Professor of Soil/Environmental Chemistry
Dean of the School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Home Address: **** ******* *****, *.*., Huntsville, AL 35810-3614; 256-***-****
Work Address: School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 300 Dawson Bldg., Alabama
A&M University, Normal, AL 35762; 256-***-****/ Fax: 256-***-****; E-mail:
College: Ph.D. Soil Chemistry - Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
M.S. Soil Microbiology - Michigan State University, East Lansing,
MI., 1970-1973
B.S. Agronomy (High Honors) Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, AL
2006 Director of NSF/CREST Center for Forest Ecosystems Assessment (CFEA)
1990-2006 Professor of Soil/ Environmental Chemistry and Director of Center for
Environmental Research and Training (CERT), Alabama A&M
University, Normal, AL,
2001-2002. Acting Deputy Division Director for Biological Infrastructure, Division
of Biological Infrastructure, National Science Foundation ( NSF )
Arlington, VA 22230
2000-2001 Rotating Visiting Scientist and Program Director for Research Experiences
For Undergraduates ( REU ) Sites and also Collaborative Research at
Undergraduate Institutions ( C-RUI ) at the National Science Foundation
( NSF )
1999-Pres. Professor of Soil/Environmental Chemistry and Director of CERT
and Program Manager for Integrated Environmental Research and
Services of the Research Institute ( IERS ), Alabama A&M University
Normal, AL
Sept. 1998 - Professor of Soil/Environmental Chemistry and Director of the
Center for Environmental Research and Training (CERT),
Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL 35762
Aug. 1997 - Professor and Interim Chairperson of the Department of Plant and
Aug. 1998 Soil Science and Director of the Center for Environmental
Research and Training (CERT), Alabama A&M University,
Normal, AL 35762
Oct. 1992 - Professor of Soil/Environmental Chemistry and Director of the
July 1997 Center for Environmental Research and Training (CERT),
Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL 35762
July 1981- Associate Professor of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition,
Sept. 1992 Alabama A&M University; Normal, AL 35762
Aug. 1979- Co-investigator on two research projects in the Department of
June 1981 Plant Science, Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
1. Use of Farm Manure and Sewage as Soil Amendments in the
Growth of Corn and Sorghum.
a. Assisted in field plot establishment, maintenance and
observation of corn and sorghum, also application of
sewage sludge and beef cattle manure.
b. Laboratory analyses of soil samples for available
phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium
and DTPA extractable copper, zinc, cadmium and nickel.
c. Planning of graduate student and chemist work for soil
analyses (organic matter, total nitrogen, ammonium and
nitrate nitrogen, conductivity and plant tissue analysis).
2. Herbicide performance and efficiency under conventional
and no-tillage soybean systems.
a. Assisted in the application of herbicides, in soil sampling
and in the establishment and observation of conventional
and no-tillage soybeans.
b. Assisted in taking plant height, plant population and
lodging data. Also assisted in harvesting and threshing of
July 2-6, Bahamas Delegate to the Founding Conference of the Caribbean
1978 Council for Science and Technology. (Port of Spain, Trinidad and
1978-1979 Coordinator of Research: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Local Government; Nassau, Bahamas.
1977-1979 Senior Research Agronomist/Soil Scientist
Bahamas Agricultural Research, Training and Development
Project - A Joint USAID-Bahamas Government Project, San
Andros, Andros Island, Bahamas
Conducted Research on: Crops and Soils
a. Variety trials on germplasm from CIMMYT
b. Seed increase and field testing of selected varieties
a. Variety trials on germplasm from CIAT
Irish Potato
a. Fertilizer trial on Red La Soda variety
Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan)
a. Seed increase and performance evaluation of selected high
yielding cultivar (Paraguay N-3)
Temperate and tropical pasture legumes
a. N-P-K fertilizer experiment on alfalfa, desmodium, siratro
and glycine
a. Variety trial
Leucaena (K-8 type)
a. Performance evaluation and seed production for distribution
to countries needing germplasm
- Initiated pioneer work on the chemistry and fertility of Bahamian
soils collected from selected islands in the Bahamas archipelago.
- Investigated the available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium,
potassium and sodium status of both virgin and cultivated soils
and soil physical properties.
- Determined pH, conductivity (salt content), phosphorus
adsorption capability and phosphorus fractionation (i.e. Ca-P, Al-P,
Fe-P, etc.) of virgin and cultivated soils.
- Engaged in extension work with farmers around research station
and when visiting other islands to collect soil samples.
- Taught agricultural courses to junior high and high school
agricultural teachers during the summer in 1978 and 1979.
1970-1977 Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
1963-1967 Agricultural Trainee, Ministry of Agriculture
Chippingham Research Station
Nassau, Bahamas
Soil Chemistry - SPS 460/560 D (Alabama A&M University-Currently)
Instrumental Techniques - SPS 505 G (Alabama A&M University-Currently)
Advanced Soil Chemistry-SPS 750 G (Alabama A&M University-Currently)
Soil Fertility & Fertilizers-SPS 450 U (Alabama A&M University-Currently)
Mineral Nutrition of Plants-SPS 560 G (Alabama A&M University-1981-2000)
Soil, Plant & Water Analysis-SPS 470/570 D (Alabama A&M University-Currently)
Soil & Water Pollution-SPS 472/572 D (Alabama A&M University-1982, 1996)
Chemistry of Toxic Substances-SPS 451/551 D (Alabama A&M University-1990-2000)
Tropical Soils-SPS 454 U (Alabama A&M University-1982)
Introductory Plant Physiology U (Tennessee State University-1980)
Plant Growth Substances G (Tennessee State University-1980)
Soil Science U (BARTAD - 1977-1979)
Pasture Management U (BARTAD - 1977-1979)
Root Crops U (BARTAD - 1977-1979)
D = Dual level; G = Graduate level; U = Undergraduate level
1. Yaffa, Sidat. 2005. Relationships of Spectral Readings, Soil and Plant Tissue Total
N and P, and Dry Matter Yield of Forage Crops Grown on a Poultry Litter -A
Amended Soil.
2. Belvitt, B. 1998. Movement of Nitrate-N and Pesticide Under Different Tillage,
Organic Amendment and Cropping Systems in Decatur Silt Loam Soil.
1. Armstrong, Shalamar D. 2005. Comparison of Broadcast and Band Application
Of Poultry Litter on Cotton.
2. Ford, C. 1999. Effects of Dispersion and Moisture Content on Growth and
Colonization of Pseudomonas fluorescens HK 44.
3. Armstrong, F. 1996. Heavy Metal Uptake and Accumulation by Aquatic and
Wetland Plants (Received Ph.D from Oklahoma State University, 2003).
4. Cobb, G. 1995. (Non-thesis option).
5. Woldu, H. 1993. (Non-thesis option).
6. Mamo, M. 1992. Kinetics of Ammonium Sorption and Desorption by an Illitic
Aridisol and Some Clay Minerals. [Received Ph.D in Soil Chemistry/Fertility
from University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, 1997].
