Dr. Gabrielle D. Allen
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 7th July 1967 Sex: Female
Place of Birth: Barking, England Marital Status: Single
Nationality: British Visa Status: H1-B (since 2003)
Ph.D., Computational Astrophysics, Cardi University, UK, 1993. Thesis Advisor, Prof. Bernard Schutz
Certi cate of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Part III), Cambridge University, UK, 1989.
B.Sc in Mathematics (First Class Honours), Nottingham University, UK, 1988.
Current Positions
Associate Professor of Computer Science, August 2003 - present
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Adjunct Professor of Physics, August 2003 - present
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Lead of Louisiana Statewide CyberTools Project, September 2008 - present
Responsibilities include:
Development of cyberinfrastructure through the Louisiana NSF Research Infrastructure Improvement
Coordination of faculty, postdocs and students at four sites in Louisiana
Development of interactions between cyberinfrastructure and science domains
Education and outreach
Lead of Cactus Project, 1997 - present
Cactus (http://www.cactuscode.org) is a modular, parallel and collaborative programming environment for
large scale, complex, scienti c applications, with many users in numerical relativity, computational uid
dynamics, coastal modeling, reservoir engineering, quantum gravity, and other areas. Cactus is currently
funded by NSF, DOE and ONR.
Recent Professional Activities
NSF OCI Task Force on Software Infrastructure, 2009.
Co-chair for International Conference on Computational Science, Baton Rouge, 2009.
Reviewer for High End Computing in Ireland for Science Foundation Ireland (2007, 2008)
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Program Committees: ParCo 2009, HAPCW2006, High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2007,
HPC 2006)
Journal Reviews: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, International Journal on Grid Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Trans-
actions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Education.
Grant Reviews: DOE SCIDAC, NSF MRI, NSF IGERT, NSF CSR, NSF ITR, NSF Resource Allocation
Committee LRAC/MRAC (2005-2008)
Previous Positions
Assistant Director for Computing Applications, August 2003 - September 2008
Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Responsibilities included:
Strategic planning for CCT
Development of CCT-wide cross-disciplinary research programs, projects and proposals.
Contacts and collaborations with departments at LSU and other national and international institutions.
Establishment of CCT (Equipment, hiring, policies and procedures, grants and funding)
Coordination of faculty involved with CCT, including all faculty meetings and workshops
Establishment and organization of CCT programs (education, fellowships, faculty development, semi-
Economic development (Meetings with e.g. DOW, IBM, Shell,
Advertising mission of CCT.
Representing CCT on programs/funding opportunities across the university.
Management of CCT budget for focus area research groups.
Focus Area Head (Interim), Core Computing Science, August 2003 - September 2008
Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Developing and coordinating research activities related to core computational science at the CCT,
including Grid Computing, Scienti c Computing, Computational Mathematics, Frameworks, Sensors
and Networks.
Working with leads of research groups to hire sta and develop research programs.
Managing the budget of the Core CS area and attending administrative meetings at CCT.
Organizing regular meetings of the Core CS area.
Lead of Computational Science Group, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany, (2000-2003)
Visiting Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, 2000-2003
Cactus Project Leader, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany, 1998-2001
Max-Planck Postdoctoral Fellowship, Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany, 1995-1998
Particle Physics & Astrophysics Research Council Research Associate, Cardi University, 1995
Science and Engineering Research Council Fellowship, Cardi University, 1993-1995
Sponsored Student, Rolls Royce and Associates, Derby, 1985-1988.
Prizes and Awards
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 2
Winner of Second IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2009), Shanghai May 2009,
for Large Scale Problem Solving Using Automatic Code Generation and Distributed Visualization.
CCT Excellence in Research Award for Faculty, 2006.
Winner of Best Paper at GCE 2005 (Workshop on Grid Computing Portals, Supercomputing 2005) for
An Application Portal for Collaborative Coastal Modeling (C. Zhang, C. Dekate, G. Allen, I. Kelley and J.
Member of winning team for HPC Challenge Awards (Supercomputing 2002, November 2002), Most Geo-
graphically Distributed Application and Most Heterogeneous Set of Platforms.
Member of winning team for High-performance bandwidth challenge (Supercomputing 2002, November
2002), Highest Performing Application: Wide Area Distributed Simulations Using Cactus, Globus and Vis-
Winner of Gordon Bell Prize for Supercomputing (Special Category, Supercomputing 2001, November 2001)
for the paper Supporting E cient Execution in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments with
Cactus and Globus (T. Dramlitsch, G. Allen, E. Seidel, I. Foster, B. Toonen, N. Karonis, M. Ripeanu).
Awarded pen for top academic user of NCSA Origin 2000, March 1999.
Recipient of Postdoctoral SERC fellowship, 1993.
Recipient of SERC research grant, 1993.
Elizabeth and J.D. Marsden Prize for Female Students, Nottingham University, 1988.
Research Interests
Grid and Distributed Computing: Design of tools and techniques which exploit the worldwide Grid of
computational resources, particularly with regard to making such resources more accessible for real appli-
cations, enabling large-scale computing. (e.g. Remote visualization, monitoring and steering. Distributed
data management. Resource brokering and selection. Information services. Scheduling. Application portals
and problem solving environments. Distributed computing. Mobile Access. Grid toolkits for application
programmers. Testbeds. Working practices and policies. Collaborative use of the Grid.)
Computational Science: Parallel computing methods and paradigms. Frameworks and toolkits. Collab-
orative techniques and working practices. Increasing ease-of-use of resources for application programmers
and users.
Computational Physics and Scienti c Applications: Algorithms, numerical relativity and astro-
physics. Coastal science. Petroleum Engineering. Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Video Game Design (CS4700/CS4999): Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009
Grid Computing (CS7700): Fall 2007, Fall 2005, Spring 2004
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics (HON4823): Fall 2007, Fall 2006, Spring 2006
Numerical Methods (CS2262): Spring 2007
General Relativity: 1996, 1997
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 3
Major Grants and Funding
Current Grants;
NSF EAGER, Strategies for Remote Visualization on a Dynamically Con gurable Testbed, $300,000.
Partners LSU, NCSA, ORNL, Internet2, LONI, August 2009 to July 2011, Principal Investigator.
NSF OCI, PetaCactus: Unraveling the Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Mystery, $1,461,455. co-PI.
NSF PRAC, Enabling Science at the Petascale: From Binary Systems and Stellar Core Collapse To
Gamma-Ray Bursts, $26,200. co-PI.
NSF PIF Collaborative Research: Community Infrastructure for General Relativity MHD (CIGR),
$400,000. Principal Investigator.
DOE/BOR: Ubiquitous Computing and Monitoring System (UCoMS) for Discovery and Management
of Energy Resources, $3.3M (total). Co-PI at LSU.
NSF OCI: The LONI Grid - Leveraging HPC Resources of the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative
for Science and Engineering Research and Education, $2.2M (Total, LSU). Senior Investigator.
NSF OCI: Leadership-Class Scienti c and Engineering Computing: Breaking Through the Limits
(Blue Waters), $208M (Total), $160K (LSU). PI at LSU.
NSF ESPCOR/BOR: Louisiana s Research Infrastructure Improvement Strategy (Includes Cyber-
Tools), $12M (Total), October 2007 to September 2010, PI at LSU (subcontracts to ULL, LATECH,
Southern), Lead of CyberTools Component.
