Updated May ****
Alan Monte Jones
Departments of Biology and Pharmacology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280
919-***-**** fax 962-1625
email= **********@***.***
Ph.D. Plant Biology, 1983, University of Illinois, Urbana
B.S. cum laude, Botany, 1978, University of Florida, Gainesville
2004- presentProfessor of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
1999- present Professor of Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
1992-1999, Associate Professor of Biology, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
1986-1992Assistant Professor of Biology, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
1983-1986Res. Associate with Dr. Peter Quail, Botany, Univ. of Wisconsin
1982-1983Research Assistant with Dr. David Ho, Univ. of Illinois.
1981-1982 Research Assist. with Dr. Fred Meins, Friedrich Miescher Inst. in Basel.
1978-1981 Res Assist. for Dr. Larry Vanderhoef, Plant Biology, Univ. of Illinois.
2010- Editor Current Opinion in Plant Sciences
2010USDA AFRI, Panel Manager
2007-2010 Executive Committee, Amer. Soc. Plant Biologists (elected)
2005- BASF IBC member
2004- NIH Study Section, Immunology Fellowships, permanent
2003- DOE Bioscience Program, panel member
2002- NSF, Cell Biology Signal Transduction, regular member
2002- NIH study section member, SSS-Y (SBIR), permanent
2001 USDA NRICGO, Panel Manager
1999 NIH Study Section, Molecular Biology, CDF-1
1991-1998; 2005- Editor, Plant Physiology
1998- Faculty member in Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology
1997- Faculty member in Program in Cell Biology
1991-1996, Faculty member in the Program for Protein Engineering and Molecular Biology
199*-****-****- 2006 Associate Editor, J. Plant Growth Regulation
1991-1993 USDA NRICGO, panel member
BARD Program CoChairman, 1995; BARD Chairman 1996
Updated May 2011
2010 Elected Full Fellow of Sigma Xi
2009 Fellow of the American Society of Plant Biologists
2005- George and Alice Welsh Distinguished Professor of Cell Biology
1996- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow
1987 John T. Lupton Award
1987 IBM Junior Faculty Award
1982 University of Illinois Competitive Graduate Research Award
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-reviewed manuscripts)
Under review:
Uhrig, et al (AM Jones) The Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G protein interactome based on
genetic complementation using yeast.
Kushwah1, S., Jones, AM and Laxmi, A Signal integration at the root tip. Plant Physiol.
Montgomery, ER, Temple, BRS, Booker, BK, Martin, JW, Smolski, WC, Rogers, SL, Jones, AM
Meigs, TE Class-distinctive residues of G?
protein null
mutations on ozone-induced changes in gene expression, foliar injury, gas-exchange and
peroxidase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. New Phytologist
Friedman, EJ, Wang, HX, Perovic, I, Deshpande, A, Pochapsky, TC,. Temple, BRS, Hicks, SN,
TK, Jones AM Aci-reductone dioxygenase 1 (ARD1) is an effector of the heterotrimeric G
beta subunit in Arabidopsis. J Biol. Chem. (awaiting minor revisions)
87. Jones, JC, Temple, BRS, Jones, AM and Dohlman HG (2011) Functional reconstitution of
An atypical G protein heterotrimer and RGS protein from Arabidopsis thaliana.
J Biol. Chem. (in press)
86. Jones, JC, Duffy, JW, Machius, M, Temple, BRS, Dohlman, HG and Jones AM (2011)
The crystal structure of a self-activating G? protein reveals a new mechanism of G
-G., Taylor, JP, Jones, AM, Assmann, SM (2008) Abscisic
acid regulation of guard-cell inwardly-rectifying K channels in G? and RGS deficient
Arabidopsis lines Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 105: 8476-8481
71. Grigston, JC, Osuna, D., Scheible, W-R., Stitt, M., Jones, AM (2008) Structural
for acute vs. chronic D-glucose sensing mediated by AtRGS1 and AtGPA1. FEBS Lett.
