Personal information
Surname First name BOHTE ZORAN
Address Mrkopaljska 55, 51000 Rijeka, CROATIA
Telephone(s) 003********** Mobile: 003***********
E-mail ******@*****.***
Nationality Croatian/Slovenian
Date of birth 19 August 1973
Marital Status Married
Military Service Obligation Completed
Date (from – to) 1993-1998
Name of company Splosna Plovba Piran (Slovenia)
Type of business or sector Cargo Transport Ship
Occupation or position held Ch.Cook
Date (from – to) 1998-2003
Name of company Trans Europe Ferry Line
Type of business or sector Passenger Ferry Boat
Occupation or position held Ch.Cook
Date (from – to) 2003-2007
Name of company Rijeka nekretnine
Type of business or sector Real Estate agency
Occupation or position held Agency Coordinator
Date (from – to) 2007-2008
Name of company Pellegrini Catering in Congo
Type of business orsector West Africa Offshore Catering
Occupation or position
held Camp boss
Date (from-to)
Name of Company
Tape of business or sector
Occupation or position held 30,10,2008 -Active
Vroon Offshore Services
Safety Coach/AMA/FRC Coxswain/ AB,Seaman
Date (from – to) 1988-1991
Name of organization The Secondary School for Hotel Trade and Tourisms in Novo mesto
Type of education or training Finished in the school-year 1990/91 the third(final)class works in catering industry
Certificate Number 115 Novo mesto, 30 August 1991
Duration of Certificate
Date (from – to) 22,11,2001
Name of organization Lučka kapetanija Bar
Type of education or training Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats operations VI/2 STCW
Certificate Number 04-4890
Duration of Certificate unlimited
Date (from – to) 22 November 2001
Name of organization Lučka kapetanija Bar
Type of education or training Medical First Aid Certificate VI/4 STCW
Certificate Number 04-4891
Duration of Certificate unlimited
Date (from – to) 22 November 2001
Name of organization Lučka kapetanija Bar
Type of education or training Advanced Fire Fighting VI/3 STCW
Certificate Number 04-4892
Duration of Certificate unlimited
Date (from – to) 25 March 2000
Name of organization Secondary Marine School Portoroz
Type of education or training Ha completed the crowd management training A-V/2-1 STCW
Certificate Number 20-02-2000/035
Duration of Certificate
Date (from – to) 25 March 2000
Name of organization Secondary Marine School Portoroz
Type of education or training Has completed the crisis management and human behavior training A-V/2-5 STCW
Certificate Number 25-02-2000/035
Duration of Certificate
Date (from – to) 25 March 2000
Name of organization Secondary Marine School Portoroz
Type of education or training Has completed passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training A-V/2-4 STCW
Certificate Number 23-02-2000/035
Duration of Certificate
Date (from – to) 25 March 2000
Name of organization Secondary Marine School Portoroz
Type of education or training Has completed the familiarization training with Ro-Ro passenger ships A-V/2-2 STCW
Certificate Number 22-02-2000/035
Duration of Certificate
Date (from-to)
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number 18,08,2008-22,08,2008
OPITO Petrofac Training
lnitial Training for Shipboard Operations
Date (from-to)
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate Number 27,10,2008-28,10,2008
OPITO Petrofac Training
Fast Rescue Craft Boatman
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number 20,04,2009-24,o4,2009
OPITO Petrofac Training
Advanced Medical Aid
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number 12,10,2009-16,10,2009
OPITO Petrofac Training
Fast Rescue Craft Coxswain
Date (from –to)
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number 21,02,2011-25,02,2011
OPITO Petrofac Training
Safety Coach Development Programme
Name of organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number
Banff and Buchan College (Schotland,UK)
Efficient Deck Hand Certificate(Qualifying examination for AB)
Name of Organization
Type of education or training
Certificate number 29,01,2013
Maritime Coastguard Agency Aberdeen UK
Certificate of Competency as A.B
OTHER LANGUAGES English Italian French German
Reading skills yes yes
Writing skills yes yes
Verbal skills yes yes yes yes
Other technical skills Safety Coach, Roustabout, AB,Seaman, Camp Boss.
PC skills Ms office, Word, Excel, Internet