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Control Training

Pensacola, FL
September 29, 2012

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APPENDIX I GLOSSARY 2-M 4 Microminiature electronic repair. 2D RADAR 4 Two dimensional;

the radar provides information on two separate coordinates (usually range and azimuth). 3D

RADAR 4 Three dimensional; the radar provides information on three separate coordinates

(usually range, azimuth, and altitude).

A/D 4 Analog/digital. AATC DAIR 4 Amphibious air traffic control DAIR uses an AN/TPX-

42A(V)12 and is known as a type 12 system. AAW 4 Antiair Warfare.

ACLS 4 Autostatic Carrier Landing System. ADT 4 Automatic detection and tracking. AFC 4

Automatic frequency control.

AIC 4 Air intercept control. AMW 4 Amphibious warfare. AOA 4 Amphibious objective area.

APG 4 Azimuth pulse generator. APL 4 Allowance parts list. ASAC 4 Antisubmarine aircraft


ASM 4 Antiship missile. ASUW 4 Antisurface warfare. ASW 4 Antisubmarine warfare.

ATC 4 Air traffic control. ATCRBS 4 Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System. ATD 4

Automatic target detection.

BIT 4 Built-in-test. BITE 4 Buih-in-test equipment. CAC 4 Command and control.

CAP 4 Combat Air Patrol. CATCC 4 Carrier Air Traffic Control Center. CATCC DAIR 4 Carrier

Air Traffic Control Center DAIR system uses a AN/TPX-42A(V)8 and is known as a type 8


CCA 4 Carrier controlled approach. CCS 4 Central computer subsystem. CDO 4 Command duty


CFAR 4 Constant false alarm ... more. less.

rate. CIC 4 Combat information center. CM 4 Corrective maintenance.

CPA 4 Closest point of approach to other surface craft or aircraft. CPR 4 Cardiopulmonary

resuscitation. CRT 4 Cathode ray tube.

CSLC 4 Coherent sidelobe canceler. CSTOM 4 Combat Systems Technical Operations Manual. CW

4 Continuous wave.

DAIR 4 Direct Altitude and Identity Readout. The standard DAIR system uses an AN/TPX-

42A(V)5 and is known as a type 5 system. DCSC 4 Digital coherent sidelobe canceler.

DFS 4 Direct fleet support. DMTI 4 Digital moving target indicator. DOP 4 Designated

overhaul point.

DRA 4 Dead reckoning analyzer. DUCTING 4 The increased bending of radar waves as they

pass through abnormal atmospheric conditions. ECM 4 Electronic countermeasures.

EED 4 Electro-explosive devices. EIMB 4 Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book.

EMCON 4 Emissions control.

EME 4 Electromagnetic radiation environment. EMI 4 Electromagnetic interference. ET 4

Electronics Technician.

FC 4 Fire Control Technician. AI-1 FM 4 Frequency modulation. FRUIT 4 Nonsynchronous

transponder replies that interfere with IFF video.

FTC 4 Fast time constant. GCA 4 Ground controlled approach. GPETE 4 General-pufpose

electronic test equipment.

HDC 4 Helicopter direction center. HERF 4 Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuel.

HERO 4 Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance.

HERP 4 Hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel. I/O 4 Input/output. IADT 4

Integrated Automatic Detection and Tracking System.

IF 4 Intermediate frequency. IFF 4 Identification friend or foe. IMA 4 Intermediate

maintenance activity.

IS 4 Interference suppression. LSLS 4 Intemogator side lobe suppression. ITAWDS 4

Integrated Tactical Amphibious Warfare Data System.

KCMX 4 Keyset central multiplexer. LED 4 Light-emitting diodes. LOS 4 Line of sight.

LRM 4 Long range mode. LRU 4 Lowest replaceable unit. LSO 4 Landing signal officer.

MAM 4 Maintenance assist module. MATCS 4 Marine air traffic control squadrons. MCAS 4

Marine Corps air station.

MFC 4 Manual frequency control. MLV 4 Memory loader/verifier. MOB 4 Mobility.

MOISTURE LAPSE 4 A falling away from the standard moisture content of the air. MOTU 4

Mobile technical unit. MPPI 4 Maintenance planned position indicator.

MPU 4 Medium PRF upgrade. MRC 4 Maintenance requirement card. MTBF 4 Mean time between


MTI 4 Moving target indicator. MTTR 4 Mean time to repair. MTU 4 Magnetic tape unit.

MUTE 4 Shipboard Emission Monitor-Control Set, AN/SSQ-82(V). NAS 4 Naval air station.

NAVSEA 4 Naval Systems Engineering Activity.

NAVSEACEN 4 Naval Systems Engineering Activity Center. NEC 4 Navy Enlisted

Classifications. NEETS 4 Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series.

NTDS 4 Navy Tactical Data System. OCC 4 Operator control console. OOD 4 Officer of the


PA 4 Power amplifier. PALS 4 Precision Approach Landing System. PAR 4 Precision approach


PCB 4 Printed circuit board. PM 4 Planned/preventive maintenance. PMS 4 Planned

Maintenance System.

