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Excellent communication, language, and public speaking skills developed through competitive debating and public speaking
Strong research and organization skills and advanced writing and editing skills
Exceptional decision-making, analytical, and problem-solving skills
Strong people and customer service skills
C e r t i f i c a t e o f P r o f i c i e n c y i n F r e n c h Ryerson University T o c o m m e n c e S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1
M a s t e r o f P u b l i s h i n g Simon Fraser University A n t i c i p a t e d g r a d u a t i o n d a t e 2 0 1 1
Written project report detailing Canadian copyright law and usage permissions of text and images (particularly the changing rules
around digital rights) as obtained in an academic publishing context
B a c h e l o r o f A r t s University of Western Ontario G r a d u a t e d J u n e 2 0 0 9
Honors Specialization in History; Major in English Language and Literature
Copy Editing and Proofreading SFU Summer Publishing Workshops, 2009
Book Publishing Immersion SFU Summer Publishing Workshops, 2009
Introduction to Adobe InDesign SFU Summer Publishing Workshops, 2009
Advanced Adobe InDesign SFU Summer Publishing Workshops, 2009
Ontario Core French Language Certificate June 2004
S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 0 P r e s e n t Serials Editor; Managing Editor, Fraser Forum T h e F r a s e r I n s t i t u t e
Manage Fraser Forum, the Fraser Institute s flagship peer-reviewed public policy magazine: solicit articles, edit articles, coordinate the
peer-review process, coordinate revisions, and manage all aspects of production (design, layout, advertising, printing, web distribution)
Typeset publications using Adobe InDesign
Develop and manage the e-mail marketing programme for the publications department
Create HTML newsletters and e-mail templates
Manage and develop content for a quarterly fundraising newsletter, Fraser Frontline, which was sent to all Institute supporters and raised
nearly $250,000 annually
Manage (article selection, translation, layout, web distribution) digital -only magazine, Perspectives, for the French-speaking audience
Edit and facilitate web distribution of digital-only student publication Canadian Student Review and American newsletter Fraser Insight
Maintain and revise the Institute s official style guide
A u g u s t 2 0 1 0 J u n e 2 0 1 1 Head Teaching Assistant, Magazine Publishing 375 S i m o n F r a s e r U n i v e r s i t y
Responsible for the supervision, instruction, and guidance of 80 students (4 tutorials) as they create and develop a concept for a magazine
from start to finish in tutorial
Graded all assignments (quizzes, tests, essays, presentations, exams)
Developed rubrics and criteria for junior TAs to use for grading assignments, coordinated marking best practices to ensure consistency
and fairness across the board (for semesters with multiple TAs), and mentored and taught new TAs
Coached students through their concept and final presentation to a panel of industry professionals
A p r i l 2 0 1 0 P r e s e n t Editorial Assistant U B C P r e s s
Responsible for technical and editorial clean-up of recently received manuscripts
Northwest Coast Native Art: researched, obtained, and organized 500 permissions for illustrations and excerpted material in 2011 title
Assisted in marketing campaigns and mailings for potential course -adoption texts
Entered and updated book titles and entries in Press Track system
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M a r c h - A p r i l 2 0 1 0 E d i t o r / Publisher T h e B o o k o f M P u b
Experimented with an innovative WordPress-based new publishing system originating on the web and flowed into production
Published the 200-page book with 5 other editors, 18 authors, and nearly 50 contributors in 3 formats (ebook, PDF, POD) in 6 weeks
May 2006 April 2009 Editor-in-Chief The Mirror
The Mirror is the oldest undergraduate academic history publication in Canada
Was responsible for managing authors and editors and mediating between the two when necessary
Addressed all administrative and financial aspects of publication a s well as the creation, copyediting, marketing, sales and inventory
maintenance of the journal
Selected, trained, and supervised an editorial board of 13 undergraduate students (2 associate editors, 1 design & layout edito r, and 10
assistant editors)
Acted as the sole liaison between the journal, the history department, the University Students Council, external universities, and the
2005 2006: Served as Associate Editor/Design & Layout Editor
2004 2005: Served as Assistant Editor/Design & Layout Editor
September 2009 April 2009 Editor & Typographer UWO Arts & Humanities Publications
Symposium: poetry newsletter
Propaganda: fiction, art, and photography anthology
Semi-Colon: literary publication
September 2002 June 2004 Senior Editor Pegasus
Grand River Collegiate Institute literary anthology
April 2003 June 2004 Editor-in-Chief Drumbeat
Grand River Collegiate Institute student newspaper
Editor s Association of Canada; BC Literacy Forum; Literacy BC; Ontario Literacy Coalition; Community Arts Council of Vancouver
Available upon request.
e 2 0 1 1
ï Written project report detailing Canadian copyright law and usage permissions of text and images (particularly