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Assistant University

Lawrence, KS
October 15, 2012

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Zeb Lim

University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS 66046

United States


Ph.D. Candidate in Counseling Psychology, University of Kansas.

I am currently the Asian American Psychological Association - Division of Students (AAPA-DoS)

Chair 2010-2012.


University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS, United States Oct 2010 - Present

Ph.D. Candidate, Counseling Psychology

University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS, United States May 2008

Masters of Science, Counseling Psychology

Iowa State University

Ames, IA, United States Dec 2004

Bachelors of Science, Psychology

Work History

University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS, United States

Graduate Research Assistant

June 2005 - May 2011.

Graduate Research Assistant with the Center for Research on Learning - Division of Adult Studies,

University of Kansas. Provide statistical support and data cleaning with large-scale assessment

project involving adult learners of low reading abilities.

Graduate Teaching Assistant - PRE 875

Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring 2010.

Co-Teach PRE 875: Cross-Cultural Counseling with Dr. Barbara Kerr, Department of Psychology

and Research in Education Counseling Psychology, University of Kansas. Presented selected

lectures and helped led group discussions in class.

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Graduate Assistant

Fall 2007, Spring 2008.

Graduate assistant for Dr. David Hansen, Department of Psychology and Research in Education,

University of Kansas. Provided administrative support for new faculty, working on literature

reviews, statistical support among others.

Guest Lecturer

Fall 2009.

Presented lecture on Buddhism and Psychology for PRE 598: Positive Psychology under the

supervision of Dr. Barbara Kerr, Department of Psychology and Research in Education

Counseling Psychology, University of Kansas.

Research Fellowship

Esther Katz Rosen Graduate Research Fellowship, 2011. $25,000 for one year funding for the psychological

study of gifted and talented children and adolescents. Funded through the American Psychological Foundation


Counseling/Therapy Experiences

CLEOS Counselor/Facilitator/Presenter. Fall 2005 - Present. Counseling creatively gifted

adolescents at the Counseling Laboratory for Exploring Optimal States (CLEOS) at the University of

Kansas under the supervision of Dr. Barbara Kerr, CLEOS Director. Lawrence, KS. Provided

career guidance and led Perfect Future Day Fantasy group visualization exercise. Facilitated other

project needs and presented at national conferences on issues affecting gifted and talented


Supervisor of Practicum Student. Fall 2010. Supervised two beginning practicum student as part

of the College Teaching Experience/Supervision practicum at the University of Kansas under the

supervision of faculty supervisor, Dr. Thomas Krieshok. Lawrence, KS. Provided weekly hour-long

individual supervision for a female master's level student and a male Ph.D. level student who were

seeing clients at a college counseling center.

Mental Health Counselor Trainee. Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010. Counseling inmates at the

Douglas County Correction Facility under the supervision of Sharon Zehr, LMCSW, and faculty

supervisor, Dr. Barbara Kerr. Lawrence, KS. Provided individual and group therapy to clients.

Taught Lovingkindness Meditation and Insight Meditation to inmates dealing with anger, anxiety,

depression, and other issues.

Community Mental Health Counselor Trainee. Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009. Dialectical

Behavior Therapy Advanced Practicum Counselor (Adult Intensive Outpatient Unit) at the Bert Nash

Community Mental Health Center under the supervision of Dr. Juliet Nelson. Lawrence, KS.

Provided individual and group therapy to clients using Dialectical Behavior Therapy technique. Also

worked with several high-ability individual clients on an individual basis, working through twice-

exceptional issues and coping with giftedness.

Mental Health Counselor Trainee. Spring 2008. Re-entry counseling at the Douglas County

Correction Facility under the supervision of Shannon Murphy, Re-entry Director and faculty

supervisor, Dr. Barbara Kerr. Lawrence, KS. Provided career counseling and personal counseling to

inmates for job placement and/or further education planning after release.

Career Counselor Trainee. Fall 2006, Spring 2007. Career Counseling at the University Career

Center at the University of Kansas under the supervision of Dr. Richard Nelson. Provided individual

career counseling to college students.