NSF OCI: ALPACA: Cactus Tools for Application Level Performance and Correctness Analysis,
$587K (Total, LSU), October 1st 2007 to August 31st 2010, co-PI.
NSF MPS: XiRel: A Next Generation Infrastructure for Numerical Relativity, $250K (Total, LSU),
September 2007 to July 2010, Principal Investigator.
BOR PKSFI: Center of Excellence in Integrated Smart Sensor Surveillance System (CyberSpace),
$3,638,000 (Total), June 207 to June 2012, co-PI.
BOR PKSFI: The LONI Institute: Advancing Biology, Materials, and Computational Sciences doe
Research, Education and Economic Development, $7M (Total), June 2007 to May 2012, Senior Inves-
DOD/ONR: Development of a Uni ed Modeling Framework for Simulations of Coastal Processes in
Deltaic Environments Using High-Performance Computing (COMI), $463K (LSU, June 2007 to May
2010, co-PI.
NSF CNS: MRI: Development of PetaShare: A Distributed Data Archival, Analysis and Visualization
System for Data Intensive Collaborative Research, $958K, August 2006 to July 2010, co-PI.
NSF IGERT IGERT on Multi-scale Computations of Fluid Dynamics, $3,200,000 (all to LSU),
September 2005 to September 2010. co-PI.
NSF LRAC Numerical Relativity and Black Hole Mergers, Computer allocation at National Centers.
Over 5,000,000 CPU hours (SUs) across various NSF sites, 2008 to 2009. co-PI.
Recent Grants:
SURA/NOAA: SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program, $150K (LSU), December
2006 to August 2008, PI at LSU.
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 4
NSF DDDAS: DynaCode: A General DDDAS Framework with Coast and Environment Modeling
Applications, $220,000, January 1, 2006 to December 31st, 2008. Principal Investigator.
NSF CNS: EnLIGHTened Computing: Highly-dynamic Grid E-science Applications Driving Adaptive
Optical Control Plane and Compute Resources, $50,000, 1st September 2005 to 31st August 2006.
Principal Investigator at LSU.
DOE and Louisiana BOR: Ubiquitous Computing and Monitoring Systems for Discovery and Man-
agement of Energy Resources (UCOMS), $2.4M ($582,000 to LSU), August 15, 2004 to August 14,
2007. Principal Investigator at LSU.
NSF NMI: GridChem: Cyberinfrastructure for Computational Chemistry, $2.7M ($600,000 to LSU),
October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2007. Principal Investigator at LSU. (Summer salary)
SURA (NOAA/ONR): SCOOP: SURA Coastal Ocean Observing Program, Around $7M ($480,000
to LSU), September 2004 to November 2006. Principal Investigator at LSU.
DFG-SFB, Germany Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Methods Sources Observations. Over
4M Euros shared between 5 institutes over 4 years. Senior Investigator.
EU 5th Framework Program: Information Society Technologies: GridLab: A Grid Application
Toolkit and Testbed, $7,000,000 ( $1,000,000 to AEI), January 1, 2002 to April 1, 2005. Primary
author and PI at AEI.
DFN Verein, Germany: GriKSL : Development of Grid Based Simulation and Visualization Tech-
niques, approx. 1M DM, April 2002 to March 2004, co-PI at AEI.
EU 5th Framework Training Network: Theoretical Foundations of Sources for Gravitational
Wave Astronomy of the Next Century: Synergy between Supercomputer Simulations and Approximation
Techniques, 2, 000, 000 (total), January 2001 to April 2004, co-PI at AEI.
Currently Under Review
NSF STCI Strategies for Remote Visualization on a Dynamically Con gurable Testbed, $875,555.
Partners LSU, NCSA, ORNL, Internet2, LONI. Principal Investigator.
NSF, Center for Ubiquitous Parallel Computing Applications, $375,000, with UIUC, co-PI.
NSF GENI, Lessons for the GENI Architecture from the EnLIGHTened Computing Infrastructure,
$29,759. co-PI.
DHS, NIMSAT DHS Center of Excellence for Command, Control and Interoperability, $3,608,568.
Students and Postdocs Supervised
Graduate Students
Current graduate students: Archit Kulshrestha (PhD, Computer Science), Andrei Hutanu (PhD, Com-
puter Science), Vinay Amatya (PhD, Computer Science), Jiang Lei (PhD Computer Science).
Masters in System Science, LSU: Feng Jiao (2009), Dylan Stark (2007), Santiago Pena (2007), Xiaoxi
Xu (2007), Sasanka Madiraju (2006), Chongjie Zhang (2006), Chirag Dekate (2004), Archit Kulshrestha
Thomas Dramlitsch, PhD thesis, Distributed Computing, University of Potsdam, 2002. Co-supervised
with Edward Seidel.
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 5
Gerd Lanfermann, PhD thesis, Grid Computing, University of Potsdam, 2002. Co-supervised with
Edward Seidel.
Graduate Committee Member
Current: Esma Yildrim (PhD, Computer Science), Zhifeng Yun (PhD, ECE), Wesley Evan (PhD,
Physics), Mehmet Balman (PhD, Computer Science)
Previous: Samantha Danchuk (PhD, Coastal Engineering, 2009), Jason Tate (Masters, System Sci-
ence, 2009), Xin Li (PhD, Petroleum Engineering, 2008), Sirish Tumula (Masters, System Science,
2008), Emrah Ceyhan (Masters, System Science, 2007), Prathyusha Akunuri (Masters, ECE, 2007),
Aran Nayar (Masters, Engineering, 2005), Shangli Ou (Masters, System Science, 2004)
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Mentoring at LSU: Irina Craciun (Math, 2008), Razvan Carbenescu (CS/Math, 2008),
Ana Buleu (ECE), Elena Caraba (Math, 2008), Andrew Davidson (ECE, 2008), John Lewis (CS, 2009),
Alex Nagelberg (CS, 2009), Tyler Barker (CS/Math, University Medalist/Honors, 2009), Alex Clary
(ECE), Kevin Kolz (CS, 2008), Edwin Lee (ECE, 2009), Colby Jordan (CS, 2009).
Henryk Feider, Diplome thesis, University of Potsdam, 2003.
Annabelle Roentgen, Vordiplome, University of Potsdam, 2002.
Frank Loe er, LSU, 2007
Jian Tao, LSU, 2007 2009
Shangli Ou, LSU, 2004 2005
David Rideout, AEI, 2001 2003.
Books and Monographs
A1 G. Allen, J. Nabryszki, E. Seidel, G.D. van Albada, J.J. Dongarra and P.M.A. Sloot: in Computational
Science - ICCS 2009: 9th International Conference, Baton Rouge, USA, Proceedings, Part I, in series
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
A2 Proceedings of the 13th Annual Mardi Gras Conference, Frontiers of Grid Applications and Technolo-
gies, 3-5 February 2005, Baton Rouge, Editors: Gabrielle Allen, Karen Jones, Ravi Paruchuri and
Archit Kulshrestha.
