Jonathan Chastine
Melbourne Florida 32940
SUMMARY With over 25 years of “Professional” military and 10 years of civilian
experience in Emergency Management and CBRN tactical, strategic,
operations, management and training. Veteran of several military operations,
including Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Southern Watch. Mr.
Chastine has participated in numerous DoD/Department of Energy disaster
response exercises. He has developed and revised training courses to meet
program needs, participated in the selection and evaluation of CBRN
equipment, technologies and operational procedures.
Homeland Security (SMITH/Associates) Tyndall AFB (FL) Sept. 2011 Present
Certification, Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Am. Mil. Univ. (May Civil Engineer Readiness and Emergency Management
• “Go To” person to assist the Air Force Emergency Management (EM)
community at ways to enhance Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
Emergency and (TTP’s) in the areas of response, crisis management, and equipment
Hazardous Waste modernization.
Planners Course
• Coordinated with various unit and staff agencies to support the
Adjunct Instructor
installation’s emergency management response capability.
Brooks City AFB
• Participated in unit emergency management staff assistance visits and
Academic Instructor installation emergency management and force protection working
Course Air groups.
University, Maxwell
• Developed course curriculum on use of protective equipment, incident
AFB Alabama
management systems, telephone alert system and giant voice systems.
Technical Instructor • Responsible for the deployment Air Force-wide to emergency
Course Lowery AFB management flights of the Joint Tactical Radio System.
Colorado (USAF) • Coordinated installation protection program training requirements with
other unit training schedulers and instructed on emergency management-
Community College
related training requirements.
of the Air Force
• Managed over $36 million of CBRN wartime deployable equipment.
Maxwell AFB, AL
• Developed Standard Core Personnel Documents for Key Emergency
Associate Degree,
Management Government position
Disaster Preparedness
(PAE Govt. Services) Camp Lemonnier (Djibouti) May 2010 Sept. 2011
Emergency Manager
• Conducted antiterrorism/force protection vulnerability assessments of
key installation mission-essential facilities and recommends critical
Top Secret (Inactive)
infrastructure protection actions.
CERTIFICATIONS & • Prioritized and articulated emergency management program strategies
TRAINING and tactics.
USAF Disaster • Principal management interface between the program director and the
Preparedness School contract training staff and served as senior SME on WMD-related
Disaster/Emergency matters.
Preparedness Master • Developed SOPs and work instructions for fire and emergency medical
Instructor services emergency dispatch center operations.
• Prioritized emergency management and CBRN special interest items
USAF NBC Defense
before submittal to U.S. military.
• Developed and instructed incident command training In Accordance
Maintenance and
With Presidential Directive 5 (PD-5) and National Response Framework
Operations SME
to Army, Navy and Air Force emergency response personnel within the
eastern African region.
Academic Instructor
• Provided emergency management expertise, managing functional area
activities within the Combat Operations Center.
Maxwell AFB
• Procedural knowledge base to U.S. military during the Commander,
Navy Installations Command active shooter training to naval and army
Hazardous Materials
security personnel within the eastern African region.
Course Coordinated in the bed down of over 500 Marine Expeditionary Unit
White House Military (MEU) personnel as part of a Maritime Response force.
Office Executive Mentored emergency responders from African nation (Djibouti, Kenya,
Support Contingency Ethiopia, and Uganda) in emergency planning and respond actions.
Operations Readiness • Managed Camp Lemonnier Emergency Response and CBRN program
Training Course and advised Emergency Management Officer, Operations Officer and
Instructor Commanding Officer during all force protection conditions.
• Managed emergency management training program for camp and
Hazardous provided emergency management and CBRN guidance and risk
Communication assessment to Joint Task Force Horn of Africa command and military
(HAZCOM) Training personnel.
• Managed inventory control of $2.1 million of emergency management
OSHA Hazardous
and CBRN detection and personal protective equipment.
Substance Health and
• Provided operational planning, training and coordinating with other
Safety – (Instructor)
Camp Lemonnier and regional agencies to ensure all assigned personnel
were prepared for emergencies.
National Emergency
• Provided input on the use of remote sensing and reconnaissance
Response & Rescue
operations, activation and deployment of assessment personnel or teams,
Training, Center
and geospatial and geographic information system support needed for
College Station, TX
incident management.
Public Safety • Coordinated overall staffing of emergency management activities at
Telecommunicator Combat Operations Center.
I&II Course (PRO • Provided NIMS and Incident Command System training to U.S. Navy
Board Certified) and Joint Task Force Horn of Africa staff.
FEMA, Emergency
Battelle Memorial Institute, Washington, DC Dec. 2009 May 2010
Management Inst.
Protections Operations Specialist III
Course IS-1, 3, 100,
120, 130, 139, 200, Team leader in the development, implementation and operations of client
300, 230, 235, 292, protection programs.
317, 393, 547, 700, Team lead for research tasks in support of operational defense protection
701, 800, & 907 projects.
• Contractor lead in developing, conducting and report development of
Antiterrorism emergency operations-related hazard threat, vulnerability, consequence
(WMD) Training and response capability assessments.
