Jesse Anderson
Reno, NV *****
2011Million Monkeys Concept and execution
Randomly recreated every work of Shakespeare in 1.5 months with 7.5 trillion iterations
Handled all media inquiries from BBC, Fox News and Wall Street Journal Links on my
Gained viral, international fame of 25,000 visitors and 2,300 social media hits in 1 day
2012 Pragmatic Programmers Author
Conceived, wrote and voiced over a series of screencasts on The Cloud and Amazon Web
2012 Million Monkeys AWS Concept and execution
Researched and analyzed Amazon Web Services to find performance, Spot ROI and scalability
Anderson, J. T. (2011). A million monkeys and shakespeare.Significance, 8(4), 223-225.
Print, Web. Invited Submission International Distribution
2012-PresentCloudera Instructor and Curriculum DeveloperOngoing
2011-2012Intuit, IncSenior Software Engineer
Presented technologies like Hadoop and The Cloud to all engineers in the company
Refactored code to improve performance by 50% and decrease customer issues by 90%
2010-2011Dibbs InternationalTechnical Lead
Established software engineering principles to improve the software development lifecycle
Sped up Android app launch time by 60% and website load time from 20 seconds to 2 seconds
2006-2010Bright Systems, IncDevelopment Engineering Manager/Engineer
Created Partner program & worked with Partner companies to implement API in their
Applied principles of Agile methodology to decrease development time by 5 months
2008-PresentSmoking Hand, LLCCEO/Consultant
Founded company specializing in distributed systems, graphic user interfaces and The
Cloud2001-2006eTreppid Technologies Director of Systems Engineering/Engineer
Acted as point of contact for partners and technical pre-sales for high level meetings
Designed and architected enterprise surveillance system with $3 million dollars in
Northern Nevada Software Developers Group Coordinated all meetings and presented
Technology Advisory Committee (Morrison University) Advised on curriculum and industr