Chapters in Books
B1 Zhou Lei, Zhifeng Yun, and Gabrielle Allen, Grid Resource Allocation, in Grid Computing: Infrastruc-
ture, Service, and Applications, Ed: L. Wang, J. Wei and J. Chen, ISBN-10: 142*******, CRC Press
B2 Gabrielle Allen, Phil Bogden, Richard A. Luettich Jr, Ed Seidel, Robert Twilley, Designing a Dynamic
Data Driven Application System for Coastal and Environmental Modeling, in IFIP International Fed-
eration for Information Processing, Volume 239, Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments, Eds.
Ga ney, P.W., Pool, J.C.T., (Boston: Springer), pp. 275-293,( 2007).
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 6
B3 Erik Schnetter, Christian Ott, Gabrielle Allen, Peter Diener, Tom Goodale, Thomas Radke, Edward
Seidel, John Shalf, Cactus Framework: Black Holes to Gamma Ray Bursts, in Petascale Computing:
Algorithms and Applications, Ed. D. Bader, CRC Press LLC (2007).
B4 Gabrielle Allen and Ed Seidel, Collaborative Science: Astrophysics Requirements and Experiences, in
The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure (2nd Edition), Ed: Ian Foster and Carl
Kesselmann, p. 201-213, (2004).
[LOCATION: CS Allen04b.pdf]
B5 Michael Russell, Gabrielle Allen, Jarek Nabrzyski, Tom Goodale, and Ed Seidel, Applications Require-
ments for Resource Brokering in a Grid Environment, In Grid Resource Management: State of the
Art and Future Trends (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science), Ed: J.
Nabrzyski, J. Schopf and J. Waglarz, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Pages 25-40, (2004).
[LOCATION: CS Russell03a.pdf]
B6 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Michael Russell, Ed Seidel and John Shalf, Classifying and Enabling
Grid Applications, chapter in Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, Ed: F.
Berman, G. Fox, A. J. G. Hey, John Wiley, Pages 601-614, (2003).
C1 Daniel S. Katz, Gabrielle Allen, Ricardo Cortez, Carolina Cruz-Neira, R. Gottumukkala, Z. D. Green-
wood, Les Guice, Shantenu Jha, R. Kolluru, Tev k Kosar, Lonnie Leger, H. Liu, Charlie McMahon,
Jarek Nabrzyski, Bety Rodriguez-Milla, Ed Seidel, G. Speyrer, Michael Stubble eld, Brian Voss, S.
Whittenburg, Louisiana: A Model for Advancing Regional e-Research through Cyberinfrastructure,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 28, June 2009, vol. 367, no. 1897, 2459-2469, (2009).
[LOCATION: CS Katz09a.pdf]
C2 X. Wang, Dayong Huang, Ismail Akturk, Mehmet Balman, Gabrielle Allen and Tev k Kosar, Semantic
Enabled Metadata Management in PetaShare, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing
(IJGUC), Volume 1, No. 4, (2009).
[LOCATION: CS Wang09a.pdf]
C3 Gabrielle Allen, Philip Bogden, Gerald Creager, Chirag Dekate, Carola Jesch, Hartmut Kaiser, Jon
MacLaren, Will Perrie, Gregory Stone, Xiongping Zhang, Towards an integrated GIS-based coastal
forecast work ow, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 20 Issue 14, Pages
1637 - 1651, (2008).
[LOCATION: CS Allen06a.pdf]
C4 Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, Promita Chakraborty, Dayong Huang, John Lewis, Xin Li, Christopher
D. White, A Grid-enabled problem-solving environment for advanced reservoir uncertainty analysis,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 20, Issue 18, (2008).
[LOCATION: CS Lei08a.pdf]
C5 Phil Bogden, Tom Gale, Gabrielle Allen, John MacLaren, Guy Almes, Gerry Creager, Joanne Bintz,
L. D. Wright, Hans Graber, N. Williams, Sara Graves, Helen Conover, Ken Galluppi, Rick Luettich,
Will Perrie, B. Toulany, Y. P. Sheng, Justin R. Davis, Harry Wang, David Forrest, Architecture of a
community infrastructure for predicting and analyzing coastal inundation, Marine Technology Society
Journal, 41, No 1: 53-71, (2007).
[LOCATION: MTSFinal 2007.pdf]
C6 Chongjie Zhang, Chirag Dekate, Gabrielle Allen, Ian Kelley and Jon MacLaren, An Application Portal
for Collaborative Coastal Modeling, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume
19, Issue 12, p. 1571-1581, (2007).
[LOCATION: CS Zhang05b.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 7
C7 Chongjie Zhang, Ian Kelley and Gabrielle Allen, Grid Portal Solutions: A Comparison of GridPortlets
and OGCE, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 19, Issue 12, p. 1739-
1748, (2007).
[LOCATION: CS Zhang05a.pdf]
C8 Andrei Hutanu, Gabrielle Allen, Stephen D. Beck, Petr Holub, Hartmut Kaiser, Archit Kulshrestha,
Milos Liska, Jon MacLaren, Ludek Matyska, Ravi Paruchuri, Ste en Prohaska, Ed Seidel, Brygg
Ullmer, Shalini Venkataraman, Distributed and Collaborative Visualization of Large Data Sets Using
High-speed Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 22, Issue 8, p 1004-1010, (2006).
[LOCATION: CS Hutanu06a.pdf]
C9 Rion Dooley, Kent Milfeld, Chona Guiang, Sudhakar Pamidighantam, Gabrielle Allen, From Proposal
to Production: Lessons Learned Developing the Computational Chemistry Grid Cyberinfrastructure,
Journal of Grid Computing, Jan 2006, Pages 1 - 14, DOI 10.1007/s10723-006-9043-7, (2006)
[LOCATION: CS Dooley05a.pdf]
C10 Gabrielle Allen, Kelly Davis, Tom Goodale, Andrei Hutanu, Hartmut Kaiser, Thilo Kielmann, Andre
Merzky, R. Van Nieuwpoort, A. Reinefeld, F. Schintke, T. Schuett, Ed Seidel and B. Ullmer, The
Grid Application Toolkit: Toward Generic and Easy Application Programming Interfaces for the Grid,
Proceedings of the IEEE, 93(3), (2005).
[LOCATION: CS Allen05a.pdf]
C11 Ruxandra Bondarescu, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Daues, Ian Kelley, Michael Russell, Ed Seidel, John
Shalf and M. Tobias, The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory Portal: a Framework for E ective
Distributed Research, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 259-270, (2005).
[LOCATION: CS Bondarescu03a.pdf]
C12 Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen, Carlos Bona, David Fiske, Tom Goodale, Francisco S. Guzman,
Ian Hawke, Scott Hawley, Sascha Husa, Michael Koppitz, Christiana Lechner, Denis Pollney, David
Rideout, Marcelo Salgado, Erik Schnetter, Ed Seidel, H. Shinkai, Deirdre Shoemaker, Bela Szilagyi,
Ryoji Takahashi, Je Winicour, Towards standard testbeds for numerical relativity, Class. Quantum
Grav., 21(2), p. 589-613, (2004).
[LOCATION: CS Alcubierre04a.pdf]
C13 Gabrielle Allen, Kelly Davis, N. Dolkas, N. D. Doulamis, Tom Goodale, Thilo Kielmann, Andre
Merzky, Jarek Nabrzyski, J. Pukacki, and Thomas Radke, Enabling applications on the grid: A Gridlab
overview, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 17, Number 4,
Pages 449-466, (2003).