PPI 4 Planned position indicator. PRF 4 Pulse repetition frequency, also referred to as

pulse repetition rate (PRR). PRI-FLI 4 Primary flight.

PRR 4 Pulse repetition rate, also referred to as pulse repetition frequency (PRF). R/T 4

Receiver/transmitter. RADDS 4 Radar Display and Distribution Systems.

RADHAZ 4 Radiation hazard. RATCF DAIR 4 Radar Air Traffic Control Facility DAIR system

uses the AN/TPX-42A(V)10 and is known as a type 10 system. RF 4 Radio Frequency.

RFI 4 Radio frequency interference. AI-2 RFSTC 4 RF sensitivity time control. RHI 4 Range-

height indicator.

RING-AROUND 4 The appearance of a target close to the origin of the display screen that

extends nearly 360 degrees. Usually a result of close-in targets responding to side lobe

IFF interrogations. ROF 4 Radar operational facilities.

RPM 4 Rotation per minute. RSC 4 Radar set control. RTS 4 Radar test set.

RVC 4 Radar video converter. RVP 4 Radar video processor. SBBM 4 System/bootstrap bus


SDC 4 Signal data converter. SDMS 4 Shipboard data multiplex system. SEM 4 Standard

electronic modules.

SHM 4 Ships heading marker. SIF MODES 4 Selective identification feature modes of IFF

(modes 1, 2, and 3/A) used by friendly aircraft and surface craft. SM&R CODE 4 Sou r ce,

recoverability code.

SMS 4 Ships motion sensor. maintenance, and SPETE 4 Special-purpose electronic test

equipment. SPW 4 Special warfare.

SR 4 Sector radiate. SRF 4 Ship repair facility. SRM 4 Short range mode.

SSTX 4 Solid-state transmitter. STALO 4 Stable local oscillator. STC 4 Sensitivity time


STEEP 4 Support and Test Equipment Engineering Program. SVC 4 Sensitivity velocity

control. TACC 4 Tactical Air Control Center on LHA and LHD type ships.

TAO 4 Tactical action officer. TCAS 4 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System.

TEMPERATURE INVERSION 4 An atmospheric condition in which the normal properties of the

layers of the air are reversed.

TRS 4 Technical repair standards. VCS 4 Video clutter suppression. VSWR 4 Vohage standing

wave ratio.


references were current when this TRAMAN was published, their continued currency cannot be

assured. You, therefore, need to ensure that you are studying the latest revision. AIMS

Newsletter Number

24, Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity, St.

Inigoes, Md, February 1993. Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 18,

Radar Principles, NAVEDTRA 172-18-00-84, Naval Education and Training Program Management

Support Activity, Pensacola, Fl., 1984. Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPA-25G Indicator Group

and SB-4229/ SP Switchboard, NTP S-30-8304B, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC,

April 1988.

Navy Training Plan, AN/ GPN-27 Airport Surveillance Radar, NTP E-50-7902A, Chief of Naval

Operations, Washington, DC, May 1986. Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-40B/ C/ D/ E Radar, NTP

S-30-7127H, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, January 1991. Navy Training Plan,

AN/ TPX-42(V)5, 8, 10, NTP E-50-7005E, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, May


Navy Training Plan, AN/ TPX-42(V)12 AATC DAIR, NTP E-50-8502, Chief of Naval Operations,

Washington, DC, August 1990. Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPN-46(V) Precision Approach Landing

System (PALS), NTP E-50-8206C, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, April 1989. Navy

Training Plan, AN/ TPS-49( V) Series Radar, NTP S-30-7515H, Chief of Naval Operations,

Washington, DC, January 1993.

Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-55 Surface Search Radar, NTP S-30-7512E, Chief of Naval

Operations, Washington, DC, June 1989. Navy Training Plan, AN/ FPN-63 Precision Approach

Radar (PAR), NTP E-50-7404D, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, August 1986. Navy

Training Plan, AN/ SPS-64(V) 9 Radar, NTP S-30-8106C, Chief of Naval Operations,

Washington, DC, May 1989.

Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-67(V) Radar, NTP S-30-7716F, Chief of Naval Operations,

Washington, DC, August 1990. Technical Manual, Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards, Volume Iand Volume II, Part 1, NAVSEA OP 3565, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington DC, July

1989. AII-1 INDEX A Configuration 4Continued AN/SPS-40E, 2-11 Aims mark XII IFF system

modes of operation, 3-2 AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9 emergency replies, 3-3 mode 1, 3-3 mode 2, 3-3

mode 3/A, 3-3 mode 4, 3-4 mode c, 3-4 SIF modes, 3-2 Air search (2D) radars, 2-8 AN/GPN-

27(ASR-8), 2-13 AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-9 AN/SPS-49(V), 2-8 Altitude, 1-26 B Bearing, 1-3

bearing resolution, 1-4 relative bearing, 1-3 true bearing, 1-3 C Carrier-controlled

approach (CCA) radars, 2-15 AN/SPN-35, 2-16 AN/SPN-43, 2-16 AN/SPN-44, 2-16 AN/SPN-46(V)

