
* Dreamweaver
* Flash
* Microsoft Office 2010
* Adobe Premier
* Portrait Photography
* Associate of Arts and Sciences (AAS), Graphic Design Specialization (2012)
* ESL, University of Houston LCC (2009)
* B.S. of Science, Management Information System (MIS), Walailak University (2002)
* Math - Science Major, Sa-ard Phaderm Wittaya High School (1999)
* Adobe Flash CS5 Certicate (2012
* Volunteers to participates in Digicom`s 2nd annual Design Charrette (2012)
* Microsoft Office 2000 Certification
* Public relations Association Secretary, Walailak Universiy (2000-2001)
* Computer Association Secretary, Walailak Universiy (1998-1999)