R esume
Name: I van Vanney
Nationality: I srael
Place of Bi rth: A rgentina
E-mail: i ******@*****.***
Phone: +972-*********
****-****: Sys Admin at Duodyn IT, I started working for the company s
support division with Linux, Windows and hardware, after several months I
was t ransferred to the Uruguay s Court of Auditors as network administrator
working mainly with L inux and Novell (Open Enterprise), vir tualization,
Postfix and more.
2010-2011: W ireless Security Auditor, Valencia, Spain.
2007-2009: Sys admin and tech support at the University of Haifa, working
w ith L inux, Macintosh Windows and Novell.
2005-2006: Networking, L inux and Microsoft support, CCTV security
systems, etc. at MYC located in Carmiel, Israel.
Cur rently: A dvanced online certification from the National Technological
U niversity of Argentina (UTN) in VOIP, asterisk, communication.
C ur rently: A dvanced L inux Sys admin expertise level, including Ethical
H acking (security) modules, UTN online certification.
2012: G reek language at the Greek Foundation located in Uruguay,
d iscontinued, wishing to restart in Israel.
2007-2009: B A, Political Sciences at Haifa s University (Discontinued)
2007-2009: B A, Sociology and Anthropology at Haifa s University
2003-2006: H igh school finished at Vikat Kinorot High School located in
K ibutz Bet Zera.
2002-2003: Networking and Security under Linux systems.
Learning Greek
Additional skills:
Translation (Hebrew, Spanish, English)
Shell scripting
Vir tualization
U nix/Linux
Available recommendations from the University of H aifa, Court of
A uditors in U ruguay, Spanish Cou rt, and Duodyn I T consulting.