[LOCATION: CS Allen03c.pdf]
C14 Ed Seidel, Gabrielle Allen, Andre Merzky and Jarek Nabrzyski, GridLab A Grid Application Toolkit
and Testbed, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 18, Issue 8, Pages, 1143-1153, (2002).
[LOCATION: New Seidel02.pdf]
C15 Michael Russell, Gabrielle Allen, Ian Foster, Ed Seidel, Jason Novotny, John Shalf, Gregor von
Laszewski and Greg Daues, The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory: A Science Portal Enabling
Community Software Development, Journal on Cluster Computing, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 297
304, (2002).
[LOCATION: New Russell02.pdf]
C16 Gregor von Laszewski, Michael Russell, Ian Foster, John Shalf, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Daues, Jason
Novotny and Ed Seidel, Community Software Development with the Astrophysics Simulation Collab-
oratory, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 14, Issue 13-15, Pages
1289-1301, (2002).
[LOCATION: New Laszewski02.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 8
C17 Gabrielle Allen, Dave Angulo, Ian Foster, Gerd Lanfermann, C. Liu, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel and
John Shalf, The Cactus Worm: Experiments with Dynamic Resource Discovery and Allocation in a
Grid Environment, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 15(4), (2001).
[LOCATION: CS Allen01x.pdf]
C18 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Tom Goodale, H. Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, Andre Merzky, Thomas
Radke, Ed Seidel and John Shalf, Cactus Tools for Grid Applications, Cluster Computing, Volume 4,
Issue 3, Pages 179-188, (2001).
[LOCATION: CS Allen01xb.pdf]
C19 Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen, Bernd Br gmann, Gerd Lanfermann, Ed Seidel, Wai-Mo Suen,
Malcolm Tobias, Gravitational Collapse of Gravitational Waves in 3D Numerical Relativity, Physical
Review D, 61, 041501, (2000).
[LOCATION: CS Alcubierre00a.pdf]
C20 Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen, Bernd Br gmann, Edward Seidel and Wai-Mo Suen, Towards an
understanding of the stability properties of the 3+1 evolution equations in general relativity, Physical
Review D, 62, 124011, (2000).
[LOCATION: Alcubierre.pdf]
C21 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel, Werner Benger, H.
Hege, Andre Merzky, J. Mass and John Shalf, Solving Einstein s Equations on Supercoputers, IEEE
Computer, 32, (1999). [Cover story]
[LOCATION: CS Allen99x.pdf]
C22 Gabrielle Allen, Nils Andersson, Kostas Kokkotas, Pablo Laguna, Jorge Pullin and Joannes Ruo, The
close-limit approximation to neutron star collisions, Physical Review D, 60 104021, (1999).
[LOCATION: CS Allen99x2.pdf]
C23 Gabrielle Allen, Nils Andersson, Kostas Kokkotas, Bernard Schutz, Gravitational Waves from Pulsating
Stars: Evolving the Perturbation Equations for a Relativistic Star, Phys. Rev. D, 58, 124012, (1998).
[LOCATION: CS Allen98x.pdf]
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
D1 Zhifeng Yun, Zhou Lei, Daniel S. Katz, J. Ramanujam, Gabrielle Allen, Tev k Kosar, Shantenu Jha,
to appear in: Poster reception Integrating Multiclusters for E cient Application Execution. In Pro-
ceedings of the 2009 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (Portland, Oregon, November 14 -
20, 2009). SC 09. ACM Press, New York, NY.
[LOCATION: CS Yun09a.pdf]
D2 Eloisa Bentivegna, Gabrielle Allen, Oleg Korobkin and Erik Schnetter, Ensuring Correctness at the
Application Level: A Software Framework Approach, accepted for Workshop on Component-Based
High Performance Computing (CBHPC 2009).
D3 Archit Kulshrestha and Gabrielle Allen, Service Oriented Architecture for Job Submission and Man-
agement on Grid Computing Resources, to appear in 16th Annual International Conference on High
Performance Computing (HiPC 2009).
D4 Gabrielle Allen, Frank L er, Thomas Radke, Erik Schnetter, Ed Seidel, Integrating Web 2.0 Tech-
nologies with Scientic Simulation Codes for Real-Time Collaboration, to appear in IEEE International
Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2009), Workshop on The Impact and In uence of Web 2.0
on e-Research Infrastructure, Services and Applications.
[LOCATION: CS Allen09.pre.pdf]
D5 Steven Brandt, Gabrielle Allen, Matthew Eastman, Matthew Kemp, Erik Schnetter, Dynamic De-
ployment of a Component Framework with the Ubiqis System, to appear in Proceeding of The Second
International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2009.
[LOCATION: CS Brandt09.pre.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 9
D6 Andrei Hutanu, Jinghua Ge, Cornelius Toole and Gabrielle Allen, Towards an interactive and dis-
tributed visualization system for exploring large datasets, to appear in Proceedings of 5th High-End
Visualization Workshop, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2009.
[LOCATION: CS Hutanu09a.pre.pdf]
D7 Frank L er, Gabrielle Allen, Erik Schnetter, Jian Tao, Benchmarking Parallel I/O Performance for a
Large Scale Scienti c Application on the TeraGrid, to appear in Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2009), 2009.
[LOCATION: CS Loe er09a.pre.pdf]
D8 Jian Tao, Gabrielle Allen, Peter Diener, Frank Loe er, Roland Haas, Ian Hinder, Erik Schnetter and
Yosef Zlochower, Towards a Highly E cient and Scalable Infrastructure for Numerical Relativity Codes,
to appear, Proceedings of TeraGrid 2009.
[LOCATION: Tao09a.pdf]
D9 Claes Eskilsson, Yaakoub El-Khamra, David Rideout, Gabrielle Allen, Q. Jim Chen and Mayank Tyagi,
it A Parallel High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Shallow Water Model, Computational Science ICCS
2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5544/2009, p. 63-72, Springer, 2009.
[LOCATION: CS Eskilsson09a.pdf]
D10 Z. Lei, Z. Yun, G. Allen, X. Li, N. F. Tzeng, C. White, Improving Application Execution in Multi-
cluster Grids, in Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering (CSE 2008), pp.163-170, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2008.
D11 Z. Yun, M. Xie, F. Zhou, G. Allen, T. Kosar, and Z. Lei, Collaborating Mechanical Design Phases
Across A Grid, in Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and
Engineering Workshops, pp.65-70, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2008.
D12 Emrah Ceyhan, Gabrielle Allen, Christopher White, and Tev k Kosar, A Grid-enabled Work ow
System for Reservoir Uncertainty Analysis, Proceedings of CLADE 08 (in conjunction with HPDC 08),
p 45-52, Boston, MA, (2008).
[LOCATION: CS Ceyhan08a.pdf]
D13 Dayong Huang, Xinqi Wang, Gabrielle Allen, and Tev k Kosar, Semantic Enabled Metadata Framework
for Data Grids, Proceedings of International Workshop on P2P, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing
(3PGIC-2008), Barcelona, Spain, (2008).
D14 Jason G. Fleming, Crystal W. Fulcher, Richard A. Luettich, Brett D. Estrade, Gabrielle D. Allen, and
Harley S. Winer, A Real Time Storm Surge Forecasting System using ADCIRC, Estuarine and Coastal
Modeling X, M. Spaulding [ed], American Society of Civil Engineers, (2008).
