PHONE 919-***-**** E-MAIL *************@*****.***
***** *******, ****** ****, **, 27517
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Culture, Curriculum, and Change.
Graduate May, 2013
M ASTER OF Elon University, Elon, North Carolina, USA
Elementary Education, August 2009.
The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Elementary Education, December 2003.
B ACHELOR OF The Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
Elementary Education, November 2001
Doctoral student in Education. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2009
Instructional Consultant (m-learning). International Society for Technology in Education. Eugene, OR.
Student Teacher Supervisor. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2011- 2013
Behavioral and Social Sciences Researcher. RAND Corporation. Santa Monica CA. 2012
Elementary Education Reviewer. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Raleigh, NC. 2012
Cultural/Global Studies Curriculum Consultant. VIF- International Education. Chapel Hill, NC. 2011
Principal Investigator. iPod Touch one-to-one deployment: 21st Century Technology supporting the
teachers and the learners in a middle school. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel
Hill, NC. 2009- 12
Research Assistant Cyberlearning Taxonomies and Synthesis. Education and Human Resources for
the National Science Foundation. UNC-CH. 2010
Lead Instructor & Course Developer. EDUC629 English Language Learners: Issues for Practitioners.
The School of Education. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2009
Managing Editor for the Center of Faculty Excellence Spotlight on Research. The Center of Faculty
Excellence. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2010 2010
Managing Editor for the Center of Faculty Excellence Spotlight on Leadership. The Center of Faculty
Excellence. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2010 2010
Managing Editor for the Center of Faculty Excellence Spotlight on Teaching. The Center of Faculty
Excellence. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2009 2010
Graduate Consultant. The Center of Faculty Excellence. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Chapel Hill, NC. 2009 Present
Director. VisionMakers Web Design. Based in Manchester, England. 2000 Present
5th Grade Teacher, 5th Grade Chair, Student Support Team member, Member of the leadership team. Carrboro
Elementary School, Carrboro, NC. 2006 2009
Year 2 (G.1) Teacher, Information Communications Technology (ICT) Co-coordinator, Teaching Assistant (TA)
Co-coordinator, Member of the Leadership Team. Belfield School Rochdale, England. 2004 2006
Information Communications Technology Lecturer, EdgeHill University, Ormskirk, England. 2004 2006
Consultant of Educational Technology. Based in Manchester, England. 2003 2006
Teacher/Teaching Assistant, Brownhill Special School, Rochdale, England. (Students with Severe
Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties.) 1999 2003
Evaluator, of educational websites for the British Educational Communications and Technology
Agency (BECTA). 2005 2006
Special Support Teaching Assistant, Brownhill Special School, Rochdale, England. (Students with
Severe Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties.) 1994 1999
Special Support Teaching Assistant, Knowl View Residential Special School, Rochdale, England.
(Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties.)1993 1994
President s Award for Volunteer Service in Mobile Learning 2012
UNC Chapel Hill, Graduate Student Travel Award. 2010
McKeachie Award, Improving University Teaching International Award. 2010
Future Faculty Fellowship Program Award. University or North Carolina - Chapel Hill, 2010
Malloy Travel Award, University or North Carolina - Chapel Hill, 2009
International Educator of the Year, 2008-2009
Kappa Delta Pi honor for graduate studies at Elon University, 2009
Phi Kappa Phi honor for graduate studies at Elon University, 2009
Outstanding Cultural Educator of the Year for North Carolina, 2008
Outstanding Elementary School Mathematics Teacher of the Year for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District
Village Pride Award, Chapel Hill- Carrboro District 2007
Outstanding Cultural Educator of the Year for North Carolina 2007
E-Learning Award for Outstanding contributions to e-learning in the classroom (UK), 2006
The National ICT Mark Awarded by BECTA (British Educational Communications, Technology
Agency), 2005
The NaaceMark for Outstanding Leadership of ICT Awarded by BECTA (British Educational
Communications, Technology Agency), 2005
Nominations (Unable to compete for awards due to limit on years teaching in the U.S.)
Teacher of the Year, Chapel Hill Carrboro City School District 2008/9. Multiple nominations by parents
and colleagues.