PALS, 2-15 Configuration, 2-3 ANEPN-63 PAR, 2-18 AN/GPN-27, 2-14 ANISPA-25G, 2-20 AN/SPN-

46(V)1, 2-15 AN/SPN-46(V)2, 2-16 AN/SPS-40B/C/D, 2-11 AN/SPS-55, 2-6 AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-5

AN/SPS-67(V)3, 2-3 D Direct altitude and identity readout (DAIR) system, 3-7 AATC DAIR

(AN/TPX-42A(V)12), 3-8 CATCC DAIR (AN/TPX-42A(V)8), 3-8 DAIR (AN/TPX-42A(V)5), 3-7 RATCF

DAIR (AN/TPX-42A(V) 10), 3-8 Type 13, shipboard DAIR, 3-7 G General theory of operation, 2-

2 AN/FPN-63(V), 2-18 AN/GPN-27, 2-14 AN/SPA-25G, 2-19 AN/SPN-46(V), 2-15 AN/SPS-40, 2-11

AN/SPS-49(V), 2-8 AN/SPS-55, 2-6 AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-5 AN/SPS-67(V), 2-2 radar indicators

(repeaters), 2-19 range-height indicator (RHI), 2-23 SB-4229/SP switchboard, 2-22 signal

data converter CV-3989/SP, 2-21 General theory of IFF operation, 3-1 challenge, 3-1

interrogator, 3-1 recognition, 3-1 reply, 3-1 transponder, 3-1 INDEX-1 Ground-controlled

approach (GCA) radars, 2-15 AN/FPN-63 PAR, 2-18 I Interfaces, 2-3 AN/GPN-27, 2-14 AN/SPA-

25G, 2-20 AN/SPN-46(V), 2-16 AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-11 AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9 AN/SPS-55, 2-7

AN/SPS-67(V)1, 2-3 AN/SPS-67(V)3, 2-3 SB-4229/SP switchboard, 2-22 Interrogator section, 3-

4 antenna pedestal group, AN/UPA-57, 3-5 code changer key, TSEC/KIK-18, 3-5 computer, KIR-

1A/TSEC, 3-5 control monitor, 3-5 defruiter, 3-5 interrogator set, AN/UPX-23, 3-4 pulse

generator, 3-4 switch and driver, AN/UPA-61, 3-5 video decoder, AN/UPA-590, 3-5 M

Maintenance, 2-3 AN/FPN-63, 2-18 AN/GPN-27, 2-14 AN/SPA-25G, 2-22 AN/SPN-46(V), 2-16

AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-11 AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9 AN/SPS-55, 2-7 AN/SPS-67(V), 2-3 CV-3989/SP, 2-22

Maintenance 4Continued SB-4229/SP, 2-22 AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-6 N Naval Tactical Data System

(NTDS), 3-10 Combat Systems Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM), 3-11 R Radar detecting

methods, 1-3 continuous wave, 1-3 frequency modulation, 1-3 pulse modulation, 1-4 Radar

indicators (repeaters), 2-19 A scope, 2-19 AN/SPA-25G indicator group, 2-19 planned

position indicator (PPI), 2-19 range-height indicator (RHI), 2-23 Radar performance, 1-4

atmospheric conditions, 1-4 bearing resolution, 1-4 ducting, 1-4 radar accuracy, 1-4 range

resolution, 1-4 Radar reference coordinate system, 1-1 azimuth, 1-2 elevation angle, 1-2

horizontal plane, 1-1 line of sight, 1-1 true north, 1-1 true bearing, 1-2 vertical plane,

1-1 Radar safety, 4-1 cathode-ray tubes (CRT 9S), 4-4 energized equipment, 4-3 man-aloft,

4-4 INDEX-2 Radar safety 4Continued radiation hazards, 4-1 RF burns, 4-2 safe limits, 4-2

Radar safety precautions, 4-2 equipment safety devices, 4-3 man-aloft chits, 4-3 safety

observer, 4-4 tag-out, 4-2 Radar system, 1-4 antenna system, 1-5 duplexer, 1-5 indicator,

1-5 modulator, 1-5 receiver, 1-5 transmitter, 1-5 Radiation hazards, 4-1 HERO-hazards of

ordnance, 4-1 electromagnetic radiation to HERF-hazards of electromagnetic radiation to

fuels, 4-1 HERP-hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel, 4-2 Range, 1-2 maximum

range, 1-2 minimum range, 1-2 range accuracy, 1-2 range resolution, 1-4 S Surface search

and navigation radars, 2-1 AN/SPS-55, 2-6 AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-3 AN/SPS-67, 2-2 T Three

coordinate (3D) air search radars, 2-14 Transponder section, 3-6 TSEC/KIT-1A, 3-6 Types of

radar systems, 1-5 air search, 1-7 height finding, 1-7 navigation, 1-6 surface search, 1-6



Username: felippo

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