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Upton, NY
September 28, 2012

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Wei Ku

Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory,

Bldg 510

Upton, NY 11973-5000 631-***-****




University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Ph.D. Physics -- Thesis Electronic Excitations in Metals and Semiconductors: Ab Initio

Studies of Realistic Many-Particle Systems


Georgia State University Atlanta, GA

15 credit-hours of course work1987-1991

Tamkang University Tamsui, Taiwan ROC

B.S. Physics


Lawrence Fellowship in Lawrence Livermore National Lab (2003) (fellowship declined)

Joe Fowler & Jerry Marion Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Department of Physics,

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA (1998)

Department Head's Award in Department of Physics, TamKang Universy, Tamsui, Taiwan ROC



American Physical Society (1999-Present)

Vice president of Chinese Student Association at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville


UT/ORNL Collaborative Scientist Program (1996-2000)

Relevant Experience

2008-presentBrookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY


2003-presentStony Brook University Stony Brook, NY

Adjunct Professor

2005-2008Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY

Associate Physicist

2003-2005Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY

Assistant Physicist

2001-2003University of California Davis, CA

Post-graduate Researcher

1997-2000University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN and Solid State Division, ORNL Oak Ridge, TN

Graduate Research Assistant

Thesis Electronic Excitations in Metals and Semiconductors: Ab Initio Studies of

Realistic Many-Particle Systems

1995-1996University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Lab teaching

1994-1995Georgia State University Atlanta, GA

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Lab teaching

1993-1994Tamkang University Tamsui, Taiwan, ROC

Coordinator of General Physics Lab.

Equipment setup and maintenance for General Physics Lab

Experiment design and improvement

Graduate teaching assistants training and qualifying


All-electron based first-principles many-body theory of condensed matter systems

Ab initio Wannier function analysis of strongly correlated systems

Electronic structure of disordered materials

Dynamical charge/magnetic response within time-dependent density functional theory

Quasi-particle excitation spectrum within finite temperature many-body perturbation


Quantum Monte Carlo method

Parallel scientific computing (MPI, and OpenMP)

Object-oriented numerical methods

Computer programming: C++, C, FORTRAN, BASIC, and assembly

Platform operation: IBM SP, PC Cluster (with DOS, Windows, or LINUX), Sun Sparc, DEC

Alpha, IBM RS6000, and Cray T3E

Current projects

Disorder-Mediated Properties of Functional Materials

$960K, Oct. 2010 Sep. 2013, DOE Office of Science, PI / 6 co-PIs)

Electronic Properties of Transition-Metal-Compound Nanotubes

$1,230K, Oct. 2011 Sep. 2014, DOE Office of Science, PI

Previous projects

Electronic properties of transition metal compound nanotubes

$1230K, 2009 2011, DOE, PI

Predictive Capability for Strongly Correlated Systems

$780K, 2007 2009, DOE, co-PI / 6 co-PIs

Electronic properties of carbon nanotubes

$316K, 2006 2008, BNL-LDRD, co-PI / 2 co-PIs

Electronic properties of transition metal compound nanotubes

$1230K, 2006 2008, DOE, PI

Predictive Capability for Strongly Correlated Systems

$780K, 2004 2006, DOE, co-PI / 6 co-PIs

Students supervised

Ph.D. students

Dmitri Volja (Physics, Stony Brook University) -- current institute: Massachusetts

Institute of Technology

Tom Berlijn (Physics, Stony Brook University) -- current institute: Brookhaven National


Chia-Hui Lin (Physics, Stony Brook University)

Co-supervised Ph.D. students

Chi-Cheng Lee (Physics, Tamkang University, Taiwan) -- current institute: Academia

Sinica, Taiwan

Chen-Lin Yeh (Physics, Tamkang University, Taiwan) -- current institute: industry, Taiwan

Ryky Nelson (Physics, Louisiana State University)

Chinedu Ekuma (Physics, Louisiana State University)

Postdocs supervised

Weiguo Yin -- current institute: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Chi-Cheng Lee -- current institute: Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Yucel Yildirim -- current institute: Dogus, University, Turkey

Tom Berlijn


Ab Initio Studies of Electronic Excitations in Real Solids

Adolfo G. Eguiluz and Wei Ku, Electron Correlations and Materials Properties, edited by

A. Gonis, N. Kioussis, and M. Ciftan (Kluwer Academic, New York, 1999), p. 329

Invited Presentations

. First-principles Wannier function based methods for disordered materials and

applications to studies of oxides and Fe-superconductors

APS March meeting (Boston, February, 2012)

. Unfolding first principles band structure

First-principles method for disordered materials

Workshop on Computational methods to describe random impurities in solids and disordered


