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Design Project

Chicago, IL
January 04, 2013

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Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. *

Current Address: Office Phone: 312-***-****

*** * ******** ******, ***. #2F Mobile Phone: 312-***-****

Chicago, IL 60622 E-mail:

Current Positions:

2005 - Associate Professor of Design Anthropology, School of Art + Design,

University of Illinois at Chicago

2005 - Associate Director, City Design Center, University of Illinois at Chicago

Former Positions:

2005-6 Managing Director, Design for Democracy

2003-5 Sr. Experience Planner, Arc Worldwide, a Leo Burnett/Publicis Company

1999- Sr. Experience Modeler, Sapient Corporation.


Education and Training:

1999 Doctor of Philosophy and Masters in Arts in Anthropology. Department of

Anthropology. Stanford University. Stanford, California.

1994 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology. Magnum cum laude. Department of

Anthropology. Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr, PA, USA.

Design Management Projects:

UIC Design and Governmentality/Design for Democracy

2007-8 IRS Design Management Project: Consultant on corporate identity guidelines.

2006-8 PI for research and design strategy for Cook County Bureau of Health

Services on Patient Billing and Payment Policy implementation.

2006 PI and research instructor for UIC AD411 Graphic Design Practicum for

creating resources for emergency and evacuation design planning.

2005 Developed plan for $680,000.00+ contract to design the national best

practices in ballot design, polling place signage, and national voter registration

form for Election Assistance Commission.

2005 PI for ballot design standards for the Voluntary Voting Standards Guideline for

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

2005 PI and research instructor for UIC AD411 Graphic Design Practicum, creating

the holistic Design for Democracy identity and brand experience.

2005 Proposal creator and client partner for Emergency and Evacuation design

planning project at Parson s School of Design for Design for Democracy.

2004 Design research instructor for graphic design course in emergency and

evacuation maps at San Francisco Art Academy for Design for Democracy

Select Projects Arc Worldwide

2003-5 PI for global web strategy and design including client s intranet portal for

NTGI, PFS, and future vision; wealth management portal; client information

services application; and two external website redesigns. Client: Northern

Trust Global Investments

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 2

2004-5 PI for intranet portal strategy for US Army Reserve including define content,

information architecture, technological features, user interactions, and portal

page layout. Client: United States Army Reserve

2004 Co-PI for $200 million Army re-competition. Conceived and designed strategy

to develop online planning portal for performance metric data visualization,

persona-based storytelling, online concept testing, and blog-based research.

Client: United States Army

2004 Personal style jewelry selector application and multi-channel (web, kiosk, PDA)

strategy. Conceived and conducted ethnographic research and interaction

design of personal style jewelry selection application. Client: Zales

2004 Pharmaceutical Internet User Strategy and Branding Project. Developing

website architecture and branding strategy for a pharmaceutical company.

Client: Fujisawa


2002 Hi and Lo Broadband Video and the Organizational Communication,

Collaboration, and Learning Experience. Interactive visioning project for sales

and customer training. Client: Cisco Systems.

2001-2 Internet Technology Adoption among Insurance Salespersons. Interdisciplinary

user centered project based on the Insurance agent s business cycle and

attitudes toward process automation. Clients: Mutual of Omaha, Kemper

Insurance, Allstate Financial

2001 The Voting Experience. Ethnographic research and opportunity mapping

project for the Illinois Voter Experience Redesign Initiative. Client: VERI

2001 Male Grooming and Hair Care Experience. User research, branding, and

marketing project for home and personal care company. Client: Unilever

2000 Media Convergence and Animated Content Experiences of 8-12 years old

Girls. Developed experience model, business case, and marketing plan for an

original multi-channel (TV, Internet, and Game Console) creative property.

Client: Sapient

2000 Mobile Phone Shopping, Use, and Maintenance in Everyday Life. Strategic

global user centered design project for major mobile phone manufacturer.

Client: Nokia

1999 Community in Corporations Experience. Research project on the development

of community in corporations. In phase II, developed tool to access and

enhance the experience of community for mid-sized companies. Client:


Academic Anthropological Research:

2000 Preliminary research on the use of the Internet in Chicago Public Libraries.

1996-8 Dissertation Research, Travelogue of a Multi-National Nation: Ethiopian

Tourism, Development and Racially-Structured Ethnic Identity. Sponsored by

National Science Foundation Dissertation Grant.

1995 Preliminary summer research for dissertation on tourism, development, and

racially- structured ethnic identity in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Sponsored by Mellon Predissertation Summer Fieldwork Grant.

1994 Follow up research on sex work and female phone sex workers in

Philadelphia, PA. Sponsored by Leiberman Fellowship. Stanford University.

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 3

Stanford, CA.

1994-3 Fieldwork on phone sex culture for A.B. Honors thesis. Sponsored by Bryn

Mawr College Department of Anthropology.

1993 Summer research on Kenyan Street Children and Musical Expression

Sponsored by Dorothy Nepper Marshall Fellowship.

Teaching Experience:

2007 AD418 Anthropologically-based research methods for art and design (available

on Podcast).

