Ramesh Srinivasan
The Open Internet and Blogs Social, Economic, and Political Revolutions
Crowdsourcing, Networks, and Virtual Organizations
Cultural Knowledges and Digital Systems
Reflective Media and Policy in Developing Nations
Ramesh Srinivasan
http://rameshsrinivasan.org, twitter: rameshmedia
Department of Information Studies GSE & IS222 GSEIS Building Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520
Tel: 310-***-****; Fax: 310-***-****
Academic Employment
2005-Present: Assistant Professor (Step V), Department of Information Studies (courtesy:
Department of Design Media Arts), University of California, Los Angeles.
2005 Lecturer University of California at San Diego Winter, 2004-2005: Designing
Digital Environments for Culture and Community, Department of Ethnic Studies and College
of Art, Culture and Technology.
2002 2005: Doctoral Research Fellow, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
2004 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University Dept. of Visual and Environmental Studies
61r: Physical Computing, Spring 2004
2003 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University Dept. of Visual and Environmental Studies
60r: Digital Arts: Digital Expression, Fall 2003
Teaching Fellow, Harvard University Graduate School of Design 7301: Internet and
Architecture, Spring 2003
2002 MIT Media Lab Asia Fellow
2000-2002Research FellowMIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, MA.
1998: Research AssistantOrganizational Ecology and Social Movement Analyses
Professors Susan Olzak and Michael Hannan Stanford University, Department of Sociology
and Graduate School of Business.
1997-1998: Research Assistant Social Network Analysis, Stanford University. Professor
Mark Granovetter, Sociology Department
2005: Doctorate in Design Studies, Harvard University
2002: M.S., Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1998: B.S., Industrial Engineering, Stanford University (Graduate with Distinction)
Grants Received
National Science Foundation 2011-2014 $254,000
1057137- Science and Society
UCLA Faculty Research Grants 2010-present $5,000
IMLS Natl Leadership Grant 2009 present $352,000
Google Grants 2008 present $12,000
The Christensen Fund 2007-2008 $50,000
(research in Central Asia)
National Science Foundation 2006-2009 $300,000
0621016 Science and Society
California Institute for IT and 2006-7 $20,500
Telecommunications (Cal IT2),
ICT Development Research
UCLA Academic Senate 2006 $10,000
The Christensen Fund 2006 $20,000
(research in Central Asia)
UC Humanities Research Inst- 2006 2008 $20,000
itute, South Asian Web Research
Public Outreach
Podcast Interview Revolution and Ruin Shareable Blog, February 2, 2012.
Interview with the Washington Post, December 19, 2011 Is there Hope for Social Media in
North Korea? ; in print, Sunday Edition, December 25, 2011.
Srinivasan, R. Occupying Physical Space, Front Page, The Huffington Post, December 2-3,
Featured Story on UCLA s Home Page (Ucla.edu): Social Media Not To Blame Tracing
Ramesh Srinivasan s Research on Technologies and Politics in Egypt, By Cynthia Lee, August
24th Sept 1st, 2011
Srinivasan, R. The Net Worth of Open Networks, Front Page, The Huffington Post,
February 15th, 2011.
August, 2011 National Public Radio Morning Edition interview on Social Media and
Political Movements, with Steve Inskeep
Op/Ed Piece The Washington Post Srinivasan, R. London, Egypt, and the Nature of
Social Media, August 11, 2011
Featured Story on USC (University of Southern California) Home Page (USC.edu):
Race and Cyberspace By Pamela Johnson Featuring Ramesh Srinivasan s Research at
USC, Institute for Multimedia Literacy, August 10, 2011.
5 Myths About Social Media, Washington Post, Outlook Section, October 2 2011.
as a reviewer or editor)
Program Committee Member, 2012, International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,
Dublin, Ireland.
I-Conference 2010 Program Committee Member, University of Washington I-School
Associate Editor, Open Development and ICTs for Development, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada
ASIST 2011 Economic, Political and Social Issues Track, Committee Member (chairs: Nadia
Caidi and Steven Jackson)
Advisory Board Member, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Initiative in Media
Arts and Education, 2010-Present
Proposal Reviewer/Panelist, National Science Foundation, Division of Social and Economic
Sciences (2011).