(University of British Columbia, Vancouver, October 3, 2011)

. New theoretical findings Fe-based high-Tc superconductors

E-MRS Symposium: Electronic and magnetic structure of ferropnictide high-Tc

superconductors and related compounds

(Warsaw, Poland, September 19, 2011)

. Recent development of first-principles methods for disordered materials

(National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Tainan, Taiwan, September 25, 2011)

. New theoretical findings Fe-based high-Tc superconductors

International Conference on Novel Superconductivity (Tainan, Taiwan, September 4, 2011)

. New theoretical findings Fe-based high-Tc superconductors

OCPA 2011 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, September 1, 2011)

. New theoretical findings Fe-based high-Tc superconductors

2011 Telluride Workshop on Competing Interactions and Colossal Responses in Transition

Metal Compounds

(Telluride, Colorado, July 18, 2011)

. Recent development of first-principles methods

(Tulane University, New Orleans, May 11, 2011)

. What do the rich magnetic structures of iron-based superconductors teach us?

(Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, May 10, 2011)

. Recent studies of local excitations in strongly correlated materials

2011 APS/CNM/EMC Users Meeting (Argonne, Illinois, May 4, 2011)

. Wave interference of Electrons: Consequences in Broken Symmetry and Anderson

Localization in Materials

Quantum optics and new materials (Beijing, China, January 27, 2011)

. Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structure in the parent compounds of Fe-based


KITP program on Iron-based Superconductors (Santa Barbara, California, January 16,


. Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structure in the parent compounds of Fe-based


(National Center for Theoretical Science, Tainan, Taiwan, October 2010)

. New first-principles methods: unfolding the band structure and beyond-mean-field

approach for disordered system

(National ChengKung University, Tainan, Taiwan, October 2010)

. What does the rich magnetic structures of parent compounds tell us about the essential

low-energy electronic structure?

(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, October 2010)

. Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structures in the parent compounds of Fe-based


(Tamkang Univerty, Tamsui, Taiwan, September 2010)

. Strong coupling picture of superconductivity in underdoped cuprates

(Tamkang Univerty, Tamsui, Taiwan, September 2010)

. Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structure in the parent compounds of Fe-based


(National ChingHua University, Sinchu, Taiwan, September 2010)

. Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structure in the parent compounds of Fe-based


(National Taiwan University, Sinchu, Taiwan, September 2010)

. What does the Ferro-orbital order and magnetic structures in the parent compounds of

Fe-based superconductors

(Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2010)

. Advanced first-principles calculations and many-body effects in correlated materials

QS2C Theory Forum (RIKEN Wako, Saitama, Japan, September 2010)

. What does the rich magnetic structures of parent compounds tell us about the essential

low-energy electronic structure?, international workshop on Electronic Structure of Fe-

based Superconductors (MPI Stuttgart, Germany, May 2010)

. Simplifying local excitations in correlated charge transfer insulators

LASSP, Cornell University (Ithaca, New York, October 2009)

. A new first-principles method for electronic structure of disordered materials

Ferro-orbital order and strong magnetic anisotropy in the parent compounds of Fe-

pnictides superconductors

University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida, October 2009)

. A new first-principles method for electronic structure of disordered materials

workshop on Characterization of Advanced Materials Under Extreme Environments for the

Next Generation Energy Systems (Brookhaven National Lab, New York, September 2009)

. Ferro-orbital order and strong magnetic anisotropy in the parent compounds of Fe-

pnictides superconductors

International Workshop on Frontiers in Density Functional Theory (Montauk, New York,

September 2009)

. Simplifying local excitations in correlated charge transfer insulators

GRC X-Ray Science (Waterville, Maine, August 2009)

. Local excitations in strongly correlated charge transfer insulators

Second International Symposium and Workshop on Correlated Electrons in Matter

(Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 2009)

. Ferro-orbital order and strong magnetic anisotropy in the parent compounds of Fe-

pnictides superconductors

Max-Plank Institute (Stuttgart, Germany, March 2009)

. Local excitations in strongly correlated charge transfer insulators

DPG 2009 Ab-initio approaches to excitations in condensed matter (Dresden, Germany,

March 2009)

. Tuning in-plane behavior of high-Tc cuprates via apical atoms: New theoretical

findings on the material dependence

Sanibel Symposium (St. Simons Island, Georgia, February 2008)

. Utilizing the short wavelength of X0-ray to study low-energy local excitations: q-

dependence of the spectral weights and dispersions

Workshop on Inelastic X-ray Scattering at NSLS-II (NSLS-II, January 2008)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

International workshop on Novel Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations (La

