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Manager Project

Pittsburgh, PA, 15235
August 17, 2010

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T.T 15235

Telephone (Residence): +302**-****-***

Mobile Phone: +306**-***-****



Research Metallurgist with a strong technical background in the metallurgy

of aluminum and copper alloy systems. Work experience in Canada, Greece and

abroad includes: building partnerships between R&D and operations, the

assessment and transfer of new technologies, addressing the technological

needs of business and offering realistic solutions, the development of

highly skilled technical and professional staff, and marketing and customer




to 21/01/2010. Report to the General Manager of the Halcor Group of

Companies (the copper and copper alloy producing plans of the Viohalco

group) I was the Marketing and New Products Development programs manager.

Interacting with the our customers, sales and productions teams we have

managed to open up new markets and to produce and sell:

. Coinage alloys

. High Performance Copper alloys

. Strips for High Frequency Cables

. Titan Zinc products using Twin Roll casting technology.

In addition to the above I have often interacted with customers to deal

with customer complains and improve the quality of our products (i.e.

sliver elimination from the 8mm wire, or improve the ETP sheet surface

quality and formability, improve machinability of brass alloys etc.).


2000 to 30/06/2006. Report to the Upper Management of VIOHALCO Group of

Companies. I was the R&D Director of ELKEME, which is the research center

of the VIOHALCO Group of Companies. This R&D facility was conceptualized,

built, equipped and operated under my guidance and supervision. From this

position I was interacting with the operations for their activities

relating to:

. New Products Development (i.e. Aluminium foil alloys from twin roll

casting, high performance copper alloys, and titan zinc sheet

production, evaluation of Conform process technology)

. Operations Troubleshooting (i.e. Pinhole elimination from can stock

body alloy)

. Process Optimization (i.e. Aluminium can stock sheet, aluminium

sheet and plate marine applications alloys, copper coinage alloys, edge

cracking elimination during hot rolling of aluminium and copper alloys)

. Development of methods to deal with environmental problems and

disposal of plant residues (i.e. Aluminium dross and brass residue

after pickling).



Report to the Technical Director of ELVAL. In close collaboration with

every department of the plant I have built the Metallurgy Department which

is also responsible for Process & Product Development, and Customer

Support. Some examples of the performed work include:

. New Products Development (i.e. Aluminium foil alloys cast with twin

roll casting technology and processed to final product, Brazing sheet,

marine alloys with good exfoliation corrosion properties)

. Operations Troubleshooting (i.e. Pinhole elimination from can stock

body sheet)

. Process Optimization (i.e. Earring improvement for aluminium can stock

sheet, make up charge optimization for different applications,

assessment of molten metal cleanliness for the different applications)

. Development of methods to deal with environmental problems and

disposal of plant residues (i.e. Development of an environmentally

friendly aluminium dross processing method).

NORANDA TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada 1987 to 1997

Noranda Inc. is a diversified natural resource company that operates in

mining, metallurgy, forest products and energy. It employs 30,000 people at

operations and sales offices around the world and has total assets of $10

billion. NTC is the corporate research centre with 220 employees and an

operating budget of $33 million.

Program Leader-Aluminum Cast House - 1995 to 1997.

1. Report to Aluminum Program Manager at NTC. In close collaboration with

operations, responsible for identifying and prioritizing the cast

house needs for six Noranda aluminum plants, determine the NTC's

budgetary and resource requirements for the completion of decided

tasks, and ensure that the team delivers on time and within budget.

Responsible for the technology transfer and new ideas in this area,

and participating in most projects according to the team's needs.

1. Established clear molten aluminum quality standards for most of

Noranda aluminum products.

2. Provided leadership in the development of new molten aluminum

fluxing procedures that will allow the Noranda plants to comply

with EPA regulations and completely abandon chlorine from cast

houses without reducing the product quality, sacrificing

productivity, or increasing operating cost.

3. Spearheaded the implementation of new billet heat treatment

practices that made Norada's product the best in the market for

their on-time delivery and their superior metallurgical quality.

4. Assumed leadership in setting technology directions for the

acquisition and use of existing or new technologies in Noranda

aluminum operations (molten metal filtering, degassing

technologies, hydrogen measuring equipment).

5. Created an aluminum melting, refining, and casting facility at

NTC, acquired molten metal quality assurance tools, trained

personnel to perform melt cleaning and casting operations, and

demonstrated NTC's capabilities to cast alternative light and

bright alloys using permanent mould technology.

