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Engineer High School

Fernley, NV
October 21, 2012

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Patrick O. Kano

Acunum Algorithms and Simulations, LLC Phone: 520-***-****

*** ****** ****** *****:

Fernley, Nevada 89408 Website:


Ph.D., M.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, 2005.

Diplom-Physik, Dresden University of Technology, 2000.

B.S., Physics, University of Nevada at Reno, 1998.

Professional Interests

numerical algorithm and simulation development, computational methods for optics, MATLAB program-

ming, Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning, numerical Laplace transform inversion, general purpose graphics

processing unit [GPGPU] computing


2010-present : Cofounder/CEO, Acunum Algorithms and Simulations, LLC. Fernley, Nevada.

2011-present : Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona.

2011-2012 : Consultant, PsiNapse Technology, Ltd. San Francisco, California.

2009-2011 : Scientist, Applied Energetics, Inc. Tucson, Arizona

2006-2009 : Senior Multi-Disciplined Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems. Tucson, Arizona

2001-2005 : Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona

2001 : Mathematics Teacher, Bishop Gorman High School. Las Vegas, Nevada

1998-2000 : Graduate Research Assistant, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.

Dresden, Germany

Papers and Patents

Slab delivery of incoherent pump light to double-clad ber ampli ers: Numerical simulations. P. Kano, D.

Kouznetsov, J. Moloney, M. Brio, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40, issue 9, pp. 1301-1305,


Application of Weeks method for the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform to the matrix exponen-

tial. P. Kano, M. Brio, J. Moloney, Communications in the Mathematical Sciences, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.

335-372, 2005

Numerical analysis of the ab-initio computation of the e ects of ionization on the nonlinear susceptibility

coe cients of the hydrogen atom. P. Kano, M. Brio, J. Moloney, Communications in the Mathematical

Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 53-80, 2006

Analysis of the analytic dispersion relation and density of states of a selected photonic crystal. P. Kano,

D. Barker, M. Brio, Journal of Physics D.: Applied Physics, vol. 41, 2008

Patrick O. Kano 2

Thermally powered low dimensional nano-scale oscillators in coupled micro-scale photonic crystal resonant

defect cavities for generation of terahertz or infrared radiation. W. Owen, D. Barker, P. Kano, with

Raytheon, US patent application # 201********, 2010

Application of Post s formula to optical pulse propagation in dispersive media. P. Kano, M. Brio, Com-

puters and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 59, no. 2, 2010

A fast azimuthally symmetric uorescence algorithm for thin disk laser modelling P. Lundquist, P. Kano,

E. Nelson-Melby, JOSA B, vol. 29, no. 4, 2011

Dempster-Shafer evidential theory for the automated selection of parameters for Talbot s method contours

and application to matrix exponentiation. P. Kano, M. Brio, P. Dostert, J. Cain, Computers and Mathe-

matics with Applications, accepted for publication, 2012

Moving mesh adaptive Hough transforms for closed loop LIDAR. P. Kano, Applied Energetics white paper,


Honors and Awards

Raytheon Missile Systems

Promotion from Engineer III to Engineer IV, 2009

Inventors and Authors Award, 2008

University of Arizona

Galileo Circle Scholar Award, 2004

Dresden University of Technology

Graduated with Distinction, 2000

University of Nevada at Reno

Graduated magna cum laude, 1998

Vernon Frazier Scholarship for Physics, 1997

University of Nevada Presidential Scholarship, 1995-1998

High School

Eagle Scout, 1993

Synergistic Activities

Since defending in 2005, I have been employed in industry. I currently operate a small start-up limited liability

company, Acunum Algorithms and Simulations, that I cofounded with my former doctoral dissertation

advisor. I am also working as a consultant in San Francisco, California with PsiNapse Technology, Ltd.

Before starting my own company, I worked for a small defense contractor, Applied Energetics Inc. and for

the major corporation, Raytheon. While working in industry, I have been consistently active in collaborative

e orts with academia. I am a research associate in the mathematics department of the University of Arizona

and currently involved in undergraduate research projects.

Computer Skills

Languages: MATLAB [excellent], C/C++ [pro cient], Mathematica [pro cient], CUDA [pro cient], JACKET

[pro cient]

Applications: L TEX[excellent], MIT photonic bands package (MPB) and Maxwell s equations solver


(MEEP) [pro cient], COMSOL [pro cient], MS Visual Studio [pro cient]

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Macintosh

Patrick O. Kano 3

Language Skills

German: Passed the Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang auslaendischer Studienbewerber

(University entrance language exam)

Professional Memberships

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics [SIAM]


M. Brio (University of Arizona), D. Barker (Raytheon), P. Dostert (Coker College), P. Lundquist (Applied


Selected Public Presentations

Tips and tricks for Matlab: A tutorial on GUIs, dialog boxes, and MEXfFiles. P. Kano, 2004 swig/documentation/matlab-tips/

Bell polynomials of the second kind: Matlab central le exchange. P. Kano, M. Brio, 2007 leexchange/14483

Industrial mathematics insights. P. Kano, D. Barker, University of Arizona NSF-VIGRE undergraduate

research experience, July 2009 brio/VIGRE/

Numerical Laplace transform inversion and selected applications, P. Kano, University of Arizona Applied

Mathematics Colloquium, 2010 brio/WEEKS METHOD PAGE/NLAPcolloqium2010.pdf

A CUDA accelerated Beam Propagation Method [BPM] solver using the parallel computing toolbox, P.

Kano, P. Lundquist, E. Nelson-Melby, 2010 leexchange/29114-a-cuda-accelerated-beam-propagation-method-bpm-


General purpose graphics processing unit computing for mathematicians: An introduction with selected

applications, P. Kano, Guest lectures in graduate numerical methods (Math 502), U. Arizona, 2011

Weeks Method for numerical Laplace transform inversion with GPU acceleration, P. Kano, M. Brio, 2011 leexchange/30965-weeks-method-for-numerical-laplace-transform-inversion-


Numerical Laplace ransform inversion and selected applications. P. Kano, University of Nevada at Reno

Mathematics Colloquium, 2011

An Accelerated Weeks Method for Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion. P. Kano, GPU Technology

Conference, San Jose, May 2012



Born April 9, 1977 in Phoenix, Arizona

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