Reviewer, HICSS (Hawaii IEEE International Conference on Systems Sciences)
Programme Committee Member: CATAC, Cultural Attitudes toward Technology and
Communication, 2008.
Invited Reviewer and Panelist, National Science Foundation Division of Information and
Intelligent Systems (2007, 2008, 2009)
Invited Workshop Speaker at NSF-sponsored Techology and Social Participation Meeting, at
Xerox PARC Palo Alto, December, 2009.
Associated Editor, IDRC Canada (World Bank), ICTs, Openness, and International
Development, IDRC Press, Forthcoming.
Refereed Scholarly Journal Publications
2005: Srinivasan, Ramesh Revolutionizing Information Architectures within Learning-
focused web sites in E-learning and Virtual Science Centers (Idea Group, eds: Subramaniam
and Tan)
Older Theses and Refereed Conference Publications (Proceedings)
2006: Srinivasan, Ramesh Reinvoking Culture and Context in Digital Libraries and
Museums In Proceedings of the Information Architecture Summit (ASIS), 4/2006
Vancouver, Canada
2005: Srinivasan, Ramesh, Communities and Cultural Differentiation: Issues of
Ontologies, Metadata, and Knowledge Representation In Proceedings of 4S conference,
9/2005 Los Angeles, CA, USA
2004: Srinivasan, Ramesh Tribal Peace Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Dispersed
Native American Communities, In the Proceedings of International Conference Cultural
Heritage and Informatics (ICHIM), 9/2004 Berlin, Germany
2004: Srinivasan, Ramesh Mediation: Indigenous Ontologies and Design In proceedings
of the 4S EASST 9/2004 Paris, France
2004: Srinivasan, Ramesh Creating digital places for culture and community, Extended
Abstract Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing Conference 9/2004 Rome, Italy.
2003: Srinivasan, Ramesh Articulating the Digital Environment via Community-Generated
Ontologies, In the Proceedings of Digital Cities 9/03, (Springer-Verlag) Amsterdam
2003: Srinivasan, Ramesh Village Voice: A methodology, interface, and evaluation of
the collection of cultural heritage material, In the Proceedings of International
Conference Cultural Heritage and Informatics (ICHIM), 9/2003 Paris, France
2003: Srinivasan, Ramesh Village Voice: An architecture for online community
exhibitions, In the Proceedings of Museums and the Web 4/03, Charlotte
2001: Srinivasan, Ramesh, et. al., PhotoGlas, In the Proceedings of Conference on
Semiotics in Games and New Media 9/01, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Invited Lectures and Presentations
Invited Speaker, RFK Community High School, Media Arts Program, January 12, 2012
Invited Lecture, National Endowment for the Humanities Workshop, University of Southern
California, August 3, 2011
Invited Lecture, March, 2011, Professor Henry Jenkins, Civic Media Symposium, Annenberg
School, University of Southern California
Invited Plenary Speaker Rupture and Flow: The Circulation of Technoscientific Facts and
Objects, University of Indiana, April 2011.
Invited Keynote Lecture A digitally diverse future, MERGE Lecture UNC Greensboro,
April 2011
Invited Panelist Chicago National Science Foundation, New Configurations of the
Virtual and Real, Chair: Geof Bowker and Ronald Cox, March 2011.
Invited Speaker, Technology @ State, United States State Department Open Standards and
Open Networks, Febraury 2011.
Invited Plenary Chair Open Video Conference, Open Video in India, New York, October
Invited Keynote Lecture MyLanguage Culturally Diverse Populations, Digital Media and
Social Inclusion, National Library of Australia, Sydney, Australia. August, 2010.
Invited Panelist Re-imagining the Archive, University of California Los Angeles,
November, 2010.
Invited Speaker Digital Religion, New York University, Center for Religion, Culture,
and Media, March 2010, Luce Foundation.
Invited Panelist Georgia Institute of Technology National Science Foundation Workshop
on Computing at the Margins, February 2010.
Invited Panelist Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), National Science Foundation Workshop
on Technology-Mediated Social Participation, December, 2009 (directed by Ben Shneidermann
and Jenny Preece)
Invited Speaker 2009 Animating Archives: Making New Media Matter, Brown University,
Department of Modern Culture and Media (Mellon Foundation Initiative)
Invited Speaker ASIST, 2009 Indigenous Approaches Toward Documentation, Vancouver,
Invited Speaker Culture, Information, and New Media Natural History Museum, London,
ESRC Initiative on Cybergenomics and the Order of Things, 2009.