Plata, Argentina, November 2007)

. Tuning in-plane behavior of high-Tc cuprates via apical atoms: New theoretical

findings on the material dependence

LEHTSC2007 International Symposium on Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature

Superconductors Spin, phonon or third way? (Tsukuba, Japan, October 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

Physics Department, University of California, Davis (Davis, September 2007)

. Local excitations in strongly correlated multi-orbital systems: effective kinetic

effects in one-and two-particle channels

CMSN workshop (Davis, September 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

Wannier functions: what you can do with it and how

Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (Dresden, July 2007)

. Finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory and conserving scheme

Wannier functions: what you can do with it and how

Department of Materials Physics, University of Leoben (Leoben, July 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

Department of Magnetism and Superconductivity Institute of Physics (Prague, July 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

Department of Physics, University of Nurnberg-Erlangen (Erlangen, July 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism Theoretical Physics III, University of

Augsburg (Augsburg, June 2007)

. Symmetry Respecting Wannier Functions and Their Applications in Strongly Correlated

Systems: New Development of First-Principles Many-Body Down-Folding Approach

CECAM workshop Maximally Localized Wannier Functions:Concepts, Applications, and Beyond

(Lyon, June 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and superconducting pair suppression

CNRS - Institut Neel (Grenoble, June 2007)

. Tuning Hold Mobility, Concentration, and Repulsion in High-Tc Cuprates via Apical

Atoms: new theoretical findings on the material dependence

DFLFS3 (Port Jefferson, May 2007)

. Tuning Hold Mobility, Concentration, and Repulsion in High-Tc Cuprates via Apical


CMSN workshop (Denvor, March 2007)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and others

LLNL international workshop on Correlated Electrons in Matter (Half Moon Bay, December


. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Gapless CDW,

orbital/charge ordering and others

NRL (Washington DC, November 2006)

. Recent First-Principles Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems: Material dependence of

high-Tc cuprates

Academia Sinica (Taipei, June 2006)

. Recent first-principles studies of strongly correlated systems: gapless CDW, orbital

ordering and others

Department of Physics, TKU (Tamsui, June 2006)

. Bridging first-principles methods and many-body models

OPCA5 (Taipei, Taiwan, Jun 2006)

. First-Principles Many-Body Theories of Excitation and Strongly Correlated Systems

special summer school, NCKU (Tainan, ROC, Jun 2006)

. Filling the missing pieces of the puzzles in strongly correlated systems

Department of Physics, UIUC (Urbana, June 2006)

. Probing local excitations with angular dependence of large-q non-resonant IXS:

Sensitivity to weak electronic symmetry breaking in NiO and CoO

APS user meeting, ANL (Chicago, May 2006)

. Recent development of Wannier function and its applications to electronic excitations

in strongly correlated systems

workshop on First-principles approaches to optical and photoelectron spectra (Munich,

March 2006) (declined due to US visa related issues)

. First-Principles Study of Strongly Correlated Systems: filling the missing pieces of

the puzzles

Department of Physics, Boston College (Boston, November, 2005)

. Applications of Wannier Functions and Derivation of Effective Hamiltonian of Strongly

Correlated Systems

CMSN workshop (Chicago, September 2005)

. First-Principles Study of Strongly Correlated Systems: filling the missing pieces of

the puzzles

Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University (November, 2005)

. First-Principles Study of Strongly Correlated Systems: filling the missing pieces of

the puzzles

Department of Physics, Harvard University (Boston, June, 2005)

. First-Principles Study of Strongly Correlated Systems: filling the missing pieces of

the puzzles

Department of Physics, Columbia University (New York, April, 2005)

. First-Principles Study of Strongly Correlated Systems: filling the missing pieces of

the puzzles

Department of Physics, University of California at Irvine (Irvine, February, 2005)

. Energy-Resolved Wannier States with Assigned Local Symmetry : Recent Development &


CMSN workshop, (Oak Ridge, September 2004)

. Textbook Perturbation Theory at Work in Real Semiconductors: What's all the recent

arguments on GW calculations about?

Department of Physics, Rutgers University (Piscataway, April 2003)

. First-Principles Methods of Quasi-Particle and Electron-Hole Excitations

International Workshop on Computational Materials Physics (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2003)

. Magnetic Coupling in Insulating Quasi-1D Cu-O Spin Chains: Toward Fully First-

Principles Approaches for Strong Correlation

Workshop on Advanced Material Science (Tamsui, Taiwan, November 2003)

. First-Principles Methods of Quasi-Particle and Electron-Hole Excitations

Department of Physics, Tamkang University (Tamsui, Taiwan, November 2003)

. Magnetic Coupling in Insulating Quasi-1D Cu-O Spin Chains: Toward Fully First-

Principles Approaches for Strong Correlation

National Center of Theoretical Sciences (Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 2003)

. Magnetic Coupling in Insulating Quasi-1D Cu-O Spin Chains: Toward Fully First-

Principles Approaches for Strong Correlation

Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2003)

. Simple Construction of Energy-Resolved Wannier States with Assigned Local Symmetry

CMSN workshop (Knoxville, November 2003)

. Magnetic Coupling in Insulating Quasi-1D Cu-O Spin Chains: Toward Fully First-

Principles Approaches for Strong Correlation

Department of Physics, SUNY Stony Brook (Stony Brook, October 2003)

. Quasi-Particle Excitation in Semiconductors: All-Electron Conserving GW scheme

ES2003 - Fifteenth Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods

(Minneapolis, May 2003)

. New Understanding and Surprises from Novel Realistic Many-Body Methods: Quasi-Particle

Spectrum of Semiconductors and Insulating Ferromagnetism in Cuprates

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (April, 2003)

. Wannier Function Study of Insulating Ferromagnetism

APS March Meeting (Austin, March 2003)

. Dynamical Electronic Excitations in Real Materials: Perspective of First-Principles

Many-Body Theories

McGill University (Montreal, February 2003)

. Dynamical Electronic Excitations in Real Materials: Perspective of First-Principles

Many-Body Theories

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, February 2003)

. Dynamical Electronic Excitations in Real Materials: Perspective of First-Principles

Many-Body Theories

Brookhaven National Lab (Upton, November 2002)

. Wannier State Analysis of Insulating Ferromagnetism in La4Ba2Cu2O10

ESCM - Electronic Structure and Computational Magnetism (Washington DC, July 2002)

. Wannier State Analysis of Insulating Ferromagnetism in La4Ba2Cu2O10

Department of Physics, USC (LA, June 2002)

. Microscopic Analysis of Non-Metallic Ferromagnetism in La4Ba2Cu2O10 Based on Ab Initio

Wannier Functions

Department of Physics, UC Davis (Davis, March 2002)

. Electronic Excitations in Metals and Semiconductors: Ab Initio Studies of Realistic

Many-Body systems

Material Research Institute, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, May 2001)

. Electronic Excitations in Metals and Semiconductors: Ab Initio Studies of Realistic

Many-Body systems

Department of Physics, UC Davis (Davis, September 2000)

. Electronic Excitations in Metals and Semiconductors: Ab Initio Studies of Realistic

Many-Body systems

Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, September 2000)

. Non-uniform Time Axis Technique and All-electron Self-consistent GWA for Si band gap

CECAM - Excited states and electronic spectra (Lyon, July 2000)

. First Principle Study of Electronic Excitation in Condensed Matter: A Bridge

Connecting Experiment and Physical Picture

Department of Physics, UT Knoxville (Knoxville, April 2000)

. Collective Modes in Simple Metals: Plasmon, Zone Boundary Collective State, and Core

Dipole Collective Mode

Department of Physics, UT Knoxville (Knoxville, September 1998)



. Dynamical Cluster Approximation: Cluster Extension of CPA for Disordered System

First-Principle Calculation of The Effective Hamiltonian for (Ga,Mn)As and (Ga,Mn)N

Effects of disordered isovalent substitution in Fe-based superconductor

Anisotropic field-induced melting of orbital ordering phase in Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3

Kinetics-Driven Superconducting Gap in Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors Within the

Strong-Coupling Limit

One-Fe versus Two-Fe Brillouin Zone of Fe-Based Superconductors: Creation of the

Electron Pockets via Translational Symmetry Breaking

Do Transition Metal Substitutions Dope Carriers in Iron Based Superconductors?

Novel Magnetism in K0.8Fe1.6Se2 Explained in the Unified Picture

Unusual Persistence of Superconductivity Against High Magnetic Fields in the Strongly-

Correlated Iron-Chalcogenide Film FeTe:Ox

APS March Meeting (Boston, February 2011)

. Observation of room-temperature ferromagnetism in Cu:ZnO films part II; a theoretical


Observation of room-temperature ferromagnetism in Cu:ZnO films part I; soft X-ray

Magnetic Circular Dichroism

A TDLDA+U approach on strongly hybridized Frenkel excitons in Mott insulators and

implications to TDDFT and GW+BSE

Evidence for local moment magnetism in superconducting FeTe0.35Se0.65

Unified Picture for Magnetic Correlations in Iron-Based Superconductors

Lifshitz transition in cI16 Li at high pressures: Unfolding first-principles Fermi


