Christopher DeFazio
Email: *********@********.***
Address: *** *. ****** **.
City: Edgerton
State: KS
Zip: 66021
Country: USA
Phone: 785-***-****
Skill Level: Entry
Salary Range: $35,000
Primary Skills/Experience:
See Resume
Educational Background:
See Resume
Job History / Details:
Christopher D. DeFazio
203 E. Nelson St.
Edgerton Ks. 66021
Objective: Seeking a company to apply my skills in, Customer Service & Sales, for an aggressive company with a mission for the 21st century.
Vangent, Inc. / 1-800-MEDICARE
April 2004 - Sept. 2012
Advanced Resolution Customer Rep. III
Acting Senior Rep.
Trained in all lines of business Part A, Part B, Durable Medical Equipment, Written Correspondence, Medicare Benefits Specialist, and TTY Operator.
The Advanced Resolution Center only handled the toughest cases from Congressional Inquiries, Casework from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Premium Issues, Special Projects for CMS, Oxygen, Prescription Drug Plan issues, Medicare Advantage Plan issues, made 3-way calls to various agencies ie; SSA, providers, suppliers, to any 3rd Party in order to provide a resolution for a Medicare Beneficiary.
Century Homes Inc.
Jan. 2001 - Aug. 2003
Purchasing Agent
Purchased all items for light commercial building projects except lumber and windows.
Worked with vendors and contractors on all purchases for budget and cost effectiveness.
Facilitated all deliveries of goods to all project sites.
Can read blueprints.
Des Moines Area Community College
Tulsa Jr. College
Available on demand.