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Intensive Mindfulness Meditation Training

Attended a ten-day silent meditation retreat. Thanksgiving Insight Meditation Retreat. Teachers:

Robert Hall (Psychiatrist), Wes Nisker (Buddhist meditation teacher and author), Trudy Goodman

(Psychotherapist and Mindfulness Author), Spring Washam (Buddhist meditation teacher), & Teja

Bell (Qiqong teacher). November 19 - 28, 2010. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA.

Attended a ten-day silent meditation retreat, Holistic Awareness Retreat. Teachers: Ajahn Sucitto and

Ajahn (Sister) Metta. June 10 19, 2010. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA.

Attended a six-day silent meditation retreat, Meditation Retreat for Therapists and Healing

Professions. Teachers: Mark Coleman (Licensed Masters level Counselor), Anna Douglas (Clinical

Psychologist), Larry Yang (Licensed Masters level Social Worker), and Shauna Shapiro (Counseling

Psychology Professor/Psychologist). April 24 29, 2010. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre,


Research Experiences

Research Assistant. Spring 2007, Summer 2007, Fall 2007. Science, Technology, Engineering and

Math (STEM) Federal Grant Project under the supervision of Dr. Karen Multon and Dr. Barbara Kerr,

Department of Psychology and Research in Education Counseling Psychology, University of


Research Practicum. Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall

2009. Counseling Laboratory for Exploring Optimal States (CLEOS) under the supervision of Dr.

Barbara Kerr, Department of Psychology and Research in Education Counseling Psychology,

University of Kansas.

Research Practicum. Spring 2006. Health Psychology and Positive Psychology Research under the

supervision of Dr. O Byrne, Department of Psychology and Research in Education Counseling

Psychology, University of Kansas.

Undergraduate Research Assistant. Spring 2004, Fall 2004. Work under the supervision of Dr.

Meifen Wei, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University.

Refeereed Presentations

** Presentation with graduate student colleagues

**Lim, K. K. Z. (2011, August). Mindfulness for better self-care and optimal well-being. Chair of

the symposium to be presented at the 2011 American Psychological Association (APA) convention at

Washington, DC. (Four graduate student colleagues will be presenting under my guidance).

**Lim, K. K. Z., & Vuyk, A. (2010, November). Mindfulness + Intensity + Sensitivity = Calm

Gifted Kids. Paper presented at the 2010 National Association for Gifted Children at Atlanta, GA.

Friedman-Nimz, R,, Skorupski, W., & Lim, K. K. Z. (2010, November). Test this, not that! Re-

examining personality assessment of gifted/talented adolescents. Paper presented at the 2010

National Association for Gifted Children at Atlanta, GA.

Lim, K. K. Z., (2010, November). Enhancing Social Connection and Positive Engagement in a

Global World through Mindfulness and Lovingkindness Practice. Poster presented at the 2010

National Association for Gifted Children at Atlanta, GA.

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Lim, K. K. Z. (2010, August). Identification of the Artistically Gifted Using Six Factor Personality

Questionnaire. Poster presented at the 2010 American Psychological Association (APA) convention

at San Diego, CA.

**Le, Thai, & Lim, K. K. Z. (2010, August). The Science of Networking aka the Psychology of

Occupational Engagement. In Lim, K. K. Z., & Wu, J. (Co-Chairs). Symposium presented at the

2010 American Psychological Association (APA) convention at San Diego, CA.

**Lim, K. K. Z., Loke, S. & Lim, P. (2010, August). Present Gifted AAPI issues: Analysis of

Educational Longitudinal Study 2002. In Lim, K. K. Z. (Chair). Symposium presented at the 2010

Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) convention at San Diego, CA.

**Chung, S., & Lim, K. K. Z. (2010, February). Teaching Diversity from an Outsider Perspective:

Factors Influencing the Experiences of International Students Instructing Cultural Diversity Courses.

Discussant for roundtable discussion at the 2010 Teacher s College Winter Roundtable at New York

City, NY.

Friedman-Nimz, R, & Lim, K. K. Z. (2009, November). Reframing Perfectionism From Trait to

State. Interactive session presented at the 2009 National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC)

Convention at St. Louis, MO.

Kerr, B., Friedman-Nimz, R, & Lim, K. K. Z. (2009, November). A Million Words Later: Practical

Ideas Distilled From the Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. Poster presented at the

2009 National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) Convention at St. Louis, MO.

**Martin, D. & Lim, K. K. Z. (2009, August). Using Flow States to Affirm Creative Goals. In Kerr,

B. & McKay, R. (Co-Chairs) Symposium on Psychology of Creative Adolescents. American

Psychological Association (APA) Convention at Toronto, CANADA.

