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Lexington, KY
September 29, 2012

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Osborn Lab - University of Kentucky

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University of Kentucky Department of BIology

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edited by Brandon Franklin


edited by Brandon Franklin

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edited by Brandon Franklin

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20days until

First cay of classes Fall '12

Curriculum Vitae

Downloadable PDF


1 Personal

2 Education

3 Postdoctoral Training

4 Academic Appointments

5 Awards

6 Professional Affiliations

7 Areas of Research Interest

8 Currently Active Projects

9 Teaching Activities

9.1 Classroom, Seminar or Teaching Laboratory

9.2 Major Invited Lectureships

10 Other Professional Activities

11 University, State and National Committees

11.1 University

11.2 State

11.3 National

12 Financial Resources (Grants and Contracts)

12.1 Currently Active


Citizenship: United States

Birthplace: Angola, Indiana

Contact Information: Department of Biology

115 Thomas Hunt Morgan Building

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506



Precollege: Sturgis High School, Sturgis, Michigan, 1970

College: Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts

B.A. Biology, 1974

Graduate: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

M.S. Physiology, 1976

Thesis Title: Control of Renin Secretion: Effect of d-Propranolol and Renal Denervation

on Furosemide Induced Renin Secretion in the Dog.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Ph.D. Physiology, 1979.

Dissertation Title: Immaturity of Renal Function in Newborn Pigs: Factors Affecting Renal

Hemodynamics, Sodium Excretion and Plasma Renin Activity. Michael D. Bailie, M.D., Ph.D.,


Postdoctoral Training

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1979-1981. Department of Internal Medicine and

Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Iowa.

Gerald F. DiBona, M.D., Advisor.

Academic Appointments

2010 Present Professor and Associate-Chair Education

Department of Biology

University of Kentucky

2003 2010 Professor

Department of Biology

University of Kentucky

1999 - 2003 Director

Greater Hartford Academy of Mathematics and Science

The Learning Corridor

Hartford, CT

1999 2003 Adjunct Professor of Biology and Neuroscience Program

Trinity College

Hartford, CT

1988 - 1999 Associate Professor of Physiology

The Medical College of Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

1992 1999 Director

MCW Center for Science Education

The Medical College of Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

1997 Visiting Sr. Scientist

Department of Pediatrics

Karolinska Institute

Stockholm, Sweden

Anita C. Aperia, M.D., Ph.D (Host)

Professor of Pediatrics

1981 1988 Assistant Professor of Physiology

The Medical College of Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


National Research Service Award. Cardiovascular Training Center, University of Iowa, Iowa

City, 1979.

Kidney Foundation of Iowa, Research Fellowship, 1979.

Established Investigator of the American Heart Association, 1987-1992.

American Society of Hypertension Young Investigator Award, Finalist, 1990.

President's Award for Distinction in Research, American Heart Association/WI Affiliate,


Great Teacher Award, University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2006-2007

Arthur Guyton Teacher of the Year Award, American Physiological Society 2007

Professional Affiliations

1979-Present American Physiological Society

2003-Present National Association of Biology Teachers

2004-Present Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

1979-1999 American Society of Nephrology

1979-1999 International Society of Nephrology

1979-1989 American Federation for Clinical Research

1981-1995 Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

1982-1999 American Heart Association - Council on Basic Science

1982-1999 American Heart Association - Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease

1987-1999 American Heart Association - Council on High Blood Pressure

1988-1999 American Heart Association/Wisconsin Affiliate

1991-1996 American Society of Hypertension

Areas of Research Interest

Effective Models of Teaching Mathematics and Science Among Urban, Suburban and Rural K-12

Students; Role of Professional Development in Student Achievement in the Science

Classroom; Regulation of Arterial Pressure: Neural Control of Renal Function; Genetic

Factors in Neurogenic Hypertension

Currently Active Projects

Assessing How Distance Learning for Teachers Can Enable Inquiry Science in Rural

Classrooms; Recruiting, Retaining and Graduating Appalachian and Minority Students in

STEM; Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation: Recruitment and Retention of

Minority Students into STEM Majors

Genetic Determinants of Hypertension in a Congenic Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Model

