A j i t Pa u l Si n g h
Edmonton, Alberta
T6V 1B9
780-***-**** (Home)
780-***-**** (School)
University of Alberta
2001 2003
Edmonton, Alberta
M.Sc. Candidate Computing Science
Thesis title: What to do when you don t have much data: Issues in small sample parameter learning in Bayesian
Advisor: Dr. Russell Greiner
University of Alberta
1997 - 2001
Edmonton, Alberta
B.Sc. (Honors) Computing Science (with First Class Honors)
Archbishop MacDonald High School
1994 - 1997
Edmonton, Alberta
International Baccalaureate Diploma
Advanced High School Diploma (with excellence)
Selected awards
Award Type Period Held
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship A $34,600 National 2001-2003
iCORE Postgraduate Fellowship $24,000 Provincial 2001-2003
Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship $8,100 Institutional 2001-2003
Burroughs-Wellcome CBW Bursary $1,200 National 2002
World Universities Debating Championship: 1st place Public n/a International 2002-2003
CUSID Debate Championships (Public Speech Finalist) n/a National 2002
CUSID Debate Championships (4th place - Debate Speech) n/a National 2002
CUSID Debate Championships (Quarter-Finalist Debate) n/a National 2002
NSERC University Undergraduate Student Research Award $4,000 National Summer 2001
Faculty of Science Award $2,000 Institutional 2001
Dean s Silver Medal in Science n/a Institutional 2001
Terence Holowach Memorial Prize $500 Institutional 2000
Judith Lynn Millar Memorial Scholarship $2,500 Institutional 1999
University of Alberta Undergraduate Scholarship $750 Institutional 1998
Harvey S. Perkins Academic Excellence Scholarship $2,000 Institutional 1997
Millar Western Entrance Scholarship $2,500 Institutional 1997
International Baccalaureate Scholarship $500 Institutional 1997
Faculty of Engineering Entrance Scholarship $2,000 Institutional 1997
William Crotty Memorial Leadership Scholarship $1,000 Institutional 1997
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship $1,500 Provincial 1997
Research Experience Canadian dollars
All award values reported in
Research Assistant
Jan 2002
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Alberta
Dec 2002 All award values reported in Canadian dollars
(part-time) Supervisor: Dr. Robert Holte
Study of methods for comparing the estimated performance of a search heuristic. Developed a novel tree sampling
algorithm that avoids the high computational and domain knowledge requirements of previous methods.
Research Assistant
May 2001
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Alberta / Chenomx Inc.
Aug 2001
(full-time) Supervisor: Dr. Russell Greiner
Design and development of a system to diagnose inherited metabolic diseases from the NMR spectra of biofluids.
Also responsible for eliciting expert knowledge, sensitivity analysis, and model validation. Coordinated research
with Chenomx Inc.
Lead Developer
May 2000
Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Canada
Aug 2000
(full-time) Supervisor: Dr. Barrie Leach
Responsible for the development of a real-time Kalman filtering navigation system. Developed real-time
architecture based on proven offline models. Implemented and wrote C++ filtering environment. Implemented data
preprocessor and physical interface to inertial navigation hardware. Responsible for project hardware choices.
Research Assistant
May 1999
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Alberta
Aug 1999
(full-time) Supervisor: Dr. Ren e Elio
Research assistant in the area of multi-agent communication. Implemented and developed an interactive search
agent to test and further study the theories of Drs. Ren e Elio and Afsaneh Haddadi pertaining to an abstract task
model: a conversation policy and task model to support cooperation in a community of agents. Significant use of the
PRS-CL environment and LISP.
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant
Jan 2001
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
Apr 2001
(part-time) Supervisor: Dr. Ren e Elio Course: CMPUT 652
Developed and presented in-lab instructional material for graduate course in multi-agent coordination. Jointly
developed a major assignment with the instructor. Solely responsible for marking said assignment.
Teaching Assistant
Sep 2000
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
Dec 2000
(part-time) Supervisor: Mr. Stef Nychka Course: CMPUT 114
Taught weekly laboratory session of 20-25 students in Java programming. Responsible for assignment grading and
one-on-one tutorials.
Teaching Assistant
Sep 1999
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
Dec 1999
(part-time) Supervisor: Dr. Hong Zhang Course: CMPUT 229
Taught weekly laboratory session of 8 students in computer architecture (using Motorola 68000 assembly). Duties
included marking assignments and exams.
1. Refereed Contributions
Elio, R., Haddadi, A., & Singh, A . (2000). Abstract task specifications for conversation policies. In Proceedings of
the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pp. 229-230. Barcelona, Spain.
Elio, R., Haddadi, A., & Singh, A . (2000). Task models, intentions, and agent communication. In R. Mizoguchi & J.
Slaney (Eds.) PRICAI-2000 Topics in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1886.
pp. 394-403. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
2. Non Refereed Contributions
Singh, A., Greiner, R., Dorian V., Lefebvre, B. (2002) Automated diagnosis of IEMs using high-throughput NMR
spectroscopy. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB-02). Poster.
Singh A. (2000) Implementation of a Real-Time Kalman Filtering Navigation System. Technical Report FR-132.
Singh A. (1999) Directions in BDI Architectures. 23 pp. (B.Sc. Independent Study)
President Computing Science Graduate Students Association (2002-2003)
Reviewer International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (2002)
Developer Web-based review system for ISMB (2002)
Mentor Faculty of Science Student Mentor Program (1999-2000)
Student representative Students Union Academic Affairs Board (1998-2000)
Student representative Students Union Internal Review Board (1998-1999)
Student representative Students Union Awards Selection Committee (1999)
Internal Director University of Alberta Debate Club (1997-2000)
62nd Annual Hon. John Hugill Cup Debate (1998)
Tournament Director
Tournament Director Sir Winston Churchill Speech Competition (1997)
Writer, Presenter University of Alberta Student Academic Orientation (1999)
Memberships and Conferences
Member Golden Key National Honours Society (1998-2000) Member
Student Member American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
Attendee NIPS 2001, UAI 2002
Attendee, Student Volunteer AAAI 2002, ISMB 2002
Student Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop in Proteomics (2002)
Student Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop in Genomics (2002)
Programming Languages
Fluent: C, C++ (with STL), Java, Motorola 68000 assembly, PRS-CL (multi-agent environment)
Practical experience with Lisp, Prolog, R, Perl, Lex & Yacc, Pascal, dMARS (multi-agent environment),
Development experience on Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows NT platforms