McKay, R. & Lim, K. K. Z. (2009, August). Helping Creative Adolescents with Bipolar Spectrum

Disorder, Perfectionism, and Stressors of the Creative Life. In Kerr, B. & McKay, R. (Co-Chairs)

Symposium on Psychology of Creative Adolescents. American Psychological Association (APA)

Convention at Toronto, CANADA.

**Lim, K. K. Z., Tan, J. Y., & Wang, M. Y. (2009, August). Asian American psychologists in

training: Activism, leadership and mentoring. Interactive session at the 2009 Asian American

Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention at Toronto, CANADA.

Lim, K. K. Z. (2009, August). Understanding the success and challenges of gifted Asian American

college students. Poster presented at the 2009 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)

Convention at Toronto, CANADA.

Kerr, B., Wells, B., Friedman-Nimz, R. & Lim, K. K. Z. (2008, October). Encyclopedia of

Giftedness, Creativity and Talent: The Long and Winding Road. Paper presented at the 55th National

Association for Gifted Children Convention, Tampa, FL.

Hansen, D. M. & Lim, K. K. Z. (2008, March). Using O*NET as a Tool to Evaluate Adolescent

Work Quality. Poster presented at the 12th Biennial meeting of the Society for Research on

Adolescence, Chicago, IL.

**Rasmussen, K. L., Cox, D. W., Sharma, S., Jacobson, J., Yang, Y., Lim, K. K. Z., & Cole, B.

(2007, August). The Occupational Engagement Scale - College (OES-C): Evidence for Reliability and

Validity. Poster presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological

Association, San Francisco, CA.

Young, S. K., Wei, M., Heppner, P. P., Russell, D. W., Cantazaro, A. E., & Lim, K. K. Z. (2005,

August). Maladaptive perfectionism and ineffective coping mediating attachment and future

depression. Poster presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological

Association, Washington, D.C.

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Invited Presentation/Workshop

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (March 29th 2008). Coming Out Double Minority: Intersections with Sexual

Orientation, Gender Identity, and Racial Identity. Panel discussant at the annual Midwest Asian

American Student Union (MAASU) Spring Conference 2008, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (March 29th 2008). Perfect Future Working Day and Setting Goals to Get You

There! Invited workshop presented at the annual Midwest Asian American Student Union (MAASU)

Spring Conference 2008, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Entries in Encyclopedias

Lim, K. K. Z. (2011). Acculturation. In S. Goldstein & J. Naglieri. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Child

Behavior and Development. Springer Reference.

Lim, K. K. Z. (2010). Middle Eastern Youth. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cross-

Cultural School Psychology. Springer Reference.

Lim, K. K. Z. (2010). Pacific Islanders Youth. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cross-

Cultural School Psychology. Springer Reference.

Lim, K. K. Z. & Hor, Z. N. (2009). Practical Intelligence. In B. A. Kerr (Ed.) Encyclopedia of

Giftedness, Creativity and Talent. Sage Publications.

Lim, K. K. Z. & Lim, B. H. (2009). Gifted Dropout. In B. A. Kerr (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Giftedness,

Creativity and Talent. Sage Publications.

Lim, K. K. Z. (2009). Stanford-Binet. In B. A. Kerr (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity and

Talent. Sage Publications.

Lim, K. K. Z. & Low, A. (2009). Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted. In B. A. Kerr (Ed.)

Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity and Talent. Sage Publications.

Raut, P. S. & Lim, K. K. Z. (2009). Attitudes towards Gifted. In B. A. Kerr (Ed.) Encyclopedia of

Giftedness, Creativity and Talent. Sage Publications.

Creative Short Column Publications

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring 2011). Leadership - It Involves You and I. In Asian American

Psychologist, Spring 2011 Newsletter, pp. 11-12.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Fall, 2010). Beaches, Dinners and Friends: Thoughts and Reflections on the

AAPA 2010 Convention. In Asian American Psychologist, Fall 2010 Newsletter, pp. 2-3.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Summer 2010). Lonely No More - Finding Friends and Family at the 2009

AAPA Convention. In Asian American Psychologist, Winter 2010 Newsletter, pp. 5-6.