Teaching Activities

Classroom, Seminar or Teaching Laboratory

Year Level Course Hours

1978 201 Introductory Physiology(MSU) 4

1981-1999 Grad Medical Physiology (MCW) 81981-1999 Grad Advanced Renal Physiology (MCW) 5

1999-2003 Pre-College Pathophysiology & Pharmacology (GHAMAS) 5

2000-2003 Pre-College Experimental Research (GHAMAS) 5

2001-2003 Collegiate General Endocrinology(Trinity) 4

2002-2003 Collegiate Methods of Neuroscience(Trinity) 4

2003 Grad Inquiry Based Science Teaching for Middle 3

and High School Teachers (UConn)

2003-Present Grad Teaching High School Biology with Inquiry-UK 3

2004, 2010 Collegiate Biology 350 - Animal Physiology (UK) 2/4

2010-Present Collegiate Biology 350 Animal Physiology 4

2004-Present Collegiate Biology 550 Comparative Physiology (UK) 3

2004-2007 Collegiate Discovery Seminar Program (UK) 3

Epithelial and Vascular Control Mechanisms. Saxon River, VT, June 1998.

Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee Health Science

Center, Memphis, TN, December 1998. Aberrations in Renal Sympathetic Outflow Cause

Chronic Hypertension

Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, University of Tennessee Health Science

Center, Memphis, TN, December 1998. Hands-On Science with Hands-On Scientists: Preparing

Americas Youth for the 21st Century .

Symposium Address: Creation of an Urban Based Academy of Science Wisconsin Annual

Conference on Charter Schools; February 22, 1999, Marquette University; Milwaukee, WI

Symposium, Transforming Urban Science Education. Experimental Biology 99, Washington,

D.C., April 1999.

Symposium, Long-Term Aberrations in Arterial Pressure Mediated by Renal Sympathetic

Nerve Activity. 6th Annual Conference on Sleep Disorders, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada;

March 27-31, 1999.

Keynote Address, Inquiry based education in science and mathematics . PIMMS Leadership

Conference, Wesleyan University, October 2000.

Symposium, Inquiry-Based Teaching of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology to 11th and 12th

Grade Students. Experimental Biology 03, San Diego, CA; April 2003.

Featured Tutorial Lecture, Understanding and Using Molecular Biology to Study

Cardiovascular Function: From DNA to Organ Systems ; American College of Sports Medicine,

51st Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN; June 2-5, 2004.

Keynote Address: Wanted: Educational Leaders to Change the Face of Doing Business in

Schools . Kentucky Association for Equal Opportunities in Postsecondary Education,

Lexington, KY, October 19, 2005.

Symposium, Setting the Bar Higher, Michigan Association of Public Schools Academies,

Detroit, MI, October 27, 2006.

Other Professional Activities

American Journal of Physiology (Reviewer)

Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology

Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology

Heart and Circulatory Physiology

Hypertension (Reviewer)

Acta Physiologica Scandavica (Reviewer)

American Journal of Physiology: Advances in Physiology Education (Reviewer)

Clinical and Experimental Physiology and Pharmacology (Reviewer)

University, State and National Committees


1982-91 Graduate Qualifying Examination Committee, Dept. of Physiology, Medical College

of Wisconsin

1983-89 Research Affairs Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

Chairman, 1984-88

Secretary 1988-89

1983-84 Graduate Admissions and Welfare Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

1984-89 Human Research Review Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

1985 Advisory Council on Development of "Health is Wealth", Discovery World, Milwaukee,


1988-1992 Director, Science and Education Program, Medical College of Wisconsin

1989-1992 Admissions Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

1994 -1996 Committee on Academic Standing, Medical College of Wisconsin

1994 -1997 Committee on School-to-work, Milwaukee Public Schools.

