** ***** ***** • Port Washington, NY 11050 • *******@**.*** • 917-***-****
S E N I O R -L E V E L E X E C U T I V E
D r iving Growth • I nc reasing Revenues • I mp roving P rofitability • Accelerating
S hareholder Value
Distinguished career reflects a history of success in building, growing, and improving the
p rofitability, performance, and value of companies. Natural leader, strategic thinker, and catalyst for
positive change with proven strengths in working through complex issues, resolving problems, and
moving initiatives forward. Exceptional sales and marketing abilities that have proven to be
i nstrumental in developing and implementing a company’s vision. Extremely well organized and
adept at managing multiple, concurrently running tasks.
V isionary Leadership • S trategic Thin king & Planning • P & L and Operations
M anagement
Sales & Ma rketing Management • T u rna round & Crisis Management • Subsidia ry
S tartup & Growth
Deal Structu r ing & Contract Negotiations • E mployee Motivation & Management
• P roduced additional $110M in revenues and $14M in net profits for Circle Line-Statue of
L iberty Ferry, Inc., upon negotiating with the National Park Service for 3-year federal contract
extension to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
• Generated additional $30M in revenues and $4M in net profit for Circle- Line-Statue of
L iberty Ferry, Inc. by quickly reacting to 9/11 and building new subsidiary Circle Line Harbor
C ruises LLC.
• Delivered average yearly profits of $4M to $7M ( highest year), captu red additional
t otal revenues of $1.2M, and drove $300K in fee income over 2-year period for Deutsche
Bank, N.A.
• Led team out of 2 financial crises (Asian/Russian), grew revenues by $4M, and
generated annual profits of $5M to $7M i n 3 years for Paribas.
CIRCLE L I NE – STATUE OF L IBERTY FERRY, I NC. (Circle L ine Downtown), New York, NY
P resident / Chief Executive Officer (2007-2009): Instrumental in driving revenues, profitability,
and customer expansion for 300-employee, $40M company providing passenger ferry services to the
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island National monuments. Full authority for implementing strategic
goals/objectives, overseeing operations, developing budgets, implementing capital expenditures
p rograms, signing contracts, and executing major decisions. Managed 5 direct reports. P&L
• Generated additional $110M in revenues and $14M in net profits by handling complex
negotiations with the National Park Service for 3-year federal contract extension to Statue of
L iberty and Ellis Island.
• Reduced expenses 7% – thereby increasing net income $800K per year for over 3
years – by implementing cost control strategies for all departments.
• Captu red $2.2M in additional revenues, $450K in additional net profit, and over
150,000 additional passenger s by negotiating and single handedly winning a contract with
T he Public Art Fund for company to serve as the official operator of boat tours to Olafur Eliason’s
public art exhibit (The NYC Waterfalls).
• Led complex arbit ration to determine Statue of L ibe rty business’s replacement value
of assets – with final award exceeding actual value of assets by 50+% (7 vessels, office
f urniture, vessel and shipyard equipment, spare parts).
• D rove additional $2M in extra value for shareholders upon initiating and negotiating
d ivestiture of Harbor Cruise subsidiary to New York Water Taxi in February, 2009 (bulk sale of 3
vessels, multiple leases, and our interest in the Circle Line brand). Cultivated strong
relationship with principals at New York Water Taxi (critical to deal’s success) and steered
shareholders through deal process during the worst economic environment since the Depression.
Co-Chief Executive Officer / Vice P resident / T reasurer (2002-2007): Provided operational
and financial leadership and directed initiatives during challenging period associated with 9/11 – the
federal government shut down all major landmarks due to perceived risks from terrorists, resulting
i n the loss of the company’s sole source of revenues. Managed 8 direct reports and supervised 250
employees. Received NADAP Business Award (2003).
JB Meyer • P age 2 • J ******@**.***
• Generated additional $30M in revenues and $4M in net profit by quickly reacting to
9/11 and building new subsidia ry Circle Line Ha rbor Cruises L LC – despite being a
new business with large capital expenditures.
• Negotiated vessel crew and concession union contracts that resulted in 0 wage
i ncreases over 3 years for 18% cost savings ($900K per year). Established new tier of
wage scales for new hires, pension reductions, overtime pay restrictions, and improvements in
vessel schedule management.
• I mplemented state-of-the-a rt, I n te rnet-based reservation system and call center for
t he Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island business that handled over 3M hits and 14,000
p hone callers per month. Negotiated and secured $300K in funds with National Park Service
to build the system. C aptured additional revenues of $800K and profit of $160K per
year by placing a service charge on each t icket purchased.
• Changed lethargic corporate cultu re into an energized, invigorated envi ronment by
i mplementing a new pay for performance policy with nominal increases in salaries/bonuses.
• Established stronger, unified brand and increased employee morale by spearheading
r ebranding campaign i n collaboration with Lippincott (new company logo, marketing
materials, f leet repainting, letterheads, etc.).
• I mplemented budget process that heightened awareness of each manage r’s revenues,
expenses, and profitability, and provided Board/shareholders with greater details on how
businesses were managed financially.
• Led financing and refinancing of company’s vessels w ith total loan values of $12M .
Developed business plan that articulated company’s operations and finances, and pitched to over
10 commercial banks.
DEUTSCHE BANK, N.A., New York, NY 1999-2002
Managing Di rector – Emerging Ma rket Corporate Bond T rading: Fostered new issue
business across the globe and increased trading volume/profitability while directing the t rading of
emerging market corporate bonds issued by corporations and banks in Russia, Northern Europe,
M iddle East, Africa, and Latin America. Oversaw r isk management of t raders with approximately
$200M of positions in various emerging market corporate bonds. Full authority to put substantial
money at r isk in all areas of expertise within set trading limits of $300M. Managed 4-person team.
• Generated average yearly profits of $4M to $7M (highest year).
• Captu red additional $1M in annual revenues by leading the integration of sales forces to
better distribute emerging markets’ products as investments to an entirely new group of clients.
• P roduced $300K in fee income and $200K in additional t rading revenues for Deutsche
Bank by collaborating with investment bankers and syndicate desk to bring the first bond issues
by El Salvador.
PAR IBAS, New York, NY 1996-1999
Co-Head T rader – Emerging Ma r ket F ixed I ncome: H i red/managed a team of 5 traders and
built a new department that focused on t rading of bonds issued by all U.S. corporations. Traveled
t hroughout Europe and the Far East to develop business; subsequently promoted and integrated the
g roup into the Emerging Market Group, with key area of expertise centered on Argentina and Brazil.
• Successfully guided team out of 2 financial crises – t he Asian crisis (1997) and the
Russian financial crisis (1998) – by limiting fi rm’s r isk exposure to those regions.
• Expanded depa rtment’s global presence by increasing penetration into institutional
customer base (Europe, Latin America, North America) by 20%.
• Reduced costs by $200K and grew revenues by $4M upon integrating 2 t rading
• D rove annual profits of $50M to $70M as co-head of 8-person Trading Desk with r isk
positions upward of $500M.
• Bachelor of Ar ts, Biology – University of Virginia – Charlottesville, VA
• Board of Directors – City Parks Foundation (2006-Present)
• Member – NADAP Business Advisory Council (2004-2006)
• Board of Directors – Seaman’s Church Institute (2005-2007)
• Passenger Vessel Representative Member – Mar it ime Security Commit tee (2003-2006)
• New York State Certified Volunteer Firefighter – Port Washington Fire Department
(February 2007- Present)