7. Lindo, P. 1991. Availability, Transformation, and Movement of Residual
Phosphate in Sludge-Treated Decatur Silty Clay Loam Soil. [Received Ph.D in
Soil Fertility/Chemistry from Auburn University, Alabama in 1997].
8. Hassan, K. 1990. Zinc Sorption by Some Benchmark Soils of Alabama.
(Received Ph.D. in Geology from University of Nebraska, 1995)
9. Xiu, He. 1989. Chemical Forms and Photoavailability of Heavy Metals from
Land Application of Sewage Sludge.
10. Ngewoh, Z. S. 1989. Cation Exchange Capacity, Exchangeable Cations
Determinations and Phosphate Chemistry Evaluation of Some Alabama
Benchmark Soils. [Received Ph.D in Soil Biochemistry from Iowa State
University, 1995].
11. Mehadi, A. A. 1988. Phosphate Status of Some North Alabama Soils.
[Received Ph.D in Soil Chemistry from University of New Hampshire, 1993].
Jaggernauth, M. 1988. Uptake of 15N by Algae and Their Evaluation as Plant -
Available Nitrogen Sources.
13. Ubi, M. W. 1987. Extractable Micronutrient Cations, Exchangeable Cations and
Cation Exchange Capacity of Acid Forest Soils. [Currently Ph.D student in
14. Ibeabuchi, I. O. 1987. Plant growth Response on and Heavy Metal
Accumulation from Some Central Alabama Acid Mine Spoils.
15. Williams, M. L. 1984. Tolerance of Soybean (Glycine max (L) merr.) and
Rhizobium japonicum to Low Phosphate - High Aluminum under Acid
Conditions. (Received Ph.D in Tropical Soil Science from North Carolina State
University in 1995).
Plant and Soil Science Department: No. of Students = 58
Other Departments: No. of Students = 9
a) Principal Investigator.
1. CREST: Center of Excellence in Forestry Ecosystem Assessment. 2004-2009. ( NSF-
CA: HRD-0420541 - $4.8M) [Pending approval by NSF Program Officer].
2. SGER: Effect of Soufriere Hills Volcanic Eruptions on the Plant and Soil .
Environment of Montserrat. 2004-2006 ( NSF-DBI-0441424 - $125,000 )
3. Acquisition of a Microwave Digester for Environmental Chemistry Research and
Education in AAMU 2003-2004 (USDA/NRI- $24,000)
4. Phosphorus Transformation in Poultry Litter Amended Soil: Phosphorus
Fractionation and Phosphorus Chemistry. 2003-2005 (USDA/CSREES- $181-300
per year)
5. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Metal Retention/Release in Geochemical
Processes in Soils. 1996-1999 (Agency USDOE - $361,788).
6. Mechanism(s) of Metal Adsorption/Desorption/Precipitation in Geochemical
Processes in Soils. 1995- (USDA/CSREES $45,000 per year).
7. Alabama A&M's Hanford Environmental Science and Engineering Consortium
Project. 1994-1996 (Agency USDOE - $192,002).
8. Student Traineeships in Water Science Area of Environmental Science. 1993.
(Agency: EPA - $75,000).
9. Strengthening the Research and Training in Environmental Science. 1992.
(Agency: NSF/RIMI - $384,338).
10. Pesticide Transport in Relation to Tillage Practices and Organic Matter. 1991-
(Agency: USDA/Capacity Building Grant - $224,134).
11. Use of Indigenous Phosphate Rocks for Aluminum-Tolerant Cultivars in
Humid-Tropical Soils. 1991- (Agency: USAID/HBCU - $100,000).
12. Fundamental Investigation of Nitrogen Fixation by Microalgal Biofertilizers.
1986-1987. (Agency: DOE - Battelle PNL - $100,000).
13. Greenhouse and Field Testing of Selected Soybean-Rhizobium Combinations
for Tolerance to Low P-High Al. 1986-1991. (Agency: USDA/CSRS - $50,000 per
14. Geographic Variation in Chemical Properties of New England Forest Soils. 1984-
1987. (Agency: Forest Service - $60,000 per year).
15. Evaluation of Surface Mining and Reclamation on the Water Resource in
Central, Alabama. 1981-1985. (Agency: Forest Service - $60,000).
16. A Study of Soybean and Rhizobia Tolerance to Low Phosphorus - High
Aluminum in Acid Soils. 1981-1985 (Agency: USDA/CSRS - $50,000 per year).
b) Co-Investigator
1. The Fate of P in Poultry Litter-Amended Soils Under Different Management
Practices in Long-Term Plots. 2002-2006 (USDA/CSREES- $ 84,000 per year)
2. Trace and Nutrient Element Chemistry in Oxide-Rich Soils of Alabama 2002-2006
(USDA/CSREES- $73,000)
3. Use of Winter Annual Cover Crops to Reduce or Prevent Leaching of Soil
Nitrate Remaining at the End of Summer Growing Season. 1990-1991.
(Agency: AUTRC and TVA - $54,952).
4. Wood Ash Utilization in Fine Turf Liming and Fertilization. 1992. (Agency:
AUTRC and TVA - $20,000).
5. Evaluation of the Biotic Potential of Microorganisms and Higher Plants to
Enhance the Quality of Constructed Wetlands. 1991-1996. (Agency: DOI-OSM -
6. Field Sampling and Modeling of Contaminant Transport in the Vadose Zone
(Agency: USDA/Capacity Building Grant - $200,000).
7. Molecular Basis of Tolerance to Al Toxicity in Soybean (Agency: USDA/Capacity
Building Grant - $217,558).
8. Studying Efficiency of Constructed Residential Wetlands. 1995-1997. (Agency:
ADEM - $77,800)
9. Monitoring the Nitrate Levels of Ground Water in Madison Counties,
Alabama. 1995-1997. (Agency: ADEM - $47,000).
Alabama A&M University
-Department Faculty Promotions Committee (currently)
-Departmental Faculty Reappointment Committees (currently)
-Departmental Faculty Awards Committee (currently)
-Department Graduate Committee (currently)
-Department Recruiting Committee
-School Faculty Salary Supplement Committee, Chairperson (currently)
-School Research & Extension Committee
-School Publications Committee (currently)
-University Basic & Applied Science Committee, Chairman
-University Hazardous Waste Committee, Co-chair
-University Research Council
-University Library Committee (currently)
-University Academic Appeals Committee (currently)
-University Duplication of Courses Committee (currently)
Tennessee State University
-School Research
-Department Brochure
-Technologically - assisted Physical Science Program's Advisory
1964-1965: Full time Agricultural Trainee, Chippingham Experiment Station; Nassau,
Bahamas. (Nassau s Botanical Garden)
Refereed Journals.
1. I.A. Tazisong, I. A., Z.N. Senwo, and R.W. Taylor. 2005. Trends in Trace Elements
in an Ultisol Impacted by Long-Term Applied Broiler Litter. Bull. Environ.
Contam. Toxiocol. 75:975-981.
2. Tazisong,I.A., Z.N. Senwo, R. W. Taylor, M.O. Mbila, and Y.Wang. 2004.
Concentration and Distribution of Iron and Manganese Fractions in
Alabama Ultisols. Soil Science. 169:489-496.