1999 Search Committee, Luce Professorship on Health and Human Rights, Trinity College

2000-2003 Center for Health Sciences Advisory Board, Trinity College

2001-2003 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Trinity College

2003-2008 Executive Committee, Appalachian Math Science Partnership

2005-2006 External Review Committee, UK Undergraduate Studies Program

2006-2007 Biology Chair Search Committee, UK Department of Biological Science (member)

2005-2008 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, UK

2008-2009 Science Education Search Committee (Chair), Department of Curriculum &

Instruction, College of Education

2010-Present Beckman UG Research Scholars Committee, Chair

2009-Present Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, UK Campus Coordinator

2010-Present Lecturer Search Committee, Department of Biology, Chair

2011-Present Instructor Search Committee, Department of Biology, Chair


1988-1991 Chairman, Milwaukee WABRE Steering Committee, Committee on Education

1990-1992 President, Milwaukee Division, AHA/WI Affiliate

1989-1995 Research Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association/WI Affiliate

1992-1995 Chairman, Research Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association/WI


1990-1998 Board of Governors, AHA/WI Affiliate

1987-1999 Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and Education (WABRE), Member

1989-1999 Board of Directors, Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and Education


President, 1993-1996

1995-1999 Sally Ride Academy, Board of Directors-Milwaukee, WI

2000- 2003 Connecticut Biobus (CURE), Advisory Board

2000- 2003 Connecticut State Department of Education Advisory Board on Gifted and

Talented Programs

2000-2003 Board of Directors, Biomedical Engineering Alliance and Consortium (BEACON) of

New England

2005-2010 Science Education Advisory Board, Louisville Science Center, Louisville, KY

2005-Present Board of Advisors, Partnership Institute for Math Science Education Reform



1989-1992 Water and Electrolyte Section of the American Physiological Society, Program


1993-1996 Animal Care and Experimentation Committee, American Physiological Society

1995-1996 Chairman, APS Animal Care and Experimentation Committee

995-1996 American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) -

Board of Directors

1997 American Heart Association Representative (WI), National Consensus Conference on

Research Programs for 21st Century

1998-1999 American Heart Association Northland Affiliate Research Committee

Vice-Chairman: 1998-1999

1997-1999 American Heart Association Midwest Consortium Peer Review Committee:

Cardiorenal Section

Co-Chairman: 1998

Chairman: 1999

1996-1999 American Heart Association Great America Peer Review Consortium Steering


Vice-Chairman: 1998-1999

Chairman: 1999

2000-2003 American Physiological Society Education Committee

1997-2006 American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC): Ad

hoc Site Visitor - Special Emphasis

2006-2009 American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC):

Regular Site Visitor

2006-Present Advisory Board, National Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center

2008-Present AHA Cardiorenal and Lung Peer Review Committee, Great Rivers Affiliate

Financial Resources (Grants and Contracts)

Currently Active

NSF#0733920 University of Kentucky NOYCE Fellows Program: New Opportunities Yielding

Classroom Excellence.

Margaret Mohr, Ph.D. University of Kentucky PI

Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Bruce Walcott, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Jana Bouwma-Gearhart University of Kentucky Co-PI

9/15/07-9/14/11 $748,625


NSF#1045486 New GK-12 UK E3: Connecting Kentucky Rural Appalachian and Suburban

Teachers in a Partnership for Environmental Science, Ecology and Evolution Education.

Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. University of Kentucky PI

Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, Ph.D University of Kentucky Co-PI

Vincent Cassone, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Peter Mirabito, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Philip Crowley, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

1/11/11 12/31/15 $3,097,332

NSF#1044209 Building a New Understanding of Evolution by Transforming Undergraduate

Understanding of Bioscience Using Modeling-Based Inquiry Instruction.

Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. University of Kentucky PI

Jana Bouwma-Gearhart University of Kentucky Co-PI

Vincent Cassone, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Ruth Beattie, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Albert Corso, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

1/1/11 12/31/13 $199,995

NSF#1068270 INQUiry-based Instruction for Retention, Investigation and Education in STEM


Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. University of Kentucky PI

Ruth Beattie, Ph.D. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, DPhil. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Alison Soult, DPhil. University of Kentucky Co-PI

Stephen Testa, PhD University of Kentucky Co-PI

6/1/20115/31/2016 $1,967,114

Previous Grants or Contracts

The Medical College of Wisconsin, "Brain Angiotensin II and the Control of Renal

Function". Biomedical Research Support Grant. 7/1/81 - 6/30/82, $5,000

Wisconsin Heart Association Neural Control of Renal Prostaglandin and Renin Release.

