Robotics/Systems Control Robots Control and Path Planning (especially LTL Based Motion Planning), Visual SLAM, Model Predictive Control, Nonlinear Systems Control
****-**** BSc - 5 years, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Automatic Control and
Computer Engineering, Average of diploma examination: 8.65. Diploma work: “Positive Systems Applications : Search Engine”
Supervisor: Prof. Octavian Păstrăvanu
2008-2009 MSc - 1 year, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Advanced Technique for
Process Control, Average grade: 9.73, Average of dissertation examination: 10. Thesis: “Advanced Techniques for Movement Control of Electric Vehicle”
Supervisor: Prof. Corneliu Lazăr
2009-2012 PhD - 3 years, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Systems Engineering.
Thesis: “Theoretical and Practical Developments for Robot Motion Planning”
Promoter: Prof. Octavian Păstrăvanu, Co-promoter: Assist. Prof. Marius Kloetzer
Academic Experience
October 2010 - January 2011 Applications hours, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Master Program: Systems and Control. Systems Theory for Control (TSC)
October 2011 - March 2012 Research Internship, University of Zaragoza.
Research field : SFM (Structure From Motion) from Omni-directional Imagines
Supervisors: Prof. Jose J. Guerrero, Gonzalo Lopez-Nicolas
M. Kloetzer and N. Ghită, “Automatic construction and comparative analysis of cell decom-
positions”,(IMACS) Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, IF 0.738, 2012,under review
N. Ghită, M. Kloetzer,“Trajectory Planning for a Car-Like Robot by Environment Abstrac-
tion,” Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems, IF 1.313, 60(4):609–619., April, 2012.
M. Kloetzer and N. Ghită, “Software Tool for Constructing Cell Decompositions,” IEEE 7th
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Trieste, Italy, August 24-27, 2011.
M. Kloetzer and N. Ghită ”On Reducing Complexity in LTL-Based Motion Planning” Bulletin
of the Iasi Polytechnic Institute, Automatic Control and Computer Science Section, ISSN
1220-2169, no. LVII (LXI), 4, 2011.
N. Ghită, M. Kloetzer and O. Păstrăvanu, “Probabilistic car-like robot path planning from
temporal logic specifications,” 15th International Conference on System Theory and Control, Romania, Sinaia, 14-16 October,2011
N. Ghită, M. Kloetzer, “Motion Planning and Control of a Car-Like Robot in an Environment
Cluttered With Static Obstacles,” Bulletin of the Iasi Polytechnic Institute, Automatic Control and Computer Science Section, ISSN 1220-2169, no. LVI (LX), vol. 3, 2010.
N. Ghită and M. Kloetzer, “Cell Decomposition-Based Strategy for Planning and Controlling
a Car-like Robot,” 14th International Conference on System Theory and Control, Romania,
Sinaia, 17-19 October,2010.
N. Ghi ă, G. Lopez-Nicolas, M. Kloetzer, J. J. Guerrero, “Visual Path Planning from Omni-
directional Imagines for Nonholonomic Robots,” in progress
Scientific Software Developed
Trajectory planning and controlling a car-like robot acting in a 2D static environment URL
Automatic construction and comparative analysis of cell decompositions URL http://www.
Path planning for a car-like robot acting in a 2D static environment from LTL specifications - In Progress
Visual Path Planning from Omni-directional Imagines - In Progress
Technical Skills
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
Computer Languages: C, Matlab, Assembly x86, CLIPS
Typography: Latex, Word, OpenOffice
Technical Drawing: Inkscape, PovRay, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Eagle Layout Editor, Protel/Altium
Familiar Microcontrollers: PIC, dsPIC, MCS51, C16x, MC56F8300, ARM Cortex-M3
Internet Development: basic knowledge of: Html
Romanian: Native
English: Good
French,Spanish: Basic