[LOCATION: Fleming08.pdf]
D15 Christian D. Ott, Erik Schnetter, Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel, Jian Tao, and Burkhard Zink, B, A case
study for petascale applications in astrophysics: simulating gamma-ray bursts. In Proceedings of the
15th ACM Mardi Gras Conference: From Lightweight Mash-Ups To Lambda Grids: Understanding
the Spectrum of Distributed Computing Requirements, Applications, Tools, infrastructures, interop-
erability, and the incremental Adoption of Key Capabilities (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, January 29 -
February 03, 2008). MG 08. ACM, New York, NY, 1-9, (2008).
[LOCATION: CS Ott08a.pdf]
D16 Yun, Z., Chang, S. J., Lei, Z., Allen, G., and Bommathanahalli, A. 2008. Grid-enabled sawing opti-
mization: from scanning images to cutting solution. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras Con-
ference: From Lightweight Mash-Ups To Lambda Grids: Understanding the Spectrum of Distributed
Computing Requirements, Applications, Tools, infrastructures, interoperability, and the incremental
Adoption of Key Capabilities (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, January 29 - February 03, 2008). MG 08.
ACM, New York, NY, 1-8.
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 10
D17 Dylan Stark, Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Erik Schnetter, Thomas Radke, An Extensible Timing
Infrastructure for Adaptive Large-scale Applications, R. Wyrzykowski et al. (Eds.), Parallel Processing
and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4967, pp. 11701179,
[LOCATION: CS Stark08a.pdf]
D18 X. Li, C. White, Z. Lei, and G. Allen, Reservoir Model Updating by Ensemble Kalman Filter- Prac-
tical Approaches Using Grid Computing Technology, Proceedings of EAGE Conference on Petroleum
Geostatistics, June 2007.
D19 X. Li, C. White, Z. Lei, and G. Allen, Beyond Queues: Using Grid Computing for Simulation Studies,
Proceedings of SPE Digital Energy Conference and Exhibition, April 2007.
D20 Dylan Stark and Gabrielle Allen, Annotating High Performance Computing Simulations with Semantic
Metadata, in Joint Sessions of the Cyberspace Research Symposium and the 3rd International Inno-
vations and Real-time Applications of Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN) Symposium, Shreveport,
Louisiana, 2007.
D21 X. Li, C. White, Z. Lei, and G. Allen, Using Designed Reservoir Simulations and Grid Computing to
Compare Geostatistical Simulation Algorithms, Proceedings of Fifth Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications conference on Modeling Permeable Rocks, April 2007.
D22 Promita Chakraborty, Gabrielle Allen, Zhou Lei, John Lewis, Adam Lewis, Ian Chang-Yen, Itthichok
Jangjaimon, Nian-Feng Tzeng, An Integrated Grid Portal for Managing Energy Resources, e-Science
and Grid Computing, International Conference on, pp. 25-33, Third IEEE International Conference
on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2007), 2007.
D23 Xin Li, Zhou Li, Christopher White, Gabrielle Allen, Guan Qin, Frank T-C. Tsai, Grid-Enabled Ensem-
ble Subsurface Modeling, Proceedings of The 19th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2007), November 1921, 2007, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
D24 Gabrielle Allen, Promita Chakraborty, Dayong Huang, Zhou Lei, John Lewis, Christopher White,
Xiaoxi Xu, Chongjie Zhang, A Work ow Approach to Designed Reservoir Study,In Proceedings of the
2nd Workshop on Work ows in Support of Large-Scale Science (Monterey, California, USA, June 25 -
25, 2007). WORKS 07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 75-79, (2007).
D25 Zhifeng Yun, Samuel J. Keasler, Maoyuan Xie, Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, An Innovative Simulation
Approach for Water Mediated Attraction Based on Grid Computing, IMSCCS, pp.204-211, Second
International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS 2007), 2007
D26 Xin Li, Zhou Lei, White, C.D., Gabrielle Allen, Qin Guan, F.T.-C. Tsai, Ensemble Subsurface Mod-
eling Using Grid Computing Technology, Computer and Computational Sciences, International Multi-
Symposiums on, pp. 235-244, Second International Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computa-
tional Sciences (IMSCCS 2007), 2007.
D27 Maoyuan Xie, Fuguo Zhou, Zhifeng Yun, Gabrielle Allen, Tev k Kosar, and Zhou Lei. Collaborating
Mechanical Design Phases Across A Grid. Proceedings of International Multi-Symposiums on Com-
puter and Computational Sciences 2007 (IMSCCS 07), Iowa City, Iowa, USA, August 13-15, (2007).
D28 Ashwin Bommathanahalli, Maoyuan Xie, Zhifeng Yun, Sun Joseph Chang, Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen,
TOPSAW Sawing Optimization Analysis Using Grid Computing, Proceedings of International Multi-
Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences 2007 (IMSCCS 07), Iowa City, Iowa, USA,
August 13-15, (2007).
D29 Maoyuan Xie, Zhifeng Yun, Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, Cluster Abstraction: Towards Uniform Re-
source Description and Access in Multicluster Grid, Proceedings of International Multi-Symposiums
on Computer and Computational Sciences 2007 (IMSCCS 07), Iowa City, Iowa, USA, August 13-15,
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 11
D30 Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, Huang, D., Kaiser, H., Li, X., and White, C. 2006. Poster reception
Utilizing grid computing technologies for advanced reservoir studies. In Proceedings of the 2006
ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (Tampa, Florida, November 11 - 17, 2006). SC 06. ACM
Press, New York, NY, 151.
D31 Philip Bogden, Gabrielle Allen, Gerry Creager, Sara Graves, Rick Luettich, and Lavanya Ramakr-
ishnan, 2006. Poster reception Designing a collaborative cyberinfrastructure for event-driven coastal
modeling. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (Tampa, Florida,
November 11 - 17, 2006). SC 06. ACM Press, New York, NY, 185.
D32 Andrei Hutanu, Stephan Hirmer, Gabrielle Allen, Andre Merzky, Analysis of Remote Execution Models
for Grid Middleware, MGC 06: Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Middleware for Grid
Computing, ACM Press, pp. 62-67, 2006.
D33 Hartmut Kaiser, Andre Merzky, Stephan Hirmer, Gabrielle Allen, Edward Seidel and Ole Weidner,
Poster reception The SAGA C++ reference implementation: a milestone toward new high-level grid
applications, in SC 06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, p. 184,
ACM Press, New York, 2006.
D34 Stephan Hirmer, Hartmut Kaiser, Andre Merzky, Andrei Hutanu and Gabrielle Allen, Generic Support
for Bulk Operations in Grid Applications, MGC 06 Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on
Middleware for Grid Computing, ACM Press, pp. 50-55, 2006.
D35 Stephan Hirmer, Hartmut Kaiser, Andre Merzky, Andrei Hutanu and Gabrielle Allen, Seamless Inte-
gration of Generic Bulk Operations in Grid Applications
[LOCATION: CS Hirmer06f.pdf]
D36 Stephan Hirmer, Hartmut Kaiser, Andre Merzky, Andrei Hutanu and Gabrielle Allen, Seamless In-
tegration of Generic Bulk Operations in Grid Applications, R. Meersman, Z. Tari, P. Herrero et al.
