Name Balaji Viswanathan
Address **** * **** ****** *** 2203, Tucson, Arizona 85719
E-mail ******.****@*****.***/************@*****.*******.***
Career Objective
Aspiring for a career to work in a challenging position with special interest in GIS,
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Willing to work in a fast-paced
learning environment for developing my technical and inter-personal skills thereby
adding immense value to the Organization.
Profile Summary
4.5 years of overall experience in Geospatial industry, worked with LiDAR Data
Classification, 3D modelling using LiDAR Data, 3D GIS solutions and ArcGIS Desktop
Development and Web applications development using ArcGIS Server APIs.
Possess good communication, team management and client handling skills.
Technical Skills
Operating Systems Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7, Ubuntu 12.04
Programming languages C, C++, JAVA, VB.NET/C#.NET, Silverlight
Technologies and Standards J2EE - JSP, Servlets.
Scripting and
Markup Languages Javascript, HTML, XML, Python, Actionscript
Javascript frameworks Dojo, ExtJS
GIS Software ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1/10.0, ArcGIS Server 10.0
Open-source GIS Geoserver 2.2.4, Quantum GIS, PostGIS
Remote Sensing Packages ERDAS IMAGINE 8.5, ENVI 4.0, IDL 6.0
3D Software Global Mapper
LiDAR Packages MicroStation V8.0, TerraSolid family
Environments Visual Studio 2008/2010, Eclipse 3.6, Tomcat 5.5
Server, Adobe Flash Builder 4.0/4.5
Educational Qualification
MS – Geographic Information Systems Technology from University of Arizona,
Tucson (Current)
B.E – Electronics and Communications Engineering from Thiagarajar College of
Engineering, Madurai, India with CGPA of 8.92/10 in 2008.
Career Summary
Cybertech Systems and Software Limited : July 2011 – Nov 2012
Encora Technologies India Private Limited : September 2010 – June 2011
Groupe SCE India Private Limited : August 2008 – August 2010
Project Summary
Jul 2011 – Nov 2012
Project Technical Support Analyst, SDK Unit
Client ESRI Inc, Redlands, USA
Location Cybertech Systems and Software Limited, Thane, India
Role Subject Matter Expert (SME) - GIS
• Provided Technical Support on ArcGIS Software Development Kit to ESRI
Clients across USA
• Worked with custom tools/commands/Add-ins for ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 as per
the client requirements in C#/VB.NET
• Worked with ArcGIS Server 10.0 applications after completing formal training
sessions on ArcGIS Server APIs
• Testing the product in all forms and submitting bug reports to the ESRI
Development Team
• Helping customers to understand the way software works and providing them
necessary suggestions/workflow/code snippets to implement their desired
functionality in the Web application
Project Profile: The main role has been to support clients in development/extending
GIS applications using ArcObjects framework. This gave me an exposure to various
interfaces involved in extending ArcGIS Desktop using ArcObjects. ArcGIS Server 10.0
is a product to expose our GIS data to the outside network and has been used in wide
range of applications, starting from mapping to editing, quering and analyzing GIS
datasets over the web. The requirement demanded me to have an extensive
knowledge on Server API applications developed using ArcGIS Silverlight API/Flex
API/Javascript API to support high volume of support calls from our customers. I am
fortunate to have this opportunity, as it helped me to understand the applications
being developed using the GIS technology by helping out several customers of ESRI.
In addition to providing Technical Support, I have been given an opportunity to
provide training on ArcObjects programming, ArcGIS Server 10.0 concepts, Web
programming using different ArcGIS Server APIs – Javascript/Flex/Silverlight,
Developing customized web applications using ArcGIS Silverlight Viewer and ArcGIS
Flex Viewer.
Environment: Visual Studio 2010, Flash Builder 4.0/4.5, Javascript, REST, JSON,
Sep 2010 – Jun 2011
Project Web-Apps - Dashboard development for Google Map Maker.
Client Google India Private Limited
Location Google India, Bangalore
Role Sr Geo Data Specialist
• Worked with developing web application hosted on Apache Open Source
• Worked with developing an application to get the moderated edits coming in
from users across the world on Google Map Maker
• Worked with server-side programming implementation using Servlets and JSP
pages serving as web front-end
• Worked with statistical data generation to display all the information, starting
from moderated edits, moderated person, action taken by the moderator,
errors in moderation etc.
• Worked with implementation for all type of GIS features created in the
application – Point, Line and Polygon
Project Profile: The Objective is to develop a J2EE Web-application hosted on
Apache Tomcat Server, which will enable the team to get a Statistical Analysis of
Google Map Maker edits happening throughout the world. This application enables
the Google Map Maker QA team to extract the Moderation edits captured from
Google Server for further QA’ing the edits, thereby increasing the Accuracy of Google
Maps data. This also provides an option to extract the In-house Moderation Statistics
and User Moderation Statistics happening in all countries over a large duration. The
number of edits getting Auto-Approved every day purely depends on the User’s Trust
Score and the Type of the Feature (Admin/Non-Admin features) being edited.
Statistics also include the major categories being edited by User’s in Google Map
Maker, which will enable the Map Maker team to include some new categories into
the product. Geo Team was also interested in finding out the Turn-Around Time,
which includes the time between a feature is created in Map Maker and the time
taken to moderate the feature or time taken for the moderator to request the User
for more information on the feature. A Web Project was created in Eclipse IDE hosting
all the JSP pages and Servlets in Apache Tomcat Server.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Apache Tomcat 5.5 Server, Eclipse
May 2010 – Aug 2010
Project Automatic Texturing of 3D Buildings
Client Japan Government
Location Bangalore-India
Role ArcGIS Desktop Developer
• Worked with creation of 3D buildings with the help of LiDAR data, which has
accurate information about the earth surface.
