H ctor Antonio P ez Robles Mart nez
Birthday: August 17, 1970
Nationality: Mexican
School School of Geography and Geology
McMaster University
**** **** **. ****, ********, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1.
Tel +1-905-***-**** ext. 26099
Fax +1-905-***-****
Home 644 Main St. West Apt. 1120, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 1A1.
Tel +1-905-***-****
Marital status: Married
Ph.D. (September 2000) Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan.
Thesis: Applied Statistical Analysis of Geographically Detailed Data with Emphasis on
Spatial Effects.
Master of Information Science (September 1997) Graduate School of Information Science,
Tohoku University, Japan.
Thesis: Evaluation of Environmental Changes Caused by Urbanization.
B.Sc. Civil Engineering (December 1993) Instituto Tecnol gico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey, Mexico, with honors.
Instructor (January 1993-December 1993) Laboratory of Topographical Surveying, Dept. of
Civil Engineering. Instituto Tecnol gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico.
survey projects in Nuevo Leon, Mexico sponsored by various Municipal Public Works
Departments (Monterrey, Guadalupe, Santa Catarina), and by Mercedes-Benz. These projects
involved in-field data collection and computer aided design. Construction site supervision.
Research Fellow Lecturer (October 2000-March 2002) Center for Northeast Asian Studies,
Tohoku University, Japan.
Assistant Professor (July 2002 ~) School of Geography and Geology, McMaster University,
Fields of interest:
Spatial data analysis and statistics; geographic information systems; transportation modeling;
land use-transport interactions; urban planning.
Spanish (native speaker); English (100%); Japanese (Fluent 2nd. Level in the Proficiency
Test administered by the Ministry of Science, Education and Culture of Japan)
Conference presentations and proceedings:
1. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (1997) Modeling Land Uses and Environmental
Indicators, paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the Tohoku Chapter, Japanese
Society of Civil Engineering.
2. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (1998) Analysis of Urbanization Related Environmental
Impacts from their Spatial Perspective, paper presented in the Annual Meeting of the
Tohoku Chapter, Japanese Society of Civil Engineering.
3. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (2000) Spatial External Economies and Coordinated
Land Use-Transportation Planning, paper presented in CODATU IX: Urban
Transportation and Environment, Mexico City, April 11 14.
4. P ez A, Miyamoto K (2001) International Large Scale Network Accessibility and GIS,
paper presented in the Symposium Asia GIS 2001, Tokyo, Japan, June 20 22.
5. P ez A, Suthanaya P, Black J (2001) A spatial analysis of transportation mode-specific
journey-to-work commuting preferences: implications for sustainable transport policies,
paper presented in the World Conference for Transport Research (WCTR), Seoul, Korea,
July 22 27.
6. Black J, P ez A, Suthanaya P (2001) Spatial Targets for Sustainable Transport: Some
Examples from International Practice, paper presented in the seminar SMART Targets
for Sustainable Transport, Sydney, Australia, September 4.
7. Kawai K, Vichiensan V, P ez A, Miyamoto K (2002), Interpolation for Spatial Data in
Urban Models based on Geographically Weighted Regression and Kriging, Proceedings of
the 57th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 4 (forthcoming)
Refereed publications:
1. Miyamoto K, Sugiki N, Uchida T, P ez A (1997) A GIS Based Land-use Model Dealing
with Building Types by Small Unit of Land in a Metropolitan Area, Journal of the Eastern
Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2 (6) 413 - 429
2. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (1998) Urbanization and the Urban Heat Island Effect
from a Spatial Descriptive Approach, Papers of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese
Institute of City Planning, 67-72
3. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (1999) A Spatial Analysis of External Economies and its
Association with Transportation Infrastructure: The Case of Sendai City, Journal of the
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 3 (4) 149-164
4. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (2001) Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in
Land Price Models, Urban Studies, 38 (9) 1493-1508
5. P ez A, Miyamoto K, Yamada E, Kitazume K (2001) Transportation Network and
Accessibility Analysis in Eastern Asia based on a Geographical Information System,
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 4 (6) 211-225
6. P ez A, Suzuki J (2001) Transportation Impacts on Land Use Change: an Assessment
Considering Neighborhood Effects, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies, 4 (6) 47-59
7. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (2002a) A general framework for estimation and inference
of geographically weighted regression models: 1. Location-specific kernel bandwidths and
a test for locational heterogeneity, Environment and Planning A, 34 (4) 733-754
8. P ez A, Uchida T, Miyamoto K (2002b) A general framework for estimation and
inference of geographically weighted regression models: 2. Spatial association and model
specification tests, Environment and Planning A, 34 (5) 883-904
9. Black J, P ez A, Suthanaya P, 2002, Sustainable Urban Transportation: Performance
Indicators and Some Analytical Approaches, Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Chapters in books and other writing:
1. Kazuaki M, P ez A (2001) Urban and community planning. Forthcoming in the
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems edited by UNESCO [http://www.eolss.com/]
Thesis supervision (M.Sc.):
1. Kenji Kawai (Tohoku University; in progress) Interpolation of Spatial Data in Urban
Models based on Geographically Weighted Regression and Kriging (with Kazuaki
2. Eri Yamada (Tohoku University; March 2001) Accessibility Analysis of Transportation
Networks in Eastern Asia (with Kazuaki Miyamoto).
Working papers:
1. Spatial Characteristics of the Journey-to-Work Commute Preference: Sidney, 1961-1996.
With Putu Suthanaya and John Black.
2. Anisotropic kernel functions in geographically weighted regression models.
3. Spatially weighted regression: space and nonstationarity in multiple contexts.
4. Nonstationarity in regression-based spatial interpolation models. With Kenji Kawai,
Varameth Vichiensan and Kazuaki Miyamoto.
Japanese City Planning Institute
Japanese Society of Civil Engineering
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies