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gentoo user trying

trying locate someone

gentoo user

trying locate

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Trying to locate someone.

July 14th, 2004 - 04:20 pm ET by motub Report spam

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Van: Tero Grundstrom

Datum: woensdag 14 juli 2004 om 21:53 uur

Onderwerp: Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Trying to locate someone.

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 *****@******.** wrote:

> >

> > Mozilla Firefox, on the other hand, has only a few deps


> Yes, and one of them is Mozilla! I can't believe that you complain

> about KDE/GNOME libs, and not that (I use Firefox as well, but *not*

> Mozilla)! I install Galeon as a backup browser, since it's

dependent on

> Mozilla as well, and I have that installed anyway (even though I

don't> actually want or use Mozilla anymore).

You are simply wrong here. Mozillas gecko engine is integrated to


Firefox and therefore *is not* a dependencie of Firefox.

On the other hand Mozilla *is* a dep of Galeon as it builds on top




And therefore, when I recently emerged Firefox 0.9.1, I was "upgraded"

to Mozilla 1.7 in the same process because

I recognize that it's not listed in the RDEPENDS for Firefox or

mozilla-launcher, but it seems clear from my experience (since if

Firefox was not dependent in some way on Mozilla, I would not have

installed Mozilla, and in fact I have never "actively" installed

Mozilla) that there is a real dependency, even if I can't tell you where

it comes from.


******-****@******.*** mailing list

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#1 Chris Woods

July 14th, 2004 - 05:00 pm ET Report spam

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 22:17:00 +0200, wrote:

And therefore, when I recently emerged Firefox 0.9.1, I was "upgraded"

to Mozilla 1.7 in the same process because

Do you have mozilla in your USE flags in /etc/make.conf

Chris Woods ICQ 21740987

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