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Nick Lee
Environmental Engineer / Mobile App Developer
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Name: Nick Lee
Nationality: United States Citizen
Region: Oakland, California - USA
Phone: 818-***-****
Email: *************@*****.***
Profesional Profile
An aspiring environmental engineer with diverse work experience in civil engineering,
environmental policy, and environmental science. Professional interests include:
Environmental health and safety in manufacturing, water and wastewater treatment
practices, and the utilization of "post-pc" mobile technology in professional engineering
practice. Research interests include: Defining "sustainability," Life Cycle Assessment,
and low-cost water treatment.
Nick is a founding member of Mobile World Software, LLC. At Mobile World Software, Nick
assists with software development and product marketing for the iOS and Android platforms.
Work Experience
August 2011 - PresentGraduate StudentUC Berkeley Environmental Engineering, Full-Time
Took classes in water/wastewater treatment, fluid mechanics, and ArcGIS
Served Graduate Student Instructor for several classes (Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics,
Introduction to MATLAB Programming).
Duties as GSI: Respond to homework help requests via email, hold office hours every week
for students, read and grade over 100 full lab reports throughout semester, assist
professor with class communications via email and course website, lead MATLAB lab sessions
for students.
Jul 2011 - PresentDirector of Android DevelopmentMobile World Software, Part-Time
Assisted development team in testing and debugging iOS version of FieldNotes application.
Learned Java in order to develop an Android app with a remote programmer; coordinated
company Android efforts.
Produce marketing materials for apps, coordinate product launches.
Sept 2010 - July 2011Undergraduate ResearcherUC Berkeley UV Tube Project, Part-Time
Worked with team to design reliable, low-cost water treatment systems for schools in
Joined team while projects were already in progress; became familiar with projects
quickly in order to contribute to the team as soon as possible.
Traveled to Mexico in January 2011 to inspect project sites and assist the Mexico team
with prototype system construction; served as project manager and researcher.
July 2008 - May 2010Lab TechnicianLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Part-Time
Conducted lab tests on soil samples; used density fractionation methods to isolate soil
Assisted researchers in the design of experimental research methods and projects.
Trained in hazardous waste disposal, chemical hygiene, fire extinguisher use, and lab
May 2009 - August 2009Civil Engineering InternITT Corporation/NASA, Full-Time
Designed 3000 ft. nitrogen supply line for NASA s Deep Space Communications Complx;
worked with senior engineers and client (NASA/JPL) to satisfy design and safety criteria.
Collected data points for geographic information system (GIS) within a 13 sq. mile desert
Assisted drafting department with AutoCAD drawing edits, helped transfer design sketches
into CAD.
Technical Skills
MATLAB Programming Extensive skillset Numerical modeling, OOP, Advanced Plotting
Java Programming Average skillset Familiar with Java for Android, GitHub user
GIS and Mapping Good skillset Advanced ArcGIS 10 user. Familiar with ESRI Suite.
Computer Aided Drafting Good skillset Proficient with AutoCAD, some Autodesk Inventor
Web Development Average skillset Built websites for personal use and work
Adobe Suite Good skillset InDesign, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Premiere
Office Software Good experience Office (Word, Excel, Access, Project), iWork (Pages,
Non-technical Skills
Non-fiction Writing Extensive skillset 94th Percentile GRE Writing, published in Daily
Presenting and Speaking Good skillset Completed graduate instructor training, elevator
pitch expert
Project Management Extensive skillset Successfully led several engineering teams at UC
Team Player Extensive skillset Active collaborator, adds value to teams, puts team above
Self-Starter Extensive skillset Constantly trying to improve status quo, driven, self-
UC Berkeley - M.S. Environmental Engineering
Admitted to the Water Quality Engineering group within the Environmental Engineering
graduate program. Will complete degree in December 2012.2007 - 2011
UC Berkeley - B.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering
Majored in Civil and Environmental Engineering with an emphasis on Environmental
Engineering. Completed a minor in Energy and Resources.
Professional Groups
Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society (Member)
Water Environment Federation National organization for water-related professionals
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers (National Member)
Hackers and Founders Bay Area interest group for software development and
entrepreneurship (Member)
c 2012 Nick Lee. All rights reserved.
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