582: 3577-3584
70. Johnston, C.A., Temple, B.R., Chen, J.G., Gao, Y., Moriyama, E.N., Jones, AM,
DP, Willard, FS (2007) Comment on A G protein-coupled receptor is a plasma membrane
receptor for the plant hormone abscisic acid?. Science 318: 914c
. Gunther F. E. Scherer,
Marc Zahn, Judy Callis, Alan M. Jones (2007) A role for
phospholipase A in auxin-regulated gene expression. FEBS Lett 581:4205-4211
68. Trusov, Y, Rookes, JE. Tilbrook, K. Chakravorty, D. Mason, MG. Anderson, D. Chen, J-
Jones, AM. Botella, JR. (2007) Heterotrimeric G protein ? subunits provide functional
selectivity in GB? dimer signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19:1235-1250
67. Johnston, CA, Taylor, JP, Gao, Y, Kimple, AJ, Chen, JG, Siderovski, DP, Jones, AM,
Willard, FS (2007) GTPase acceleration as the rate-limiting step in Arabidopsis G-protein
coupled sugar sensing. Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 104:173**-*****
Updated May 2011
66. Pandey, S., Chen, J-G., Jones, AM., Assmann, SM. (2006) G protein complex mutants are
hypersensitive to ABA-regulation of germination and post-germination development.
Plant Physiol. 141: 243-256
65. Wang, HX, Perdue, T,Weerasinghe, R., Taylor, JP, Cakmakci, NG, Marzluff, WF, Jones,
AM (2006) A golgi hexose transporter involved in heterotrimeric G protein regulated
early development in Arabidopsis. Mol. Biol. Cell 17: 4257-4269.
64. Chen, J-G, Gao Y, Jones, AM (2006) Differential roles of heterotrimeric G-protein
in root development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 141
RACK1 mediates hormone responses and regulates multiple developmental processes in
Arabidopsis. J. Expt. Bot. 57: 2697-2708.
61. Joo, JH, Wang, S, Chen, JG, Jones, AM, Federoff, NV (2005) Different Signaling and
death Roles of Heterotrimeric G Protein ? and ? Subunits in the Arabidopsis Oxidative
Stress Response to Ozone. Plant Cell 17: 957-970
60. Huang, J, Taylor, JP, Chen, JG, Wang, M, Uhrig, JF, Nakagawa, T, Korth, KL, Jones, AM
(2006) The plastid protein THYLAKOID FORMATION1 and the plasma membrane G-
protein GPA1 interact in a novel sugar-signaling mechanism in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell
59. Moriyama, EN, Strope, PK, Opiyo, SO, Chen, Z. and Jones, AM (2006) Mining the
Arabidopsis thaliana genome for highly-divergent seven transmembrane receptors.
Genome Biology genomebiology.com/2006/7/10/R96
58. Chen, J-G, Wang, S, Lazarus, CM, Napier, RM, Jones, AM (2006) Altered expression of
auxin-binding protein 1 affects cell proliferation and auxin pool size in tobacco cells.