(Eds.): OTM Workshops 2006, LNCS 4277, pp. 5254, 2006. (Poster Paper)
D37 Hartmut Kaiser, Andre Merzky, Stephan Hirmer, Gabrielle Allen, The SAGA C++ Reference Im-
plementation, Proceedings of the Workshop on Library-Centric Software Design LCSD 06, Technical
Report in Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and Goeteborg
University, No. 06-18, 2006.
D38 Shalini Venkataraman, Werner Benger, Amanda Long, Chirag Dekate, Gabrielle Allen, and Stephen
David Beck, Visualizing Katrina - Merging Computer Simulations with Observations, Proceedings of
PARA 06: Workshop on State-of-the-art in Scienti c and Parallel Computing, Umea, Sweden, June
18-21, 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Venkaraman06a.pdf]
D39 C. C. Douglas, G. Allen, Y. Efendiev, and G. Qin, High performance computing issues for grid based
dynamic data-driven applications, Proceedings of DCABES 2006, W. Xu and G. Wang (eds.), Shanghai
University Press, Shanghai, 2006, pp. 175-178.
[LOCATION: CS Douglas06a.pdf]
D40 Santiago Pena, Dayong Huang, Xin Li, Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, Chris White, A Generic Task-
Farming Framework for Reservoir Analysis in a Grid Environment, Proceedings of The 8th Workshop
on High Performance Scienti c and Engineering Computing (HPSEC-06), Columbus, Ohio, USA,
August 18, 2006, in press.
[LOCATION: CS Pena06a.pdf]
D41 Dayong Huang, Gabrielle Allen, Chirag Dekate, Hartmut Kaiser, Zhou Lei and Jon MacLaren, getdata:
A Grid Enabled Data Client for Coastal Modeling, in the proceeding of High Performance Computing
Symposium (HPC 2006), April 3- 6, 2006, Huntsville, AL, 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Huang06a.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 12
D42 Zhou Lei, Dayong Huang, Archit Kulshrestha, Santiago Pena, Gabrielle Allen, Xin Li, Richard Du,
Subhash Kalla, Chris White, John Smith, ResGrid: A Grid-aware Toolkit for Reservoir Uncertainty
Analysis, in proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the
Grid (CCGrid06), May 16-19, 2006, Singapore, 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Lei06a.pdf]
D43 Zhou Lei, Dayong Huang, Archit Kulshrestha, Santiago Pena, Gabrielle Allen, Xin Li, Richard Du,
Subhash Kalla, Chris D. White, John R. Smith, Leveraging Grid Technologies For Reservoir Uncer-
tainty Analysis, in the proceeding of High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2006), April 3-
6, 2006, Huntsville, AL, 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Lei06b.pdf]
D44 Daniel S. Katz, Joseph C. Jacob, Peggy P. Li, Yi Chao, Gabrielle Allen, Data-Oriented Distributed
Computing for Science: Reality and Possibilities, R. Meersman, Z. Tari et al. (Eds.): On the Move
to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE, OTM 2006, LNCS 4276,
pp. 11191124, (2006).
D45 Jon MacLaren, Gabrielle Allen, Chirag Dekate, Dayong Huang, Andrei Hutanu and Chongjie Zhang,
Shelter from the Storm: Building a Safe Archive in a Hostile World, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Volume 3752, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005, Ed: R. Meersman, Z. Tari,
P. Herrero, p. 294, 2005.
[LOCATION: CS MacLaren05a.pdf]
D46 Jiri Denemark, Archit Kulshrestha and Gabrielle Allen, Deploying Legacy Applications on Grids, Pro-
ceedings of the 13th Annual Mardi Gras Conference, Frontiers of Grid Applications and Technologies,
3-5 February 2005, Baton Rouge, pp 29-34, (2005).
[LOCATION: CS Denemark05a.pdf]
D47 Zhou Lei, S. Lui, Rion Dooley and Gabrielle Allen, Enabling GRAM Applications Using GAT: A GAT
Resource Broker Adaptor, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Mardi Gras Conference, Frontiers of Grid
Applications and Technologies, 3-5 February 2005, Baton Rouge, pp 29-34, (2005).
[LOCATION: CS Lei05a.pdf]
D48 Gabrielle Allen, Dave Angulo, Tom Goodale, Thilo Kielmann, Andre Merzky, Jarek Nabrzysky, J.
Pukacki, Michael Russell, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel, John Shalf and Ian Taylor, GridLab: Enabling
Applications on the Grid, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grid Computing - GRID 2002 : Third
International Workshop, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 18, 2002. Proceedings, Springer Verlag,
Pages 39-45, (2003).
D49 Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanfermann, Joan Masso, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel and John
Shalf, The Cactus Framework and Toolkit: Design and Applications, Vector and Parallel Processing
VECPAR 2002, 5th International Conference, Springer, (2003).
[LOCATION: CS Goodale02a.pdf]
D50 Gabrielle Allen, Kelly Davis, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Ian Kelley, Gerd Lanfermann, Jason
Novotny, Thomas Radke, Kashif Rasul, Michael Russell, Ed Seidel and Oliver Wehrens, The GridLab
Grid Application Toolkit, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance
Distributed Computing HPDC-11 2002 (HPDC 02), (2002).
[LOCATION: CS Allen02e.pdf]
D51 Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Dramlitsch, Ian Foster, Nick Karonis, Matei Ripeanu, Ed Seidel and Brian
Toonen, Supporting e cient execution in heterogeneous distributed computing environments with Cac-
tus and Globus, Proceedings of Supercomputing 2001, Denver, USA, (2001).
[LOCATION: CS Allen01d.pdf]
D52 Michael Russell, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Daues, Ian Foster, Tom Goodale, Ed Seidel, Jason Novotny,
John Shalf, Wai-Mo Suen and Gregor Von Laszewski, The Astrophysics Simulation Collaboratory: A
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 13
Science Portal Enabling Community Software Development, In: High Performance Distributed Com-
puting, 2001, Proceedings of Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing, HPDC-10, San Francisco, Pages 207-215, (2001).
[LOCATION: CS Russell01.pdf]
D53 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Christian Hege, Gerd Lanfer-
mann, Andre Merzky, Thomas Radke and Ed Seidel, Cactus Grid Computing: Review of Current
Development, Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 2150, Euro-Par 2001: Parallel Processing, Pro-
ceedings of 7th International Euro-Par Conference Manchester, UK August 28-31, 2001, R. Sakellariou,
J. Keane, J. Gurd, L. Freeman (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, (2001).
D54 Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel,
Thilo Kielmann, K. Verstoep, Z. Balaton, Peter Kacsuk, F. Szalai, J. Gehring, A. Keller, A. Streit, L.
Matyska, M. Ruda, A. Krenek, B. Ludwiczak, J. Nabrzyski, J. Pukacki, H. Frese, H. Knipp, Andre
Merzky, Alexander Reinefeld, F. Schinkte, H. Kersken, G. Aloisio, M. Cafaro, W. Ziegler and Michael
Russell, Early Experiences with the Egrid Testbed, First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Cluster Computing and the Grid, Brisbane, Australia, May 16-18, pages 130-137, (2001).
[LOCATION: CS Allen00c.pdf]
D55 Gabrielle Allen, Werner Benger, Tom Goodale, H. Hege, Gerd Lanfermann, Andre Merzky, Thomas
Radke, Ed Seidel and John Shalf, The Cactus Code: A Problem Solving Environment for the Grid,
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
(HPDC9), August 1-4 2000, Pittsburgh, pp 253-260, IEEE Computer Society, (2000).
