Continuously Deployed
Dan Mayer Resume 18 April 2009
Download file Daniel Mayerdan@mayerdan.com503-819-***-**** Maryland Ave NE #305Washington,
DC 20002 DevverFounder
CTO / Ruby SoftwareDeveloperApril 2008 - Present (2 years 1 month)Software startup to make the lives of
developers easier. Originally, developed accelerated testing for Ruby developers. More
recently, launched, which builds code analytics for all Rubygems and builds
metrics for public and private git-based Ruby projects. * Built accellerated testing tool,
using distributed computing services to run developer tests * Developed a cloud-based
continious integration server and notification services * Developed cloud-based code
metrics and analytics project analyzer, which integrated with Rubygems to provide
analytics on all public Rubygems and many OSS git-based projects (7000+ projects) * Member
of a distributed agile team practiced daily standups, remote pair programming, and
continious integration * Worked extensively with cloud based services and distributed
computing techniques. (EC2, Beanstalkd queues, Schemaless SimpleDB, S3) * Developed and
deployed EventMachine, Merb, Rails, and Sinatra in production environments.
PretheoryFounderMay 2007 - April 2008 Small Denver-based consumer web startup. Built to help people find the best of everything online by created social, community-
based top 10 lists on consumer-driven topics or products. IndigioJava Lead EngineerAugust
2006 - May 2007 Developed web sites for Fortune 500 companies. Managed a small Java team
with local and international remote employees. ISTJava Software EngineerDecember 2005 -
June 2006Developed full lifecycle of a DOD distributed syncronous infrastructure in Java.
Education: University of ColoradoBoulder, COB.S., Computer ScienceGPA: 3.185
Rails, Sinatra, EventMachine, DataMapper, Linux, OSX, Javascript (JQuery/Prototype), HTML,
AWS, Distributed Computing, Apache, MySql, Postgres, Schemaless DBs (NoSql), Pair
Programming, Test-Focused Development, Distributed Teams, Developer team management,
Participating in Ruby OSS software, Active on Github, building custom protocal
EventMachine-based protocals, building restful webservice API s
Hello, this is where I am publishing my old development blog as well as making new posts
in the future. I am not that active with my blogigng these days, but perhaps with a new
blog setup I will be slightly more motivated. Currently I am mostly involved with Ruby and
mobile development. You can find my code on github.
Recent Posts
14 Jan 2012 " Rails tests gotcha with I18n.locale
27 Dec 2011 " Ruby processing: making it snow
17 Dec 2011 " Cleaning up files after hacking
16 Nov 2011 " ActiveRecord / Rails case insensitive ordering
14 Nov 2011 " Announcing NothingCalendar
@DanMayer on Twitter
Dan Mayer's Resume
Dan Mayer on Github
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Inscrutable Drama Queen's Blog
Ben Brinckerhoff's blog
Avdi's development blog
Mark's Blog
My Move to LA
Magnetic or Mosaic music
Foresight Aerial Photos
Giles Bowkett Ruby and Music
Archived Devver blog
licensed under a Creative Commons License.
c Dan Mayer 2012 with help from Jekyll Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap