Curriculum Vitae
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel, Ph.D.
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Phone: +1-732-***-****
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Fax: +1-732-***-****
CoRE Building Rm.
208, 96 Frelinghuysen Road E-mail: ****@*******.***
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018,
Manufacturing & Automation Research Laboratory
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA, 1998
Dissertation Title: Investigation of High Speed Flat End Milling Process-Prediction of
Chip Formation, Cutting
Forces, Tool Stresses and Temperatures
Advisor: Taylan Altan, Professor and Director of Engineering Research Center for Net
Shape Manufacturing
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, 1991
B.S., Aeronautical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1987
Associate Professor Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers, The State
University of New
(with tenure) Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey, 07/2008 present
Affiliated Faculty Rutgers Institute for Advanced Materials, Devices & Nanotechnology,
Director Manufacturing & Automation Research Laboratory, 01/2003-present
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers, The State
University of New
Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey, 01/200206/2008
Faculty FellowNASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 05/199909/1999
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Cleveland
State University,
Cleveland, Ohio, 09/199812/2001
Research AssociateNSF funded Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacturing,
The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, 03/199*******
Graduate Fellow Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio,
Research AssistantDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir,
Turkey, 09/198712/1993
Engineer in Training Turkish Airlines Maintenance Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 06/198609/1986
Engineer in Training BMC Automotive and Truck Manufacturing Company, Izmir, Turkey,
2009 NSF-CIRP General Assembly Fellowship
2008 Rutgers University FASIP Award for Research, Teaching and Service
2008 Machine Tool Technologies Research Foundation Award
2007 Rutgers FASIP Award for Research, Teaching and Service
2007 Associate Professor Title (Docent) awarded by Turkish Higher Education Council
2006 Rutgers Research Council Grant Award
2006 Rutgers FASIP Award for Research, Teaching and Service
2006 Nomination to Fraunhofer Bessel Research Award
2005 Rutgers Research Council Grant Award
Updated: 7/13/2012
Curriculum Vitae
Tugrul Ozel
2005 Rutgers FASIP Award for Research, Teaching and Service
2005 Nomination to Best NAMRI Paper Award with Y. Karpat, E. Zeren
2005 Best Paper Award in the 8th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining
Operations with E.
2002 New Jersey Space Grant Consortium Award, NASA
1999 Summer Faculty Fellowship, NASA Glenn Research Center, Ohio
1999 New Faculty/ Research Challenge Award, Cleveland State University
1994 Fellowship from Turkish Higher Education Council
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
Tugrul Ozel
. EAGER: Pulsed Laser Assisted Exfoliation of Single Crystalline SiC Thin Layers for Cost
Effective Micro-
Device Fabrication, National Science Foundation, CMMI, Materials Processing and
$130,000, 2011-2012, T. Ozel, principal investigator, G. Celler (co-PI).
. Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Machining Induced Surface Integrity with
Applications in Titanium
and Nickel-Based Alloyed End Products, National Science Foundation, CMMI, Manufacturing
Machines and
Equipment, 07/01/2011-06/30/2014, $388,345, Sole principal investigator.
. International Research Exchange For Biomedical Devices Design, Prototyping and
Manufacturing, European
Commission Research Directorate-General, FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES, J. Ciurana- Univ. Girona,
(PI), E. Ceretti- Univ. Bresca, Italy (co-PI), P. Bartolo- Inst. Polytech. Leira (co-PI),
C. Rodriguez- Tech
Monterrey, Mexico (co-PI), J.V. Lopes De Silva CTIR, Brazil (co-PI), T. Ozel (co-PI),
. Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Improving Machinability of Titanium Alloys
using Physics-based
Simulation Modeling, National Science Foundation, CMMI, Manufacturing Machines and
06/01/2009-06/30/2011, Sole principal investigator.
. Collaborative Research: Improving Machinability of Titanium Alloys using Physics-based
Simulation Modeling,
National Science Foundation, CMMI, Manufacturing Machines and Equipment,
Sole principal investigator.