7/1/81 - 6/30/83; $12,740 & 7/1/83 - 6/30/85; $13,997

"Brain Angiotensin II: Effects on Renal Function", Medical College of Wisconsin -

Institutional Research Support Grant. 6/1/82 -12/31/82; $3,800

Neuroadregernic Blood Pressure Control in Genetic Hypertension AHA Grant-in-Aid J.L.

Osborn, Ph.D. (PI) 7/1/97- 6/30/00; $60,000

Mechanisms of Renal Neuroadrenergic Hypertension AHA Grant-in-Aid J.L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(PI). 7/1/00- 6/30/02; $90,000

Brain Angiotensin II: Effects on Renal Function, Principal Investigator NIH HL 28303

7/1/82 - 12/30/85 $107,405

Neural Control of Renal Function in Unanesthetized Animals, J.L. Osborn, Ph.D. NIH PO1 HL-

29587 (PPG) 3/1/83 - 2/28/88; $181,926

Neural Regulation of Renal Function and Arterial Pressure J.L. Osborn, Ph.D. NIH PO1 HL-

29587 (PPG) 3/1/88 - 2/28/93; $348,486

Renal Metabolism of Fenoldopam. Smith Kline Beckman 10/1/86 - 6/30/88; $12,000

Established Investigator Award American Heart Association. 7/1/87 - 6/30/92; $175,000

High School Teacher Summer Fellowship Program. Faye McBeath Foundation. Jeffrey L.

Osborn, Ph.D. (PI). 6/30/88 - 12/30/92; $111,000

Neural Control of Renal Function in Hypertension. AHA Grant-in-Aid 7/1/88 - 6/30/90;


Mechanisms of Intrarenal Noradrenergic Hypertension. AHA/WI Predoc. Fellowship to Suzanne

Greenberg. 7/1/88 - 6/30/90; $15,500

Sodium Intake and Neural Control of Arterial Pressure NIH RO1 HL-40137. 12/01/88 -

11/30/92; $223,164

Sodium Intake and Neural Control of Arterial Pressure Biomedical. Research Support Grant

11/1/91 - 10/31/92; $9,500

(PPG) Project 3 3/1/93 - 2/28/98; $518,281

Renal Neurogenic Mediation of Genetic Hypertension J.L. Osborn, Ph.D., Co-Investigator.

NIH R01 HL-354535 4/1/90 - 10/30/98; $877,096

MCW Center for Science Excellence. GE Medical Foundation. J.L. Osborn, Ph.D. 1/1/93-

12/31/98; $75,000

Center for Science Education Enhanced Middle School Science Education J.L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(PI) 4/1/97- 3/31/00; $75,000

Science Education Summer School Program Milwaukee Public School System J.L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(PI) 6/1/98 - 8/15/98; $202,865

The Milwaukee Academy of Science Development of a Charter School Wisconsin Department of

Public Instruction J.L. Osborn, Ph.D. (PI). 1/1/99-12/31/99; $20,000

Dorr Foundation Building Inquiry Based Chemistry Through Laboratory Instruction" Jeffrey

L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(PI) 1999-2002; $120,000

H.A. Vance Foundation A 9-12 Robotics & Electronics Program Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(PI) 1999-2002; $100,000

Hartford Courant Foundation Giants of Science Program Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (PI)

1999-2002; $10,000

Arthur-Vining Davis Foundation Youth and learning in the 21st Century: A professional

Development model for Secondary School Educators in Diverse Urban Settings Jeffrey L.

Osborn, Ph.D. (PI) 2000-2003; $150,396

Toyota USA Foundation The Toyota USA Elementary Physics in Motion Program Jeffrey L.

Osborn, Ph.D. (PI) 2000-2003; $210,000

Connecticut State Department of Education Explorations in Science Jeffrey L. Osborn,

Ph.D. (PI) 2001-2003; $200,000

NSF #0119968 Connecting with the River: Geoscience Research and Education for Hartford,

CT. Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (Co-PI) 2001 2004; $333,173

NSF#626955 A Genome Sequence for the Model Hemibiotroph Colletotrichum graminicola

Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (Co-PI) 2006 2008; $951,260

NSF#0538465 Track 1, GK12, Algebra Cubed Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (Co-PI) 2006 2009;


DOE Teaching the Logic of the Scientific Method in the 4th grade Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D.

