Marc Kehoe
*************@***.*** **1 First Avenue NYC 10003
R sum
Print Designer and Art Director/Website Designer/New Media Art Director/
Marc Kehoe Design; Full Service Independent Multi-Media Agency 9/2000 Present
Clients: C hristie's Auction House: R edesign of corporate website; J eco Music, NYC: d esign and
architecture for extensive commercial music library site; Academy of American Studies NYC:
concept, design and production of teaching site/special class for NYC Board of Education
Playboy Enterprises: Creation of initial Online Corporate Assets Book; Omni-Photo Communications:
( stock photo agency): website redesign/consultation . S cott Foresman Publishing : Design and
P roduction of leveled readers including: color correction and editing of images, production
of printer ready files; D K Publishing : H ockey's Best Shots ( Design, Production Image Selection);
I nternational Masters Publishing ( picture editor, design, layout and production of printer-ready files;
'Roots of Rhythm' CD project); Angels Net NYC, Anomalynyc, Mc Garry Bowen, The Valentine
Group, American Movie Channel; Warner Brothers Pictures; W NBC (Law and Order); The Kitchen
Center for Video, Dance and Music; Depository Trust Company; and promotional p ieces for various
p hotographers,artists, theater events, etc.
Please see for a more complete listing and all links.
Website Designer/New Media Art Director
B rand Architecture International/Weiss Stagliano Partners; Advertising Agency 11/99 2003
Duties: D esign and production of initial Brand Architecture International website; Design and production
of WSP website, Design and production of animated web graphics (banners, website elements);
A nimated client presentations created with Flash, Powerpoint presentation design and production,
C onversion of TV spots to various digital formats, Video production, Digital photography,
S tudio duties such as production of mechanicals, photo retouching, etc.
Clients: B rand Architecture International (website); Weiss Stagliano Partners (website);
( animated web banners, animated presentations), Camino Real Hotels (banners); Waterworks
( Flash presentation), Tumi Luggage, Bain De Soliel (animated presentation); The Economist
E, Guinness, Harp, Bass Ale,,, St. Regis Hotels, etc.
W ebsite Designer/Multimedia Art Director
One Thousand Monkeys Typing; Independent Web Advertising Agency 8/99 11/99
Clients: I ncluding WSP, Ziff Davis Publishing, etc.
A ssociate Art Director
D epartures Magazine American Express Publishing, New York City 11/93 5/97
Duties: D esigner for feature front and back of book, picture choice, hiring and art direction of illustrators,
h iring photographers; picture research for Italy based stories, supervision of color separations,
d esign of digital photo log-in and return system, delivering of printer ready files, QPS.
Awards: S ociety of Publication Designers Special Commendation
Designer 1984 93
Clients: Town & Country Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Paper Magazine,
N ew York Magazine, Individual Investor, Bert Clarke Typography, etc.
Applications: I n D e s i g n, Q u a r k, Dreamweaver, Flash, BBEdit, Quicktime, Premiere, Media Cleaner,
P hotoshop, Image Ready, Illustrator, Power Point, Fetch, Interarchy, etc.
Education: F ilmmaking & Painting; Rhode Island School of Design