. Investigations on the Influence of Machining-Induced Strain, Stress and Temperature
Fields on White-Etch
Layer Formation in IN-100 Super Alloy,
United Technologies Research Center, 04/01/2007-
Sole principal investigator.
. Investigations on the Effects of Advanced Edge Design in PCBN cutting tools for Hard
Turning, Conicity
Technologies - Weiler Corporation, 04/01/2006-10/01/2006, Sole principal investigator.
. Instrumentation for Research on Innovative Micro Manufacturing Processes, Rutgers
University Research
Council Grant Award, 07/01/2005-05/01/2006, Sole principle investigator.
. Process Analytical Technology: Fusion of Analytical Technology and Automation Control,
Corporate Research, NJ, 09/01/2004-08/31/2005, co-principal investigator, (PI, T. Altiok,
. Prediction and Validation of Surface Properties in High-Speed Machined Materials,
Rutgers University
Research Council Grant Award, 07/01/2004-05/01/2005, Sole principle investigator.
. Development of Workpiece Material and Friction Models for Simulation of Machining of
Aerospace Alloys,
New Jersey Space Grant Consortium Award, 09/01/2002-12/31/2003, Sole principal
. Research Start-up for Manufacturing Automation Laboratory, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey,
01/02/2002-08/31/2003, principal investigator.
. Web-based Course Development on Advance Machining Processes, Ohio World Class
Consortium, Ohio Learning Network, 12/15/2000-12/15/2001, co-principal investigator.
Updated: 7/13/2012
Curriculum Vitae
Tugrul Ozel
. Measurement of Forces and Simulation of Cutting in Metal Turning Process, The Access to
Careers in
Engineering Program, Cleveland State University, 06/01/2000-09/01/2000, Sole principal
. Measurement and Evaluation of Forces Developed During Cut-off Machining Process,
Manchester Tool
09/01/1999-12/31/1999, Sole principal investigator.
Tugrul Ozel
Updated: 7/13/2012
Curriculum Vitae
Tugrul Ozel
. Invited Lectures, Lecture 1: Tool Path Optimization in Micro- milling of Thin Walled
Structures, Lecture 2:
Multi-objective Optimization of Micro-milling of Titanium Alloys, Lecture 3: Pulsed
Laser processing for SiC
exfoliation," Department of Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Construction, University
of Girona, Spain,
May 15-30, 2012.
. Invited Presentation, Fabrication of 3D Polymeric Micro-Needle Arrays using Micro-
milling, CIRP
Collaborative Working Group on BioManufacturing Meeting, Paris, France, January 25, 2012.
. Invited Seminar, Modeling and Optimization of Micro-milling Processes for Titanium
Alloys, MIE Seminar
Series, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
NJ, November 9,
. Invited Lectures, Innovative Manufacturing Processes and Production Systems, University
of Girona, Spain,
March 14-18, 2011.
. Invited Presentation, Micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with cBN coated Micro-Tools:
Influence of Machining
Parameters on Process Performance and Surface Quality, CIRP Scientific Technical
Committee (Cutting)
Meeting, Paris, France, January 27, 2011.
. Invited Lectures, Lecture 1: Mechanical micro-machining & micro- milling, Lecture
2:Laser processing &
micro-machining, Lecture 3: Surface engineering: biocompatibility, friction and coatings"
Commission - IREBID project meetings, University of Girona, Spain, June 28-July 2, 2010.
. Invited Lectures, Innovative Manufacturing Processes and Production Systems, University
of Girona, Spain,
January 12-15, 2010.
. Invited Special Seminar, Computational Manufacturing: Modeling and Optimization of
Processes, Industrial Automation Institute, Spanish Council for Scientific Research
(CSIC), May 6, 2009,
Madrid, Spain.
. Invited Lectures, Innovative Manufacturing Processes and Production Systems,"
University of Girona, Spain,
January 19-21, 2009.