Plant Growth Regulation 25:69-78
57. Yu, X-H, Jones, B, Jones, AM, Heimer, YM (2005) A protease activity displaying some
thrombin-like characteristics in conditioned medium of zinnia mesophyll cells undergoing
tracheary element differentiation J. Plant Growth Regulation 23:292-300
56. Wang, Q, Sullivan, RW, Kight, A, Henry, RL, Jones, AM, Korth, KL (2004) Deletion of
chloroplast-localized THYLAKOID FORMATION1 gene product in Arabidopsis
thaliana leads to deficient thylakoid formation and variegated leaves. Plant Physiology
136: 3594-3604
55. Booker FL Burkey, KO, Overmyer, K, Jones, AM (2004) Differential responses of G-,,
protein Arabidopsis thaliana mutants to ozone. New Phytologist 162: 633-641
54. Chen, JG, Pandey, S, Huang, J, Alonso, JM, Ecker, JR, Assmann, SM, Jones, AM (2004)
GCR1 acts independently of heterotrimeric G protein in response to brassinosteroids and
gibberellic acid in Arabidopsis seed germination Plant Physiol. 135:907-915
53. Miles, GP, Samuel, MA, Jones, AM, Ellis, BE (2004) Mastoparan rapidly activates plant
MAP Kinase signaling independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. Plant Physiol. 134:
ORS94-78 In vivo expression system for detection of homotypic protein-protein
OTD96-91 A controllable genetic mechanism to increase the growth rate of plants
OTD98-25 A genetic mechanism to increase the growth rate of plants
OTD00-101 Plant cell expansion control by ABP1. (Patent Pending)
OTD02- Hyperpolarization-activated Ca channels as reporters for membrane
Docket # 2155P Methods of improving plant agronomic traits by altering the expression of
G proteins alpha and beta. (Patent Pending)
Updated May 2011
2005 Conference organizer, Keystone Meeting, Plant Signal Transduction: In vivo and -
2000 Session organizer, Plant Senescence Gordon Conference
1999 Co-organizer for the first meeting devoted to programmed cell death in plants,
Conference, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1999 Co-organizer of session on Programmed Cell Death, International Botanical Congress
1999 Instructor for Advance Course in Programmed Cell Death, July 4-9, Porto, Portugal
1999 Chief organizer of the first international meeting on Auxin Year 2000, in Corsica
1998 Scientific delegation from UNC General Adminsitration to Baden-Wurttemburg Germany
to establish a Scientist Exchange program between the two states.
2010 Organizer of an NSF-funded workshop to solve the evolution of the G protein
2008 Meeting Organizer Banbury Conference Cold Spring Harbor
2007-2010 Executive Committee, Amer. Soc. Plant Biologists
2006 Program Review, Division of Cell Biology, University of Maryland
2005 Organizer of a Keystone Symposium
2003 DOE Biological Science grant panel
2002 Panelist for a workshop on University-Industry Relationships
2002- NIH Small Business Inovative Research Study section, regular member
2002- NSF Signal transduction (Cell Biology) regular panel member
2001 Panel Manager, USDA NRICGO, Plant Growth and Development
1999 Reviewed text book Introduction to Plant Physiology? for Am. Soc. Biology.
1999 Panel member, NIH, CDF-1
1999 Instructor for ASPP-sponsored Plant Biochemistry Course
2001-2006 American Society of Plant Biologist program committee
2002-2006 American Society of Plant Physiologist Constitutional By-Laws Committee
1998-2001 American Society of Plant Physiologist Constitutional By-Laws Committee
1993-1996 NSF funded Network of Cell Biologist Advisory Committee
1991-1998 Editor, Plant Physiology
1996 BARD Chairman, USDA-Israel Funding Agency
1995 BARD Program CoChairman,
1991-1996 Editor, J. Plant Growth Regulation
1991- 1993 Panel Member USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Office
1991, 1992 Instructor, Cold Spring Harbor Course on Signal Transduction in Plants
