Senior looking for part time work (Ventura County)
Date: 2012-11-27, 10:57AM ************@*******.***
I am self employed I have a good appearance, and excellent public relations and experience.
I can offer outside facility for serving your needs My driving record is clean Have about a lot of miles of
experience. I am reliable and a good worker. You may use me as an outside service I have all insurance auto,health,and life. NO computer selling or cold canvas. H.S. + 2 1/2 years technical training. IBM 2 level
mgr. I would like an average of 15 hrs. a week please. More is a plus. Semi intelligent and adaptable.
Is there not a person or company who can use a part timer who is able and ready to work. Can't lift 100 pounds but am not
lazy! . Been there and in most cases done that. I am an excellent judge of scam and BS. Deleted a hundred
of you jerks. Please contact me @ 805-****-**** (land) I am in Oxnard.
805-***-**** cell