Pamela J Corker
Warranted Contracting Officer/Manager/COTR
Over 30 years of contracting experience Air Force Civilian
Masters Degree, University of Maryland, Public Management
Bachelors Degree, St Mary's College, Moraga CA, Business Administration
DAU Certification, Contracting Level III
Pursue opportunities to combine my management and contracting skills into
increasing levels of responsibility.
Eleven years experience in contracting with the national intelligence
community with increasing levels of management and technical
responsibilities, have over twenty years of experience in base operational
contracting and administration, and more than 6 years experience as a
warranted contracting officer
2008 - Present Contracting Officer Technical Representative, Level I,
GPC Billing Official, National Security Space Office (NSSO)
Responsible for managing and technical support for all contracts and
Government Purchase Card (GPC) purchases for NSSO valued at $33M;
including supplies, services and SETA support time & materials type
contracts from award to closeout; determines procurement method, performs
market research, Independent Government Cost Analysis, and price analysis.
Works closely with project teams identifying requirements, assisting with
SOW and RFP Briefs upper management provides reports, briefings and
Responsible for Statement of Assurance
Evaluates contractor performance, reports to upper management
Certified GPC Billing Official or Supplies and Training, approves
purchases, maintains documentation and performs audits to insure
compliance with FAR and GPC Army regulations
Has working knowledge of the FAR and agency's policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring funds availability and complete documentation for
all purchase requirements
Market research to include independent government cost estimate (IGCE)
Interacts with various contracting agencies at various levels and has
working knowledge of individual procurement processes
Chairs Program Management Reviews monthly and quarterly
2005 - 2008 Contract Specialist, National Reconnaissance Office NRO
Responsible for managing various FFP and T&M type contracts from cradle to
grave for supplies and materials, specializing SETA support contracts.
Provides Market research, independent government cost estimates (IGCE),
negotiations, sole source justifications, Justifications and Approvals.
Determines type contract and develops a negotiation plan
Awarded and administered contracts through closeout for COTS, GPC,
Simplified Acquisition, and Large Dollar contracts for COMM, and DDSE
Has working knowledge of the FAR and agency's policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring funds availability and complete documentation for
all purchase requirements
Performs Market research independent government cost estimates (IGCE),
Chairs the monthly Program Management Reviews
- 2005 Warranted Contracting Officer, SAF/Field Activity Office
. Provides Market research independent government cost estimates (IGCE),
negotiations, sole source justifications, Justifications and Approvals,
. Determines type contract and develops a negotiation plan
. Provided worldwide customers with recommendations and status of
Awarded and administered contracts through closeout for COTS, GPC,
Simplified Acquisition, and Large Dollar contracts
Maintained a contracting lead time of 2 days for priority 1, and 30 days
for all other priorities, averaging a lead time of 1 day for priority
1s,and 12 days for all others
Has working knowledge of the FAR and agency's policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring funds availability and complete documentation for
all purchase requirements
Has working knowledge of the FAR and agency's policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring funds availability and complete documentation for
all purchase requirements
Held monthly program management reviews (PMR) to track contract, funding
and contractor status
1998 - 2003 Warranted Contracting Officer, SAF/ Defense Micro Electronics
. Performs market research, independent government cost estimates (IGCE),
and negotiations
. Provides sole source justifications, Justifications and Approvals,
price analysis
Determines type contract and develops a negotiation plan
Awarded and administered contracts through closeout for COTS, GPC,
Simplified Acquisition, and Large Dollar contracts
Provided customers from various time zones with advise, lead times, and
delivery status
Maintained a contracting lead time of 2 days for priority 1, and 30 days
for all other priorities, averaging a lead time of 1 day for priority
1s,and 12 days for all others
Has working knowledge of the FAR and agency's policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring funds availability and complete documentation for
all purchase requirements
Interacts with various contracting agencies at various levels and has
working knowledge of individual procurement processes
1985 - 1998 Procurement Administrator/ Lead Technician, Contract
Specialist, Contracting, McClellan AFB CA
1983 - 1985 Contract Specialist, DOI/Bureau of Indian Affairs, Hoquiam WA
1975 - 1983 Procurement Specialist, Contracting & Manufacturing,
McClellan AFB
1973 - 1975 Administrative Support, Civil Engineering, McClellan AFB CA
2008 - President's Award 2001 Special Act of Service 12
Outstanding Performance