3. Prochnow, L. I., S.H. Chien, R.W. Taylor, G. Carmona, J. Henao, and E.F. Dillard,
2003. Characterization and agronomic evaluation of single superphosphate
varying in iron phosphate impurities. Agron.J. 95:293-302
4. Prochnow, L.I., S.H. Chien, E.F. Dillard, E.R. Austin, G. Carmona, J. Henao, U.
Singh, R.W. Taylor. 2003. Synthesis characterization and agronomic evaluation of
iron phosphate impurities in superphosphate. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67: 1551-1563.
5. Shen, S., R.W. Taylor and S. Tu. 2002. Interactions of Enzymes with Clays and
Applications in bioremediation. In Soil Mineralogy with Environmental
Applications, Ch. 27. Joe B. Dixon and Darrell E. Schulze (Co-Ed). Soil Science
Society of America Book Series. No. 7. 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53711,
6. Senwo, Z. N., R. W. Taylor, and K. R. Sistani. 2003. Phosporus Distribution in Five
Highly Weathered Alabama Soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 34(1&2): 97-109.
7. Taylor, R. W., S. Shen. W. F. Bleam and S. Tu. 2000. Chromate Removal by
Dithionite-reduced Clays: Evidence from Direct XANES of Chromate Reduction
At Clay Surfaces. Clays and Clay Minerals 48 ( 6 ) : 648-654.
8. Shen, S., R. W. Taylor, H. Bart and S. Tu. 1999. Equilibrium and Spectroscopic
Studies of Lead Retention in Smectite. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 30 (19&
20), 2711-2730.
9. Senwo, Z. N., F. Archer, A. Manu, T. L. Coleman, and R.W. Taylor. 1998.
Comparative Assessment of DTPA and Mehlic 3 Extractable Metals in Poultry
Manure Amended Soil. J. Soil and Water Conservation. 52: 2 .
10. Taylor, R. W., P. V. Lindo, J. W. Shuford, D. C. Adriano and K. S. Sajwan. 1998.
Availability to Crops of Residual P from A Sludge-Treated Soil. J. Environ. Sci.
and Health, Part A. 33 (No. 6):1075-1090.
11. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays and R. W. Taylor. 1998. Development of Natural
Conditions in Constructed Wetlands; Biological and Chemical Changes. 1998.
Ecological Engineering. 12(1-2):125-131.
12. Xia, K., R. W. Taylor, W. F. Bleam, P. A. Helmke. 1998. The Distribution of Cu(II)
on Boehmite and Silica Surfaces: Correlating EPR Signal Loss With the Effective
Bohr Magneton Number of Sorbed Ions. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 199:77-82.
13. Xia, K., A. Mehadi, R. W. Taylor and W. F. Bleam. 1996. X-ray Absorption and
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Cu(II) Sorbed to Silica: Surface-
Induced Precipitation at Low Surface Coverage. J. Colloid and Interface Science.
14. Taylor, R. W., W. F. Bleam, and Shu-I Tu. 1996. On the Langmuir Phosphate
Adsorption Maximum. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 27(13&14), 2615-2623.
15. Taylor, R. W., H. Xiu, A. A. Mehadi, J. W. Shuford, and W. Tadesse. 1995.
Fractionation of Residual Cadmium, Copper, Nickel, Lead and Zinc in
Previously Sludge-Amended Soil. Commun. Soil Sci. & Plant Anal. 26(13&14),
16. Chien, S. H., R. G. Menon, R. W. Taylor, and K. R. Sistani. 1995. Evaluation of
Agronomic Effectiveness of Phosphate Rocks for Aluminum-Tolerant Soybean
Cultivars. Commun. Soil Sci. & Plant Anal. 26(19&20), 3133-3144.
17. Lindo, P. V., R. W. Taylor, D. C. Adriano, and J. W. Shuford. 1995. Fractionation
of Residual Phosphorus in a Highly Weathered Sludge-treated Soil: Organic
Phosphorus. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 26(15&16): 2639-2653.
18. Taylor, R. W., K. Hassan, A. A. Mehadi, J. W. Shuford. 1995. Kinetics of Zinc
Sorption by Soils. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 26(11&12): 1761-1771.
19. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays, and R. W. Taylor. 1995. Biogeochemical Characteristics
of Wetlands Developed After Strip Mining for Coal. Commun. Soil Sci. & Plant
Anal. 26(19&20) 3221-3229.
20. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays, R. W. Taylor and C. Buford. 1995. Evaluation of Four
Chemical Extractants for Metal Determinations in Wetland Soils. Commun. in
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 26(13&14) 2167-2180.
21. Folle, F., J. W. Shuford, R. W. Taylor, A. A. Mehadi and W. Tadesse. 1995. Effect
of Sludge Treatment, Heavy Metals, Phosphate Rate and pH on Soil Phosphate.
Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 26(9&10):1369-1381.
22. Taylor, R. W., K. Hassan, A. A. Mehadi and J. W. Shuford. 1995. Zinc Sorption
by Some Alabama Soils. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 26(7&8):993-1008.
23. Lindo, P. V., R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford and Domy C. Adriano. 1993.
Accumulation and Movement of Residual P in Sludge-Treated Decatur Silty Clay
Loam Soil. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 24:1805-1816.
24. Mamo, M., R. W. Taylor and J. W. Shuford. 1993. Ammonium Fixation by Soil
and Pure Clay Minerals. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 24:1115-1126.
25. Taylor, R. W., I. O. Ibeabuchi, K. R. Sistani and J. W. Shuford. 1993. Heavy Metal
Concentration in Forage Grasses and Extractability From Some Acid Mine Spoils.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 68:363-372.
26. Cox, A., R. W. Taylor and H. Raeburn. 1992. Comparison of Extractants for
Determination of Available P, K., and Ca in Some Grenada Soils. Tropical
Agriculture 70:22-26.
27. Taylor, R. W., I. O. Ibeabuchi, K. R. Sistani and J. W. Shuford. 1991. Accumulation
of Some Metals by Legumes and Their Extractability From Acid Mine Spoils. J. of
Environmental Quality. 21:176-180.
Bleam, W. F., P. E. Pfeffer, S. Goldberg, R. W. Taylor and R. Dudley. 1991. A 31P
Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Phosphate Adsorption at the
Boehmite/Aqueous-Solution Interface. Langmuir 7:1702-1712.
29. Xiu, H., R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford, W. Tadesse and D. C. Adriano. 1991.
Comparison of Extractants for Available Sludge-Borne Metals: A Residual Field
Study. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 57-58:913-922
30. Tadesse, W., J. Shuford, R. W. Taylor, D. C. Adriano and K. S. Sajwan. 1990.
Comparative Availability to Wheat of Metals from Sewage Sludge and Inorganic
Salts. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 55:397-408.
31. Taylor, R. W., M. L. Williams and K. R. Sistani. 1991. N2 Fixation by Soybean-
bradyrhizobium Combinations under Acidity, Low P and High Al Stresses.
Plant and Soil 131:293-300.