I-Conference Speaker/Paper Presentation, 2009, Mismatched Ontologies and ICT Information
Systems, Paper Presentation, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Invited Speaker, Ethnography By Design, UC Irvine Hosted by George Marcus
Plenary Session Speaker HASTAC II: Techno-Travels
and TeleMobility (with Katherine Hayles, Anna Everett)
Invited speaker Worldmaking in an Age of New Media, University of Wisconsin.
Invited Workshop Participant Networking Visual Culture, 2008.
Annenberg Center, USC.
Invited campus-wide speaker, UCLA, Interdisciplinarity and Information: Global Cultures.
Invited Speaker The Hewlett Foundation: Web 2.0 and Open
Resources with Kevin Kelley, and others.
Invited Speaker LAPnet How can preservation meet Participation, Annual Meeting,
4SEASST Conference 2008, Invited Paper Presentation: Envisioning Grassroots Digital
Spaces, Panel: Mere Innovation (organizer: Lucy Suchman and Cori Hayden)
4SEASST Conference 2008, Organizer and Chair: Engaging Publics: Configuring Community as
Mediated Places (with Alberto Pepe, Lilly Nguyen and Lucy Suchman)
CATAC Conference 2008 (Cultural Attitudes toward Technology and Communication), Digital
Public Spaces: Implications toward Cultural Memory and Participation, Nimes, France, June
Social Tagging, Digital Contact Zones, and Indigenous Media: Reflections, Cambridge
University (UK), CRASSH 2008.
Invited Speaker: Worldmaking in an Age of New Media UWM, April 2008.
Interdisciplinarity and Information: Global Cultures, Center for Information as
Evidence, UCLA, March 2008.
What is participatory in community archives? Guest presentation in IS 207 Professor
Mary Maack
Panelist, Information Studies Roundtable, Information Institutions and Professions,
Panelist, Information Studies Roundtable, Information Retrieval, 2007-08
Bridging Discourses: Exploring the Relationship between Information Technology and
International Development, The I-Conference, 2008, UCLA(with Tapan Parikh, and Steven
Culture at the Interface: Collaborative Design and Information Management with Indigenous
Communities: The I-Conference, 2008. UCLA (with Kim Christen and Craig Dietrich)
Emergent Media and Embedded Cultures Technology Development Possibilities
California Institute for Information Technology (CALIT2) Feb 1 08
System Design Using Ethnography and Ethnomethodology UCLA, Prof. Christine Borgman,
Jan 08 IS282
Culture and Information: Re-focusing the parameters UCLA, Prof. Leah Lievrouw (guest
lecture) Dec 07
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, November 2007.
Center for Future Civic Media, MIT, November, 2007.
Activism, Communities, and New Media UCLA, Prof. Jean Francois Blanchette. (guest
The Sarai Institute For Critical and Cultural Media Studies, New Delhi, India August,
Rural Transformation via
Intelligent Information Technologies The Satyam Corporation,
Hyderabad, India., July 07
The Economics of Localized Community Technologies Institute for Financial Management
and Research, Madras, IIT, India., July 07
Invited Speaker The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras India: Thinking about
Culture in ICT Development Schemes: Lessons from India July 07
Invited Lecture: New Network Theory Information Societies with Locally-grounded
Systems June, 07 Amsterdam
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media in Transition Conference: Envisiong Cross-
Cultural Grassroots Digital Spaces, April 07
Northwestern University Technology and Social Behavior Colloquium Series invited
Speaker: Cross-cultural discourses and digital systems: Reciprocal Interactions, May 07
University of Illinois, Graduate School of Information Sciences. : Community Informatics
in Global Systems, May 07
E-diaspora: Reconciling the Local and Global March 4, 07 The Metropolis Conference
panel on Immigration, Social Inclusion and Information Technologies.
Culture and Information Interdisciplinary Methods to Impact Socioeconomic Agendas
March 1, 2007 University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Studies.