. Invited Plenary Lecture, Computational modeling of machining processes, 4th
International Industrial and
Manufacturing Engineering and Welding Technology Congress and Meeting, November 5-7,
2008, Saltillo,
. Invited Lecture, Surface Engineering for Medical Products: Friction, Coatings and
Biocompatibility Issues,
ISPE New Jersey Chapter Day, June 18, 2008, Somerset, New Jersey.
. Invited Lectures, Innovative Manufacturing Processes and Production Systems, Invited
Lectures, University
of Girona, Spain, January 17-18, 2008.
. Invited Seminar, Experimental Nanomanufacturing Processes, Chemistry Seminar Series,
The William
Patterson University of New Jersey, Wayne, New Jersey, USA, November 13, 2007.
. Invited Special Seminar, Advanced Machining Research at Rutgers, United Technologies
Research Center,
East Hartford, Connecticut, USA, February 9, 2007.
. Invited Presentation, Modeling and Predicting Temperature Fields in Micro-Geometry CBN
Tools: Towards
Variable Edge Micro-Geometry Tools, CIRP Working Group on Temperature Measurements in
Processes, Paris, France, January 24, 2007.
Updated: 7/13/2012
Curriculum Vitae
Tugrul Ozel
. Invited Presentation, Finite Element Analysis of The Influence of Edge Roundness on The
Stress and
Temperature Fields Induced by High Speed Machining, CIRP 2nd Int. Conference on High
Cutting in University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, June 12, 2006.
. Invited Presentation, Predictive Modeling of Machining AISI 1045 Steel: Comparisons
with Experimentally
Measured Temperature Fields, CIRP Working Group on Temperature Measurements in
Processes, Paris, France, January 25, 2006.
. Invited Seminar, Innovative Machining Processes for Micromanufacturing and Modeling of
Micro/Meso Scale
Mechanical Cutting, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, July 22, 2005.
. Invited Seminar, Finite Element Simulations of High Speed Machining with Round Edge
Tools: Predictions of
Temperature and Stress Fields, Mechanical Engineering Department Seminars, Izmir
Institute of Technology,
Izmir, Turkey, July 20, 2005.
. Panel Discussions, Review of U.S. Research in Micro-Manufacturing, WTEC Workshop,
National Science
Foundation, Arlington, Virginia, USA, August 12, 2004.
. Invited Seminar, High Speed Machining of Hardened Steels, Society of Manufacturing
Engineers, Chapter
102 Meeting, Paterson, New Jersey, USA, February 24, 2003.
. Invited Seminar, Neural Network Modeling of Tool Wear for Hard Part Machining,
Mechanical Engineering
Seminar Series, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, April 25,
. Invited Special Seminar, An Integrated Simulation and Experimental Approach for Hard
Part Machining
Systems, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey, June 15, 2001.
. Faculty Candidate Seminar An Integrated Simulation and Experimental Approach for Hard
Part Machining
Systems, Industrial Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, April 16,
. Invited Special Seminar, State of the Research in Finite Element Modeling of High Speed
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 10, 2000.
. Invited Lecture, High Speed Machining and Rapid Prototyping, NASA Ames Research Center,
San Jose,
California, USA, April 15, 2000.
. Invited Lecture, High Speed Machining and Rapid Prototyping, NASA Marshall Space and
Flight Center,
Huntsville, Alabama, USA, October 19, 1999.
. Invited Lecture, Emerging Manufacturing Technologies: Micromachining and Rapid
Prototyping, NASA
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, June 21, 1999.
Invited Lecture, Design for Manufacture, NASA Glenn Research Center, Manufacturing
Engineering Division,
Cleveland, Ohio, USA, December 3, 1998.JOURNAL EDITORSHIP
. Editor in Chief, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems,
Inderscience Publishers,
Tugrul Ozel
. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of
Materials, Inderscience
Publishers, 2006-present.
. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and
Surface Engineering
(IJCMSSE), Inderscience Publishers, 2009-present.
. Editorial Board Member, Polish Academy of Sciences Journal of Advances in Manufacturing
Science and
Technology, 2009-present.
. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fifth CIRP Conference on High Performance
Cutting, June 4-7