Lorin Hochstein
Computer Scientist
Information Sciences Institute (East)
University of Southern California
**** *. ******* *****, ***** 200
Arlington, VA 22203-1707
University of Maryland,
College Park
., Computer Science, August 2006
Boston University
., Electrical Engineering, May 2002.
McGill University
(Montreal, Canada)
. with Great Distinction, Computer Engineering, May 1999.
Professional Experience
Computer Scientist, Information Sciences Institute, 2008present
Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 20062008
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland, 20022006
Graduate Research Assistant, Boston University, 20012002
Software Developer, Xiphos Technologies, Montreal, Canada, 19992000.
Grants, Contracts and Awards
Software Application Discovery Initiative (SADI) Study
Award #OCI-0949403
September 2009
February 2011
Total award: $280,961.
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DOE Office of Science
Software Construction and Composition Tools for Petascale Computing
Award #DE-SC0002347
September 2009
September 2012
Total award: $285,000.
Lorin Hochstein, Taiga
Nakamura, Forrest Shull, Nico Zazworka, Victor R. Basili
Refereed Conference Publications
Min Zhang, Lorin Hochstein, Fitting a workflow model to captured development data,
3 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
(ESEM 09), October 2009. (36 out of 95 papers accepted: 38%).
Lorin M. Hochstein, Forrest Shull, Lynn B. Reid, The role of MPI in development time:
a case study, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis (SC 08), November 2008. (59 out of 277 papers accepted: 21%).
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Andhy Koesnandar, Sebastian Elbaum, Gregg Rothermel, Lorin Hochstein, Kathryn
Stolee, Christopher Scaffidi, Using Assertions to Help End-User Programmers Create
Dependable Web Macros, 16 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 16), November 2008.
Taiga Nakamura, Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili. Identifying Domain-Specific Defect
Classes Using Inspections and Change History . 5 International Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE '06). September 2006, pages 346-355. (31 out of
152 papers accepted: 20%)
Lorin Hochstein, Jeff Carver, Forrest Shull, Sima Asgari, Victor R. Basili, Jeffrey K.
Hollingsworth, Marvin V. Zelkowitz. Parallel Programmer Productivity: A Case Study
of Novice Parallel Programmers. International Conference for High Performance
Computing, Networking and Storage (SC 05). November 2005. Best student paper
award. (62 out of 260 papers accepted: 24%)
Forrest Shull, Victor R. Basili, Jeff Carver, Lorin Hochstein. Empirical Study Design in
the Area of High-Performance Computing (HPC). 4th International Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE '05). November 2005. (acceptance rate: 40%).
Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Jeff
Carver. Combining Self-reported and Automatic Data to Improve Effort Measurement.
Joint 10th European Software Engineering Conference and 13th ACM SIGSOFT
Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 05). September
2005. (25 out of 169 papers accepted: 25%).
Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Victor R. Basili, Sima Asgari, Lorin Hochstein, Jeffrey K.
Hollingsworth, Taiga Nakamura. Measuring Productivity on High Performance
Computers. 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium. September 2005.
(39 out of 89 papers accepted: 44%).
S. Hamid Nawab, Robert P. Wotiz, Lorin M. Hochstein, Carlos J. De Luca. Next-
Generation Decomposition of Multi-channel EMG Signals. Proceedings of the 24th
Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society .
October 2002.
Lorin Hochstein, Sorin Lerner, James Clark, Jeremy Cooperstock. Soccer-Swarm: A
Graphical Framework for Soccer-Player Design. Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Robotics, Montreal, Canada. May 2000.
Workshop Publications
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Jeffrey C. Carver, Lorin Hochstein, Jason Olin, Identifying Programmer Ability Using
Peer Evaluation: An Exploratory Study, First Workshop on Human Aspects of Software
Engineering (HAoSE 2009), OOPSLA, Orlando, Florida. September 2009.