Research Scientist - Metallurgy Laboratory - 1992 to 1995.

2. Report to Metallurgy Laboratory Manager and Aluminum Program Manager

at NTC. Responsible for the development and execution of the cast

house projects for Noranda's Aluminum Smelter (Noral), and resource

person to address cast house needs for the other aluminum and copper

casting operations.

6. Coordinated the billet homogenization work at Noral which

resulted in the modernization of the three furnaces and coolers,

dramatically increased throughput, improved billet internal

quality, increased operation flexibility and provided benefits

of more than $3 million.

7. Developed and obtained approval for a project aiming at

improvements in the anode casting operations of CCR, HORNE, and

GASPE. The project established Noranda's anode casting base line

performance, determined the causes of anode mould warpage,

increased mould life, and demonstrated potential benefits of

about $1 million dollars per year.

8. Evaluated and modified the copper billet casting operation of

CCR which resulted in increased productivity more than 30%,

eliminated the central cracking problem of the billets (a ten

year old problem hindering productivity), kept the line open and

made it profitable ( $1 million earnings in 1995).

Research Scientist - Product Applications Laboratory - 1989 to 1992.

3. Report to PA Laboratory Manager at NTC. Responsible for the

development of Titanium Mill Products generated by the Reactive

Forming (REFORM) process developed at NTC.

9. Co-lead the equipment design, manufacturing, installation,

commissioning, and operation for the Titanium Mill Products

program. Led the aluminum atomization and spray forming

development of equipment and process. Co-responsible for the

development of new High Enthalpy plasma torch. Three patents

were produced from this work.

10. Performed a survey at NTC that justified the purchase of the

Scanning Electron Microscope, and obtained approval ($400,000)

for the system from Noranda's top management. Developed the

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) specification to serve NTC

diversified needs, evaluated and selected all equipment and

software, purchased, and supervised installation of the system

at NTC.

11. Led the superconductivity project aiming at the development of

useful superconductive wires. Responsible for representing NTC

in the Superconductivity Consortium (AECL, NORANDA, and HYDRO

Quebec) Technical Committee, and coordinating the work with

Sherbrooke University. The flat superconductor developed at NTC

was the most conducting product of the Consortium.

12. Resource person for the Zn powder project, responsible for the

metallurgical evaluation of different powders, and the

minimization of Zn deposition on the condenser walls during

powder production at CEZ.

Research Scientist - Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory - 1988 to 1989.

13. Led the work that dramatically improved the horizontal casting

and cold rolling processes for the NMI (Noranda Metal

Industries) Fergus plant. By spending four consecutive months at

the plant, the project leader helped the operation to become

profitable. Noranda later sold the entire operation (three


Research Scientist - Physical Metallurgy Laboratory - 1987 to 1988.

14. Main contributor to the success of the twin roll casting project

performed in collaboration with the National Research Council at

the Industrial Materials Research Institute in Boucherville,

Quebec. It was during this work that the idea of thin strip

casting was developed at NTC and it was introduced to Norandal

which led to the creation of the first twin roll thin gauge

super-caster in North America at the Huntingdon Tennessee plant.


1. 1986: Ph.D. Metallurgical Engineering Department of McGill University.

Graduated in Dean's Honours List

2. 1983: M.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering Department of McGill University.

3. 1981: B.Sc. Physics Department of McGill University.


1. Niagara Institute management course Working with Others at Niagara-on-

the-Lake, Ontario.

2. Project Management Process at Management Institute of McGill

University, Montreal, Quebec.

3. Seminar Accounting & Finance for Non-Financial Managers, Holiday Inn

at Pointe-Claire, Quebec.

4. TMS coarse on Ingot Solidification in the Aluminum Industry, San

Diego, California.

5. Course in Using the Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Commercial Software

FIDAP, Evenston, Chicago.

6. AutoMod, Discrete Event Simulation, coarse given at NTC, Pointe-

Claire, Quebec.


7. Member of the Basic Science Executive Committee of CIM (Canadian

Institute of Metals).

8. Counsellor of the ASM (American Society of Metals) Executive Committee

(Montreal chapter), responsible for Careers and Metallurgy.

