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Technology Software

Bellevue, WA, 98006
March 09, 2010

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Dr. Robert Marcus

**** *** ** **

Bellevue, Wa. *8006


Section 1 - Experience

Industrial Leadership in Software Technology (1981 - present)

See Presentations, Publications and Conferences in Section 2 below.

Senior Research Engineer, SRI International: (2002 - 2007)

- Leadershiprole at Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (

The NCOIC members include the major government contractors and federal agencies (e.g. FAA,

DISA, and DHS). I am Chair of the Customer Outreach Working Group and also led the

Modeling, Simulation and Demonstration Working Group. I managed SOA and data

interoperability recommendations including seminars and deliverables for JFCOM and DISA. I

organized many NCOIC Sessions on Interoperability for Advanced Technologies. See Advanced

Technology Sessions in Section 3 below.

- C4ISR Technical Lead on the winning proposal for the Army's Future Force Warrior Program

I developed the collaborative situation awareness architecture for the proposal. On the program

I designed an adaptive bandwidth and power management approach based on supplying

differential QoS for communications based on the mission value of content.

- Director of Colorado State Grid Computing Initiative (COGrid ) (2003 – 2005)

COGrid’s goal was to pool computing resources for business, education and government.

-" Digital Data Deluge: Emerging Technology Strategies"

I am authoring a book on this topic based on my experience with the Global Information Grid . It

will be a follow-on to an earlier book on middleware for Global Grid Computing.

Chief Technology Officer, Emerging Technology Strategies: (2001 - 2002)

- Author of "Great Global Grid: Emerging Technology Strategies".

This book includes pragmatic evaluations of middleware technologies including Web Services,

Grid, peer-to-peer, enterprise application integration, portal and wireless gateways. See Great

Global Grid in section 4 below

- Created XML services technical studies and business strategies for clients

I designed an operational data store supporting the rapid processing of XML messages.

Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Rogue Wave Software (2000- 2001)

- Developed technical strategies for Rogue Wave

Rogue Wave was the leading supplier of C++ software components. I created a multi-tier

device-to-database architecture that used XML interfaces to enterprise systems.

- Chief architect for the design of a service-based architecture for the Hong Kong government

I designed and documented an E-government architecture that included portals, integration

brokers, and service-based interfaces to legacy systems.

- Initiated coordination across leading Object, Web and Grid standards groups

I organized the first workshop bringing together the leading standards groups.

Director of Technology Transition and Deployment, General Motors: (1997-2000)

- Chief Architect of the Global Information Systems and Services (ISS) organization

ISS is the central IT organization for the global General Motors Corporation. My

responsibilities included recommending architectural standards, technology solutions, and

monitoring systems development across the corporation. I designed a revised system

development process and a new architecture standards delivery process. These processes,

associated tools, standards and reusable re sources were made available through a GM Intranet

portal that I developed.

- Lead GM architect for distributed supply chain and product development systems

These systems tied together multiple packages using messaging and Web middleware.

- Decision maker for GM selections of hardware, middleware, and package products

I led the selection of order entry systems, factory scheduling packages, integration middleware,

Java application servers, and UNIX servers.

Director of Object Technology, American Management Systems (1995-1997)

- Responsible for company coordination of object technology and client consulting

AMS was one of the leaders in combining new object technology with legacy systems. Their

Object Core libraries combined C++ and Smalltalk components that were used in major

financial and telecommunications applications. I introduced Web and Java extensions

including architecture designs and building initial prototypes.

- AMS object technology lead for the Defense Department health care systems modernization

I created a legacy system migration process for moving from legacy hospital transaction systems

to new applications based on electronic patient records.

- Organized major industry workshops and conferences on Object and Web technology.

I initiated the first OMG-W3C Workshop and two conferences on vertical industry applications

of object technology.

Advanced Technology Specialist, Boeing Computer Services (1986- 1995)

- Coordinator of object technology for Boeing Computer Services standards group

Boeing Computer Services was the central IT organization for the Boeing Company. I was the

co-author of Boeing’s corporate Object Technology Roadmap. I was the advanced technology

lead for the evaluation of object and middleware software on major Boeing projects. I organized

company-wide conferences on advanced technologies and emerging standards that included

leading external experts in these areas. In 1995, I chaired the Workshops Program at the leading

object technology conference (OOPSLA).