Folksonomies, Tags, and Socially Constructed Digital Publishing, Association of Learned
and Professional Society Publishers, London. April, 07
The Digital City and its Cultural Flows National University of Singapore December,
2006. Invited Lecture.
Guest Lecture, Computers and Education (Noel Enyedy), Graduate School of Education and
Information Studies, UCLA, December, 06
Human Diversity and Social Inclusion in the I-World, Invited Presentation, The I-
Conference, University of Michigan, October, 2006.
Invited Manship Award Lecture Lousiana State University Departments of Communication
Studies and Design Studies, October, 06
Invited Lecture Development and Knowledge Connectivity: The President s PURA vision,
Tanjore, India (President APJ Abdul Kalam of India s PURA visit) July, 06.
Invited Lecture ICTs and Development Community Perspectives, The Byrraju/Satyam
Foundation, Hyderabad, India July, 06
Invited lecture Grassroots IT-facilitated Development, Microsoft Research
Corporation, Bangalore, India July, 06
Invited Lecture Developing Organizationally-tailored information systems, The Infosys
Corporation, Bangalore, India July, 06
The California State University (CSU)-India Knowledge Commission Educational Research
Summit, June 1, 06.
The US-India Summit on Information Technology, Science, and Research (co-hosted by the
Indian Ministry of Science and Technology and University of California), May 31, 06
Urban Sensing Summit Cultural Flows in the Digital Sensing Environment REMAP
Invited Speaker, UCLA, May 06
The World Bank E-Development Sector, Invited Public Lecture April 13, 06
Database Aesthetics Course Lecture April 25, 06 Department of Design Media Arts,
University of California, Los Angeles.
University of California at Los Angeles Guest Lecture Audiovisual Archiving in the
21st Century April 19, 06
Information Architecture Summit Reinvoking Culture and Context in Digital Libraries
and Museums Vancouver, Canada April, 06
University of California at Los Angeles Department of Information Studies, Public
Colloquium Lecture March 9, 06
New York University, Department of Anthropology and Media Studies Public Lecture
University of California at Los Angeles Department of Design Media Arts Public
Invited Lecture (http://dma.ucla.edu/events/calendar.php?ID=393), November 8, 05
University of California at Los Angeles Site Specifics Stat 260 (Mark Hansen) Guest
4S (Social Studies of Science Annual Conference/Meeting) Panel moderator and presenter:
Communities and Cultural Differentiation: Issues of Ontologies and MetaData
Invited Lecture Stanford University s Kozemetsky Global Collaboratory Knowledge,
Beliefs, Institutions Hyderabad and Madurai, India (Stanford University), 8/05
University of California at San Diego Center for Study on Race and Ethnicity Public
Colloquium Lecture, 5/05
New York University Department of Culture and Media Colloquium Public Lecture, 5/05
University of California at Los Angeles Department of Information Studies Public
Lecture, 3/05
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Studies,
University of Georgia Grady College of Communication, 2/05
University of California at San Diego Department of Communication, 2/05
Sewanee College Department of Art and Visual Studies, 2/05
Galerie Der Forschung (Scientific Research) Vienna, Austria- 12/04
National Museum of Australia Conference on Communities and Museums Canberra,
Australia 11/04
Stanford University Department of Communication and Kozmetsky Global Collaboratory
Effort 11/04
Library of Congress, American Folklife Center Washington, 9/04
Ecole Des Mines (Public Lecture with Bruno Latour) Paris, France: 9/04
University of California at Santa Cruz Department of Anthropology, Public Lecture: 5/04
University of Madras and National Folklore Society of India (Chennai, India) Department
of Anthropology Public Lecture: 8/04
University of California at San Diego Sixth College Honors Seminar Public Lecture:
Harvard Graduate School of Design: Doctoral Seminar Public Lecture Digital Culture,
Space, and Society: 1/04
National Museum of Australia Invited Keynote Speaker: 8/02
National Communication Scholars Meeting (Boston) Public Lecture: 10/03
MIT Media Lab Europe E-Communities meeting: Dublin, Ireland 12/01
Courses Taught
10W INFSTD 275 Cultural Information Sources
10W INFSTD 227 Information Services for Culturally Div. Comms.
10F INFSTD 291A Theoretical Traditions in Information Studies
10F INFSTD289 The Cultural, Ontological, and Digital: Perspectives on Global Media
09S INFSTD 20 Introduction to Information Studies
09S INFSTD 438A Archival Appraisal
09W INFSTD289 The Cultural, Ontological, and Digita: Perspectives on Global Media
09F INFSTD200 Information in Society
08W INFSTD 227 Information Services for Culturally Div. Comms.