State and Community
2010 ScieNCe Festival, Ask a scientist booth Sept, 2010, sponsored by Sigma Xi
2008 Jones Lab representative, DNA Day - Southern Lee High School
2007 Jones Lab representative, DNA Day - Southern Lee High School
2007 Jones Lab representative, NC State Science Fair Judge - Meredith College - Junior
Biological Sciences Division
2006-2009NCBC PMB Seminar committee
Updated May 2011
2005- Internal BioSafety Committee for BASF, RTP, NC
2001 Biomedical Debate Panelist, Genetically Modified Foods: Issues and Answers 4 Ann.
NC Assoc. Biomed Res. A program for general public, HS teachers and students
1999 Preceptor for NC teacher, UNC Math and Science Education Network
1999 Co-founder of NC chapter of Alexander von Humboldt Society of America, on-going
1999- North Carolina Academy of Sciences
1986- Plant Molecular Biology Consortium, NC Biotechnology Center, served on either the
Seminar or Steering Committee every year since 1986, except sabbatical year
1986-1989 Weekly mentor to students from the School in Math and Sciences
2010- Alpha Epsilon Delta, Premed Honors club, Faculty Advisor
2009 Boka W. Hadzija Award Selection Committee (UNC award for character and service)2007- Member, Administrative Board, School of Dentistry
2006- 2012 Genomics Building Greenhouse Planning Committee
2000-2002 Admissions Committee, UNC School of Dentistry
2000- NSF Major Research Instrumentation internal review committee
1999- Science Advisory Committee to the Senior AssociateDean, Interdisciplinary with
of Arts and Science and Medicine
1999 Industrial Liaisons in Functional Genomics/Bioinformatics, Advisory Committee to th
Provost Office
1998/9 University Teaching Award Selection Committee
1998 Steering committee, Carolina Environmental Program
1998/9 Model Systems Building, planning committee
1999 UNC- Planned Glaxo Training Program in Bioinformatics, Cofounder
1998 UNC- Planned Novartis Training Program in Model Systems, Cofounder
1993-96 Administrative Library Steering Committee
1990-present Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program
1989-1993 Mason Farm Biological Reserve Advisory Committee
2005-present Faculty Development Committee
2003-present Greenhouse Committee Chairman
2003-present Microscopy Facility Committee Chairman (implimented policy and rate changes)
2002-present Promotion and Tenure Committees (Research Evaluation)
2003 Fixed-term Faculty Promotion Committee Chairman (implemented first policy outlining
requirements for promotion)
2002-2003 MCDB Review committee
1989, ?92, ?99, ?00, 01 Faculty Search Committees (hired 9 faculty)
1998-2003 Chair, Seminar committee, served also 1991 and 1989 as member
1987-1999, 2002- present Graduate Admissions Committee (1999, Chair)
1997-present Electron Microscope Committee
1995- 97 Space and Facilities Committee
1993 Honors Committee
1987- present Greenhouse Committee
1987-1996 Coker Hall Equipment Committee
May 2011
1986- presentUndergraduate Research Advisor (23 students)
1987- presentGraduate Advisor (5 PhD and MS)
1987- present Graduate Student comitteees (numerous)
1987- presentUndergraduate Advisor
Prebachelaureate Researchers (typically 2-year projects but some are Summer
Robert Bayne2011
Adam Buckholz2010
William Bradford2010 LeRon Jackson 2001
Ben Jepson (East Chapel Hill HS) 2010
*Brian Jones 2000
Abigail Liu (East Chapel Hill HS
Tracey O?Connor1999
*Arwen Frick-Chen 2009 James Hubbard 1999
Denny Scaria 2009 Cynthia McCarty 1998
*Mathew Tan 2009 *Amy Pattishal 1998
Marieke Fenton 2008 Danielle Dong 1998
Abby Michenfelder2008 Cecilia Marchesini 1997
Judy Staub2008 David Turnquist 1997
Thomas Allen2008 Jennifer Wild 1997
*Shannon Booker 2008 *Andrew Heidel 1996
Marcin Pazkowski 1993
Hyun Kim 2006 *Mike Santos 1992
Tavia Clemendor 2006 Jeff Moyer 1991
Kathryn Gouzales 2005 Kara Hiller 1991
Hala Al-Borno 2005 Tammy Allison 1991
J. Ashley Marsh2004 Allysa Gelman 1987
*Matthew Pulley 2003
*co-authored one or more peer-reviewed
Rodney Grubb 2003
papers/abstracts, under-representedstudent
Nathan Laborde 2002
Joy Barnes 2001
Updated May 2011
Graduate Students
Erin Friedman, Ph.D. 2011 Structure Function Analysis of G? Signaling.