- Co-author of Boeing's Long Range Technology Requirements and Forecasts

I wrote the object technology and data management sections. I hosted many company-wide

symposia on these topics that included the leaders in these fields.

- Technical lead on multiple emerging technology projects

I led several advanced technology projects that evaluated emerging technologies including

parallel programming, robotics, distributed computing, process planning, legacy data access,

data warehouses, and Web applications. For these projects; I designed architectures,

developed prototypes, and managed implementations.

Expert System Developer, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, HP (1984-1986)

- Developed a knowledge-acquisition and information retrieval browser for documents

The Knowledge Systems Lab was in charge of developing AI applications for HP. I created a

prototype Knowledge Acquisition Toolkit for the collection, linking, and retrieval of product

support information.

- Developed constraint-based configuration software for computer systems

I developed a program for configuring HP 3000 computers based on multilevel constraints. This

software was delivered to the HP Sales organization.

Associate Professor of Computer Science CUNY (1978 -1984)

- Published papers and gave invited lectures on stochastic partial differential equations

- Taught graduate courses in mathematics, computer science, and operations research

- Taught Applied Mathematics summer course to university professors, China (1981)

Academic Background

- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). B.S. in Mathematics

- Courant Institute, New York University M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics

Selected Publications

- Numerous publications in mathematics, computer science, and operations r esearch including a

book on “Great Global Grid: Emerging Technolo gy Strategies (2002) and a CRC Object

Technology Handbook chapter on “Transition Large Enterprises to Object Technology (1996)”

Selected Presentations

- Complex Systems Engineering for the Global Information Grid at the Symposium on Complex

Systems Engineering (2006)

- Taught summer seminar on Enterprise Architecture and System Development to EDF, the

French national utility company (1999)

- Keynote talks, invited presentation and tutorials at international conferences on object

technology, web technology, grid computing, and stochastic processes

Selected Conferences Organized

- Served as Chair for multiple Conferences, Symposia and Workshops including the OOPSLA

Midyear Workshops on Applied Object Technology and the Software Services Grid Workshop

for the OMG, W3C and Global Grid Forum.

Section 2- Presentations, Conferences, and Publications

Summary: My activities have been focused on the practical use of advanced software

technology for enterprise applications.


- Invited speaker at InfoWorld Web Services CTO Forums (January and September 2002)

- "Device to Database Framework" University of Colorado Advanced T echnology Series (2000)

- Invited Summer Session on "Enterprise Architecture" Electricite de France (1999)

- Keynote talk on "Objects and the Web" at TOOLS, Europe (April 1997)

- Invited Talk on "Web Agents Architecture" at WWW-7 Conference Workshop (May 1997)

- Invited lecture on "Intranet/Internet: IMS to Java" at USAA (February 1997)

- Keynote talk at TOOLS, Europe 96 on "Complex Adapt able Systems" (April 1996)

- Keynote talk at TOOLS, USA 96 on "From IMS to Java" (Sept 1996)

- Invited talk at Object World East on "CORBA and the Web" (June 1996)

- Invited talk to OMG on "Objects and the Web" (May 1996)

- Invited tutorial in Israel on "Java, Objects and the Web" (July 1996)

- Invited talks at Connecticut and Michigan Object Users Groups (June and Nov.1996)

- Invited talk at OOPSLA Workshop on "Objects and the Web" (October 1996)

- Invited talk on "Data Engineering" at Oregon Graduate Institute (May 1995)

- Keynote talk at TOOLS, USA 95 on "Object Technology and Business Reengineering"

- Invited Summer Session in China on “Advanced Applied Mathematics” (1981)

Conferences Organized and Chaired:

- Organizer of "Web Services Deployment Experiences" session at OOPSLA (Nov. 2002)

- Organizer of the "Future of Web Services" session OMG Conference (March 2002)

- Chair of Software Services Grid workshop for OMG, W3C, and Grid Forum (July 2001)

- Organizer of "XP vs. RUP" for software development panel at OOPSLA (2001)

- Co-chair of OMG Electronic Commerce Domain Task Force Group (2001)

- Chair of the "XML, Processes and Objects" Symposium at OOPSLA (2000)

- Chair of "Enterprise Applications and Object Technology" Symposium, OOPSLA (1999)