Unfolding first-principles band structures

Two-dimensional dynamical reconstruction of the valence exciton in LiF

APS March Meeting (Dallas, March 2011)

. What does the rich magnetic structures of Fe-based high-Tc materials tell us about the

essential low-energy electronic structure?, Superstripes2010 (Erice, Italy, July 2010)

. Ferro-Orbital Order and Anisotropic Magnetic Structure in Parent Compounds of Iron


Functional minimization scheme for first-principles electronic structure calculations

with bi-orthogonal interpolating wavelets

Strong coupling picture of superconductivity in underdoped cuprates II: quasi-particle

gap and its symmetry

Strong coupling picture of superconductivity in underdoped cuprates I: weak phase

stiffness and mass divergence of d-wave superfluid

Effect of covalent bonding on magnetism and the missing neutron intensity in cuprates

APS March Meeting (Portland, March 2010)

. Simplifying local excitations in correlated charge transfer insulators

KITP From Basic Concepts to Real Materials (Santa Barbara, California, November 2009)

. Structural, spin, and orbital phase transitions in LaOFeAs: I. Total energy


Structural, spin, and orbital phase transitions in LaOFeAs: II. Wannier function


Local excitations in charge-transfer insulators: a super atom approach via Wannier


Does disorder destroy eg pockets in Na0.3CoO2? A new ab initio method for disorder

Strong coupling limit of superconductivity in anti-ferromagnetic phase: Extended

hardcore boson picture of d-wave order and phase fluctuation

Functional minimization scheme for first-principles electronic structure calculations

with bi-orthogonal interpolating wavelets

APS March Meeting (Pittsburgh, March 2009)

. Strong Coupling Limit of Superconductivity: an extended hardcore boson picture for


BNL (Upton, August 2008)

. Functional minimization scheme for first-principles electronic structure calculations

with bi-orthogonal interpolating wavelets

Layer Dependence of Charge Distribution and Electronic Structure of HgBa2Ca4Cu5O12

Tuning Hole Mobility, Distribution and Repulsion in High-Tc Cuprates via Apical Atoms

Phonon Softening and Displacement Pattern in Commensurate Charge Density Wave in 2H-


Phase Fluctuations in high-Tc Superconductors

Strong hybridization of Frenkel excitons in Mott insulators: a novel Wannier function


Propagation of strongly bound Frenkel excitons in LiF: An effective two-particle

kinematic approach of super-atom in ab initio Wannier basis

Investigation of Dipole-Forbidden d-d Excitations in Strongly Correlated Transition-

Metal Oxides Using Higher-Order Multipole, Non-resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering

Charge Ordering in Half-Doped Manganites: Small Charge Disproportion and Leading


Dynamical reconstruction of the valence exciton in LiF

APS March Meeting (New Orleans, March 2008)

. Tuning Hold Mobility, Concentration, and Repulsion in High-Tc Cuprates via Apical


BNL (Upton, May 2007)

. Hybridization of Local Frenkel Excitons in NiO

Inelastic X-ray Scattering Studies of Plasmons in Carbon Nanotubes

Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering and Energy-Resolved Wannier Function

Investigation of d-d Excitations in NiO and CoO

Tuning effective interactions in high-Tc cuprates via apical oxygen atoms: New

realization from the first-principles Wannier function approach

Weak charge disproportion and leading mechanisms in half-doped manganites

APS March Meeting (Denver, March 2007)

. Symmetry broken states of interacting particles in condensed matter systems


Ole K. Andersen, Professor

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, HeisenbergstraBe 1, D-70569 Stuttgart,


Phone: +49-711-***-**-** email: ***@***.***.**

Elbio R. A. Dagotto, Distinguished Professor

Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, 401 Nielsen Physics Building, 1408 Circle

Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996-1200

Phone: 865-***-**** email: ********@***.***

Igor Mazin, Research Scientist

Center for Computational Material Science, NRL, code 6390, 4555 Overlook Ave SW,

Washington, DC 20375

Phone: 202-***-**** email: *****@***.****.***

Philip B. Allen, ProfessorDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800

Phone: 631-***-**** email: ******.*****@**********.***

Richard T. Scalettar, Professor

Department of Physics, One Shields Ave., University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8677

Phone: 530-***-**** email: *********@*******.*******.***

Peter Abbamonte, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1110 West Green Street

Urbana, IL 61801-3080

Phone: 217-***-**** email: ********@********.***

Bennett C. Larson, Section Head

Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-


Phone: 865-***-**** email: ***@****.***

Chi-Chang Kao, DirectorStanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,


Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone: 650-***-**** email: ****@****.********.***

Contact this candidate