Jonathan S. Lee, CST/BA
Portland, OR 97218
Phone 503-***-****
To find meaningful work within a team of talented, motivated individuals
working together to achieve positive results.
1997 Surgical Technology - Renton Technical College, Renton, WA
1994 B.A. Zoology (Pre-Med) - University of Montana, Missoula, MT
Program Director of Surgical Technology
Concorde Career College, Portland, OR 7/06 -present
Responsible for all areas of program with up to 4 concurrent
classes/72 students; Recruit, supervise, and mentor faculty
members and students; Responsible for clinical oversight and
assist in clinical; Participate in company curriculum changes,
evaluate textbooks, assist Academic Dean; Instruction and
substitute teaching in the classroom; Extensive academic
reporting for maintaining accreditation; Completed program
review report for continuing accreditation
Instructor of Surgical Technology
Concorde Career College, Portland, OR 10/05 - 7/06
Educate in the classroom about Anatomy and Physiology, preparing
students to meet all the criteria according to the Core
Curriculum regarding scrubbing, surgical assisting and aseptic
technique in the OR
Surgical Technologist/Day Surgery 3/03 - Present
Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland, OR
Head tech in Orthopedics; preceptor of RN interns, new surgical
staff, and Mount Hood Community College students
Surgical Technologist/Ophthalmology Specialist 8/00 - 3/03
North West Medical Service, Aloha, OR
Specialized in microscopes, phacoemulsifiers (Diplomax, White
Star, Sovereign), and lens consignments; scrubbed all surgeries;
trained new tech staff in equipment and procedures
Surgical Technologist/Day Surgery & Main OR 3/99 - 7/00
St. Francis Community Hospital, Federal Way, WA
Specialized in orthopedics, ENT, plastics, and
cataracts; trained student techs from local area schools
Surgical Technologist/Materials Manager, CPD 12/97 -3/99
Health South/Green River Surgery Center, Auburn WA
Ordered and maintained all surgical inventory; wrapped and
sterilized surgical instruments; scrubbed all surgeries
Biological/Forest Technician, Crew Leader of Forest Inventory Analysis
U.S. Forest Department, Flathead National Forest Summers, 1990-
Located sites using topographical maps and GPS; trained and led
crew for site analysis; extensive data collection and reporting;
fought forest fires
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