- Co-chair and keynote speaker at GIGA "Middleware Choices" Conference (Feb. 1998)

- Conference chair of OOPSLA "Applied Object Technology" Workshops (June ’97, July ’98)

- Initiated first joint OMG-W3C "Distributed Objects and Web" Workshop (June 1996)

- Chair of the entire OOPSLA Workshops Program (October 1995)


- “Complex Systems Engineering for the Global Information Grid ” at the Symposium on

Complex Systems Engineering (2006)

- "Great Global Grid: Emerging Technology Strategies" (2002)

- "Knowledge Integration Toolkit" and "Adaptable Systems Engineering" Papers

Interim Vice-President of Technical Strategy for MCC Research Consortium (2000)

- "Transitioning Large Organizations to Object Technology"

Chapter in CRC Handboo k in Object Technology (1998)

- "Architecture Delivery Process for Product Lines"

CMU-SEI Workshop on Product Line Architectures (1998)

- "GM Global Enterprise Application Framework"

General Motors Documents (1998)

- "Middleware, Legacy System Migration, Distributed Objects, Web Architectures"

AMS Technology Reports (1996, 1997)

- "Object Technology Strategy Roadmap"

Boeing Internal Document (1995)

- "Corporate Data Access"

Database Management Journal (1995)

- "Simulation-based Control of Job Shops"

International CIM Review (1990)

- "HAL: A Helpful Agent on a LAN"

Intelligent Distributed Processing Conference (1989)

- "Intelligent Integrated Systems"

International Supercomputing Conference (1988)

- "A Connectionist Algorithm for Optimizing Minima l Cost Network Flows"

First International Conference on Neural Nets (1987)

- "Constraint-based Computer Configuration"

HP Journal and Avignon Expert Systems Conference (1986)

- "An Application of Artificial Intelligence to Operations Research"

Communicat ions of the ACM (1984)

- Five refereed publications on stochastic partial differential equations (1974-1980)

Section 3 - Advanced Technology Sessions for NCOIC and OMG

-“Complex Event Processing Standards” OMG, Crystal City (March 2008)

- “Networked Virtual Environments”, Denver (Feb 2008)

- “Utility Computing, Grids, and Virtualization”, St Petersburg (Dec 2007)

- “Event Processing for Net-Centric Operations”, Crystal City (Sept 2007)

- “Net-Centric Operations 2.0”, Norfolk (March 2007)

- “Emerging Standards for SOA” OMG, Crystal City (Dec 2006)

- “Information Grid Interoperability Demonstration ”, San Diego (Nov 2006)

- “Modeling and Simulation Enhanced Systems Engineering”, Reston (Aug 2006)

- “Emergency Response Grid”, Reston (Mar 2006)

- “SOA Deployment”, Reston (Mar 2006)

- “Modeling and Simulation for the Global Information Grid” - 3 Sessions (2005)

Section 4 - Great Global Grid: Emerging Technology Strategies (Preface)

The next generation of the Internet will produce dramatic changes exceeding e ven those caused

by the World Wide Web. Several emerging technologies are converging to create a Great Global

Grid infrastructure where universal connectivity to large computing resources will be available

for consumers and enterprises. The goal of this bo ok is to provide a systematic survey of the full

spectrum of Great Global Grid technologies from an enterprise viewpoint.

1: Emerging Technology Strategies. The discussions do not hype the technologies or their

benefits. Section 1 of the book describes examples of past emerging technologies that failed to

realize their initial vision. Based on the lessons learned from these experiences, a pragmatic

technology evaluation template is created that includes:

- Definition of the technology

- Relationships to other technologies

- Important technical and business trends

- Specific applications

- Industry and official standards

- Vendor overview by application area

- Leading implementation approaches

- Advice on deployment

- Future technical and business directions

- Recommendations

2: Great Global Grid - The range of technologies comprising the Great Global Grid is large and

complex. One of the main contributions of the book is to categorize these technologies in detail

and the dependencies among them. The evaluation template is used to refine the analysis and

present specific examples. The chapters in Section 2 include Application Servers and Portals,

Enterprise Application Integration and B2B Middleware, Web Services and XML Messaging,

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration, Pervasive Computing: Middleware and Software Platforms,

Distributed Resource Managers, Clusters and Grid, and Global Grid Middleware.

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