A ntoinette Gross **** N. Valley Pkwy #****
Lewisville, Texas 75077
a **********@***.***
A proven Senior Level ‘Residential Mortgage P rofessional’ with over 19 years of
experience in underw r iting and 15 years supervisory/management experience
w ith emphasis on complete pipeline management and r isk management. Extensive
u nderw riting knowledge of conventional mortgages in the retail, wholesale,
correspondent and secondary marketing divisions. I n depth knowledge of
F N MA/FHL MC guidelines, DU/LP guidelines. Manual F rontline Underw r iter with
t horough knowledge of A paper, Jumbo’s, Alt A, Multi-family, Condo’s
Conforming, Non-conforming and Sub-prime.
P rofessional Experience Overview
RMG/Risk Management Group
February 2008 –July 2009
Senior Underw r iter
Portfolio Analysis/Risk Management/Loss M itigation/Due Diligence:
R eview closed loans for eligibility with respect to FN MA’s selling guide, DU guide,
a nd/or negotiated terms as defined by contracts with FN MA’s lender partners.
Performed r isk analysis and made decisions regarding deficiencies identified
d uring the review process. Identify t ransaction components that indicate a
potential for fraud and perform sufficient investigative work to resolve issues that
a re identified. Accurately record data and review conclusions in QAS (Quality
Assurance System) Professionally communicate the results of file reviews both
verbally and in w ritten format to internal and external customers. Maintained a
sound knowledge of secondary marketing activity, practices, and business/industry
p ractices as they impact underw riting quality and origination activity. I n-depth
k nowledge of FN MA’s underw riting and quality control guidelines.
H unter Consultants-USA
January 2000 –December 2007
Senior Underw r iting Manager
Manually underw rote and approved an average of $3-7 million in “A” paper, Alt “A”
a nd sub prime business each month for national wholesale/retail mortgage lenders.
P rovided over-sight management for all wholesale loan processing, underw r iting,
closing, post closing and shipping services to over 200 brokers on behalf of national
correspondent lenders.
C layton Group
May 1997 – December 1999
Senior Underw r iting Manager
Overall responsibility for management of site location. Monitor all high r isk sub
p rime pipeline activity from point of origination, processing, through closing
w hich included legal compliance and internal quality control, Due Diligence
U nderw r iting, analyze pool of loans for compliance for sale to secondary markets
R esponsible for recruiting and on-going t raining of operation teams. Assisted
w ith the development and implementation of Underw riter "Second Level Review"
p rocedure and process which improved the company's CRA rating.
Senior Manager of Retail Production/Operations - Responsible for $6-9 M monthly
r etail originations through regional telesales staff. Di rectly accountable for all
loans processed, underw r itten, closed and funded. Di rect staff recruitment,
supervision, monitoring and training.
I SJ&A Financial
February 1994 - April 1997
Operations Manager
W holesale Operations: Managed quality control functions with emphasis on
compliance, and portfolio analysis with emphasis on investor r isk. Di rect
supervision responsible for the operation team of 20. Developed and implemented
i nnovative financing products and programs to reach target markets. Acted as
l iaison between correspondent lender and investor e.g. F reddie Mac, Fannie Mae
a nd various investors.
Technical Experience
Q uality Control/Compliance Underw riting: single-family conventional both
w holesale and retail, F MNA/F HL MC conforming and non-conforming (Jumbo). I n
a ddition, sub-prime experience, Low/Moderate I ncome Programs (Emerging
M arkets)
w ith emphasis on appraisal analysis and investor r isk. Delegated Single Family
L oan authority up to $1.5 million for various lenders and private mortgage
i nsurance companies. Delegated Underw riter for P M I and GE Mortgage I nsurance.
H ands on AUS experience include DU and LP. Additional underw r iting experience
i ncludes: VA, F HA, F raud review, Audits and Quality Control.
Portfolio Analysis/Risk Management/ Due Diligence: performed auditing closed
mortgage loans and pertinent documents (Note with addendums, Deed of T rust,
T r uth-in-Lending, etc) to ensure investor quality for whole loan or bulk sale
p urchase. Managed teams that performed due diligence to ensure each loan was in
compliance with all applicable RESPA, Fair Lending, OCC, and P r ivate Mortgage
I nsurance (M I) guidelines.
R EO/Servicing: experienced in single and multifamily loan servicing with emphasis
on non-performing loans associated r isk and disposition of REO through litigation.