(Co-PI) 2006 2009; $1,140,203

KY Dept. of Education Kentucky Science Alliance Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (Co-PI) 2006

2009; $570,000

NSF #0437768 Assessing How Distance Learning for Teachers Can Enable Inquiry Science in

Rural Classrooms Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (PI) 2005 2010; $1,998,882

NSF#0431552 Recruiting, Retaining, and Graduating University of Kentucky Appalachian

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Majors Jeffrey L. Osborn, Ph.D. (Co-PI)

2005-2010; $1,998,906

Physical Facilities


115 Thomas Hunt Morgan, University of KentuckyLaboratories

Renal Hypertension Lab: Room 205 Medical Research Building 3 (600 ft2)

Bioscience Education: Room 201 (750 ft2)

115B/C (250 ft2) T.H. Morgan

Sabbaticals Hosted

Mahendr Kochar, M.D. (1990)

Dissertation and Thesis Committees/Postdoctoral Fellows

Masters Thesis Directed

Joel N. Swerdel (Physiology) 1985

Samuel P. Carmichael, II (Biology) 2008

Dissertations Directed

Suzanne Greenberg (Physiology) 1990

Lawrence D. Nelson (Physiology) 1992

Amadou K.S. Camara (Physiology) 1995

Craig F. Plato (Physiology) 1997

Timothy Bradshaw (Biology) 2011

Dissertation Committees

Lawrence G. Pan (Physiology-MCW) 1983

Leonard B. Bell (Physiology-MCW) 1984

Michael J. Burke (Physiology-MCW) 1984

David C. Merrill (Physiology-MCW) 1984

Zeljko Dujic (Physiology-MCW) 1986

Jose Eduardo Krieger (Physiology-MCW) 1988

Verne E. Cowles (Physiology-MCW) 1989

David Mattson (Physiology-MCW) 1989

Sharon Lu (Physiology-MCW) 1993

Heather Drummond (Physiology-MCW) 1995

David Weber (Physiology-MCW) 1998Runze Wu (Biomedical Engineering-UK) 2005

Slone, Katrina (Curriculum & Instruction-UK) 2007

Crowe, Cheryl (Curriculum & Instruction-UK) 2008

Cunningham, Jessica (Educational Policy & Evaluation-UK) 2009

Knutson, Nicole (Educational Policy & Evaluation UK) 2011 expected

Craig F. Plato

Ph.D. 1997

Xiao Feng Li, M.D., Ph.D. 1996-1997

David Basile, Ph.D. 1997-1999

Graduate Students (Current)

Jason Collett (Biology) 2006-Present (Ph.D. Expected Aug. 2012)

Brandon Franklin (Biology



Undergraduate Research Fellows

University of Kentucky

Aaron D. Fain2005-2007 (Am. Physiol. Soc. Research Fellow 05- 06)

(Am. Physiol. Soc. Research Fellow 05- 06)

Jason Collett2005-2006

Julie Kretzer2006-2009 (Am. Physiol. Soc. Research Fellow 08- 09)

Elaine Patterson2006-2009

Rebecca Crutcher


Michelle O Brien

(Am. Physiol. Soc. Research Fellow 09- 10)

Pre-College Research Fellows

Hersh Patel2006-2007 (Paul Laurence Dunbar HS

MSTC Program)

Leslie Davis

2007-2009 (Paul Laurence Dunbar HS

MSTC Program)

Jiyang Zhang2008-2010 (Paul Laurence Dunbar HS MSTC Program)


Books, Chapters and Invited Reviews

Thames, M.D., and J.L. Osborn. "Role of Renal Nerves in Regulation of Renin Secretion."

In: Yearbook of Science and Technology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1981, pp. 336-339.

Osborn, J.L., M.D. Thames and G.F. DiBona. "Neural Control of Renin Secretion: Nature of

Prostaglandin Interactions." In: Prostaglandins and the Kidney: Biochemistry, Pharmacology

and Clinical Application. New York: Plenum Publishing Corp., 1982, pp. 185-188.