Hemayet Ullah, Ph.D. 1998- 2002 Auxin Signal Transduction via Heterotrimeric G
currently Asst. Prof at Howard University
Andrew Groover, Ph.D. 1993-1997 Programmed Cell Death of Tracheary Element
Differentiation, Associate Prof. Univ. California, Davis, and Division Chief, Forest
Lab, United Staes Department of the Interior
Mike Edgerton, Ph.D. 1987-1992 Subunit Interactions in the Carboxy-terminal domain of
Phytochrome, currently Director of Genetics, Monsanto, St. Louis
Patrick Lamerson, M.S. 1987-1989
Greg DeWitt, M.S
1996-1997Practicing Law, Carrboro NC
Postdoctoral Fellows, time, current position:
Dr. Daisuke Urano, 2010- current
Dr. Kun Jiang,
2009- current
Dr. Nyugen Phan, 2008- current
Dr. Tyrell Carr, 2007- current
Dr. Chenggang Liu, 2007- 2009
Dr. Jeff Grigston,
2006-2007AEI Head science editor
Dr. Ravisha Weerasinghe,
2006- 2008
Dr. Jan Jones
2005- current
Dr. Yashmanti Mudgil2005- 2010
Dr. Phil Taylor2004-2006,
Regulatory Division, Monsanto St. Louis
Dr. Pat Morgan
2004-2006Head of Research and Development, LiCor Instruments
Dr. Zhongyin Chen 2004-2007 scientist, Syngenta
Dr. Helen Wang
2003-2006Head, International Green Solutions Corp
Dr. KwangChul Oh
2003- 2004,
Korean Academics
Dr. Satomi Kawasaki, 2003 Japan
Science Writer
Dr. Christopher Breen
2002-2003Senior Scientist,
Dr. Jirong Huang
2002-2004Faculty, Shanghai Inst
. Plant Physiology
Dr. Jin-Gui Chen, 1998-2004, Tenure-track faculty, Univ. British Columbia
Dr. Ming-Jing Wu1991-1993, Vice President of Inst
. Marine and Ag Research Inc.
Dr. Ani Chatterjee
2001-2002, Group leader,
Glaxo Smith Kline
Dr. Hemayet Ullah
2002-2003, Tenure-track faculty, Howard University
Dr. Kim Sampson
2001-2002, Lab manager, NIEHS
Dr. Xiaohong Yu
1999-2001, Division Manager, Stonybrook Research Labs
Dr. Kyung Im 1996-1999, Tenure-track faculty, InCheon University, Korea
Dr. Parachuri Prasad, 1991-1994, Tenure-track faculty, Uniformed Services University
Updated May 2011
GRANT SUPPORT (only awards over $10,000 shown)
Phytochrome-regulated growth, USDA NRICGO, 1986-1993, $460,000
Antibodies to auxin-binding protein, NC Biotechnology Center, 1986-1987, $40,000
Structure and function of auxin-binding protein 1, NSF, 1989-1996, $650,000
Expression of auxin-binding protein 1 in tomato fruit, CIBA- Geigy, 1991-1992, $90,000
Programmed cell death during tracheary element differentiation, Inst. Marine and
Research, 1996-1997, $20,000
Structure and function of auxin-binding protein 1, USDA NRICGO, 1996-1999, $135,000
Mechanism of action of auxin-binding protein 1, NSF Integrative Biology, 1998-2001,
Tracheary element differentiation, NSF Developmental Mechanisms, 1998-2000, $198,912
Inducible Gene Silencing, NCBC, 1999-2000, $40,000
Tissue-specific Gene Silencing, Kenan Foundation, 1999-2001, $110,000
Auxin 2000, Research Conference, USDA/NSF/DOE/Industry, 2000, approx $30,000
Function of Auxin-binding Protein 1, USDA NRICGO, 2000-2002, $130,000
Heterotrimeric G Protein in Arabidopsis, NIH, 2002-2008, $1,050,000 (direct costs only)
In Vivo Genomics: Visualizing G protein Interactions in Arabidopsis, NSF $909,232 direct
Sugar Sensing via Arabidopsis RGS1, DOE, 2005-2008, $360,000.00 total
The Heterotrimeric G protein Interactome, NSF 2007-2010, $1,400,000 total
From Plasma Membrane to Organelle: Novel Sugar Signaling through the Arabidopsis
Heterotrimeric G Protein Complex, NSF, 2007-2010, $670,000 total
Novel Regulation of the Activation State of G?, NIH 2008-2012, $1,000,000 (direct costs)
Rapid imaging- Confocal microscope. NSF Major equipment grant, 2008, $750,000 (including
cost share dollars)
CCD platform for genetic screens based on luciferase and GFP. NCBC Institutional
Grant, 2011, $145,000
G-protein-coupled sugar sensing in Arabidopsis. DOE 2009-2012, $495,000