2007 AD502 Seminar in Contemporary Theory: Art/Design and Governmentality.

Course exploring the problematization and materiality of governance through

the theories of Michel Foucault.

2006 AD418 Anthropologically-based research methods for art and design.

2006 AD411 Graphic Design Practicum for creating resources for emergency and

evacuation design planning.

2005 AD411 Graphic Design Practicum for developing corporate identity for Design

For Democracy organization.

2005 AD502 Seminar in Contemporary Theory: Design Anthropology. Course

exploring the theories of anthropology as applied to art and design.

2004 Doing Analysis: Training in User Research and Design. Guest lecture for Susan

Verba s GR429 Information Design, San Francisco Academy of Art University,

San Francisco, CA.

2004 Introduction to Research: Training in User Research and Design. Guest lecture

for Susan Verba s GR429 Information Design, San Francisco Academy of Art

University, San Francisco, CA.

2004 Design Planning in the New and Post New Economy: From the Ideology to the

Praxis of User Experience. Guest lecture for Melissa Fisher s Anthropology

and the New Economy Course, Columbia University, NYC, NY.

2003 Research and Analysis Methodologies: Disenfranchised Voter Project. Co-

teacher with Marcia Lausen first half of AD411 Graphic Design Practice, UIC,

Chicago, IL. Design for Democracy Project.

2001 Research Techniques in User-Centered Design: Visual Stories. Guest lecture

for Marcia Lausen s AD411 Graphic Design Practice, UIC, Chicago IL. Design

for Democracy Project.

2002 Ethnographic methods in human computer interface design. Guest lecture for

HCI 445 course, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Lesson plan now part of the

permanent curriculum.

2002 User Experience Learning Modules Ethnographically-based research and

design Sapient.

2001 XMod training Anthropological concepts as it relates to experience modeling

2001 Sapient training, Accessing and using the XMod Library database in

Filemaker Pro 5.0.

2000 XMod training Using Modes, Activities, and Tasks for multidisciplinary

process analysis Sapient.

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 4


Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2008. Design Anthropology: What does it mean for your design

practice?, Adobe Design Center Think Tank. May 13, 2008.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2007. What if Uncle Sam Wanted You? Open Manifesto. Vol. 4. (5

pages). Reprinted.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2007. What if Uncle Sam Wanted You?. Design Observer.

November 1, .

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2007. Mapping the Design Policy Landscape, SEEDesign Bulletin

(5): 3-6. Cardiff, Wales: Design Wales.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2006. Reframing American Democracy: the role of research in the

interpretation of election design artifacts, Design Research Society 2006

International Conference Proceedings, Lisbon, Portugal. London: Design

Research Society. Paper 036.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2006. The Yin and Yang of Ethnographic Praxis in Industry 2006

Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC) Proceedings, Portland

Oregon. Berkeley, CA. National Association for the Practice of

Anthropology/University of California Press. pp. 125 137.

Tunstall, Elizabeth and Stephanie Munson. 2006. Industrial Design Graduate

Education: Identity Finding, 2006 IDSA Education Symposium Conference

Proceedings, Austin, TX. Arlington, VA: IDSA. pp. 181 191.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2006. Rebranding Anthropology: Does anthropology have a

branding problem? Anthropology News 47 (8):17. Washington, D.C.:

American Anthropological Association.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2006. The Role of Design in Governance and Democracy Marshall

Memorial Fellowship Alumni Newsletter, Fall/Winter 2006. Washington, D.C.:

German Marshall Fund.

Tunstall, Elizabeth. 2002. The Value of User Experience: Reducing Business and

Technological Risks Sapient Corp. Electronic Pulse Whitepaper, 02/04/02.

Unpublished Manuscripts:

Tunstall, Elizabeth. In Design We Trust: Democratic Values, Design, and Civic

Experience. To be submitted to MIT Press in Nov. 2008.

Select Invited Presentations and Workshops:

2008 Community and Technology, Invited 2-day lecture and workshop for Dr.

Meredith Davis s Interaction Design Master s Studio Workshops at North

Carolina State University.

2007 Anthropology, Design and Govermentality, Invited NAPA session at AAA

Meetings, Washington D.C. on December 30.

2007 In Design We Trust, Invited peer-reviewed presentation at International

Associations for Design Research Societies in Hong Kong on November 14.

2007 Designing Experiences of Civic Engagement: A Design Archaeology of

American Governance, Invited workshop at NeoCom East in Baltimore,

Maryland on October 17.

2007 Yin Yang of Design and Anthropology, Invited focus session at NEXT: 2007

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 5

AIGA National Conference in Denver, Colorado on October 12.

2007 In Designo Nos Fidus, Invited presentation at International Design Forum Ulm

Designing Politics programme in Ulm, Germany on Sept. 20-21.

2007 Values/Design/Experience, Invited keynote presentation at IRS for Design

Management Project Celebration on July 27.

2006 Design +Governmentality. Invited presentation at 2006 World Usability Day

Chicago, sponsored by Usability Professionals Association. Chicago, IL.

2006 Design Anthropology Methodologies, workshop co-facilitator, American

Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C. Invited workshop by

National Association for the Practice of Anthropology.

