Don Pursell's Resume
I am presently a server and trainer at
Pensacola Ale House and have had sixteen years of work experience as
either a cook or server in the restaurant industry. My ultimate goal,
however, is to earn my degree in Computer Programming and Analysis. In
addition to my responsibilities as a server, I am a full time student
at Pensacola State College and have a 3.75 grade point average. My hope
is that that once I earn my degree I will be able attain an entry
position into a field I not only will be qualified for, but also enjoy.
This resume will summarize my accomplishments
professional and otherwise. The categories below can be selected to
find out more:
Elementary School: Gadsden Christian Academy located
in Havana, FL.
Middle School: Carter
Paramore Academy located in Quincy, FL
High School: Amos P. Godby High
School located in Tallahassee, FL
College: Pensacola
State College located in Pensacola, FL
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Awards and Accomplishments
Elementary School: From
to fifth grade I was on the honor roll every year.
During the second
half of my fifth grade year my teacher recommended me for gifted
evaluation. I passed the test and remained in gifted class until my
ninth grade year.
Middle School: Throughout
entirety of middle school I continued to make the honor
roll. In my
seventh grade year I placed second in the school science fair and third
in the
regional science fair.
High School: In high
school I
was in honors classes and took electives such as Guitar, Jazz
Band and
Graphic Arts. After excelling in guitar for the first three years of
high school Band
Director (Joe Walsh) invited me to join the Godby High
Jazz Band in my senior year. The
jazz band won the award "Superior
Performance by a Jazz Band". Also, I personally received
the "Superior
Performance by a Guitarist" award.
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Work History
1994-2001: Waffle House
Location: Pensacola, FL
Supervisor: Nga Dunaway
Position: Master Grill Operator
Responsibilities: As a Master Grill Operator the employee is expected
to act as the manager when none is present. This includes handling
customer complaints, helping with employee disputes, and generally
ensuring the smooth running operation of the establishment
2001-2004: Cracker Barrel
Location: Pigeon Forge, TN
Supervisor: Donna Helton
Position: Par 4 Server Trainer and Par 4 Cook Trainer*
Responsibilities: As Par 4 server and cook trainer it was my
responsibility to train new cooks and servers. It is also the
responsibility of Par 4 employees to pay attention to newer employees
and assist them in any way needed.
*The "Par System" is the ranking system used at Cracker Barrel. The
"Par" of an employee is represented by stars on the uniform, zero being
the lowest and four being the highest.
2005-2009: O' Charlie's Restaurant
Location: Pensacola, FL
Supervisor: Dave Quadrini
Position: Closing and Opening Server
Responsibilities: When a server is the closing server it is their job
to assign and check sidework to be done at the end of the shift. They
are also required to close the server line and the dining room. This
consists of finishing any sidework that was left undone and preparing
the server line and dining room to be opened with the least
amount of effort from the opener. Conversely, as an opening server it
is required for the employee to prepare the server line and dining room
for a full day of business.
2010-Present: Pensacola Ale House
Location: Pensacola, FL
Supervisor: Rich Brown
Position: Server
Responsibilities: As a server at Ale House you must have extensive
knowledge of the food and drink recipes in order to provide a rich and
enjoyable experience for the customer.
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Contact Information
Name: Don Pursell
Home Phone: 850-***-****
Cell Phone: 850-***-****
Email: ********@*****.***
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This web page is owned by Don Pursell
My email address is ********@*****.***