Bailie, M.D., J.L. Osborn and J.B. Hook. "The effect of prostaglandin synthesis and

angiotensin II on renal function in the newborn piglet." In: The Kidney During

Development, A. Spitzer, ed. New York: Masson Publishing Inc., 1984.

Mattson, D.L. and J.L. Osborn. Renal Physiology . In: Physiology Secrets, H. Raff, ed.,

Philadelphia, PA, Hanley and Belfus, Inc., 1999. pp. 101-135.

Osborn, J.L. and S.Greenberg. Renal Nerves and Extracellular Fluid Volume Regulation:

Hypertension Primer 2nd ed.; J.L. Izzo, Jr. and H.R. Black, editors; pages 89-91, 1999.

Osborn, J.L., Suzette Svoboda-Newman, Jill Crowder, Larietta Jenkins and Marsha Lakes

Matyas. The Kidney Under Pressure in Frontiers in Physiology, Marsha Lakes Matyas, ed.,


Osborn, J.L. and C.F. Plato. Neural Control of Renal Function . In: Clinical and

Experimental Nephrology. S. Massry and R. Glassock ed., 2003.

Osborn, J.L and S.G. Greenberg. Renal Nerves and Extracellular Fluid Volume Regulation.

Hypertension Primer 3rd ed.; J. L. Izzo, Jr. And H.R. Black, editors; pages 108-111, 2003.

Bradshaw, T., Carmichael S., Collett, J., Ferrier, A. and J. L. Osborn. Using vernier

equipment to convert didactically taught human respiration lab to inquiry based human

respiration lab. in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 29 (K.L. Clase,

Editor); pp 188-204,. Proceedings of the 29th Workshop/Conference of the Association for

Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 2008.


Hook, J.B., R. Cordona, J.L. Osborn, M.D. Bailie and P.J. Gehring. The renal handling of

2,4,5 trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) in the dog. Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 14: 19-23,


Osborn, J.L., J.B. Hook and M.D. Bailie. Control of renin release: effects of D-

propranolol and renal denervation on furosemide induced renin release in the dog. Circ.

Res. 41(4): 481-486, 1977.

Osborn, J.L., B. Noordewier, J.B. Hook and M.D. Bailie. Mechanism of prostaglandin E2

stimulation of renin release. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 159: 249-252, 1978.

Osborn, J.L., J.B. Hook and M.D. Bailie. Effect of saralasin and indomethacin on renal

function in developing pigs. Am. J. Physiol. 235(5): R438-R442, 1980.

Osborn, J.L., J.B. Hook and M.D. Bailie. Regulation of plasma renin in developing pigs.

Dev. Pharmacol. Ther. 1: 217-228, 1980.

Wallace, K.B., J.L. Osborn and M.D. Bailie. Species difference in kinetics of renin

substrate reaction in plasma. J. Pharmacol. Methods 4: 141-154, 1980.

Osborn, J.L., G.F. DiBona and M.D. Thames. Beta-1 adrenoceptor mediation of renin

secretion elicited by low frequency renal nerve stimulation. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216:

265-269, 1981.

Osborn, J.L., U.C. Kopp and G.F. DiBona. Ischemic acute renal failure: newer implications

of stopped pipes. J. Clin. Med. 98: 16-20, 1981.

Osborn, J.L., L.L. Francisco and G.F. DiBona. Effect of renal nerve stimulation on renal

blood flow autoregulation and antinatriuresis during reductions in renal perfusion

pressure. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 168: 77-81, 1981.

DiBona, G.F., E.J. Johns and J.L. Osborn. The effect of vagotomy on sodium reabsorption

and renin release in anesthetized dogs subjected to 60 head-up tilt. J. Physiol. 320: 293-

302, 1981.

Osborn, J.L., M.D. Thames and G.F. DiBona. Role of macula densa in renal nerve modulation

of renin secretion. Am. J. Physiol. 242: R367-R371, 1982.