[LOCATION: CS Allen00b.pdf]
D56 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Joan Mass and Ed Seidel, The Cactus Computational Toolkit and
Using Distributed Computing to Collide Neutron Stars, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International
Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC8), Redondo Beach August 3-6 1999,
IEEE Computer Society, (1999).
[LOCATION: CS Allen99c.pdf]
D57 Gabrielle D. Allen, Nils Andersson, Kostas D. Kokkotas and Bernard F. Schutz, Evolutions of Stellar
Oscillations, in Proceedings of the 8th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Ed: T. Piran,
World Scienti c, Singapore, p.732-734, (1999).
D58 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale and Ed Seidel, The Cactus Computational Collaboratory: Enabling
Technologies for Relativistic Astrophysics, and a Toolkit for Solving PDEs by Communities in Science
and Engineering, Proceedings of 7th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
(Frontiers99), IEEE, New York, (1999).
[LOCATION: CS Allen99a.pdf]
D59 Gabrielle D. Allen and Bernard F. Schutz, An ADI Scheme for a Black Hole Problem, In Approaches
to Numerical Relativity, Ed: R. d Inverno, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1992).
Invited Articles
E1 Gabrielle Allen, Phil Bogden, Tev k Kosar, Archit Kulshrestha, Gayathri Namala, Sirish Tummala,
Ed Seidel, Cyberinfrastructure for Coastal Hazard Prediction, CTWatch Quarterly, Volume 4, Number
1, March 2008.
E2 Gabrielle Allen, Building a Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Hurricane Forecasting, Pro-
ceedings of ICCS 2007, Y. Shi et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2007, Part I, LNCS 4487, pp. 1034-1041, 2007.
[LOCATION: CS Allen07a.pdf]
E3 Gabrielle Allen and Edward Seidel, Application Frameworks for High Performance and Grid Comput-
ing, Scienti c Computing, [Cover Story], January 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Allen06b.pre.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 14
E4 Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel and John Shalf, Scienti c Computing on the Grid, Byte, Spring, (2002).
[LOCATION: CS Allen02a.pdf]
E5 Gabrielle D. Allen, Numerical Relativists Illuminate Black Hole Collisions, Physics World, 7(1),
LARGE DATASETS, submitted to IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
F2 Z. Lei, Z. Yun, G. Allen, and C. White, Pelecanus: Integrating Multiple Clusters for Compute- intensive
Applications, submitted to 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Indianapolis, Indiana,
Other Publications: Technical Reports, Strategic Planning & Documentation
G1 Andrei Hutanu, Erik Schnetter, Werner Benger, Eloisa Bentivegna, Alex Clary, Peter Diener, Jinghua
Ge, Robert Kooima, Oleg Korobkin, Kexi Liu, Frank L er, Ravi Paruchuri, Jian Tao, Cornelius
Toole, Adam Yates, Gabrielle Allen, Large Scale Problem Solving Using Automatic Code Generation
and Distributed Visualization, CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2009-11, 2009.
G2 Gabrielle Allen and Erik Schnetter, The Cactus Framework: Software Sustainability Position Paper,
CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2009-5, 2009.
G3 Gabrielle Allen, Charles McMahon, Edward Seidel, Tom Tierney, The 2003 Louisiana Optical Network
Initiative (LONI) Concept Paper, CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2009-3, 2009.
G4 Andrei Hutanu, Jinghua Ge, Cornelius Toole, Ravi Paruchuri, Adam Yates, Gabrielle Allen, The LONI,
Internet2 DCN, and CESNET Teams, Distributed Visualization Using Optical Networks: Demonstra-
tion at Supercomputing 2008, CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2008-10, (2008).
G5 Q.J. Chen, C. Eksilsson, M. Tyagi, and G. Allen, Coastal & Ocean Modeling Infrastructure (COMI):
Development of an Integrated Modeling Framework for Simulations of Coastal Processes in Deltaic
Environments Using High-Performance Computing, CCT-TR-2008-8, (2008).
G6 Daniel S. Katz, Gabrielle Allen, Ricardo Cortez, Carolina Cruz-Neira, Raju Gottumukkala, Zeno
D. Greenwood, Les Guice, Shantenu Jha, Ramesh Kolluru, Tev k Kosar, Lonnie Leger, Honggao
Liu, Charlie McMahon, Jarek Nabrzyski, Bety Rodriguez-Milla, Ed Seidel, Greg Speyrer, Michael
Stubble eld, Brian Voss, Scott Whittenburg, Louisiana: A Model for Advancing Regional e-Science
through Cyberinfrastructure, CCT-TR-2008-7, (2008)
G7 Gabrielle Allen et al, Community Infrastructure for General Relativistic MHD, CCT Technical Report
Series, CCT-TR-2008-6, (2008).
G8 Jian Tao, Gabrielle Allen, Ian Hinder, Erik Schnetter, Yosef Zlochower, XIREL: Standard Benchmarks
for Numerical Relativity Codes, CCT-TR-2008-5, (2008).
G9 HPC Application Software Consortium Summit Concept Paper, Prepared for HPC Application Soft-
ware Consortium Summit, March 25th-26th, 2008, National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
G10 Alpaca: Cactus Tools for Application Level Performance and Correctness Analysis, Erik Schnetter,
Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Tyagi Mayank. CCT Technical Report Series, CCT-TR-2008-2.
G11 Edward Seidel, Charles McMahon, Gabrielle Allen, Daniel S. Katz, Cyberservices Training and Ap-
plication Development (CyTAD) for LONI Members to Advance Research, Education, and Industry in
Louisiana, Whitepaper for the Post-Katrina Support Fund Initiative (P-KSFI), (2006).
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 15
G12 Edward Seidel, Gabrielle Allen, Robert Twilley, Mississippi River Basin and Gulf Coastal Modeling
Initiative, Whitepaper for the Post-Katrina Support Fund Initiative (P-KSFI), (2006).
G13 Edward Seidel, Gabrielle Allen, Stephen Beck, Rudy Hirschheim, Jorge Pullin, Joel Tohline, Joel
Williams, CCT Faculty Plan, (2006).
G14 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, David Rideout, Jonathan Thorn-
burg, Cactus Users Guide, (2006). [173 Pages]
http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~gallen/Reports/Cactus UsersGuide.pdf
G15 Gabrielle Allen, et al, Cactus Thorn Guide, (2006). [788 Pages]
http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~gallen/Reports/Cactus ThornGuide.pdf
G16 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, David Rideout, Jonathan Thorn-
burg, Cactus Reference Manual, (2006). [311 Pages]
http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~gallen/Reports/Cactus ReferenceGuide.pdf
G17 John Shalf, Erik Schnetter, Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel, Common Computational Frameworks as Bench-
marking Platforms, Report for NSF Benchmarking Committee, (2005).
G18 Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel, John Towns, LSU CAPITAL: Immediate Plans, (May, 2003).