9. Member of TMS (The Metallurgical Society).

10. Member of AFS (American Foundrymen Society).


11. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada


12. Awarded "The Best Paper Award - CMQ" in volume 28 of the Canadian

Metallurgical Quarterly for the 1989 year.

13. The 1992 Noranda Technology Centre Merit Award "For outstanding

contributions to the Aluminum Program".


14. Languages: English, Greek, and some French.

15. Marital status: married, with one child

16. Computer Skills: Excelent

17. Health: excellent


. Prof. Papamantellos Dimitrios, President of ELKEME (Helenic Centre for

Metals Research).

Telephone: +30-210-****-***, +30-697-***-****


. Prof. Christoforou Evangelos, Department of Mining and Metallurgy,

National Polytechnic School of Athens.

Telephone: +30-210-*******, E-mail:


1) F. Chiesa and L.T. Mavropoulos, "Characterization of Permanent Mold

Coatings and Evaluation of their Working Properties" to be presented

in the 35st annual CIM conference and included in the proceedings,

August 24-29, 1996, Montreal.

2) K. Shanker, P.G. Tsantrizos, L.T. Mavropoulos and R.A.L. Drew

"Electrode Properties of TaC-metal Matrix Composites", Inter. Conf. on

Development and Applications of New Ceramic and Metal Alloys,

3) L.T. Mavropoulos, Q. Jiao, E. Chin, C. Celik, and A. Shah, "Physical

and Mathematical Modelling of Aluminum Billet Cooling Process", Quebec

City, Aug. 29-Sept. 02, 1993.

4) Q. Jiao, L.T. Mavropoulos, A. Shah, E. Chin, and C. Celik,

"Optimization of Billet Homogenization Process", Aluminum Association,


5) K. Shanker, L.T. Mavropoulos, R.A.L. Drew, and P.G. Tsantrizos

"Properties of TaC based metal matrix composites produced by melt

infiltration", 1991.

6) K. Chen, J. Jurewicz, P. Tsantrizos, L.T. Mavropoulos, M. Boulos

"Induction Plasma Reactive Spraying of Intermetallics", 1.5 Materials

Processing Session of ISPC-10 Bochum, Germany, Aug.4-9, 1991.

7) P.G. Tsantrizos, L.T. Mavropoulos, M.I. Boulos, J. Jurewicz, and K.

Chen, "The Reactive Spray Forming Production of Titanium Aluminides in

the Tail Flame of a D.C. Plasma Torch", ibid.

8) E. Essadiqi, J. Blain, L. Mavropoulos, and J. Masounave, "Structure

and Properties of a Strip-Cast Cu-Ni-Sn and Al-Si-Cu Alloys",

Continuous Casting of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, ed. H.D. Tyler,

and E.H. Chia, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1989.

9) L.T. Mavropoulos and J.J. Jonas, "Retardation of Austenite

Recrystallization by the Strain Induced Segregation of Boron",

Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, v.28, No.2, p.159, 1989.

10) L.T. Mavropoulos and J.J. Jonas, "Effect of the Combined Addition of

Niobium and Boron on the Static Recrystallization in Hot Worked

Austenite", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, v.27, No.3, p. 255,


11) X.L. He, L.T. Mavropoulos and J.J. Jonas, "Boron Segregation During

the Deformation and Recrystallization of Austenite at High

Temperatures", Int. Conf. on Phys. Metal. of Thermomechanical

Processing of Steels and Other Metals, Tokyo, Japan, June 1988.

12) T. Mavropoulos, J.J. Jonas and G.E. Ruddle, "Effect of Boron on

Dynamic and Static Recrystallization in Ultra Low Carbon Nb Steels",

HSLA' 85, An Int. Conf. Sponsored by the Chinese Society of Metals,

Beijing, China, 4-7 Nov., 1985.


1) L.T. Mavropoulos, Q. Jiao, C. Celik, E. Chin, and W. McClelland,


for US patent 16 June 1995

2) P.G. Tsantrizos, R. Lachance, B. Hanshaw, and L.T. Mavropoulos, "HIGH


3) P.G. Tsantrizos, L.T. Mavropoulos, M. Boulos, J. Jurewicz, B.

Hanshaw, R. Lachance and K. Chen, "REACTIVE SPRAY FORMING PROCESS",

Feb. 26, 1990.

4) P.G. Tsantrizos, L.T. Mavropoulos, K. Shanker, R.A.L. Drew, B.


18, 1990.

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