Francisco, L.L., J.L. Osborn and G.F. DiBona. The role of prostaglandins in macula densa

mediated rise in plasma renin activity. Am. J. Physiol. 243 (Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte

Physiol.): F537-F542, 1982.

Osborn, J.L., G.F. DiBona and M.D. Thames. Role of alpha adrenoceptors mediating renin

secretion. Am. J. Physiol. 242 (Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol.): F620-F626, 1982.

Osborn, J.L., M.D. Thames and G.F. DiBona. Renal nerves modulate renin secretion during

autoregulation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 169: 432-437, 1982.

Osborn, J.L., H. Holdaas, M.D. Thames and G.F. DiBona. Renal adrenoceptor mediation of

antinatriuretic and renin secretion responses to low frequency renal nerve stimulation in

the dog. Circ. Res. 59(3): 298-305, 1983.

Osborn, J.L., L.G. Hoversten and G.F. DiBona. Impaired blood flow autoregulation in

nonfiltering kidneys: effect of theophylline. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 174: 328-355,


Osborn, J.L., U.C. Kopp, M.D. Thames and G.F. DiBona. Interactions among renal nerves,

prostaglandins and renal arterial pressure in the regulation of renin release. Am. J.

Physiol. 247 (Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol.): F706-F713, 1984.

Seagard, J.L., F.A. Hopp, Z.J. Bosnjak, J.L. Osborn and J.P. Kampine. Sympathetic

efferent nerve activity in conscious and isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Anesthesiology 61:

266-270, 1984.

Osborn, J.L., R.J. Roman and R.W. Harland. Mechanisms of antinatriuresis during low

frequency renal nerve stimulation in anesthetized dogs. Am. J. Physiol. 249 (Regulatory,

Integrative and Comp. Physiol.): R360-367, 1985.

Osborn, J.L., and M.T. Lawton. Neurogenic antinatriuresis during acute cardiac tamponade.

Am. J. Physiol. 250: 195-202, 1986.

Cowley, A.W. Jr., B.J. Barber, J.H. Lombard, J.L. Osborn and J.F. Liard. Relationship

between body fluid volumes and arterial pressure. Fed. Proc. 45: 2864-2870, 1986.

Roman, R.J., and J.L. Osborn. Renal function and sodium balance in conscious Dahl S and R

rats. Am. J. Physiol. 252 (Regulatory, Integrative and Comp. Physiol. 21): R833-R841,


O'Hair, D.P., M.B. Adams, J.L. Osborn and E.V. Buchmann. Computerized calculation of

radioimmunoassay determined cyclosporin A levels. Informatics in Pathology 1: 57, 1987.

Osborn, J.L., and D.D. Kinstetter. Neural control of renin release: effects of altered

sodium chloride intake. Am. J. Physiol. 253: F976-F981, 1987.

Osborn, J.L., R.J. Roman and J.D. Ewens. Renal nerves, sodium balance and development of

hypertension in Dahl salt sensitive rats. Hypertension 11(6): 523-528, 1988.

Osborn, J.L., and R.W. Harland. Alpha-1 adrenoceptor mediation of urinary bicarbonate

excretion. Am. J. Physiol. 255 (Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiol. (24): F1116-F1121,


Osborn, J.L., and E.J. Johns. Renal sympathetic regulation of renin and prostaglandin

release. Min. Electrolyte Metab. 15: 51-58, 1989.

Osborn, J.L., and T.G. Curro. Renal sympathetic nerve activity and arterial pressure

responses to changes in postural position of conscious dogs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.

192: 258-254, 1989.

O'Hair, D.P., T.C. Tunberg, M.B. Adams and J.L. Osborn. Relationships among endotoxemia,

arterial pressure and renal function in dogs. Circ. Shock 27: 199-210, 1989.

Lombard, J.H., H. Eskinder, K. Kauser, J.L. Osborn and D.R. Harder. Enhanced

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Marsh, D.J., J.L. Osborn and A.W. Cowley, Jr. Fluctuations in arterial pressure and the

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Osborn, J.L. Relationships between sodium intake, renal function and arterial pressure.

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Dawson, C.A., A.W. Cowley, Jr., G.B. Spurr, J.L. Osborn, H. Raff, H.V. Forster, D.R.