• Worked with developing custom Geoprocessing tool to automate the
Texturing of 3D buildings.
• Learnt and worked with ArcObjects framework provided by ESRI to extend the
ArcGIS functionalities.
• Created Model Builder consisting of various tools to perform the logic for
verification of each step.
• Wrote the complete code in C#.NET, built the application and deployed on
customer’s machines
Project Profile: The Objective is to develop a system which automates the
Texturing of 3D buildings. Photo_Point, a GPS point Featureclass holding an image of
that location and Building_Point containing the vertex points of the 3D buildings are
provided as input. A Geoprocessing tool needs to be developed, which needs to
generate Line Featureclass by radiating from one GPS point to all the other
Building_points. Another task includes radiating from one GPS point to all the other
points and Extending the line to user specified distance. So, this needs identification
of the third point (x,y), which aligns in the same orientation with some distance from
the second point. The third task would be to Generate Triangles for each GPS point at
a user specified Apex Angle and Hypotenuse Distance. This process is carried out to
find out the Coverage of each photograph, which would help to identify the Texture
matching exactly each face of the 3D building.
The tool was developed using ArcGIS Geoprocessing API, implementing
IGPFunctionFactory and IGPFunction Interfaces, providing all the input parameters
through ParameterInfo method, Validating the parameters and providing the errors
through IGPMessages Interface. The tool was compiled as DLL, thereby distributing to
all other users. I was involved in Design, Implementation and Coding of
Geoprocessing tool in C#.NET environment.
Environment: ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcScene, C#.NET
Key terms: Geoprocessing API, IGPFunctionFactory, IGPFunction, IGPMessages
Mar 2010 – Apr 2010
Project 3D Building Modeling with reference to LiDAR data
Client German Government
Location Bangalore-India
Role ArcGIS Desktop Developer
Project Profile: The main objective is to develop a system which automatically
constructs 3D buildings with reference to the LiDAR data. The LiDAR point cloud
(DSM) and Ground model (DGM) are provided as input, out of which 3D buildings has
to be generated. The user has to digitize the end-points of the building and the roof
points, thereby height of the building is calculated by making a Spatial Join with a
Buffer radius of 2m with the LiDAR point cloud (DSM). The Roof top of the building is
obtained by generating a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), interpolating it to get
a Multipatch 3D Featureclass. A similar process is carried out by making a Spatial Join
of Roof points with the Ground model (DGM) to obtain a Triangulated Irregular
Network (TIN) for the Ground. Finally, the Wall of the building is generated by
Extruding 2D Polyline Featureclass between Roof TIN and Ground TIN. Later, a
complete building is obtained by Appending Roof, Wall and Ground Multipatch
Featureclass. The entire process is implemented in ArcGIS ModelBuilder. I have
worked with the Design, Implementation and Analysis of various requirements for this
A limitation was observed when we tried to create TIN for large number of datasets.
A tool has been developed in VB6 environment which exports the large datasets into
individual buildings based on the UniqueID to overcome this issue.
Environment: ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcScene, ModelBuilder, Python, VB6
Key terms: Triangulated Irregular Network, DSM, DGM, Multipatch Featureclass,
Spatial Join, Join Tables, Append Datasets.
Project Management Suite: Tracking of all projects both Resource-wise and
project-wise was a tedious task. A customized tool has been developed, where the
project management became easier. Once the user provides the Target productivity
(Buildings/Hr or Parcels/Hr or Area/Hr) set for the project, the tool provides the
Resource productivity, Efficiency, % of Production completed, Overall project
statistics. Development of the tool was done on MS-Excel Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) Environment.
May 2009 – Jul 2009
Project Creation of Building Footrpints with reference to Orthophoto
Client Virtuel City, Germany
Location Bangalore-India
Role Quality Assessment.
Project Profile: The building footprints were digitized with reference to the
Orthophoto provided, which were further used to develop 3D city models. The
variation in the levels of the buildings were sorted out as per the specifications. The
building IDs missed out in each tile were identified through ArcGIS tool, where it
searches each row in the attribute table associated with the shapefile and finds out
the ID missing in the shape file. I was involved in the development of ArcGIS tool and
assessing the quality of the tiles.
Environment: ArcMap, ArcCatalog, VB6.
Feb 2009 – Apr 2009
Project Classification of Wetland areas with reference to Orthophoto
Client Memoris, France
Location Bangalore-India
Role Quality Assessment.
Project Profile: The wetland areas include Agriculture, Waterbody, Grassland and
Forestry regions has to be digitized and classified at 1:2000 scale for the regions
which falls inside the project boundary. A Personal Geodatabase was created and the
classification was handled by assigning Domains and Subtypes to the Geodatabase,
thereby avoiding errors in spelling caused by digitizers. Finally, a report has been
made on the area statistics for each class.
Environment: ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcScripts (Domain creation in VBA)
Aug 2008 – Jan 2009
Project GIS Master Plan for the city of Tripoli
Client Tripoli Government
Location Bangalore-India
Role Quality Assessment, Production.
Project Profile: The project involves planning the city of Tripoli for 2025 as per the
2G and 3G norms. The proposal has been made to the Tripoli Government and
delivered in the form of maps for validation. The maps were delivered for both
existing landuse and proposed landuse. The existing landuse map was generated
with the help of the building inventory points collected through the field survey. The
proposed landuse map as per Urban planning and GIS concepts, finally validating the
topology. Further, a separate map was provided which includes all the heritage
places at Tripoli and instructions have been received for not altering the Old city of
Tripoli. The final maps were delivered at 1:5000 scale.