Outstanding Technology Teacher for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District, 2008. Principal nomination
and colleague nominations.
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) 2008. Principal s
Greene, J. A., Hutchison, L. A., Costa, L., & Crompton, H. (2012). Investigating how college
students task definitions and plans relate to self-regulated learning processing and
understanding of a complex science topic. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37, 307-230.
McArthur, D., & Crompton, H. (2012). Understanding public-access cyberlearning projects
using text-mining and topic analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, 63(11), 2146-2152
Crompton, H., (2012). How Web 2.0 is changing the way students learn: The Darwikinism
and folksonomy revolution. Journal of e-learning and education (eleed), 8.
Crompton, H., & Keane, J. (2012). Implementation of a one-to-one ipod touch program in a
middle school. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 11(1), 1-18.
Crompton, H. (2011). Mathematics in the age of technology: There is a place for technology
in the mathematics classroom. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 7(1), 54-66.
Crompton, H. (Due for publication 2013). A diachronic overview of mobile learning: A shift
toward student-centered pedagogies. In M. Ali, Mobile learning development for flexible
learning. Athabasca University Press, Canada.
Crompton, H. (Due for publication 2013). Invited chapter on the TPACK framework and
pre-service teachers developing knowledge and beliefs. In N. Valanides & C. Angeli (Eds.),
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge handbook. New York: Springer.
Crompton, H. (Due for publication 2013). A historical overview of mobile learning: Toward
learner-centered education. In Z. L. Berge & L. Y. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile
learning. Florence, KY: Routledge.
Crompton, H. (Due for publication 2013). Mobile learning: New approach, new theory. In
Z. L. Berge & L. Y. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile learning. Florence, KY: Routledge.
Ryan, K, & Cooper, J. M. (2011). Those who can teach (13th ed.). Boston: CENGAGE
Learning. Chapter revision: What should teachers know about technology and its impact on schools?
Crompton, H., & Van t Hoof, M. (2012). International Society for Technology in Education
SIGML white paper on theory to practice [White paper]. Retrieved from
McArthur, D. & Crompton, H. (2010a). National Science Foundation. EHR s Cyberlearning projects
task 1: Finding cyberlearning projects (pp. 1-19).
McArthur, D. & Crompton, H. (2010b). National Science Foundation. EHR s Cyberlearning projects
task 2: Describing cyberlearning projects (pp. 1-16).
McArthur, D. & Crompton, H. (2010c). National Science Foundation. EHR s Cyberlearning projects
Anderson, J., Justice, J., Nichols, K., Jones, J., Wall, S., Crompton, H., Altheiser, L., & Boyd, A.
(2011). Pre-service elementary science teacher identity development through blogging in
communities of practice. Paper presented at the International Conference of the National Association of
Research in Science Teaching. Orlando, FL, March 2011.
Crompton, H. (2011). Using Poll Everywhere to encourage active participation in the university
setting. IamLearn Newsletter. International Association for Mobile Learning. October 11, Issue 2
Van t Hoof, M., McNeal, T., Crompton, H., & Greenhut, S. (2011). Learning history on location:
Benjamin Franklin on your mobile phone. International Society for Technology in Education. SIGMobile
Learning. August 11.
Crompton, H. (2011). Poll Everywhere! International Society for Technology in Education. SIGMobile
Learning. June 11.
Crompton, H., LaFrance, J., & van t Hoof, M. (Featured Article; 2012). QR Codes Offer a New
Dimension in Teaching and Learning. ISTE Learning and Leading with Technology.
Crompton, H., Goodhand, L., & Wells, S. (Featured Article; 2011). Education at hand: A school
wide one-to-one iPod Touch program ISTE Learning and Leading with Technology. 38 (5), 16-19
Crompton, H. (2010). Is technology killing critical thinking skills? ISTE Learning and Leading with
Technology. 38 (1), 6-7
Crompton, H. & Zakrajsek, T. (2010). Considerations for a successful first day of class. Center of
Faculty Excellence: Spotlight on Teaching. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Jan, 2010.