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Nelson, L.D., and J.L. Osborn. Role of intrarenal ANG II in the reflex neural stimulation

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Greenberg, S.G., C. Enders and J.L. Osborn. Renal neurogenic influence on the rate of

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Greenberg, S., and J.L. Osborn. Relationship between sodium balance and renal innervation

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Swart, G.L., J.R. Mateer, D.J. De Behnke, S.J. Jameson and J.L. Osborn. The effect of

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Johnson, C.P., S.K. Sarna,, V.E. Cowles, J.L. Osborn, Y.R. Zhu, L. Bonham, E. Buchmann,

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Plato, C.F. and J.L. Osborn. Chronic renal neuroadrenergic hypertension is associated

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Osborn, J.L., C.F. Plato, X.R. He and E. Gordin. Impact of long-term increases in

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Camara, A.K.S., and J.L. Osborn. Renal neurogenic mediation of intracerebroventricular

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Camara, A.K.S. and J.L. Osborn. AT1 receptors mediate chronic central nervous system AII

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Camara, A.K.S. and J.L. Osborn. i*!-Adrenergic systems mediate chronic central AII

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Basile, D.P., D. Donohoe, K. Roethe and J.L. Osborn. Renal ischemic injury results in

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Koehler, C., D. Moss and J.L. Osborn. The Learning Corridor: Exploring an Urban Magnet

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Stocker, S.D., J.L. Osborn, and S.P. Carmichael. Forebrain Osmotic Regulation of the

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Cunningham, J. D., K.D. Bradley, and J. Osborn. Assessing the impact of Newton s

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outcomes linked to inquiry-based physical science. ERS Spectrum, 62: 39-44, 2008.

McNall Krall, R., J.P. Straley, Jr., S.A. Shafer, and J.L. Osborn. Hands-on at a

Distance: Evaluation of a Distance Learning Temperature and Heat Course. J. Sci. Educ.

Technol. 18 (2); 173-186, 2009.

Bradshaw, T.J., S.P. Carmichael II, A.F. Ferrier, and J.L. Osborn. Supporting Inquiry

Instruction in Weekly Training Increases Teaching Assistants Confidence in Student

Content Knowledge. Adv. Physiol. Educ. (submitted for publication).

Bradshaw, T.J., R. Krall, W.S. Rayens, J.D. Cunningham, J.P. Straley, S.A. Shafer, K.D.

Bradley, and J.L. Osborn. Improving Student Understanding of Temperature and Heat Through

Distance Learning Professional Development for Teachers. Research in Science Education.

(submitted for publication)

Bradshaw, T.J., S.A. Shafer, K.D. Bradley, J.P. Straley and J.L. Osborn. Impact of

Newton s Universe Materials on Middle School Teacher and Student Understanding of Physical

Science. Research in Science Education. (submitted for publication)

Collett, J.A., A. Hart, E. Patterson, J.K. Kretzer and J.L. Osborn. Angiotensin II, Type

1 Receptor Expression and Elevated Arterial Pressure in Spontaneously Hypertensive

Rat/Brown Norway Backcross Rats. Am. J. Physiol. Reg., Integ. and Comp. Physiol.

(Submitted for Publication).


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*Osborn, J.L., and D. Kinstetter. Neural control of renin secretion in sodium deplete and

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Greenberg, S., and J.L. Osborn. Rate of achieving sodium balance after decreasing sodium

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*Osborn, J.L., S. Tershner and C. Hinojosa-Laborde. Sodium and water retention during

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Greenberg, S.G., and J.L Osborn. Restriction of fluid intake reduces the rate of

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Nelson, L.D., and J.L. Osborn. Neurogenic control of renal function in response to graded

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Greenberg, S.G., and J.L. Osborn. Relationship between sodium balance and renal

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Nelson, L.D., and J.L. Osborn. High and low sodium intake inhibits neurogenic regulation

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*Osborn, J.L., E. Gordin and P. Drysdale. Low level intrarenal norepinephrine causes

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Browne, B.J., C.J. Johnson, A.M. Roza, J.L. Osborn and M.B. Adams. A rat model of in vivo

neural isolation: tra

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