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Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Summer, 2010). The Dreaded P Question at Conferences. In Asian

American Psychologist, Winter 2010 Newsletter, pp. 10.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring, 2010). Mntoring Across Generations: Division on Women and

Division of Students Collaboration. In Asian American Psychologist, Spring 2010 Newsletter, pp.


Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring, 2010). Patrick and Lily Okura: Story of a Social Activist Couple. In

Asian American Psychologist, Spring 2010 Newsletter, pp. 5-6.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Winter 2010). Publish or Perish: All of Us Can Learn Something from It. In

The Diversity Factor, newsletter of the Section on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (SERD) of Division

17, pp. 8-9.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Fall 2009). Dancing the Night Away at the Division 35/45 Social Dance. In

Focus, APA Division 45 Newsletter.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim Fall 2009). Finding Opportunities in Change: Interview with Dr. George Hong.

In Asian American Psychologist, Fall 2009 Newsletter, pp. 18-19.

Michelle Wang, Kai Kok Zeb Lim, Judy Tan. (Fall 2009). AAPA Division of Student Activism

Marches On. In Asian American Psychologist, Fall 2009 Newsletter, pp. 19-20.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Summer 2009). Looking Back, Looking Forward: Reflections on AAPA

Conventions. In Asian American Psychologist, Summer 2009 Newsletter, pp. 10-11.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Summer 2009). Finding a Home and a Country in America. In Asian

American Psychologist, Summer 2009 Newsletter, pp. 16-17.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring 2009). Depression and the International Student. In Asian American

Psychologist, Spring 2009 Newsletter, pp. 17-18.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring 2009). Surviving Winter Break: Story of One International Student. In

Asian American Psychologist, Spring 2009 Newsletter, pp. 19.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Fall 2008). Asian Psychological Association (APsyA). In Asian American

Psychologist, Fall 2008 Newsletter, pp. 9-10.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Fall 2008). The Future of Gifted Education in Asia-Pacific and Beyond. In

Asian American Psychologist, Fall 2008 Newsletter, pp. 11-12.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Fall 2008). Student Ambassadors at AAPA 2008 Convention. In Asian

American Psychologist, Fall 2008 Newsletter, pp. 15.

Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Summer 2008). The Rise of Psychology in Malaysia. In Asian American

Psychologist, Summer 2008 Newsletter, pp. 21-22.

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Kai Kok Zeb Lim (Spring 2008). The Plus of Being an International Graduate Student. In Asian

American Psychologist, Spring 2008 Newsletter, pp. 12.

University of Kansas Leadership Experiences

Malaysian Student Association (M SiaKU)

Club Advisor, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011.

Malaysian Student Association (M SiaKU)

Vice President, Spring 2008.

Phi Beta Delta - Alpha Pi Chapter (University of Kansas chapter)

Student Vice President (International), 2008 - 2009.

National Organization Leadership Experiences

Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)

Chair of Division of Student of AAPA, 2010 - 2012.

Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA)

Treasurer of Division of Student of AAPA, 2008 - 2010.

Midwest Asian American Student Union (MAASU) Spring 08 Conference.

General Chair for the Career Fair, March 07 March 08.

Conference held on March 28- 30, 2008 at University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

Awards and Honors

Nominated for the Midwest Asian American Student Union (MAASU) 1st Midwestern Star Award


American Psychological Association (APA) Student Travel Award. ($300). August 2010. Travel

award to attend and present research at the annual APA convention.

Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Student Travel Award. ($200).

August 2010. Travel award to attend and present research at the annual AAPA convention.

Nominated for the University of Kansas Graduate Student Distinguished Service Award 2010.

American Psychological Association s Advanced Training Institute Travel Grant ($325). Summer

2010. Travel award to attend highly selective (1 out of 30 total participants) training institute on

Research Methods with Diverse Racial & Ethnic Groups.

Clarence Rusk Hastings Scholarship ($2,000). Fall/Spring 10-11. School of Education Scholarship.

University of Kansas.

School of Education Achievement Scholarship ($2,000), Fall/Spring 10-11. University of Kansas.

Clarence Rusk Hastings Scholarship ($2,000). Fall/Spring 09 10. School of Education Scholarship.

University of Kansas.

