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December 28, 2012

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N a m e :

Place/Date of Birth : Bandung, April 29, 1953

Nationality : Indonesian

Marital Status : Married with three children

Profession : Lecturer & Researcher Consultant

Mailing Address : Kano I No 72 Perum Kelapa Dua

Kelapa Dua - Tangerang

Phone : +62-21-547-****, 081*********, 081*********, 081*********

e-mail address :



Graduate (Drs) in Journalism. Graduated from Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung, May 25th 1978. Thesis: Tajuk Rencana Harian Kompas (Kompas Editorial)

Master of Arts (MA) in Communication. Graduated from Department of Communication, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, May 19th 1985. Thesis: Indonesia's Development Communication: An Integrated System.

Master of Arts (MA) in Political Sciences. Graduated from Department of Political Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, May 13th 1987. Non-Thesis.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Sciences. Graduated from Department of Political Sciences, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, May 13th 1990. Thesis: The Rise and Development of The Indonesian New Order Regime. Its Formation and Crises.


In 1990 - 2003, Senior Researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta.

In 1983 - 1990, Research Fellow at the Institute of Culture and Communication (ICC), East-West Center (EWC), Hawaii.

In 1976 - 1982, Research Associate at the National Institute of Economics and Social Research (Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasyarakatan Nasional, LEKNAS), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, LIPI), Jakarta.


In 1977, Desk Editor for Science and Technology at WARTA MAHASISWA a student newspaper published by the Ministry of Education, Jakarta.

In 1975, Chief Editor at IDEA a campus student newspaper published by the student council of Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung.


In 2004 to 2009, Teaching and lecturing in magister program (S2) and an academic advisor in doctoral program (S3) in communication, management, public administration and public policy studies at private and national academic institutions in Indonesia and overseas (Malaysia).

In 2000 to 2003, Teaching and lecturing in magister program (S2) in communication studies and as an academic advisor in doctoral program (S3) FISIP-UI, Jakarta.

In November 2000, a visiting fellow professor to Lincoln University, San Francisco, California, USA and University of California at Berkeley, California, USA, having learned how to run the Berkeley Outreach program.

In July 2000, an Alumni Meeting of the EWCA and International Seminar at the Institute of Culture and Communication (ICC), East West Center (EWC), Hawaii, USA.

In March 2000, a visiting fellow professor to Adelaide Institute of TAFE (AIT), and attend the meeting with Professor Bob Molloy Director for Strategic Partnership and Mark Leslie Program Coordinator University of South Australia (UNISA), and with Professor Dean Forbes Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.

In January 2000, a visiting fellow professor to Lincoln University, San Francisco, California, USA to overview the outcome of the twinning program with the Indonesian students.

In May 1999, a visiting fellow professor to Lincoln University, San Francisco, California, USA to explore a twining program with the Indonesian students.

In March - April 1999, an Alumni in resident at the Institute of Culture and Communication (ICC), East West Center (EWC), Hawaii. As an individual post-doctoral research participant at the center and at the University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA.

In January 1999, a visiting fellow professor to University of Washington (UW), Seatle, Washington State and City University (City U) to learn about opportunities for the twinning program with the Indonesian academic institutions.

In 1998, Teaching and lecturing in management, communication, and social sciences as a freelancing lecturer at several academic institutions and universities in Indonesia.

In July 1997, to learn the Homestay Program for the Indonesian Senior High School (SMU) students at the University of California, Los Angeless (UCLA), USA.

In May 1997, a visiting fellow professor to the Eastern Tafe, East Melbourne, Australia to review the outcome of the cooperation for a short course and training for Indonesia's Community Health Development Personnel from Health Office, Bandung, West Java Province.

In Mid August - Mid September 1996, a visiting fellow professor to Gordon Institute of TAFE and coordinator Train-of-the Trainer (TOT) for Indonesian Officials from the General Directorate of Tax/Fiscal conducted in cooperation with the Gordon Institute of TAFE, Geelong, Melbourne, Australia.

In Mid of June - Mid of July 1996, a visiting fellow professor to the Eastern Tafe and coordinator Train-of-the Trainer (TOT) for Indonesia's Community Health Development Personnel (West Java Province) conducted in cooperation with the the Eastern TAFE, East Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia funded by the World Bank Project Children Health Nutrition (CHN III).

In Third Week of February 1996, a visiting fellow research to the Institute of Culture and Communication (ICC), East West Center (EWC), Hawaii, USA to deliver a small talk presentation at the Alumni Association Office on Educational Issues and Concerns in Indonesia.

In First Week of February 1996, a visiting fellow professor to the Gordon Institute of TAFE and coordinator Train-of-the Trainer (TOT) for Indonesian Officials from the Bogor Regency, West Java conducted in cooperation with the Gordon Institute of TAFE, Geelong, Melbourne, Australia.