Victor Basili, Thiago Craveiro, Daniela Cruzes, Kate Despain, Bill Dorland, Lorin
Hochstein, Nico Zazworka, Marvin Zelkowitz, "Large Efficient Table-Top Teraflop
Computing", Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science &
Engineering (SE-CSE), ICSE, Leipzig, Germany. May 2008.
Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili, Position Paper and Brief Announcement: An
Empirical Study to Compare Two Parallel Programming Models, ACM Symposium on
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 06). July 2006.
Sima Asgari, Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili, Jeff Carver, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth,
Forrest Shull. Generating Testable Hypotheses from Tacit Knowledge for High
Productivity Computing. Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance
Computing Applications
(SE-HPCS), ICSE, St. Louis, MO. May 2005.
Andy Funk, Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili, Jeremy Kepner. Application of a
Development Time Productivity Metric to Parallel Software Development. Workshop on
Software Engineering for High Performance Computing Applications
St. Louis, MO. May 2005.
Robert Numrich, Lorin Hochstein, Victor R. Basili. A Metric Space for Productivity
Measurement in Software Development. Workshop on Software Engineering for High
Performance Computing Applications
(SE-HPCS), ICSE, St. Louis, MO. May 2005.
Sima Asgari, Victor R. Basili, Jeff Carver, Lorin Hochstein, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth,
Forrest Shull, Marvin V. Zelkowitz. Challenges in Measuring HPCS Learner
Productivity in an Age of Ubiquitous Computing. Workshop on Software Engineering
for High Performance Computing Applications (SE-HPCS), ICSE, Edinburgh, Scotland.
May 2004.
Society memberships
ACM: Association for Computing Machinery (2006 2009)
Member of the Special Interest Group on Software Engineering
(2006 2009)
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Inc. (1997 present)
Member of the Computer Society (1997 present)
Member of the Society on Social Implications of Technology
(2006 2008)
ISERN: International Software Engineering Research Network (2007 present)
OIQ: Order of Engineers of Quebec (1999-2000)
Engineer in Training
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University of Nebraska Lincoln, Computer Science & Engineering Students
Choice Outstanding Teaching Award for Teaching of Lower Division Courses for
2006-2007 academic year
Best Student Paper Award, SC 05
Doctoral Research Scholarship, Quebec Science and Technology Research Fund
(FQRNT), 2004
Fraunhofer Graduate Research Assistantship, University of Maryland, 2002.
Presidential University Graduate Fellowship, Boston University, 2000.
British Association Medal for Great Distinction, McGill University, 1999.
Outstanding Leadership Contribution Award, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, McGill University, 1999.
J.W. McConnell Award, McGill University, 1998.
Canadian Marconi Scholarship, Marconi Canada, 1997.
Gene H. Kruger Memorial Scholarship, Federation CJA, 1997.
Topics Taught at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Experimentation in Software Engineering / Software Technology Evaluation
Human-Computer Interaction
Student Supervision
Padma Ashokkumar (M.S
Min Zhang (M.S
Professional service
Program committees
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
September 2010.
Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and
Engineering (SECSE'2010), May 2010.
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
October 2009.
Second International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and
Engineering (SE-CSE), May 2009.
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
October 2008.
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First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science &
Engineering (SE-CSE), May 2008.
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
short papers track, September 2007.
Session chair
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
October 2009.
Third International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance
Computing Applications, May 2007.
Journal of Organizational and End-User Computing
IEEE/AIP Computing in Science & Engineering
IEEE Software
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
The Journal of Empirical Software Engineering
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
Software Quality Journal
IET Software
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for
Security, Ottawa, Canada, June 2006
The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge
Engineering (SEKE'2004), Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 2004
Contributing editor, OpenSeminar in Empirical Software Engineering
University and Departmental Service
Committee assignments
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Curriculum Committee (
-2007, 2007-2008
Software Engineering Qualifying Exam Committee
(2006-2007, 2007-2008)
Thesis committees
Andhy Koesnadar (MS)
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