32. Taylor, R. W., K. R. Sistani and S. Patel. 1990. Soybean Rhizobium Combination
for Tolerance to low P- high Aluminum. J. Agronomy and Crop Science 165:54-60.
33. Mehadi, A. A., R. W. Taylor and J.W. Shuford. 1990. Prediction of Phosphate
Requirement of Soils Using the Langmuir Adsorption Maximum. Plant and
Soil 122:267-270.
Sistani, K. R., R. W. Taylor, R. D. Hauck and K. R. Kelly. 1989. Recovery of 15N
From Ammonium Nitrate and Algal Biomass-amended Soil. Fertilizer
Research 20:67-73.
35. Ngewoh, Z. S., R. W. Taylor and J. W. Shuford. 1989. Exchangeable Cations
and CEC Determinations of Some Highly Weathered Soils. Commun. in Soil
Sci. Plant Anal., 20 (17 & 18): 1833-1855.
36. Taylor, R. W., I. O. Ibeabuchi and J. W. Shuford. 1989. Growth and Metal
Accumulation of Forage Grasses at Various Clipping Dates on Acid Mine Spoils. J.
Environ. Sci. Health, A24 (2), 195-204.
Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. 1988. Crop Recovery of 15N from Microalgae
Grown in Simulated Inorganic - Wastewater Medium. J. Environ. Sci. Health
38. Taylor, R. W., K. R. Sistani and M. Floyd - 1988. Algal Biomass Production, N
Uptake and N2 Fixation in a Synthetic Medium. Biomass 15:249-257.
39. Mehadi, A. A. and R. W. Taylor. 1988. Phosphate Adsorption by Two Highly -
Weathered Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 52:627-632.
40. Thangudu, P. R., R. W. Taylor and D. R. Duseja - 1981. Available Phosphorus
Status of an Acid Soil Treated with Sewage Sludge and Farm Manure. J.
Environ. Sci. Health, A16(6), 611-621.
41. Taylor, R. W., D. R. Duseja and P. R. Thangudu - 1982. Sewage Sludge Effects
on Soil: Heavy Metal Accumulation and Movement. J. Environ. Sci. Health,
A17(3), 427-441.
42. Taylor, R. W., P. R. Thangudu and D. R. Duseja - 1981. The Effect of Sewage
Sludge and Manure on Soil Available Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.
J. Environ, Sci. Health, A16(6), 589-604.
43. Taylor, R. W. and J. Woods - 1981. Inorganic Phosphorus in Calcareous
Rockland Soils of the Bahamas. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 45:750-734.
44. Taylor, R. W. 1979. Response of Two Grasses to Inoculation with Azospirillum
spp. in a Bahamian Soil. Tropical Agriculture, 56:361-365.
45. Taylor, R. W. and B. G. Ellis - 1978. A Mechanism of Phosphate Adsorption on
Soils and Anion Exchange Resin Surfaces - Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. J., 42:432-436.
Unrefereed Publications:
1. Mays, D. A., M. Floyd, R. W. Taylor and K. Sistani. 1998. Evaluation of the Biotic
Potential of Microorganisms and Higher Plants to Enhance the Quality of
Constructed Wetlands. Final Report, September 30, 1998. Office of Surface
Mining, Department of Interior.
2. Sistani, K. R., R. W. Taylor and M. Floyd. 1989. Microalgal Growth and Use as
Fertilizer. Bulletin No. 5052. Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL 35762.
3. King, L. D., R. W. Taylor and J. W. Shuford, 1986. Macronutrients in Municipal
and Industrial Sludges and Crop Response to Sludge Application. In
Agricultural Use of Municipal and Industrial Sludges in Southern United States
(L. D. King, Editor) Ch. 2 pp 5-28. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 314.
4. Thangudu, P. R., R. W. Taylor and D. R. Duseja. 1982. Land application of Farm
Manure and Sewage Sludge; Effect on Soil Available Nutrients CARP Special
Report. Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37203.
5. Duseja, D. R., R. W. Taylor, and P. R. Thangudu. 1982. Behavior of Copper, Zinc,
Nickel and Cadmium in a Sewage-Sludge Amended Soil. CARP Special Report.
Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37203.
6. Taylor, R. W. and J. Woods - 1979. Some Physical, Chemical and Fertility
Characteristics for Selected Rockland Soils of Central and South Long Island.
Ministry of Agriculture Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Soils) 7-79.
7. Taylor, R. W. and J. Woods - 1979. Some Physical, Chemical and Fertility
Characteristics of Selected Rockland Soils from North and Central Andros,
Ministry of Agriculture Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Soils) 6-79.
8. Taylor, R. W. and J. Woods - 1979. Some Physical, Chemical and Fertility
Characteristics of a Few Crooked Island, Acklins and Mayaguana Soils.
Ministry of Agriculture Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Soils) 5-79.
9. Taylor, R. W. -1979. Some Soil Test Procedures for the Calcareous Rockland
Soils of the Bahamas. Ministry of Agriculture Publication, Nassau, Bahamas -
Agronomy (Soils) 4-79.
10. Taylor, R. W. and S. Pinder - 1979. Irish Potato yields from Some North Andros
Farms. Ministry of Agriculture Publication, Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Crops)
11. Taylor, R. W. and J. Woods - 1979. Chemical Analysis of Ground Water from the
BARC Area for Fertilizer Leaching and Pollution. Ministry of Agriculture
Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Soils) 2-79.
12. Taylor, R. W. and R. C. Smith - 1979. Paraguay N-3 Pigeon Pea Seed Increase.
Ministry of Agriculture Publication, Nassau, Bahamas-Agronomy (Crops) 1-79.
13. Taylor, R. W. 1978. Cassava Variety and Observation Trial. Ministry of
Agriculture Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Crops) 7-78.
14. Taylor, R. W. 1978. Field Trial of the Corn Variety Tuxpeno Caribe 2.
Economics of Production. Ministry of Agriculture Publication; Nassau,
Bahamas- Agronomy (Crops) 6-78.
15. Taylor, R. W. 1978. Yield Response of Two Forage Grasses to Nitrogen
Fertilization on Previously Uncropped Soil. Ministry of Agriculture Publication,
Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Forage) 4-78.
16. Taylor, R. W. 1978. Importance of Particle Size Distribution in Bahamian Soils.
Ministry of Agriculture Publication; Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Soils) 3-78.
17. Taylor, R. W. 1978. Yield Response of Guineagrass to Inoculation with
"Spirilla" Organisms in Bahamian Limestone Soil. Ministry of Agriculture
Publication, Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Crops) 2-78.
18. Taylor, R.W. 1978. Yield of Native Cassava Variety. Ministry of Agriculture
Publication, Nassau, Bahamas - Agronomy (Crops) 1-78.
19. Taylor, R. W. 1977. Phosphorus Adsorption and Movement in Soils. (Ph.D.
Thesis), Michigan State University.
20. Taylor, R. W. 1972. Degradation of Alachlor [2-chloro-2', 6' - diethyl-N
(methoxymethyl) Acetanilide] in Soils by Micro-organisms. (Masters' Thesis),
Michigan State University.