In 1993 - 1995, Teaching and lecturing in management, communication, and social sciences at several academic institutions, i.e.: School of Economics, Business Administration, and Management, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics (FISIP - UI), Jakarta, Indonesia.

In 1991 - 1992, Teaching and Lecturing in political economy and social sciences at Faculty of Administration Science (FIA), Atmajaya University, Jakarta.


In 1991, Research Coordinator and Team Leader for the Indonesian Youth's Aspiration on Development at the Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center (ICC-EWC), Hawaii in cooperation with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta.

From Jully of 1990), A member of Steering Committee of the Army Seminar in December 1990, Seskoad, Bandung.

In 1983 - Jully 1990, Research Fellow and Project Leader for the Impacts of Communication Technology on Traditional Culture in Indonesia, at the Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center (ICC-EWC), Hawaii.

In September-October 1982, (two months), research internship for the Role of Communication in A Resettlement Project, at the Institute of Culture and Communication(ICC), East-West Center (EWC), Hawaii.

In 1981, Country Research Team Leader for P 05 Migration and Development, UNFPA, World Bank, at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LEKNAS-LIPI), Jakarta.

In 1980, Country Research Team Leader for P 15 National Migration Survey, UNFPA, World Bank, at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LEKNAS-LIPI), Jakarta.

In 1976, Researcher for Migration and Labor Force Project, ILO, UNFPA, at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LEKNAS-LIPI), Jakarta.


From September to December 2009, Resource Person for KNPDT, Kementrian Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, Deputy Assistant for Human Resource (Asisten Deputi Sumberdaya Manusia).

From March to September 2009, Senior Consultant for KPK, working on research and development of communication strategy in eradication of corruption in Indonesia at PT. FORTUNE Indonesia, Tbk, funded by the World Bank.

In 2008, Consultant Team Leader for Depkominfo, working on development and implementation of the Communication (Image Building) & Socialization Strategy of the Conditional Cash Transfer PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan).

In 2008, Member Board of Advisors for the Chamber of Commerce, East Jakarta City.

In 2004, Senior Consultant for the Election Commission (KPU) Project. Working on communication strategy, planning and program during the period of pre/post general election at PT. FORTUNE Indonesia, Tbk funded by UNDP.

In August 1995, a visiting fellow and Consultant to Gordon Institute of TAFE Geelong, Melbourne and the Eastern TAFE, East Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia to plan the cooperation program for a short course and training for the Indonesian Officials from the Bogor Regency, and from the Bandung Health Office, West Java.

In 1995, Principal and Consultant for the World Bank Project Children Health Nutrition (CHN III). Working on research and development planning and policy assessment of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy, Community Health Development Program in 25 Regencies of West Java Province.

In 1994, Project Director and Consultant for A Corporate Culture Building Program of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Jakarta.

In 1993, Project Director and Consultant for the Regional Development, Planning Agency of Jakarta City (BAPPEDA DKI Jakarta).

In 1992, Senior Consultant and Team Leader at PT. Optimal Teknindo International, a consulting company of ENTEOS Bankers & Industrialists Social Club, Jakarta.

In 1992, Senior Consultant for A Corporate Culture Building Program of PT. Federal Cycle Mustika (FCM), a group member of PT. ASTRA International, Jakarta.

In 1992, Senior Consultant for A Corporate Culture Communication of PT. Wijaya Karya (WIKA), Jakarta.

In 1991, Senior Consultant at PT. Gagas Komunika International, an Advertising and Financial Communication Marketing Company, Jakarta. Working on BCA Corporate Identity and Form, BCA Annual Report, and Public Relations Program for 50th Anniversary of PT. Bakrie's Brothers.


Indonesian National Communication System in 27 Provinces, Ministry of Information, Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian Social Science Foundation, Jakarta, 1993. Co-author with Selo Soemardjan and Tamrin Amal Tamagola. [Indonesian Language]

The Role of Communication Technology in Social Cultural Change in Indonesia, East-West Center (EWC), 1990. Co-author with Godwin C. Chu and Barry Barnes.

Electronic Fund Transfer System, EFTS in Hawaii: Issues and Concerns, East-West Center (EWC), 1990. Co-author with Mark Hukil.

