Dr. Arindam Laha
Assistant Professor in Economics
Department of CommerceThe University of Burdwan
Burdwan, West Bengal, India.
A. Personal:
Name : Arindam Laha
Designation :
Assistant Professor in Commerce, The University of Burdwan,
P.O-Rajbati, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, Pin-713104
[Serving from 17.09.2009]
Father s name : Aswini Kumar Laha
Address (Permanent) : Krishna Sayar South, Dr. Subodh Mukhopadhaya Sarani
Golpukur, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, Pin 713102
Date of birth : 21.04.1979
Linguistic Expertise : Bengali, English and Hindi
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indian
Phone number : Mobile-947-***-****
E-mail id : ***************@*****.**.***********
B. Educational Qualification:
Examinations Board/ Year % of Division/ Remarks
passed University marks Class
Madhyamik W.B.B.S.E. 1995 72.2 1st
Higher Secondary W.B.C.H.S.E. 1997 66.8 1st
B.Sc (Econ. Hons.) University of 2000 60 1st First class First
Burdwan from the College.
M.Sc. University of 2002 69 1st First class First.
M.Phil University of 2005 64.33 1st Awarded
Ph.D University of 2009 --- Awarded on
Burdwan 23.07.2009
Thesis Awarded:
D. Professional Experiences:
Teaching Experience:
Members of Professiona l Bodies:
Member of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai.
Member, Board of Post -graduate Studies, University of Burdwan
Member, Board of Research Studies, University of Burdwan
Research Experience:
Project Experience:
Having practical survey experience s (2002 -03) in the Preparation of Perspective
Plan 2025 for Burdwan Planning Region (Jointly organized by Burdwan
Developme nt Authority and United Nations In ternational Children s Fund wi th
support from Government of West Bengal )
Having practical survey experiences in the project Agrarian Relations and Rural
Poverty in Post Reforms Period A Study of Eastern Indian States (Organized by
National Institute of Rural Development )
Worked as a Deputy Director in the ICSSR (New Delhi) Major Research Project
for two years (2008
? Published Book :
Conservation of Common Property Resources in Arunachal Pradesh: Is there any
Role for Tribal Communities? Lambart Academic Publishing. ( jointly with Pravat
Kumar Kuri).
? Link: -Property -Resources -Arunachal -
TRIBAL -COMMUNITIES -Pravat -Kuri/978**********
Attended a seminar Globa l Economic Crisis and its impact on Indian Ec onomy
at Burdwan Raj College, Burdwan (Dated 5.2.09) .
Participated in a workshop on Research Methodology (Multivariate Data
Analysis) organized by Centre for Management Studies, The University of
th nd
Burdwan from 18 May to 22 May, 2009.
Attended a semi nar Current Economic Depression and Marxist Economy, at
Maharajadhiraj Uday Chand Women s College, Burdwan (Dated 27.03.09).
Attended a seminar as a part of UGC DRS / SAP (1) Programme on Issues in
Rural Livelihood: Vulnerabilities and Opportunities, at the Department of
Economics, The University of Burdwan (Dated 28. 07.09).
Presented a paper entitled Association between the Process of Financial
Inclusion and the Promotion of Microfinance in India: An Inter -State Analysis at
a Conference on Inclusi ve Growth and Microfinance Access, Faculty of
Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University (dated 29 -30 January, 2011).
Worked as a Discussant in the 4 Research Scholar Workshop at the Department
of Economics, The University of Burdwan, on 22 November, 2011.
Presented a paper entitled Access of Banking Services and the Process of
Financial Inclusion in India at an International Conference on Business
Applications and Management Issues at Faculty of Management Studies, Dr. B.C.
Roy Engineering College, West Bengal on 10 January, 2012. .
Participated in a workshop on Economic Growth in West Bengal: Challenges and
Priorities organized by the Indian Statistical Institute and International Growth
th th
Centre on 11 and 13 January, 2012 at Indian Statistic al Institute, Kolkata.
Participated in a short term Course on Computational Tools & Open Source
Software held under the aegis of the UGC Academic Staff College, The
th th
University of Burdwan, from 14 to 19 March, 2012.
H. Other Academic Information:
Having experience to work with sophisticated computer packages like SPSS, E -
FRONTIER and etc.
I. Referees :
Dr. Pravat Kumar Kuri, Associate Professor in Economics, The University of
Burdwan, G olapbag, Burdwan -713104, West Bengal (INDIA), Ph +91 -0342-
2558-554, Extn. 438 (O), +91 - 034*-*******(R), E-
Prof. Jaydev Sarkhel, Professor in Economics,
Department of Commerce, The
University of Burdwan, Golapbag, Burdwa n-713104, West Bengal (INDIA), Ph
Extn. 443 (O), +91 - 943-***-****, E -
I. Declaration:
I solemnl y declare that above particular s furnished by me are true as far as my
is concerned.