Presentations with Abstracts Published:
14th Biennial Research Symposium, Association of Research Directors, Inc., Atlanta,
Georgia, April 1-10, 2006.
1. Glycosidase Hydrolysis of Organic Carbon. Mfombep, P.M., Z.N. Senwo, O.S.
Isikhuemhen, and R.W. Taylor. Department of Plant and Soil Science, Alabama
A&M University and Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Design, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
2. Bioavailability of Phosphate Fractions in Poultry Litter Amended Ultisols.
Myers, S., R.W. Taylor, B. Belvitt, T. Ranatunga, Z. Senwo, and M. Mbila.
Alabama A&M University.
3. Mineral and Chemical Composition of Soufriere Hills Volcanic Ash and Soil.
Ranatunga, T.D., R.W. Taylor, K.N. Bhat, R. April, and B. Jackson. Department
of Plant and Soil Science, Alabama A&M University; Department of Geology,
Colgate University; and Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Biotechnology, University of Massachusetts.
4. The Pedotransfer Function: Usage and Applications. Ngowari, J., T.D. Tsegaye,
K.F. Garner, and R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
5. Distribution of Trace Metal in Poultry Litter Amended Soils in Northern
Alabama. Belvitt, B., R. Monkolo, R. Taylor, and M. Mbila. Alabama A&M
6. Microbial community Strcture and Diversity of an Agricultural Soil. Moss, E.M.,
M.M Thompson, Z.N. Senwo, and R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
7. Activities and Kinetics of Nitrate Reductases. Ntoko, F.A., Z.N. Senwo, and R.W.
Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
8. Phosphatase Hydrolysis of Organic Phosphorus. Tzisong, I.A., Z.N. Senwo, and
R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
69th Annual Meeting, Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. November 6-
10, 2005.
9. Nutrient and Metal Contents of Volcanic Ash and Soils from Montserrat Island,
West Indies. K.N. Bhat, T.D. Ranatunga, R.W. Taylor, Z.N. Senwo, R. April and
B. Jackson. Alabama A&M University, Colgate University (April) and University
of Massachusetts (Jackson).
10. Trace Metal Content and Distribution in Poultry Litter-Amended Soils of North
Alabama. B. Belvitt, R.W. Taylor, R. Mankolo, and J. Shuford. Alabama A&M
Water Resource Conference, Orange Beach, AL. 2005.
11. Enrichment of Trace Metals in an Ultisol Impacted by Applied Broiler Litter.I.A.
Taizsong, Z.N. Senwo and R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
Southern Branch of American Society of Agronomy, San Antonio, TX, 2005.
12. Assessment of Trace Elements in Some Alabama Soils. Z.N. Senwo, I.A.
Taizsong, and R.W. Taylor.
2004 Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of
America, Soil Science Society of America, Seattle, WA Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2004.
13. Lead Sorption by Pre-sorbed Phosphate on Kaolin. R.W. Taylor, T.D. Ranatunga,
Alabama A&M Univ. D.R.A. Ranatunga, Oakwood College, Z.N. Senwo,
Alabama A&M University.
14. Relationship of Spectral Reflectance to Soil and Plant Tissue N and P of Forage
Crops Grown on a poultry Litter Amended Soil. S. Yaffa, R.W. Taylor, D.A.
Mays, Alabama A&M Univ,. K.R. Sistani, USDA-ARS, Bowling Green, KY, T.
Tsegaye, W. Tadesse, Alabama A&M University.
Southern Branch of American Society of Agronomy, Biloxi, MS.2004
15. Effect of Phosphate on Lead Absorption on Kaolin. T.D. Ranatunga, R.W.
Taylor, Z.S. Senwo. Alabama A&M University.
Intergration of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Technology for Assessing and Managing Surface and Ground Water in Egypt, Cairo
Egypt, December 3-9, 2003. Orgnic Phosphorus Workshop, Ascona, Switzerland, 2003.
16. Phosphate Activities of Soil Under Corn and Soybean Production. Z.N. Senwo,
T.B. Parkin, T.D. Ranatunga, R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M University.
17. Hyper-Accumulation of Heavy Metals by Vascular Plants: A Means to Reclaim
Polluted Areas. Taylor, R.W. Alabama A&M University.
2003 Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of
America, Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO 2-6 November, 2003.
18. Phosphate Fractions in Soils Under Two Agroecosystems. Senwo, Z.N., R.N.
Mankolo, T.D. Ranatunga, R.W. Taylor, Alabama A&M University.
19. Correlation of Soil and Plant Tissue Total Phosphate and Nitrogen with Spectral
Reflectance of Forages. Yaffa, S., D.A. Mays, R.W. Taylor. Alabama A&M
University and K.R. Sistani USDA-ARS, Bowling Green, KY.
2002 Annual Meetings, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of
America, Soil Science Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, 2002.
20. Quantification of Total Soil and Plant Tissue P and N using Forage Crops and
Remote Sensing Under Poultry-Littered Field Conditions. Yaffa, S., D.A. Mays,
R.W. Taylor, Alabama A&M University, R.A. Dawkins, Auburn University, Sand
Mountain Experiment Station
21. Agronomic Evaluation of Iron Phosphate Compounds in Single and Triple
Superphosphate to Upland and Flooded Rice. Prochnow, L.I., University of Sao
Paulo, Brazil, S.H. Chien, G. Carmona, U. Singh, J. Henao, IFDC, R.W. Taylor,
Alabama A&M University.
2000 Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of
America, Soil Science Society of America, Minneapolis, MN November 5-9, 2000.
22. Lead Adsorption on Kaolinite. Ranatunga, T.D., R.W. Taylor, Alabama A&M
University, H.G. McWhinney, Prairie View A&M University, W.F. Bleam, Univ.
of Wisconsin, Madison.
23. Agronomic Evaluation of Single Superphosphate as Influenced by Cationic
Impurities for Upland and Flooded Rice. Prochnow, L.I., S.H. Chien, R.W. Taylor,
G. Carmona, J. Henao, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, IFDC and Alabama A&M
91st Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America,
Soil Science Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, October 31st-November 4, 1999.
24. Fractionation of Residual Phosphate in a Highly Weathered Sludge-treated Soil:
Inorganic, P., R. W. Taylor, P.V. Lindo, J.W. Shuford, D.C. Adriano, K.S. Sajwan,
Alabama A&M University, University of Georgia and Savannah State University.
25. Transport of Entonopathogenic Nematodes in Soil Columns. Dennis, S.O., T.
Tsegaye, S.A. Aburime, R.E. Harrison, R.W. Taylor, Tennessee State University,
Alabama A&M Univeristy, and Clark Atlanta University.
90th Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Baltimore, MD, October 18-22,
26. Recent Advances in Understanding the Chemistry of Cr(VI), Pb(II), Hg(II) on Soils:
Adsorption to Minerals Surfaces and Complexation by Humic Substances. W. F.
Bleam*, P. A. Helmke, M. D. Szuczzewski, P. R. Bloom, R. W. Taylor, F. J.
Weesner, K. Xia. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Minnesota,
Alabama A&M University, Neptune Association and Kansas State University.