Transmigrants: Background and Aspiration, Case Study in Way Abung, North Lampung, Jakarta: Leknas-Lipi, 1982. Co-author with Suharso and Laila Nagib. [Indonesian Language]

Youth's Perception on National Development, Jakarta: Lipi in cooperation with National Security and Defense Council, 1980. Co-author with Laode Kamaludin and Lukman Hakim. [Indonesian Language]

Effectivity of Communication Strategy in Transmigration Area, Rasau Jaya, West-Kalimantan, Jakarta: Leknas-Lipi and Ministry of Information, Republic of Indonesia, 1980. [Indonesian Language]

Public Relations in Ministry of Information, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta: Leknas-Lipi and Ministry of Information, 1979. Co-author with Sri Rahayu, Haryo Martodirdjo, Udi Rusadi, Mochtar Pabottingi. [Indonesian Language]

Village Communities, A Case Study in Three Villages in East-Java, Jakarta: Leknas-Lipi, 1979. Co-author with Suko Bandiyono, Daliyo, Laila Nagib, Han R. Redmana. [Indonesian Language]

Village Profile and Labor Force Participation: A Case Study in Tumpuk Renteng, East-Java, Jakarta: Leknas-Lipi, 1979. [Indonesian Language]


Competition Within A Capitalist World Economy. This paper is delivered and presented before the graduates of American Institute of Management Studies, Internal Seminar in Jakarta, October 2000.

Recital of A Free Market Capitalist Economy. This paper is delivered and presented before the graduates of American Institute of Management Studies, (A Graduation Speech) in Jakarta, April 2000.

The Politics of Communication: Obedience and Disobedience. This paper is delivered and presented in National Seminar conducted by Center for Social and Cultural Development (Puslitbang Masyarakat dan Budaya, PMB), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lipi), Jakarta: Oktober 1992. [Indonesian Language]

Logic and Grammar of Technology in Psycho-Analitical and Critical Perspectives. This paper is delivered and presented in National Seminar conducted by Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University, Bandung 26-27 October 1990. This paper is published in Jurnal Sosiologi, FISIP-UI, July 1992. [Indonesian Language]

Religious Beliefs and Practices in Indonesia, This research paper is delivered and presented in an academic discussion forum, conducted by Center for Social Cultural Development (Puslitbang Masyarakat dan Budaya), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lipi), Jakarta, Oktober 1991.

Social Sciences Today: Probing. This paper is delivered and presented in an academic discussion forum conducted by Faculty of Social and Politics, FISIP-UI, Department of Sociology, Jakarta, September 1990. This paper is published in Jurnal Sosiologi, FISIP-UI, Jakarta, April 1991. [Indonesian Language]

Informal Sector as A Bumper in Capitalist Society. Published in a scientific journal, PRISMA, LP3ES, Jakarta: Mei 1991. [Indonesian Language]

Information Economy and Information Society: A Case of Indonesia Towards 2001. This paper is delivered and presented in a national academic discussion forum conducted by Student Senate of Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, August 1990. [Indonesian Language]

Eastern Europe From ASEAN Perspectives: Issues and Concerns, This paper is delivered and presented in the Centre for Strategic Business and Political Studies, the XXI Century Foundation, in Sofia, Bulgaria, June 1989.

Notes on Mass Media and Society. This paper is delivered and presented in a Symposium conducted by Faculty of Communication, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, and Leknas-Lipi, Jakarta, and Ministry of Information, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, in Bandung, September 1982. [Indonesian Language]

Social Economic Profiles of Several Villages in South Malang, East-Java. This paper is delivered and presented in a workshop on Village Development. Surakarta, 27-29 October 1981. Co-author with Suko Bandiyono, Daliyo, and Han Redmana. [Indonesian Language]

Life History of Mr. Madyani: A Case Study of Transmigrant in Lampung. This Paper is delivered and presented in national seminar on migration and development conducted by Leknas-Lipi and ESCAP (Asean Project), Bali, Denpasar, July 1980.

Pers and National Integration. This paper is delivered and presented in national integration seminar, conducted by Leknas-Lipi, Jakarta, 1979. [Indonesian Language]


Update Southeast Asia: Indonesia and Malaysia Today. Teaching at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Pacific and Asian Affairs Council, University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, Fall Semester 1986.

Some Critical Issues in Southeast Asia. Teaching a Core Seminar for New Graduate Student Grantee Participants, Hawaii, Fall Semester 1986.


Steering Committee Member of National Army TNI AD Seminar in School of Army Command SESKOAD, Bandung July-December 1990.

Steering Committee Member of international seminar on The Social Economic Impacts of Broadcast Satellites in the Asia-Pacific Region, conducted by Ministry of Information, Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Center (AMIC, Singapore), Jakarta, 25-27 July 1990.

Steering Committee Chairman of Indonesian Student Association in USA (Permias) Congress, conducted at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington D.C., June 1986.


A Member of International Communication Association (ICA) 1983-1990

A Member of Pacific Telecommunication Council (PTC) 1983-1990

A Member of East-West Center Association (EWCA) Since September 1982

A Member of Indonesian Social Sciences Foundation (YIIS) Since 1990

A Member of Political Science Association (AIPI) Since 1990

A Member of Centre for Strategic Business and Political Studies, the XXI Century Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria, Since June 1989

Jakarta, 17 January, 2009

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