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Project Design

East Hampton, NY
December 28, 2012

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J o o Paulo Meirelles de Faria



H arvard Graduate School of Design

Master in Architecture II, 2012

Advisor: Professor Hashim Sarkis, PhD.

U niversity of S o Paulo S chool of Architecture, FAUUSP

Diploma in Architecture, 2002.

Advisor: Professor Angelo Bucci, PhD.


S PBR Architects

Associate Architect since July 2006.

Collaborator Architect from February to June 2006.

Selected works:

Seven-storey residential building in Lugano, Ticino - Switerzland, [2.400 m2].


Housing apartments in Silves, Algarve - Portugal, [4.500 m2].


House in Cotia, SP - Brazil.

2007 House at Alto de Pinheiros in S o Paulo, SP - Brazil, [with Alejandro Aravena].

2007 Industrial plant for the Montana Agriculture company in Rosario, Santa Fe - Argentina, [with Solano

Benitez and Rafael Iglesia].

Competition for the PUC-Rio University s Mediatheque in Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil, [7.000 m2].


House in East Hampton, NY - US.

Pedestrian bridge in Olten - Switerzland.

A ndr Vainer a nd G uilherme Paoliello Architects

Internship from January 2001 to December 2002.

Collaborator Architect from January 2003 to December 2005.

Selected works:

Headquarters of the film production company Academia de Filmes at Vila Leopoldina, S o Paulo, SP -


Brazil, [3.150 m2].

Headquarters of the film production company Mixer at Vila Ol mpia, S o Paulo, SP - Brazil, [1.500 m2].

Photograph exhibition Antifachada e Encaderna o Dourada at FAAP, S o Paulo, SP - Brazil.


Advertising Agency Neogama at Vila Leopoldina, SP, Brazil, [5.650 m2].


Headquarters of the real state company Itamb at Vila Mariana, S o Paulo, SP - Brazil, [3.760 m2].


J o o Paulo Meirelles de Faria



L atin America Holcim Awards Silver . Sustainable construction competition promoted by the

Holcim Foundation, Zurich, Switerzland. Low-energy university Mediatheque in Rio de Janeiro, 2008.

1 st p rize, Arquitetura e Constru o Magazine Awards, category residential, House at Santa Teresa,

Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil, 2008.

1 st p rize, Competition for PUC-Rio University s Mediatheque in Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil, 2006.

H onorable Mention, National Public Design Competition - Tolerance Museum at the University of

S o Paulo USP, S o Paulo, SP - Brazil 2005.

H onorab le Mention, National Public Design Competition - Implementation of the City Cultural Center

at Araras Historical Ferry Station. Architecture team: Nina Andrade Domingues, Adriana Zampieri,

Andr Vainer, Bruno Layus, Guilherme Paoliello and Manoel Maia, 2004.


G A Document I nternational n 108, Tokyo, Japan, 2009. [Mediatheque Puc-Rio RJ, Brazil]

G A Houses Project n 109, Tokyo, Japan, 2009. [House in Portland OR, US]

G A Houses n 106, Tokyo, Japan, 2008. [House at Santa Teresa RJ, Brazil]

P rojetoDesign n 336, S o Paulo, Brazil, 2008. [House in East Hampton, NY, US]

G A Houses Project n 98, Tokyo, Japan, 2007. [House in East Hampton NY, US]

A V - P royectos n 15, Madrid, Spain, 2006. [Mediatheque Puc-Rio RJ, Brazil]

A rquine, n 37, Mexico, 2006. [Mediatheque Puc-Rio RJ, Brazil]


AutoCad / Revit / Rhino / 3D Max / Sketchup / Maxwell / Adobe Suite / Microsoft Office


Registered at the CREA (Brazilian Architect s Council) P rofessional License 5-061*-*****


P ortuguese mother language

E nglish fluent

I talia n fluent


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