Course Las Vegas, • Contractor lead and assistant execution lead in protection operations in
NV support of clients, including Incident Command Post, Mobile Command
Post, Operations Center, Dispatch Center, Joint Information Center,
Family Assistance Center, Joint Field Office and Joint Task Force
(HAZCOM) Training
Lowery AFB, CO US
SAIC, Washington, DC, May 2007 Dec. 2009
Installation Protection Program, Department of Defense (DoD) Senior
Instructor, Guardian II Program
(HAZCOM) Training
• Managed CBRN detection, identification, decontamination and personal
(Instructor) OSHA
protective equipment.
Hazardous Substance
Health and Safety • Senior Mobile Training Team (MTT) instructor for the training of DOD
(Instructor) civilian and military first responders in CBRN new equipment training.
• Senior MTT instructor, instructing emergency first responder to the
USAF Team Lead in
operations level for Hazmat IAW 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
the evaluations of
1910.120(q) and NFPA 472 & 473.
DOD state-of-the-art
• Overall responsible for the submission of After Action Reports (AAR)
Biological Point
upon completion of each training visit to DoD Joint Project Manager for
Detection System
Installation Protection Program.
Dugway Proving
• Lead evaluator for CBRN operational policy and procedures during
Grounds, Utah
installation protection program full-scale installation exercise.
DETECTION EQUIPMENT SAIC, Winter Park, FL Jan. 2004 May 2007
HAZMAT ID Ranger CBRN SME/Joint Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN) Lead
APD 2000 Support Contractor
Gamma RAE • Lead government contractor ensuring NATO and DOD guidance in the
Lumidor MicroMax development of JWARN software program.
Pro – 5 Gas Detector • Responsible for providing program status briefing’s to military and
EPD-Mk2 Dosimeter corporate personnel on the DOD development of JWARN Block II
Ahura – First software development.
Defender & • Managed sub-contractor development of training curriculum that will be
TruDefender used in the training of war fighters IAW government requirements.
Tychem® Level C • Lead CBRN SME in the integration of JWARN software into C4I
Suit systems; Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC), Global
Millennium Command and Control System (GCCS), and Force XXI Battle
Chemical-Biological Command, Brigade-and-Below (FBCB2) strategic and tactical systems.
Gas Mask • Integration Lead appointed to the verification, development, and
Dräeger Civil validation of Nuclear Biological Chemical message coding IAW Allied
Defense Simultest
(CDS) HAZMAT Kit Engineering Publication 45 (AEP 45).
M22 Automatic
Chemical Agent Langley AFB (VA) Nov. 2002 Jan. 2004
Detector Alarm Military Analyst, Lead Contractor
(ACADA) • USAF representative for the procurement of war fighter’s CBRN
QSA-102 Full individual protective equipment.
• USAF CBRN requirements mission need statements and joint
Large Area Sampling
operational requirements documents technical writer.
Kit (LASKit)
• Developed concepts of operation outlining Air Force use, sustainability
Small Area Sampling
and maintainability for CBRN protective equipment.
Kit (SASKit)
• Developed USAF annexes and appendices to all joint operational
Mini Cams
requirements documents.
Dry Filter Unit’s
(DFU) 1000/2000 • Point man in coordinating with major USAF commands on their CBRN
GR-135 Radio requirements.
Isotope Identification
Device 6th Civil Engineer Squadron MacDill AFB (FL) July 2002 Nov. 2002
Weatherpak 400 Readiness/All-Hazard Technician, Support Contractor
Joint Chemical Agent • Ensured wing personnel were trained in CBRN defense tactics,
Detector (JCAD) techniques and procedures.
M256A1 Chemical
• Authored the hurricane and antiterrorism/force protection plan to include
Central Command personnel and assets.
Improved Chemical
• As exercise evaluation team lead and WMD SME, was responsible for
Agent Detector
evaluating wing personnel to operate in simulated CBRN environments.
M22 Automatic
Chemical Agent 45th Space Wing Patrick AFB (FL) June 1998 July 2002
Detector Gas Emergency Management Supervisor, Active Duty
Chromatography/Mas • Prepared, planned, trained, instructed and equipped installation staff
s Spectrometry personnel to respond, maintain mission capability and recover from the
(GC/MS) full spectrum of CBRN events.
• Managed the installations Civil Engineer Prime Base Engineer
Emergency Force (PRIME BEEF) and All-Hazard programs and
equipment that support civil engineer expeditionary operations.
Technical and Project
• Provided technical expertise to commanders during full spectrum threat
Lead in the
response operations.
development of DoD
• Performed detection, monitoring, warning and reporting of CBRN
Joint Warning and
Reporting Network
(JWARN) Computer • Provided space shuttle launch support to Kennedy Space Center; and
Based Training Atlas and Delta rocket launch’s at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station by
(CBT) material and operating the Mobile Emergency Operations Center, providing a key
Test and Evaluation communications link to the 45th Space Wing leadership and NASA
curriculum launch control center from the field.
• Assisted assigned units and staff agencies through the execution of the
Emergency Management staff assistance visit program, ensuring
DoD Knowledge base
in the development of emergency management planning and training were accomplished.
the Department of
• Provided written status report and briefings to unit commanders, and
Defense Nuclear
installation senior staff during readiness working group.
Accident Response
Procedures DOD
3150.8-M, Nuclear
Accident Response
Procedures (NARP),
Appendix 3
Experienced Business
Proposal and
Personnel Position