27. Coupled Reduction-Sorption of Chromate in Dithionite Reduced Smectites. S.
Shen, R. W. Taylor*, W. F. Bleam, S. I. Tiu. USDA-ARS, Alabama A&M
University and University of Wisconsin.
28. Evaluating the Reductive Capacity of Humic Substances: Reaction Between
Thiol/Thio Group and Chromate. M. D. Szulczewski*, K. Xia, P. A. Helmke, W. F.
Bleam, R. W. Taylor. University of Wisconsin-Madison and Alabama A&M
29. Availability to Crops of Residual P from a Sludge Treated Soil. R. W. Taylor, P.
V. Lindo, J. W. Shuford, D. C. Adriano and K. S. Sajwan. Alabama A&M
University and Savannah State University.
1998 Soil and Water Conservation Service Annual Conference Oral Abstracts. San
Diego, CA, July 6-9, 1998.
30. Senwo, Z., F. Archer, A. Manu, T. Coleman, R. Taylor. Comparative Assessment of
DTPA and Mehlich 3 Extractable Metals in Poultry Manure Amended Soil. Alabama
A&M University.
First Environmental Management Science Program Workshop, U. S. Department of
Energy, Office of Environmental Management, Office of Energy Research, Chicago,
Illinois, July 27-30, 1998.
31. Taylor, R. W., S. Shen and W. F. Bleam. 1998. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Metal
Retention/Release in Geochemical Processes in Soil. Alabama A&M University.
Eighty-ninth (89th) Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Anaheim, CA,
October 26-30, 1997.
32. Belvitt, B., R. W. Taylor. Nitrate Movement as Influenced by Tillage, Organic
Amendment, and Crop Rotation. Alabama A&M University.
33. Dennis, S. O., T. D. Tsegaye, R. E. Harrison, R. W. Taylor. Movement of
Entomogenous Nematodes in Soil as Influenced by Soil Water Content and
Darcian Flux. Alabama A&M University and Tennessee State University.
34. Shen, S., R. W. Taylor, S. I- Tu. Equilibrium and Spectroscopic Studies of Lead
Retention in Smectite. USDA-ARS and Alabama A&M University.
Eleventh (11th) Biennial Research Symposium: The Association of Research Directors,
Inc., San Antonio, Texas, October 1-4, 1997.
35. Belvitt, B., R. W. Taylor. Effects of Tillage, Organic Amendment, and Crop
Rotation Practices on Soil Nitrate Leaching in Corn and Soybean. Alabama A&M
36. Buford, C., D. Mays, K. Sistani, R. W. Taylor. Effect of Strip Mine Spoil
Materials on Four Aquatic Plant Species. Alabama A&M University.
Second (2nd) Annual NASA UKRC '97 Technical Conference, February 16-19, 1997,
Albuquerque, NM.
37. Robertson, G. C., S. A. Aburime, R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford, and T. L.
Coleman. Modeling the Breakthrough of Chloride in the Vadose Zone.
Alabama A&M University.
Ninety-fourth (94th) Annual Meeting of Southern Branch of American Society of
Agronomy Meeting, Birmingham, Alabama Feb. 1-5, 1997.
38. Belvitt, B. and R. W. Taylor. Leaching of Nitrate Under Tillage, Organic
Amendment and Crop Rotation Practices. Alabama A&M University.
39. Taylor, R. W. Kinetics of NH4 Sorption/Desorption by Clinoptilolite. Alabama A&M
Eighty-eight (88th) Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Indianapolis,
Indiana. November 3-8, 1996.
40. Sistani, K. R., T. L. Coleman, H. M. Nall, R. W. Taylor, and G. Liu. Nitrate and
Pesticide Evaluation of Groundwater in Limestone and Madison Counties in North
Alabama. Alabama A&M University.
41. Simmons, M., K. R. Sistani, S. H. Chien, D. A. Mays, and R. W. Taylor. Use of
Phosphate Rock for Reclamation of Mined Soils. Alabama A&M University.
42. Thicklin, J. D., K. R. Sistani, D. A. Mays, and R. W. Taylor. Application of
Constructed Wetlands for Residential Wastewater Treatment. Alabama A&M
International Conference on Wetlands, Perth Australia, September 22-28, 1996.
43. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays and R. W. Taylor. Naturalization of Constructed
Wetlands: Biological and Chemical Changes. Alabama A&M University.
First (1st) Symposium on Phytoremediation-Principles and Emerging Technologis.
Huntsville, Alabama, March 28 and 29, 1996.
44. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays, and R. W. Taylor. Constructed Wetlands for Remediation of
Domestic Wastewater. Alabama A&M University.
45. Ragland, M., S. Goodwin, K. M. Soliman, R. W. Taylor and K. Sistani.
Molecular Aspects of Aluminum Tolerance in Soybean (G. Max) Alabama
46. Armstrong, F. P., R. W. Taylor and K. R. Sistani. Aquatic Plants Tolerance and
Accumulation of Nickel, Chromium and Cadmium. Alabama A&M University.
47. Taylor, R. W., F. P. Armstrong and K. R. Sistani. Hyperaccumulation of Heavy
Metals by Vascular Plants. Alabama A&M University.
Ninety-Third (93rd) Annual Meeting of Southern Branch of American Society of
Agronomy Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina, Feb. 3-7, 1996.
48. Armstrong, F. P., R. W. Taylor and K. R. Sistani. Heavy Metal Accumulation by
Wetland and Aquatic Plants. Alabama A&M University.
Eighty-seventh (87th) Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, St. Louis,
Missouri, October 29 - November 3, 1995.
49. Robertson, G. C., S. A. Aburime, J. W. Shuford and R. W. Taylor. Analysis of
Pesticide Sampling Methods in the Vadose Zone. Alabama A&M University.
Third International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, May 15-18,
1995, Paris France
50. Szulczeroski, M., W. Bleam, P. A. Helmke, J. Amonette and R. W. Taylor. X-ray
absorption near edge structure and isotope exchange Studies of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) Levels
in Contaminated Soils. University of Wisconsin and Alabama A&M University.
NSF - National Conference on Diversity in the Scientific and Technological Workforce,
Sept. 29th - October, 1, 1994, Washington, D.C.
51. Belisle, W. R., S. A. Aburime, and R. W. Taylor. Water Layer Coverage Effects on
VOC Vapor Transport and Remediation. Alabama A&M University.
Fourth Annual National Conference of the Quality Education for Minorities in
Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (QEM/MSE) Network, February 9-12, 1995,
Washington, D.C.
52. Taylor, R. W. The Center for Environmental Science Research and Training.
Alabama A&M University.
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Protecting Rural America's Water
Resources. Partnerships for Pollution Solutions. October 23-26, 1994, Washington, D.C.
53. Aburime, S. A., C. W. Grant, R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford. Management Practices
to Reduces Atrazine and Alachlor Transport to Ground Water. Alabama A&M
Association of Research Directors Tenth Biennial Symposium on 1890 Research: People,
Health, and the Environment. New Orleans, LA, 1994.