Crompton, H. (2009). Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs): Technology supporting
demonstration, modeling and exploration of mathematics. ISTE Learning and Leading with
Technology. 36 (5), 39
Crompton, H. (2007). Teaching in America. Primary Choice 1(4), 12-13
Crompton, H. (2004). Making the transition from teaching assistant to teacher. Teachers, 30, 5.
Crompton, H. (2010). Keynote Speaker 21st Century Schools Invited keynote at the EduTech
Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Crompton, H. (2010). Keynote Speaker Teaching and Learning in 21st Century Schools. Invited
keynote at the EduTech Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Keynote Speaker Darwikinism Questioned. Invited keynote at the EduTech
Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Crompton, H. & Melton, R. (2012). SIGML Forum: There is an app for that! Presented at the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). San Diego, CA.
Soloway, E. Crompton, H., Van t Hoof, M. et al.. (2012). SIGML Meeting and White Papers
Theory to practice. Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). San Diego,
Van T Hooft, M. & Crompton, H. (2012). QR Code Tour. Workshop at the International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE). San Diego, CA.
Crompton, H., Soloway, E., & Norris, C. (2011). Mobile Learning Tutorial. Presented at the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Philadelphia, PA.
Van T Hooft, M., Crompton, H., Greenhut, S., & McNeal, T. (2011). Digital-Age Teaching &
Learning : Learning with Mobile Devices. Workshop at the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE). Philadelphia, PA.
Sorensen, K., Gutierrez, A., & Crompton, H. (2011). Mobile Meet up: Informal Poster Session.
(Organized and presented a poster titled Implementation of a one-to-one iPod Touch program.)
Presented at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Philadelphia, PA.
Crompton, H. & McArthur, D. (2011). Taxonomy and Synthesis of Cyberlearning projects funded
by the NSF. Paper accepted for the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
Orlando, FL.
Crompton, H et al (2011). There is an App for that. Presented at the Learning Without Frontiers:
International Festival of Learning and Technology. Islington, London.
Crompton, H. et al (2011). TAP-it: Touch Accessible Platform for Interactive Technology.
Presented at the British Educational Training and Technology Conference (BETT). Kensington, London.
Crompton, H. (2010). A Meeting of Cultures: A Step Towards Culturally Congruent Teaching.
Presented at the American Educational Studies Association (AESA). Denver, CO.
Crompton, H. (2010). Developing critical thinking skills with web 2.0. Presented at the Improving
University Teaching Conference (IUT). Washington D.C.
Crompton, H. (2010). Creating Podcasts for the Mathematics Classroom. Poster session at the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Denver, CO.
Crompton, H. (2010). Get Out on a Digitally Enhanced Tour of Denver s Public Art. Two hour
workshop at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Denver, CO.
Crompton, H. (2009). Incorporating technology in math using interactive teaching tools.
Presentation and poster session at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC),
Washington, DC.
Davis, V., Crompton. H., Other educators (2009) iPhone/iTouch Birds of a Feather. Presented at
the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC.
McNeal, T., van't Hooft, M., & Crompton, H. (2009) Special Interest Groups: Mobile Learning.
Workshop at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Washington, DC.
Crompton, H. (2009). The incorporating of technology in the elementary math classroom. Invited
for a 3 hour workshop at the VIF International Education Conference: One World Grows Here. Raleigh,
North Carolina.
Crompton, H. (2009). The incorporating of technology in the elementary math classroom Invited
for a 3 hour workshop at the VIF International Education Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
Crompton, H. (2008). Practical ideas to make Math fun using Technology. Presented at the
National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), San Antonio, Texas. Attended by 200 people.
Crompton, H. (2012). The Use of Handheld and Mobile Devices in the Teaching and Learning of
Mathematics. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, IL.
Crompton, H., & Keane, J. (2011). Implementation of a One-to-One iPod Touch Program in a
Middle School. American Educational Research Associated Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Greene, J. A., Hutchison, L. A., Costa, L., & Crompton, H. (2011). The Role of Task Definitions
in Acquiring Science Conceptual Understanding Using a Computer-Based Learning Environment.
American Educational Research Associated Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Crompton, H. (2009). Borderless Learning: Using technology to inspire and connect classrooms
around the world. Presented at the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD),
Orlando Florida.