2006 Rebranding Anthropology II, workshop facilitator, American Anthropological

Association Meetings, Washington, D.C. Invited workshop to present by

National Association for the Practice of Anthropology.

2007 Reframing American Democracy: the Role of research in the interpretation of

election design artifacts. Presentation delivered at the Wonderground 2006

Design Research Society Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

2006 The Yin and Yang of Seduction and Production: Social transitions of

ethnography between seductive play and productive force in Industry.

Presentation delivered at the 2nd Annual Ethnographic Praxis in Industry

Conference 2006 in Portland, Oregon.

2006 Identity Finding in Industrial Design. Presentation delivered at the 2006 IDSA

National Education Conference in Austin, Texas.

2005 Anthropology Re-Branding Campaign. Presentation delivered at the 2005

American Anthropological Association Meetings in Washington, D.C.

2005 Working with a Net Designing for Disaster. Panelist for main stage

presentation at 2005 AIGA Design Conference in Boston, MA.

2004 Design for Democracy: Engaging the Government and Citizens in Design

Multimedia presentation (with Marcia Lausen and George Slavik) delivered at

the 2004 About, With, and For Conference in Chicago, IL.

2004 D4D No Exit: Polling Place Signage, Wayfinding, and the Voting Experience

Presentation delivered to the Design Institute, University of Minnesota,

Minneapolis, MN.

2004 Polling Place and the Voting Experience Official testimony delivered to the

Election Assistance Commission, National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) in Washington, D.C.

2004 In Design We Trust: Design Planning and the Challenge of Design as Praxis

Presentation delivered to the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology

in Chicago, IL.

2004 UPA Voting Usability Workshop Key participant in UPA workshop to develop

guidelines for voting usability and design at the 2004 Usability Professional

Association Meetings in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

2004 In Design We Trust Paper delivered at the 2004 Society for Applied

Anthropology Meetings in Dallas, Texas.

Professional Ethnography Lunch discussion facilitator for the 6th Annual


Student Ethnography Conference in Evanston, IL.

2003 Ethnography as Fetish Multimedia presentation delivered at the 2003

American Anthropological Association Meetings in Chicago, IL.

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 6

2003 Design for Democracy: Tales from the Front Panelist at the 2003 AIGA

National Conference in Vancouver, Canada.


Designs for Life Exhibit, Jan 10- Feb 28. Museum of Science and Industry.


Chicago, IL. International showcase of 40 black designers of which I am the

only design anthropologist whose people and process tools are exhibited.

Awards, Honors, and Fellowships:

2007 Sappi: Ideas that Matter Grant of $49,780.00 for CCBHS project.

2007 IFG Ulm Designing Politics Grant, one of 8 short-listed candidates.

2006 UIC College of Art and Architecture Research Prize.

2005-6 American Marshall Memorial Fellow, German Marshall Fund

1998-9 Mellon Dissertation Write-up Fellowship

1997-8 National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Grant, SPO #SBR-


1995 Mellon Predissertation Summer Fieldwork Grant for Official Tourism Policies

in Ethiopia

1995 FLAS (Foreign Language and Area Studies) Summer Fellowship for

intermediate language training in Amharic at the University of Addis Ababa.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

1995 National Science Foundation Predissertation Fellowship to pursue graduate

studies at Stanford University.

Administrative and Committee Work:

2007-9 Member of the College of Architecture and the Arts Curriculum Committee.

2007-9 AIGA National Design Education Committee Steering Group.

2007-8 Graduate advisor for the Industrial Design Area.

2007 AdHoc committee member on Young Professionals/Emerging leader strategy,

Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

2006 - Advisory board member, Design Anthropology Program exploration

committee, Wayne State University.

2006-7 Industrial design faculty search committee, Linda Bracamontes, chair.

2006-7 Design history faculty search committee, Robert Munman, chair.

2005-8 AD502 Contemporary design theory programming committee member.

2005 - Design disciplines MFA Curriculum rewrite co-chair with Philip Burton

2005 Graphic design faculty search committee, Tony Tasset, chair.

2001-4 Board of Directors, Design for Democracy, Research Director

2004 Vice President, Chicago Association for the Practice of Anthropology

Reviewing Service:

2007 Tenure papers outside reviewer, Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel,

College of Design, University of Minnesota..

2007 Manuscript Reviewer, Left Coast Press for book on Anthropology and

Consumer Research.

2007 Manuscript Reviewer, MIT Pres for book on design research theory and

Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall, Ph.D. 7


2007 Conference proposal reviewer, 2007 Ethnographic Praxis in Industry


2007 Conference proposal reviewer, IASDR (International Association of Societies of

Design Research) Conference.

Referee for Kybernetes journal, a leading journal in the field of systems and



Referee for Design Studies journal, the official journal of the Design Research



2005-7 Leader of Rebranding Anthropology Project, National Association for the

Practice of Anthropology Special Interest Group.

2006 Conference proposal reviewer, 2006 Ethnographic Praxis in Industry


2006 Conference proposal reviewer, Usability Professionals Association 2007

Annual Conference.

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