G19 Gabrielle Allen, Jarek Nabryski, Ed Seidel, Expression of Intent for a European Distributed Supercom-
puter Network, (2002).
http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~gallen/Reports/EDSN EoI.pdf
G20 Craig Lee, Satoshi Matsuoka, D. Talia, Alan Sussman, M. Mueller, Gabrielle Allen, J. Saltz, A Grid
Programming Primer, Advanced Programming Models Research Group, Global Grid Forum, (2001).
http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~ gallen/Reports/GridProgrammingPrimer.pdf
G1 Gerd Lanfermann, Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Radke and Ed Seidel, Nomadic Migration: Fault Tolerance
in a Disruptive Grid Environment, in Proceedings of the Second IEEE/ACM International Symposium
on Cluster Computing and the Grid, Pages 280 281, (2002).
[LOCATION: CS Lanfer02a.pdf]
G2 Gerd Lanfermann, Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel, Nomadic Migration: A New Tool for
Dynamic Grid Computing, Proceedings of Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance
Distributed Computing, HPDC-10, San Francisco, IEEE Press, Pages 435 436, (2001).
[LOCATION: MyPaper12.pdf]
G3 Thomas Dramlitsch, Gabrielle Allen and Ed Seidel, E cient Techniques for Distributed Computing,
Proceedings of Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing,
HPDC-10, San Francisco, IEEE Press, Pages 435-436, (2001).
[LOCATION: MyPaper10.pdf]
Journals and Conference Proceedings (non-refereed)
I1 Gabrielle Allen, Building a Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Hurricane Forecasting, Pro-
ceedings of ICCS 2007, Y. Shi et al. (Eds.): ICCS 2007, Part I, LNCS 4487, pp. 1034-1041, 2007.
I2 Chokchai Box Leangsuksun, Leslie Guice, Chris Womack, Stacey Simmons, Ravi Paruchuri, Andrei
Hutanu, Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel, Thomas Sterling, Petr Holub, The Next Generation Distributed
Learning Environment: The Experiences, Proceedings of e-Learning International Conference 2006:
Learning Theories vs Technologies?, 14-16 December 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
[LOCATION: CS Leangsuksun06a.pdf]
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 16
I3 Philip Bogden, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Stone, Jon MacLaren, Gerald Creager, Larry Flournoy, Wei
Zhao, Hans Graber, Sara Graves, Helen Conover, Rick Luettich, Will Perrie, Lavanya Ramakrish-
nan, Dan Reed, Peter Sheng, Harry Wang, The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Pro-
gram (SCOOP) Service-Oriented Architecture, Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2006, Boston, MA,
September 18-21, 2006.
[LOCATION: CS Bogdan06a.pdf]
I4 Philip Bogden, Wei Zhao, Sara Graves, Hans Graber, Harry Wang, Rick Luettich, Gabrielle Allen,
Greg Stone, Peter Sheng, The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program (SCOOP):
Integrating Marine Science and Information Technology, Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2005,
Washington DC, September 18-23, 2005.
[LOCATION: CS Bogdan05a.pdf]
I5 Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, Ed Seidel, The Cactus Code for the
Grid, Proceedings of the 1st EGrid Meeting, Poznan, (2000).
I6 Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Dramlitsch, Ian Foster, Tom Goodale, N. Karonis, Matei Ripeanu, Ed Seidel,
and Brian Toonen, Cactus-G: Enabling High-Performance Simulation in Heterogeneous Distributed
Computing Environments, Proceedings of Fourth Globus Retreat, July 30-August 1 2000, Pittsburgh,
I7 Gabrielle Allen, Karen Camarda, and Ed Seidel, Evolution of Distorted Black Holes: A Perturbative
Approach, Physical Review D, (gr-qc/9806014), (submitted).
I8 Gabrielle Allen, Karen Camarda, and Ed Seidel, Black Hole Spectroscopy: Determining Waveforms
from 3D Excited Black Holes, Physical Review D, (gr-qc/9806036), (submitted).
I9 Lee A. Wild, Miguel Alcubierre, Gabrielle Allen and Bernard Schutz, Interface Behaviour in an Adap-
tive Mesh for Hyperbolic Equations, in Proceedings of the 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General
Relativity, Stanford 24-30 July 1994, Ed: R. Jantzen, World Scienti c, Singapore, p.651-653, (1996).
I10 Gabrielle Allen, Miguel Alcubierre, Simon Farrar, Bernard F. Schutz and Lee A. Wild, Modeling Moving
Black Holes, Proceedings of the 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stanford 24-30
July 1994, Ed: R. Jantzen, World Scienti c, Singapore, p.615-618, (1996).
I11 Gabrielle Allen, Finite Di erencing Near 3-D Black Holes, The Proceedings of the Computational
Relativity Black Hole Conference, October 7-9 1992, Syracuse, (1992).
I12 Gabrielle D. Allen, Implicit Schemes for Wave Propagation, The Proceedings of the Texas Symposium
on 3D Numerical Relativity, Ed: R. Matzner, (1990).
J1 Zhifeng Yun, Zhou Lei, Gabrielle Allen, Daniel Katz, Tev k Kosar, Shantenu Jha and Jagannathan
Ramanujam, An Innovative Application Execution Toolkit for Multicluster Grids, Cluster Computing
J2 Lei Jiang, Qi Fan, Gabrielle Allen, Qin Chen, Towards an Integrated Problem-Solving Environment
for Hydrid Numerical Models with Statistical Learning Components, TeraGrid 2009.
J3 S.-H. Ko and G. Allen S. Jha E. Schnetter M. Tyagi P. Kalghatgi, S. Acharya. Use of the cactus frame-
work for multi-block cfd applications. Poster at the 9th International Conference on Computational
Science, Baton Rouge, 2009.
J4 J. Tao, E. Schnetter, G. Allen, A. Hutanu, E. Bentivegna, J. Ge, P. Diener, C. Toole, R. Paruchuri, W.
Benger, K. Liu, R. Kooima, O. Korobkin, and A. Yates. Automatic code generation and distributed
visualization for solving large scale scientic problems. Poster at the 9th International Conference on
Computational Science, Baton Rouge, 2009.
Dr. Gabrielle Allen: Page 17
J5 Harsha Bhagawaty, Lei Jiang, Kelin Hu, Gabrielle Allen, Nathan Brener, Q. Jim Chen, S. Sitharama
Iyengar, Erik Schnetter, A Simulated Hurricane Database for New Modes of Analysis and Prediction.
Poster at the 9th International Conference on Computational Science, Baton Rouge, 2009.
J6 Harsha Bhagawaty, Pradeep Chowriappa, Kelin Hu, Lei Jiang, Gabrielle Allen, Nathan Brener, Q.
Jim Chen, Sumeet Dua,S.S.Iyengar,Erik Schnetter, A Simulated Hurricane Database for New Modes
of Prediction and Analysis, Louisiana RII CyberTools and Science Drives Symposium, May 2009.
J7 Prasad Kalghatgi, Jerina Pillert, Bharadhwaj Thalakokkula, Sumanta Acharya, Gabrielle Allen, Peter
Diener, Archit Kulshreshta, Sirish Tummala, Design And Implementation of Application Portal for
CyberTools Science Drivers, Louisiana RII CyberTools and Science Drives Symposium, May 2009.
J8 Nagelberg, A., Kaiser, C., Kaiser, H., and Allen, G. 2008. Near realtime visualization of coastal mod-
elling results with WMS and Google Maps. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras Conference:
From Lightweight Mash-Ups To Lambda Grids: Understanding the Spectrum of Distributed Comput-
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