Crompton, H. (2007). Classroom Management Strategies. Invited presentation at the Visiting
International Faculty (VIF) Winter Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Crompton, H. (2007). International School-Sister Partnerships. Presentation at the Visiting
International Faculty (VIF) Spring Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Crompton, H., Hobbs, M, R., & Davis, J. (2011). QR Codes in Higher Education. Presented at the
Carolina Technology Consultants Fall Retreat. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Chapel Hill, NC.
Crompton, H., Bartels, J., & Lathan, J. (2011). 21st Century Digital Technologies. Presentated at
the South Eastern Association of Educational Studies (SEAES). At the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC.
Crompton, H. (2010). Authentic Math: Bringing Math into the Real World. Presented at the North
Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) State Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Crompton, H. (2010). How to Create Podcasts and Vodcasts to Dazzle Your Math Students.
Presented at the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) State Conference.
Greensboro, NC.
Crompton, H. (2009). Practical ideas to make math fun using technology. Presented at the North
Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM) State Conference. Greensboro, NC.
Crompton, H. (2009). Constructive ideas and projects to extend our high performing students in
mathematics, through the use of technology. Presented at the Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps
Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Crompton, H. (2009). Incorporating Technology into Mathematics: Projects to Motive your
Struggling Students. Presented at the Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps Conference, Greensboro,
Crompton, H. (2009). Supporting a culturally congruent classroom: Teaching African American
Males Math, through the use of technology. Presented at the Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps
Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Crompton, H. (2008). Bring math to life with technology. Presented at the North Carolina Council of
Teachers of Mathematics State Conference. Attended by 400 people.
Crompton, H. (2011). Podcasts and Vodcasts for the classroom. Invited presentation at the
EduTech Conference, Toledo, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2011). Technology in the K-2 math Classroom. Invited presentation at the
EduTech Conference, Toledo, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (Invited to present 2011). Technology enhancing the teaching and learning of 3rd-
5th grade mathematics. Invited presentation at the EduTech Conference, Toledo, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Using technology to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in
the K-2 classroom. Invited presentation at the EduTech Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Crompton, H. (2010). Using technology to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in
the 3-5 classroom. Invited presentation at the EduTech Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Crompton, H. (2010). Podcasts and Vodcasts for teaching and learning. Invited presentation at
the EduTech Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Crompton, H. (2010). Nings and Twitter for Teachers. Invited presentation at the EduTech
Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
Crompton, H. (2010). Using technology to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in
the K-2 classroom. Invited presentation at the EduTech Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Using technology to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in
the 3-5 classroom. Invited presentation at the EduTech Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Podcasts and Vodcasts for teaching and learning. Invited presentation at
the EduTech Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Crompton, H., Goldstein, C., Keane, J., & Lathan, J. (2010). Lead facilitator. K-12 Teacher
Translational Session. CHAT (Collaborations: Humanities, Arts & Technology) Festival. University of
North Carolina Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC.
Anderson, J., Bolick, C., Crompton, H., Oliver, K., & Young, C., (2010). K-12 Teacher
Translational Session. CHAT (Collaborations: Humanities, Arts & Technology) Festival. University of
North Carolina Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC.
Crompton, H. (2010). Using Vodcasts and Podcasts in the math classroom. CHAT (Collaborations:
Humanities, Arts & Technology) Festival. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill,
Crompton, H. (2010). Technology in the K-2 math Classroom. Invited presentation at the
EduTech Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Technology in the 3-5 math Classroom. Invited presentation at the EduTech
Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Crompton, H. (2010). Podcasts and Vodcasts: Join the multimedia revolution. Invited
presentation at the EduTech Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.
Manuscript Reviewer. Invited to review submissions for the Computers and Internet Applications in
Education (CIAE) SIG for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Educational Research Association
Manuscript Reviewer. Accepted to review submissions for Division C Section 3 Mathematics, 2012
Annual Meeting of the Educational Research Association (AERA).