08W INFSTD 20 Introduction to Information Studies
08F INFSTD 291A Theoretical Traditions in Information Studies
08F INFSTD 275 Cultural Information Sources
08S INFSTD 20 Introduction to Information Studies
08S INFSTD 438A Archival Appraisal
08W INFSTD 295 Information Seeking (doctoral seminar)
07F INFSTD 20 Introduction to Information Studies
07W INFSTD 227 Information Services for Culturally Div. Comms.
06F INFSTD 200(1) Information Society
06F INFSTD 200(2) Information Society
06S INFSTD 275 Development of Cultural Info Sources
06S INFSTD 438A Archival Appraisal
06W INFSTD 20 Introduction to Information Studies
2005 UC San Diego Department of Ethnic Studies and College of Art, Culture and
Technology Ethnic Studies 197 Digital Media, Culture, and Ethnicity
Student Advising
Doctoral Adviser: David Kim, Alivia Zappas
Doctoral Committee Member: Alla Zollers, Katie Shilton, Ajit Pyati, Stasa Milojevic,
Alberto Pepe, Matt Mayernik
MLIS Thesis Committee Member: Kim Anderson, Emma Mejia, Robin Fitzpatrick, Steve Kutay,
Steve Bingo
Design Media Arts Thesis Committee Member: Jacob Tonski, Estevan Benson
University Service
UCLA Fulbright Committee 2011-Present
Admissions, Awards and Recruitment Committee, 2009 Present
Department of Information Studies (chair: John
UCLA Communication University China Initiative 2010 Present
(Invited Member, along with Dean of TFT, Anderson School)
UCLA Digital Humanities Steering Committee
Affiliated 2010 Present
UC-Wide Steering Committee Member, Transliteracies 2009 Present
Multi-campus Research Group (dir: Alan Liu), NSF
Grant supported
UCLA Committee on Libraries and Scholarly 2009 Present
Communication Invited Member (chair: Chris Kelty)
Los Angeles Unified School District, Media Arts and 2009 Present
Studies Program, Advisory Committee Member
Department Diversity Committee September, 2008 Present
Faculty Executive Committee, GSEIS Fall, 2006 Spring, 2008
Doctoral Programs Committee Member 2005-2007
Ad Hoc Search Committee Member, Prof. Chris Kelty 2007-08
Ad Hoc Search Committee Member, Dept of Design 2007-08
and Media Arts, Media Theory Position
Ad Hoc Teaching Award Committee Member 2006-07
Design Media Arts, Dept. Thesis Committee 2007
General Skills and Interests
Ethnography, design, social capital, developmental economics, digital labor, intellectual
property, social movements, social network analysis, statistical modelling, ontologies,
Extensive Field Experience Within:
. Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique)
. Asia (India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey)
. Central and Latin America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Mexico, Costa Rica,
Panama, Honduras, Belize)
. Australasia, Micronesia, Melanesia (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji)
. Europe (NL, Germany, Ireland, France, Russia, U.K, Italy, Belgium, Belarus, Greece,
Poland, Czech Republic)
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Tamil, Dutch/Nederlandse, Russian
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Recent Posts
Links to my Public Media Pieces
Starting with Culture Before Technology My work from Egypt
How the Street and Digital World Speak To One Another: From Egypt
The Internet and Activism: Let s Get Empirical and Analytical
The Net Worth of Open Networks (re-posted from Huffington Post)
What I'm Doing...
looking at how social media is used as a tool of prestige and circumvention by a variety
of political parties/movements #egypt 1 week ago
activists working across media platforms (old and new, projecting on walls) to document
military abuses in #egypt 1 week ago
not just about networked power in terms of protocols but also about filters/rankings
within social media corporate platforms @rmack #gv2012 2 weeks ago
useful to look at visualizations of power within infrastructure. one have: they
http://t.co/m408uEG6 @globalvoices #gv2012 2 weeks ago
in opposition media consolidation of today, look at great work of: http://t.co/8S8FUBX3
@rmack @sanasaleem @globalvoices #gv2012 2 weeks ago
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