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United States
March 03, 2013

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Mosab Mohamed Mosbah

Dakahlia – Belqas – El gazayer

Male, Single, Egyptian,

Military service accomplished.

Birth date: September 20st, 1986

+2-010******** - +2-011******** - +2-050*******

Private driving license





Initiate, develop, and implement equipment and process safety and environmental review process,

used to identify and minimize safety and environmental impacts of new and revised operations

Coordinate training on regulatory requirements and optimal management practices, including

initiating and developing curricula and training materials

Lead behavior-based safety program implementation team.

Represent employer on environmental and safety issues during regulatory inspections and

periodical meeting with clients

Good knowledge about various dairy products and the technical process

Practice all quality tests of dairy products with high efficiency

High control of various changes affected on the industrial dairy process

Ability to work in various places (same process chemical industry PVC )

High corrective actions and changes the direction (through by pass)

High technical knowledge about chemical awareness, How rescue yourself and your team when

there is gas or chemical leakage (Gas and Chemical safety)


• • • Chemical industries

Industrial safety Construction

• • •

Construction safety Lay out diagram& ISO diagramPolymers& PVC

• • • Dairy industry

Policy& organization P&I diagram

• • Gases& chemicals projects • Quality control

Scaffolding& First aid

• • • Internal audit

HR management Languages (A&E fluent)


Safety specialist from (02/2012 till 02/2013) at Al-Basmalah Co. for Trading&

Contracting in Suez steel Company as client in the DRP


Manage safety and environmental affairs at site location with responsibility for industrial

hygiene, equipment safety, training programs, record keeping and reporting, risk

identification and minimization, team facilitation, emergency response, budgeting, long-

range planning, and policy and procedure development.

Key Results

Reduced occupational injury/illness incidence rate.

Designed protocol and led first-ever comprehensive, internal safety audit.

Reduced new employee orientation training time while still covering mandated content and

achieving high

compliance rate.

Provided guidance on EHS rules and regulations to the contractors in the work site

Trained staff in Confined Space Entry, Lockout/Tag out Procedures, and Accident Investigation

Manage all HSE reporting for local & external purposes

Inspect, audit and monitor the place of work on a continuous basis ensuring that adequate

procedures, safe

Working practices, authorization system or permit to work system carried out properly

As a chemist, microbiologist and also my gained skills from safety courses, I have been able to


Occupational injury/illness incidence (including direct and indirect hazards such as fumes and dust


Welding and erecting)

QHSE: At Altaieb dairy company from September 2011 – February 2012 (6 months)

Job title show I deal with two parts of work quality part and industrial hygiene&

Safety. I will talk about industrial hygiene& safety and hazards I faced

Chemical hazards Physical hazards Biological hazards

Electrical hazards

Chemical hazards faced in laboratory and chemicals used after each production

process for washing the machines. I face these hazards by using the identification methods

as MSDS which contain several points which regulate connection with it. Warning labels and

it divided into RTK labels, HMIS labels and NFPA labels

Physical hazards faced there as noise and vibration and controlled it by using


Biological hazards and it is most important and serious because our product is

goods and food which if infected will make serious disease not limited but spread with

goods distribution

Electrical hazards may be make dangerous accidents because as this type of

factories water use in cleaning and therefore electrical shock may be occurred and we face

it by good cleaning &drying cover electrical cables

I deal with all this hazards through many steps as following

1) Recognition; knew and understanding different types of hazards in the culture and effects it on the

worker hygiene

2) Evaluation; risk analysis & assessment also risk management

3) Controlling; through elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering control, administration control,

use PPEs.

4) The most things which help me on controlling this job are my qualification and education I educate

and learn about both chemistry so I can control quality department and microbiology which enable

me to control microbial hazards beside microbial test and Pollution inhibition and safety courses

which learn me too much

Chemist Field Operator: With TCI Sanmar Chemicals S.A.E


(9/2010 to 9/2011) South Port Said - Egypt. Sanmar is universal

group company which deals with many products. Sanmar Egypt is one of the biggest

projects in the Middle East which deal with PVC production. At Sanmar the process started

with Ethylene which under chemical reaction converted to EDC (in EDC unit). EDC under

chemical reaction converted to VCM (in VCM unit). The last stage in this process is obtaining

PVC from VCM in PVC unit. I hired there as field operator chemist in the PVC unit. But as I

catch some stages in construction stage I also have so duties

Key Results

Follow-up contactors and push the forward

Solving problems which face contractors as it possible

Daily check contractors progress & make check list

Daily write report and rise it to my boss

Work in Polyhouse and keep watching the flow rate of the additives and the

batches of the reactor

Work in Blowdown area and VGA unit and be sure all gases reabsorbed and

return it to the VCM recovery tank to reused it again

Work within Dryer area and Bagging area and the most important in both

areas is ventilation system of dusts, efficiency, maintenance and checking it


Alazhar University B.Sc. Chemistry-Microbiology2008, with Good Degree.


OHSAS 18001 From SWISSCERT association

Specialist certificate NIOSH (Egypt) March-April 2012

NASP diploma During February (12-16) -2012

OSHA general industry Dec.2011 Port Said

OSHA construction Dec. 2011 port said

HR management From knowledge academy for training and consulting

Scaffolding From knowledge academy for training and consulting

First aid standard From knowledge academy for training and consulting


Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Internet, Power Point)

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