54. Belisle, W. R., S. A. Aburime, and R. W. Taylor. Model Development for VOC Vapor
Transport in Low Moisture Content Soils. Alabama A&M University.
55. Aburime, S. A., C. W. Grant, R. W. Taylor and J. W. Shuford. Pesticide Transport
in the Vadose Zone. Effects of Organic Matter Amendment and Tillage Practices.
Second Annual HBCU/Private Sector Energy Research and Development Technology
Transfer Symposium Proceedings. New Orleans, LA, March 1994.
56. Belisle, W. R., S. A. Aburime, and R. W. Taylor. Variation in Trhichloroethylene and
Carbon Tetrachloride Vapor Subsurface Transport at Different Stages of Low Moisture
Content. Alabama A&M University.
Eighty-sixth (86th) Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, Seattle
Washington, November 13-18, 1994.
57. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays and R. W. Taylor. Screening Chemical Extractants to
Measure Metals from Wetland Soils. Alabama A&M University.
58. Chien, S. H., R. G. Menon, R. W. Taylor and K. R. Sistani. Evaluation of
Agronomic Effectiveness of Phosphate Rocks for Aluminum-Tolerant Soybean
Cultivars. IFDC, Muscle Shoals, AL and Alabama A&M University.
NSF - National Conference on Diversity in the Scientific and Technological - Workforce,
Sept. 29th - October 1, 1994, Washington, D.C.
59. Belisle, W. R., S. A. Aburime and R. W. Taylor. Water Layer Coverage Effects on
VOC Vapor Transport and Remediation. Alabama A&M University.
Fifteenth (15th) Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Portland, Oregon,
May 30 - June 3, 1994.
60. Buford, C., D. A. Mays, K. R. Sistani, and R. W. Taylor. Growth of Wetland Plants
on Flooded Coal Stripmine Soils.
Annual Meeting of Southern Branch of American Society of Agronomy, January 30 -
February 1, 1995, New Orleans, Louisiana.
61. Taylor, R. W., K. Hassan, A. A. Mehadi and J. W. Shuford. Zinc Sorption by Some
Alabama Soils. Alabama A&M University.
2nd International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Taipei Taiwan,
Republic of China, September 5-10, 1993.
62. Taylor, R. W., D. C. Adriano, He Xiu and J. W. Shuford. 1993. Fractionation of
Residual Metals in Sludge-amended Soil. Alabama A&M University.
14th Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Edmenton, Alberta Canada, May
30-June 3, 1993.
63. Sistani, K. R., D. A. Mays, R. W. Taylor, M. Floyd, S. A. Aburime and C. C. Woods.
1993: Seasonal Effects on the Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Wetlands
on Undisturbed and Stripmined Sites. Alabama A&M University.
84th Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting, November 1-6, 1992,
Minneapolis, MN.
64. Sistani, K. R., D. Mays, M. Floyd, R. W. Taylor, and S. A. Aburime. Comparison of
Vegetative and Chemical Characteristics of Wetlands Developed Naturally on Undisturbed
and Stripmined Sites. Alabama A&M University.
Seminar for Scientists/Office of Pesticide Programs US-EPA, November 5-7, 1991,
Washington, D.C.
65. Taylor, R.W., K. S. Sistani and M. Floyd. Removal of N, P, and Heavy Metals From
Wastewater by Microalgae. Alabama A&M University.
89th Annual Southern Association of Agricultural Scientist meeting (Southern Branch of
ASA) February 2-5, 1992, Lexington, Kentucky.
66. Mamo, M. and R. W. Taylor. Ammonium Sorption in Illitic Soil and Clay
Minerals: Kinetics and Isotherms. Alabama A&M University.
67. Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. Symbiotic Effectiveness of Different Soybean -
rhizobium combination under acid-infertility stresses. Alabama A&M University.
83rd Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting October 27 - November 1st 1991,
Denver, Colorado.
68. Taylor, R.W., S-I Tu and D. Kemper. Kinetics of Ammonium
Adsorption/Desorption by Clinoptilolite. Alabama A&M University (first
author) and USDA/ARS.
69. Lindo, P. V., R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford and D. C. Adriano. Transformation of
Residual Inorganic P in Sludge-Treated Decatur Silty Clay Loam. Alabama A&M
University (first 3 authors) and Savannah River Ecology Lab, respectively.
70. Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. Symbiotic Effectiveness of Different Soybean-
Rhizobium Combination Under Acid-Infertility Stresses. Alabama A&M University.
Sigma Xi Student Research Day, University of Alabama, April 27, 1991:
71. Hassan, K. M., R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford. Kinetics of Zinc Sorption by Soils.
Alabama A&M University.
International Conference on Metals in Soils, Water, Plants, and Animals. April 30-May
3, 1990. Orlando, Florida.
72. Xiu, H., R.W. Taylor, J.W. Shuford, W. Tadesse and D.C. Adriano. Comparison of
Extractants for available Sludge-borne Metals: A Residual study. Alabama A&M
73. Xiu, H. and R. W. Taylor. Heavy metal Movement in Sewage Treated Plots: A
Residual Study. Alabama A&M University.
74. Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. Mineralization Rate of Algal N in Relation to Crop
Recovery. Alabama A&M University.
81st Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting, October 15-20, 1989, Las Vegas,
75. Taylor, R. W., M. W. Ubi and L. O. Safford. Extractable Micronutrient Cations
and Effective CEC of Acid and Slightly Acid Forest Mineral Soils, Alabama A&M
University and USDA Forest Service.
76. Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. Mineralization Rates of Algal N in Relation to Crop
Recovery. Alabama A&M University.
8th Biennial Research Symposium/Association of Research Directors Meeting, October
8-11, 1989, Arlington, VA.
Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. 15N Availability from Ammonium Nitrate and Algal
Biomass to Bermudagrass, Alabama A&M University.
6th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, March 22-25, 1989.
Birmingham, AL
78. Taylor, R. W. and W. F. Bleam. The Langmuir Equation as a Model for Phosphate
Sorption by Aluminium Oxide Surface. Alabama A&M University and
USDA/ARS - ERRC respectively.
79. Taylor, R. W. and W. F. Bleam. Phosphate Adsorption by the Al-Oxide Boehmite,
Alabama A&M University and USDA/ARS - ERRC respectively.
Sistani, K. S. and R. W. Taylor. Recovery of 15N from Ammonium Nitrate and Algal
Biomass - Amended Soil. Alabama A&M University.
86th Annual Southern Association of Agricultural Scientist Meeting. Feb 5-8, 1989.
Nashville, TN.
81. Ngewoh, Z. S. and R. W. Taylor. Kinetics of Phosphate Interaction with some
Alabama Benchmark Soils. Alabama A&M University.
82. Ngewoh, Z. S. and R. W. Taylor. Phosphate Distribution in Relation to P
Availability in Some Alabama Benchmark Soils. Alabama A&M University.
80th Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting. Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 1988. Anaheim,
83. Sistani, K. R. and R. W. Taylor. Crop Recovery of Nitrogen-15 from Microalgae Grown
in Simulated Inorganic - Wastewater Medium. Alabama A&M University.