Manuscript Reviewer. Journal for the Research Center for Educational Technology. Kent State
University. 2010- Present
Manuscript Reviewer. The Urban Review. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill,
NC. 2009- Present
Committee Member ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Membership
committee 2012 - 2013
Elected Officer, SIGML (Special Interest Groups: Mobile Learning). ISTE (International Society for
Technology in Education) SIGML 2010 - 2012
Portfolio Evaluator. Elon University School of Education. Elon, NC. 2010, 2011, 2012
Committee Member. SIGML (Special Interest Groups: Mobile Learning). ISTE (International Society
for Technology in Education) SIGML 2009- 2010
Committee Member. International Committee. ISTE (International Society for Technology in
Education). 2009- Present
Committee Member and Moderator Education Research Symposium. University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. 2010
Manuscript Reviewer. ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Reviewing research
paper proposals for ISTE 2010 conference. 2009- 2010
Committee Member Creating global content in the SCoS. Visiting International Faculty, Chapel Hill. 2010
EdgeHill University England FDG109 Extending Subject Knowledge in ICT
EDUC 519 Senior Seminar. 2012
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
EDUC 518 Student Teaching In Elementary Grades. 2012
EDUC 523 (Guest Instructor). Emergent Math 2012
INTS 290-003 (Guest Instructor). Intercultural Education in K-
12 Classrooms. 2011
EDUC 514 Senior Seminar/Practicum. 2011
EDUC416 Curriculum Integration: Science, Math and
Technology. 2011
EDUC629 English Language Learners: Issues for Practitioners.
EDUC 535 UNC BEST program. (Guest Instructor). The
School of Education. 2010
Carolina Teaching Fellows. (Guest Instructor). The School of
Education. 2010
EDUC415 (Guest Instructor). Culture, Society, and Teaching.
Invited to both sections. 2010
EDUX 727.957 (Guest Instructor). Topics in Algebra. 2010
EDUC512 (Guest Instructor). Math Methods for Elementary
Teachers. 2009
Brooks-Young, S. Crompton, H., & Ramos, Y. (2012). Incorporating mobile learning into STEM
curricula. Niemes Elementary School of Environmental Science and Technology ABC Unified
School District Cerritos, CA.
Crompton, H., Fitzjarrald, & V. Olszewski, B. (2012). Incorporating mobile learning into STEM
curricula. Williamson Country School District (9 middle schools), Franklin, TN.
Crompton, H. (2012). Incorporating mobile learning into STEM curricula. Riverside Middle
School Garfield School District New Castle, CO.
Brooks-Young, S. & Crompton, H. (2012). Incorporating mobile learning into STEM curricula.
Hartford Middle School Canton City Schools, Canton, OH.
Crompton, H. (2011). Interactive White Boards. Invited by Carolina Friends School. Chapel Hill,
Crompton, H. (2010). Podcasts and Vodcasts for Learning. Invited by Carolina Friends School.
Chapel Hill, NC.
Crompton, H. (2010). Technology working for Education. 2 hour webinar invited by the Virtual
Community Schools of OH.
Crompton, H. (2010). 21st Century teaching and learning. Invited 7 hour workshop for
international teachers. Invited by the Visiting International Faculty. Durham, NC.
Brubaker C, & Crompton, H. (2009). Teaching in the U.S.: Preparing for success. Invited one day
workshop for international teachers coming to teach in various states across America. Durham,
Crompton, H. (2008). Practical ideas to incorporate technology into the K-2 classroom. Invited by
Burlington School District, NC.
Crompton, H. (2008). Practical ideas to incorporate technology into the 3-7 classroom. Invited by
Burlington School District, NC.
Crompton, H. (2008). How to make math fun using technology. Invited presentation for Graduate
students at Elon University, NC.
Crompton, H. (2008). How to make math fun using technology. Invited presentation for teachers
in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District, NC
Crompton, H. (2007). Hands On Science. Invited workshop at University of North Carolina-
Greensboro. Undergraduate 4 hour workshop, NC.
Crompton, H. ( 2007). Cultural differences in teaching. Invited by A Society for Intercultural
Education, Training and Research (SIETAR-NC).
Brubaker, C. & Crompton, H. (2007). International School-Sister Partnerships. Greensboro, NC.
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE)
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Fraternity
Kappa Delta Phi Honor Society