Thomas David Nichols
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Candidate for Scientist 1/Microbiologist Position
West Virginia Wesleyan College B.A. (Environmental Science)
(Research: Ecology and succession of urban watersheds)
West Virginia University, M.S. (Biology), GPA (3.72)
(2010 Pending)
(Research: Effects of nitrogen deposition on phosphorus cycling and fungal
Laboratory Skills:
-four years experience in developing agar medium for species selection and
determining nutrient utilization patterns
-five years experience and teaching experience general microbiological
techniques including sterilization, isolation, staining and microscopy
-four years experience in water and soil assays to determine microbial
contribution to nutrient transformations
-four years experience creating and maintaining stock collections of
supplies and chemicals used in the processing of bacteria and fungi
- Microsoft Office Suite
- Shimadzu TOC_TN control software
Special Skills:
-Creative, hard worker with high level of interest in microbiology,
professionally and personally.
-Very patient and a team oriented worker.
Teaching Experience:
Biology 115 lab:
(Fall 2007-2006-2005-2004)
(Isolation of bacteria from environmental samples, gram staining, agar
development, antibiotic resistance in E coli. samples)
Biology 117 lab:
(Spring 2007-2006)
(Examining genetic crossovers in Sordaria fimicola, microbial processes in
food production)
Biology 321:
(Spring 2008-2005)
(Examining soil microbial processes in a changing environment)
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Gress, Stephen E., Nichols, T. D., Northcraft, C.C. and Peterjohn, W. T.
(2007) Nutrient limitation in soils exhibiting differing nitrogen
availabilities: What lies beyond nitrogen saturation? Ecology 88: 119-130.