School of Education Achievement Scholarship ($1,500), Fall/Spring 09 10. University of Kansas.

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Outstanding International Student Award. Spring, 2009. Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for

International Scholars), the Alpha Pi Chapter of University of Kansas.

Ruth M. Anderson Memorial Scholarship ($2,000), Fall/Spring 08 09. School of Education

scholarship. University of Kansas.

International Student Member of Phi Beta Delta, The Alpha Pi Chapter of University of Kansas

(Honor Society for International Scholars). Inducted Fall 2007.

KU International Student Tuition Grant ($1,400), Fall/Spring 07 08. University of Kansas.

Ruth M. Anderson Memorial Scholarship ($2,000), Fall/Spring 07 - 08. School of Education

scholarship. University of Kansas.

School of Education Achievement Scholarship ($2,000), Fall/Spring 07 08. University of Kansas.

Helen Walton Ellsworth Scholarship, Fall/Spring 06 - 07. School of Education scholarship.

University of Kansas.

Ruth M. Anderson Memorial Scholarship, Fall/Spring 06 - 07. School of Education scholarship.

University of Kansas.

Signing Bonus Scholarship, ($3,000), Fall 2005. University of Kansas. Awarded to one incoming

international graduate student in the Department of Psychology and Research in Education, School of


Dean s List, Spring 2004, Fall 2004. Iowa State University.

Professional Service

Division 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology - Student Proposal Reviewer for APA Convention

2011. December 2010.

Conference Proposal Reviewer for 2010 Division 45 - Society for Psychology Studies of Ethnic

Minority Issues Conference, Michigan. June 2010.

Division 17 - Society of Counseling Psychology - Associate Editor of the Newsletter of the

Section on Ethnic and Racial Diversity (SERD) The Diversity Factor, 2009 - 2011.

Convention Proposal Reviewer for Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention

for year 2009, 2010.

Asian American Psychological Association - Division of Student (DoS) awards reviewer, 2009,

2010. Reviews nominations for DoS awards for outstanding students in providing Leadership,

Research, and Service.

Host for invited speaker and volunteer for New Voices in Creativity and Intelligence Symposium at

the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. November 1 - 3, 2009.

Convention Photographer and Reporter for Asian American Psychological Association annual

convention, August 2009.

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CLEOS Counselor for students from the Harvest of Hope Leadership Academy Summer Program -

provided multicultural counseling to children of Hispanic migrant workers from Kansas. June 2009.

Student Poster Proposal Reviewer for American Psychological Association (APA) Division 17

Student Poster Session - proposal reviewer for the Section on Ethnic and Racial Diversity (SERD)

Committee, 2009, 2010.

Student Ambassador at the 2008 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention,

Boston, MA. Meet and greet first time attendees to the conference and help them orient and meet

other attendees.

Asian American Psychologist columnist - newsletter of the Asian American Psychological

Association (AAPA). 2008 - Present.

Student Volunteer at the 2007 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention, San

Francisco, CA.

Computer Packages

MS Office, SPSS, CEFA, LISREL, MINITAB, Resampling Stats for Excel 2007, StatXact

Advanced Courses Taken


Grant Writing in Psychology

Professional Publications

Psychological Assessment:

Projective Assessment

Quantitative Psychology/Statistics:

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Regression Analysis

Multivariate Statistics

Nonparametric Statistics

Factor Analysis

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Multilevel Modeling (MLM)

Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling (Audited Spring 2011)

Advanced Training Workshop

Attending the 2011 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Institute on Statistical

Analysis for Education Policy, Transitions from High School to College workshop. May 24 - 26,

2011. Washington, DC.

Attended the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education advanced

studies seminars on the use of longitudinal education databases for research and policy studies, focus

on the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS 2002) database. September 8 10, 2010.

Washington, DC.

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Attended a highly selective training workshop at Michigan State University from June 21 25, 2010.

American Psychological Association s Advanced Training Institute on Research Methods with

Diverse Racial & Ethnic Groups. Selected as 1 out of 30 total participants from all over the United


Languages Spoken/Written

English Language (Advanced Speaking and Writing Level)

Malaysian Language (Advanced Speaking and Writing Level)

Cantonese Dialect (Intermediate Speaking Level)

Mandarin Language (Advanced Beginner Speaking Level)

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