85th Annual Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Meeting, January 31 -
February 3, 1988. New Orleans, LA.
84. Ngewoh, Z. S. and R. W. Taylor. Cation Exchange Capacity Determination of Some
Benchmark Soils of Alabama. Alabama A&M University.
85. Sistani, K. R., R. W. Taylor, R. D. Hauck and M. Floyd. Nitrogen Fixation by Blue
Green Algae in Relation to Nitrogen-15N Uptake from Synthetic Medium. Alabama
A&M University.
79th Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting, Nov. 29-Dec. 4, 1987, Atlanta,
86. Jaggernauth, M., R. W. Taylor and R. D. Hauck. Nitrogen Release from Algal
Biomass in a Silty Loam Soil. Alabama A&M University.
7th Biennial Research Symposium / Association of Research Directors Meeting, October
4-7, 1987, Washington, D. C.
87. Sistani, K. R., R. W. Taylor, S. Mookherji, M. Williams and M. Floyd. Uptake of
Nitrogen as NH4-15N and NO3-15N by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in Synthetic Medium.
Alabama A&M University.
88. Mohey-El-Din, M. M., R. W. Taylor and D. C. Adriano - 1987. Zinc Adsorption by
Egyptian and Alabama Soils. Alabama A&M University.
89. Hardy, M. H., R. W. Taylor, S. Mookherji, M. Floyd and R. D. Hauck - 1987.
Uptake of 15N labelled NH4 and NO3 by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown in
Synthetic Sewage Medium. Alabama A&M University.
90. Jaggernauth, M., R. W. Taylor, S. Mookherji and M. G. Hardy - 1987. A
Simulated Waste Water Medium for Propagating Algal Biomass. Alabama A&M
84th Annual Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Meeting, February 1-4,
1987, Nashville, TN.
91. Mehadi, A. A. and R. W. Taylor - 1987. Phosphate Fractionation and Phase
Equilibra of Two North Alabama Soils. Alabama A&M University.
92. Taylor, R. W. and I. Ibeabuchi - 1986. Growth Response and Heavy Metal Uptake
by Selected Legumes in Acid Mine Spoils. Alabama A&M University.
93. Ibeabuchi, I. and R. W. Taylor - 1986. Heavy Metal Uptake by Four Forage
Grasses at Various Clipping Dates on Acid Mine Spoils. Alabama A&M
94. Williams, M. L. and R. W. Taylor - 1986. Acidity, Aluminum, and Low
Phosphate Effect on Growth of and Nitrogen Fixation by Rhizobium japonicum.
Alabama A&M University.
78th Annual American Society of Agronomy Meeting, November 30 - December 5, 1986,
New Orleans, LA.
95. Mehadi, A. A. and R. W. Taylor - 1986. Phosphorus Chemistry of Some North
Alabama Soils. Alabama A&M University.
6th Association of Research Directors Research Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, October
20-22, 1985.
96. Soybean Tolerance of Low Phosphate - High Aluminum in Acid Nutrient Culture.
R. W. Taylor and S. U. Patel, Alabama A&M University.
5th Biennial Research Symposium Sponsored by Association of Research Directors
Historically Black Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities, Dallas, Texas, October
23-26, 1984.
97. A Method of Screening Plants for Tolerance to Low P - High Al in Nutrient
Culture. R. W. Taylor and S. U. Patel, Alabama A&M University.
98. System of Maintaining a Constant Low Supply of P for Rhizobium japonicum
Strains. M. L. Williams and R. W. Taylor, Alabama A&M University.
81st Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Nashville,
Tennessee, February 4-8, 1984.
99. A Method for Maintaining a Constant Low Supply of P for Plants Grown in
Nutrients Culture. R. W. Taylor and S. U. Patel, Alabama A&M University.
12th International Congress of Soil Science. February 8-16, 1982, New Delhi, India.
100. Heavy Metal Accumulation and Movement in a Sewage Sludge Amended Soil. R.
W. Taylor, D. R. Duseja and P. R. Thangudu. Tennessee State University.
72nd Annual Meetings of American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of
America and Soil Science Society of America. November 30 - December 5, 1980, Detroit,
101. Available Nutrient and Heavy Metal Content of an Organic-Amended Soil. D. R.
Duseja, R. W. Taylor, and P. R. Thangudu. Tennessee State University.
102. Available Nutrients Levels of an Organic Amended Soil. Prabhakar R.
Thangudau, Robert W. Taylor, Desh R. Duseja, and Sam Osawaru. Tennessee
State University.
3rd Biennial Research Symposium sponsored by the Association of Research Directors -
Historically Black Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities, November 12-15, 1980:
Atlanta, Ga.
103. Heavy Metal Levels in Sewage Sludge Amended Soil Cropped to Corn and
Sorghum. Robert W. Taylor, Desh R. Duseja, Prabhakar R. Thangudu and Sam O.
Osawaru. Tennessee State University.
104. Presented at the Seminar for Scientists cosponsored by Office of Pesticide
Programs USEPA and HBCU, November 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C.Removal of
N, P, and Heavy Metals from Wastewater by Microalgae. Robert W. Taylor.
105. Presented at the Eastern Regional Research Center (USDA), Philadelphia, PA,
November 6, 1988.N2 Fixation by Soybean-Bradyrhizobium Combinations under
Conditions of Acidity, Low P and High Al. R. W. Taylor.
106. Together We Can Make It Work In Alabama Conference (QEM Network)
Huntsville, Alabama, March 18-19, 1994. Strengthening the Research and
Training in Environmental Science. R. W. Taylor.
107. Fourth Annual National Conference of the Quality Education for Minorities in
Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (QEM/MSE) Network, February 9-12,
1995, Washington, D.C. The Center for Environmental Science Research and
Training. R. W. Taylor.
Professional Awareness and Appreciation Program with Martin Marietta Energy
Systems and Alabama A&M University, Oakridge Tennessee, November 10,
108. Comparison of Extractants for Available Sludge-borne Metals: A
Residual Study. He Xiu, R. W. Taylor, J. W. Shuford, W. Tadesse
and D. C. Adriano.
109. Mechanism(s) of Metal Adsorption/Desorption/Precipitation in
Geochemical Processes in Soils. R. W. Taylor and A. A. Mehadi.
110. Use of Microalgae for Wastewater Cleanup and as a Biofertilizer. K.
R. Sistani, R. W. Taylor, and McArthur Floyd. Alabama A&M
111. Partitioning and Transport of Trichloroethylene and Carbon
Tetrachloride Vapors at Different Soil Moisture Contents. W. R.
Belisle, S. A. Aburime, and R. W. Taylor, Alabama A&M University
and J. E. Amonette, Battelle PNL.
112. Environmental Awareness Week, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA,
April 22, 1997. Enhancing "Environmental Sciences and Education
in Liberal Arts Institutions." R. W. Taylor, Alabama A&M
Visiting scientist at the USDA/ARS-Eastern Regional Research Center, Philadelphia,
PA. Summer 1988. Summer 1989. Summer 1990. Summer 1994. Summer 1995.
Summer 1996. Summer 1997.